Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 107: : Just a child, poison, palace test

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When Jing Hao went to Chen’s house, only Gong Yi was followed. Of course, the long-term lurking of the groom in Luo’s family was another matter. When Jing Hao didn’t need it, until Jing Hao’s marriage, he always A groom.

When I arrived at Chen's house, the door was almost scattered, but it was still from time to time that someone came to visit Geely, and Jing Hao went in from the side door. Seeing Jing Hao, Chen’s family can be described as a thousand thanks, Jing Hao is still a good rule to see the ceremony, smiled, "No, no." There is already a threat to death, she is really worried If you don't come, will it be irritating that the Chen family will go to the front of the Luo family to commit suicide. Well, this kind of species, the one should be enough, not from the whole family.

I heard that Jing Hao’s words are different, but I don’t ask much. Most of them are related to my own.

Chen’s residence now, Jing Hao has also been here for a couple of times, but I know where Chen Zhengmin’s study is.

Chen Zhengmin, the bookboy, seeing Jing Hao is really like seeing a living Buddha who saved the suffering.

Jing Hao waved his hand and sent everyone outside. He left Gong Yi alone at the entrance of the study.

Chen Zhengmin’s anger at this moment was finished, but there was no place in the house where he could get a mess.

Chen Zhengmin sat there, his head buried low, his hair was caught in a mess, and he could not walk out of the cage. Maybe I heard a slight noise. "Roll, I am not saying let you roll, who will let you in?"

"Minco cousin wants me to go where?"

Chen Zhengmin suddenly looked up, probably did not expect it would be Jing Hao, unbelievable eyes wide open. "cousin?"

"The time I haven't seen is not too long. It shouldn't grow into another look."

Chen Zhengmin got up and took it in a few steps. With an accident and a surprise, "Cousin, is it really you?!" Subconsciously reaching out and trying to grab her arm.

Jing Hao slightly avoided it, "Minco cousin is self-respecting."

Chen Zhengmin also found that it was not appropriate, and he retracted his hand. "Cousin, how are you, how come?"

"Look at the bad wolf of Min Cousin."

Chen Zhengmin's body is stiff, and he realizes how rude he is. He is also being stunned by the favorite girl. If he really wants to find a place to sneak in, bury himself, and wait until he has to take care of it. Drill out again. He realized at this time that he should be the family to invite Jing Hao, and he was annoyed. Why didn’t he say it to him? He didn't even think about it. No matter who came in and talked, he would blow out people, and if he didn't listen to a word, how could he mention Jing's affairs?

"Cousin, or else, take a seat and sit for a while, I will wash it, and then let people clean up the study."

Jing Hao saw that his eyes were reddish. He wanted to come and didn't rest well. "No, I told you something with Min Cousin. Anyway, I saw you, I don't care too much. Min Min cousin." Are you awake?"

"What? I am naturally awake, how can the cousin say this."

"Are you sure that you are awake? Sober, sensitive cousin will do these things?" Jing Hao knows how to sweep around.

Chen Zhengmin can't do it. If he hasn't been awake before, he will be absolutely awake after seeing Jing Hao.

"It seems that it is really awake, then, let's just say something right. Min Cousin, you know, I am very disappointed when I see you, but after all, it is a child who has not grown up, and has grown up. Space, occasionally doing something stupid, can be forgiven."

"In the eyes of my cousin, I am just a child who has not grown up?" In the case of Chen Zhengmin, it is simply a blue sky.

"Is not it?"

"I am two years older than you!" Chen Zhengmin couldn't help but pull up two points.

"What about that? In my opinion, judging whether a person grows up or not, age is only a small part. A man and a husband should have responsibility, be responsible, calm down, and find a solution to problems. Solve, not to huddle in the house, to isolate yourself from the outside world, you are so immersed in your heart, stunned, angered others, regardless of those who worry about you, you think, you grow up ?"

Chen Zhengmin was said to be stiff by Jing Hao, but he could not say a rebuttal. For a moment, it was only a difficult opening. "In the eyes of my cousin, I am such a person. Why don't you object when you are engaged?"

"At that time, you are not like this. You can barely pass it. And, I think, there are still two years. If you have more people and things, you should be able to grow up, even if you can’t grow. As a big-time husband, I became a family member. After I got married, I don’t mind if I have a few years. If I have my own children, it’s a big deal for big and small children. You should always have a big day.”

"Cousin, have you thought about our future? From time to time..." Chen Zhengmin became cautious again.

"Isn't this kind of thing taken for granted? Do you still need to think about it? And the focus of Min's cousin is not to pay attention to it. Do you really want to rely on your wife, instead of letting your wife depend on you?"

Chen Zhengmin stiffened into wood.

"However, God wants to get people, and there is nothing else between us except the cousin of that cousin."

"We haven't gotten married yet, no remarriage!"

"Why are you so deceiving yourself, you should have realized it in your heart, this marriage, even if it is not retired at the time, there is absolutely no room for relaxation. Besides, the marriage book is personally handed over to your mother."

"Not like this, not like this..."

"Chen Zhengmin, don't be a child gesture again."

For the first time, Jing Hao’s name was called the first time, with a hint of toughness and coldness. For the first time, Chen Zhengmin clearly felt the gap between himself and his cousin. Facing her, it was really like facing the elders who reprimanded himself. Chen Zhengmin clenched his fist and clenched his teeth.

Jing Hao saw him like this, and sighed softly. "I am in your heart. It is not as important as you think. After a long time, I forgot it. You should be clear, what is the most important thing for you now, you should learn." In the face, learning to grow up, this family, everyone is counting on you, you will bear their disappointment? Cousin, I hope that you will soon become a big man who can rely on people. Love loves these, is Part of your life, but you can't treat it as a whole life. I can't share the future life with you. I naturally become the part of your life that is irrelevant. As for whether you are forgotten or treasured, it has nothing to do with others. It is."

"Cousin, is there really no possibility between us?"

"Don't you be like your grandfather, want me to do it for you?"

"Nature is not. You wait for me for two years, up to two years, I can let her disappear, let that monk..."

"Cousin, don't think about this naive and stupid thing. If we really don't have it, then even if there is no such thing as Li Ruyu, it may be because of other things." Moreover, I am not interested in giving people a room. ”

"Cousin, you will regret it, you will regret it..."

"Oh, what do you regret? I regret not waiting for you? Then, I am waiting, I am waiting for you to be a great person, I am waiting for you to be in power, waiting for you to be rich and wealthy, waiting for your beauty to surround, waiting for them to laugh at today I have no eyes, I am waiting to see if I will regret it at that time, you should not let people down. After all, you have a very important step to go now, but in your current state. It makes people very suspicious."

Chen Zhengmin would not know, and he did something that made the cousin feel childish and ridiculous. How can she regret her cousin, even if she is really like her saying in the future, and she will not regret even if she is just a rough meal, she is a cousin, Luo Jing, the most unique woman in the world, she How could she regret it? When she saw it, she would probably only say a "cousin" in the air, and there would be no other thoughts.

"I said it, I said it, I will go back first. Yes, your grandfather is still at our house, he is still clamoring to hang on the door of the Luo family. In his eyes, his unwillingness and ambition It’s the most important, because you can help him, so you are the most important in his heart, and I am in his eyes, it is a thing that can be ignored and abandoned if you are good, so, cousin, I If you marry you, you have to face such an unreasonable elder. You said, should I endure being succumbed to death, or will I be mad at others? Originally, if he said to his grandmother, there would be no mess. The idea, my grandmother will definitely agree with me to see you, I also intend to do it myself, but because your grandfather was in trouble, the feelings were gone, and I became forced to see you. Everyone knows, forced to Volunteer is two things. I hope that you can organize yourself and pick him up."

After Jing Hao left, Chen Zhengmin slowly crouched down, holding his head in his hands, tears falling down big and big, he didn't want to cry, let the cousin see it, and he should laugh at him, but he couldn't help it. ......

He knows that the cousin’s last words meant that he was forced by his grandfather, so she was resentful, hurtful, and rude, but he did not blame him, and the cousin said that there was nothing wrong with him. Just don't take it!

A child in her eyes can't give her a little bit of dependence, so how to make her nostalgic, how to make her care, let alone let her be happy.

When Li Ruyu calculated him, did he tell him why? Yes, and the cousin is very embarrassed, for any man will doubt the anger of the fiancée's infidelity, but he believes that cousin, cousin has never been such a person, can not because of her excellence, attracted other men Eyes, I will blame her on the mistakes, this man is the most arrogant, the most incompetent, the most depressing.

He just hates it, hates that he is useless, incompetent, and so easily.

Moreover, the most tearful thing that can't stop him is that the cousin is angry and doesn't hate him. Her ultimate goal is still to cheer him up and take part in tomorrow's palace test. Even if she said that she was stinging, she was still so gentle. Such a good girl, I missed it.

After sending away the family of Jing Hao, Chen found that Chen Zhengmin was crying like a child, but they still feel helpless and do not know how to comfort. Didn't Luo girl come to persuade him, how can he still persuade this way?

Fortunately, Mrs. Chen San is still sensible. "Let him cry, crying is always better than always being in his heart. Although a man is embarrassed to cry, it is a half-size child."

The word "child" once again stimulated Chen Zhengmin, so he gradually closed his tears and silenced for about a quarter of an hour. He finally stood up and his eyes were still red, but his eyes were already given. It feels different. "Mother, let me give me water, I want to bathe and change clothes."

"Well, let people prepare." It seems that he is really normal, and Chen is crying with joy, but she wipes it.

Chen Zhengmin had a good grooming, and the whole person was mentally up. It was only the gentle warmth of the young people in the past, probably never found back again, and a firm and fearless.

The first thing, directly to several elders to kneel down, "is positive and unfilial, tired you worry, in the future, will not be so, I will hold up the Chen family, become your dependence."

"Well, my grandson grew up and I know that I am distressed." Mrs. Chen San is crying and laughing, she is so happy now!

Chen Zhengmin smiled and said that he was really just a child before, and he was not worried.

The family was busy pulling him up.

"Grandmother, hey, mother, I am going to the Luo family now, picking up my grandfather back, and apologizing to the aunt and grandmother. This is a fault in me, can not hurt the two."


"Mother, you don't have to say anything, I know what I am doing."

Jing Hao returned to Luo Jia, her three ancestors had a good tea and snacks, and smiled, but normal.

Jing Hao originally wanted to stimulate him, but when he thought of him, he was still a grandmother, and he was too lazy to take care of him. "Grandma, I am back, there is nothing wrong with my cousin."

Seeing that Chen San was in the moment, the turbid eyes were bright, and Mrs. Luo did not want to take care of him. "My grandchildren have worked hard, go back and rest, you can't loose it for a moment, and there is always something to look for."

"I don't get in the way, I will pay for my grandmother to sit for a while. After all, the three ancestors are not used in the old age. I have let my cousin come to pick him up. At this time, if there is any need for the three ancestors, I will wait on it. No. For example, hanging ropes, knotting, and then moving stools, people are paddling, these things, I can do the best."

Mrs. Luo’s wife is laughing, this is still vengeful, but her anger is not lost.

However, when Master Chen San heard this, he could not help but feel stiff.

After waiting for half an hour, Jing Hao had been losing Mrs. Luo’s wife’s speech. As for Master Chen San, there was no one to pay attention to him. The tea was gone, and when he did not see it, he took the initiative to talk to Mrs. Luo, and Mrs. Luo’s wife also I didn’t hear it, he knew that it was a complete crime to offend this sister and no longer speak.

Chen Zhengmin entered the house and squatted down directly. He smashed three heads in a solid way. "Zhengmin gave his grandmother a sin, and did not ask for your forgiveness. He only hoped that his grandmother would eliminate his anger and ruin his body."

Mrs. Luo felt the difference of Chen Zhengmin in the first time. She looked at Jing Hao quite unexpectedly. What did he say to him? It would make him have such a big change.

Mrs. Luo did not say anything, and Master Chen San did not do it, and there was a tendency to "sickness".

"Grandfather--" Chen Zhengmin looked up at Master Chen San with a trace of stern color. "Grandfather's body has always been not very good. He will stay at home in the future. It is better to move around less."

"You..." probably did not expect Chen Zhengmin to say so, Master Chen San was angry.

"Grandfather, Suner Temple is just around the corner, do you not want your grandchildren to be distracted to worry about your body?" Obviously, Chen Zhengmin is also very clear about the weakness of Chen San.

Chen San’s master Sui Tang’s sat back.

"My grandmother, grandfather, he may have some magical symptoms sometimes. If you say something, do something, please forgive me a lot. In the future, I will let my grandmother and my mother worry less about me and take care of my grandfather." The intention is that the family will look at him. If Chen Zhengmin is really tough, then in the future, their family will be the one who has the final say, not the master of Chen San. After all, Chen Zhengmin is tied to their hopes, and Master Chen San, really does not play a role, it is good to support him well.

Mrs. Luo sighed. "Forget it, he is my brother after all. What can I do with him? It is you, in the future, and I will do it myself. Others, I don’t say much, but if I encounter any difficulties. Things can go to your uncle, but your uncle is now more distressed than me, your cousin, he is still very popular."

"Thank you a grandmother, my grandfather is also mad at me. After all, I told him to be disappointed."

"Don't say so much, let's let the past go. OK, Locke is very busy recently, and I won't leave you anymore. It's just that Jingbo welcomes him that day, and he can't help you to help Chen."

"It is incumbent. That is the first time that Zheng Min will leave." After another ceremony, Chen Zhengmin got up and helped Chen San to go out.

Jing Hao got up and sent.

Out of the door, Master Chen San gave him his own little help.

Quietly on the way, until Jing Hao no longer sent, Chen Zhengmin said, "Even if it is only a part of life, it is not irrelevant, but the most important, I will not forget, only put it In my heart, I have a good collection. My cousin, whether I am a child or a big man, I will not say that I hope you find the words like Ruyi Lang. You are, good, precious!" Chen Zhengmin stunned and turned and left.

Jing Hao still squatted and returned. Chen Zhengmin’s change was also unexpected. However, Jing Hao did not think that it was fueled by the seedlings. The burden on his shoulders was too heavy. Growing up earlier was good for him. Besides, here is his age. Not too small.

Going far, Master Chen San said, "She is doing this for you..."

"Grandfather, even if the cousin's father is only a post, but she is also a girl in the bookstore, I am just a tribute, even if I pass the palace test tomorrow, Jinshi and the first, the strongest is a Hanlin Academy, I have any qualifications. Let her do it? And, even if we are identifiable, I am Wang Gonggui, and I will not be a cousin. In similar words, Suner does not want to hear it again. - She will have nothing to do with me in the future."

Jing Hao returned to the main house and said to Mrs. Luo.

"Fortunately, it is not wrong to Min Geer. If he has a virtue with his grandfather, he must not break this relative." It can be seen that Mrs. Luo’s wife is really angry with Chen San’s master today. light.

"Grandma doesn't care, the world is so big, there will always be a few wonderful things, a few scum."

“Qi Wei? Human scum?”

Jing Hao smiled and didn't talk. "The granddaughter still has something to do, so I don't want to accompany my grandmother."

"Well, let's go."

To say that this retreat, naturally, it is not possible to return the marriage book. The matchmakers naturally have to explain it, and there are a bunch of previous or such rituals that need to be dealt with. However, these have nothing to do with Jing Hao. She is now a pure single girl.

It didn't take long for Jing Hao to return to her small courtyard. Her eight-parent, who had never seen her face, came to the door. He said that the eight brothers, but the three-room nephew, Luo Jingying’s brother-in-law, was only nine years old this year. It’s smaller than the four-room scorpion. To say that Liu’s son had probably lost a lot of thoughts in order to give birth to this son.

Unlike Luo Jingying, this child is still a normal child, and Liu did not infuse him with some messy things. He is even simpler than his peers. It is obvious that Liu does not know that some things are not. Ok, it is better to protect her son.

"How did the Eight Brothers think about the three sisters coming here?" For these innocent and harmless children, Jing Hao naturally would not vent his anger to some people who hated the three houses. "Want to eat a cake or want to eat sugar?"

Master Luo Ba wrinkled his small nose. "No, my mother said, I am already a small adult. Adults don't like to eat cakes and eat sugar." The mouth said so, but the eyes were aimed at the dishes on the table.

浣姨娘? Jing Hao was quiet and smiled and licked a big fingertip in the mouth. "Adults can occasionally eat, small adults, um, you can eat a few more."

Under this time, a child is no longer polite and enjoys eating joyfully.

"What is the matter of the eight brothers looking for the third sister?"

"I haven't seen my four sisters for a long time. They all said that the three sisters know where the four sisters are, so I will ask."

This is to let her open her mouth with her grandmother, let Luo Jingying come out, let her not come, let a child come, and sure enough, even if it is asking for people to do things, there is no sincerity, but also use the children, just waiting for their own soft heart. "Your mother didn't tell you where your four sisters went?"

Luo Xiaoba shook his head.

"Your four sisters made a mistake and were locked up by their grandmother."

"Then, then I went to ask my grandmother and let my grandmother put four sisters out."

"No, if you go to plead, the grandmother will think that you are going to let you go. Her old man will be angry. Then, the eight brothers will go back and tell my mother what you said, your mother knows how to do it."

"Okay, I get it now."

"Which is the little purse on the eight-body, it is really beautiful." Jing Hao's nose gently sniffed, his eyes fell on Luo Bao's purse.

Luo Xiaoba hesitated. "I told my three sisters that the three sisters can't tell others."


"It’s what Ms. Niang did. She won’t let me tell others. She said that my mother doesn’t like her. If she knows what she did, she will beat her.”

"Then if your mother asked you, who did you say who did it?"

"The big beggar around me."

"Can you let the three sisters see what is in the purse?"

"Okay." Luo Xiaoba solved the purse and handed it to Jing Hao.

Jing Hao looked open and looked at it. Jing Hao didn't know it, but it should be an herbal medicine, so he loaded it back. "Big brother, this purse sister likes it very much, and it is good for her sister. If you ask me, you will tell him the truth, then let her re-do it for you, let her not put anything inside, I will give you Play with a glass of beads, you can put the glass beads inside."

When I heard the glass beads, the little guy nodded.

Under the gesture of Jing Hao, the Green Bamboo Busy House took a small baby's fist-sized glass beads.

Luo Xiaoba took a look at his hand and obviously liked it. After a while, "Three sisters, you said, my mother is so good, why doesn't my mother like her?"

"This third sister doesn't know, I have to ask your mother."

Luo Xiaoba grabbed his head. "I dare not ask. Last time I mentioned my mother, my mother would beat me."

"Then, regardless of them, that is the matter of adults. You are now studying, you should play when you play, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

"Oh, I listened to my three sisters." As he spoke, Luo Xiaoba began to yawn and his eyes began to linger.

"Tired? Then go back early, and if your mother can't find you, it will be anxious."

"Well, I will go back to the three older sisters." Luo Xiaoba had a good manner.

After Luo Xiaoba left, Jing Hao’s face sank, and when she entered the three-room, she would make the three-room house fly and jump, and Liu’s fight was incomprehensible. If it was just like this, Jing Hao certainly It is a wall-viewing, happy to watch the drama, Luo Xiaoba is Liu’s nephew, and looks like an eyeball. My mother is close to Luo Xiaoba and says that she doesn’t have any heart, no one believes. However, according to Liu’s ability, but also let her mother drilled a hole, bought a person around Luo Xiaoba, let Luo Xiao eight like her. "Do you know what this is?"

"It's an herb. It's no problem to use it alone, but if there is another thing around you, it may be fatal. The symptoms in the early stage are some lethargy. Gradually, there will be nightmares. Then, there will be hysteria. People, biting people, the closer they are, the easier they are to be attacked, because in his perception, these people are people who torture him from time to time and let him not be peaceful. So they are tortured day and night, or they are tossed to death. Or it’s crazy.”

"So, at first glance, the eight brothers just didn't sleep well last night, is this the case?"

"Ten have *."

"To say, these people who are innocent of innocent children are really guilty."

"Isn't the girl already warning her mother? She is smart, she should know how to do it. She should not dare to do anything to the eight young masters. At most, let the eight young masters get close to her and come to the three ladies. The symptoms are light, as long as it is less than the nightmare stage, it will be fine for a few days." And another medicine is a well-prepared liquid, the taste is very light, the best time to use is at night, drop a drop in the pillow You can live a quilt. The next morning, you can't find any traces. This kind of thing is not something that can be easily obtained by the mother. Most of them are related to the prince, but I probably didn't think that the woman would be so vicious. Used on a child. Broke her medicine, it will be fine, but if the warning to the girl is indifferent, Wang Ye said that this piece will not be scrapped. According to the meaning of Wang Ye, there is no need to exist with the girl. Although she said that she did not know that she met Luo Rongping is not God, but artificial.

"However, the eight brothers did not come today, I have forgotten Luo Jingying, how is she, do you know?"

"Daily meals are ordinary rice porridge, and the clothes that are sent in are also replaced with coarse linen. At the beginning, it is noisy. It was smashed by the old lady for two times. It is honest, but still refuses to eat. Something, the old lady does not care about her, just let people send it on time, she immediately took it away without eating, for two days, then sent it, immediately ate a clean, in recent days, it is confessing regrets every day. I hope the old lady can let her out."

"She is such a person, and she still needs this means to clean up."

"The girl asked the three ladies to go to the old lady, is it ready to let the four girls out?"

"It’s been closed for so long, and it’s almost the same. It’s always impossible to keep her closed. No one is pleading. Before the third brother gets married, the grandmother will let her out. After all, there are so many people coming to the house. Someone asked, it is not good to say that she is still in the sick, too embarrassed. It is always ugly.

Gong Hao nodded and released it. If he didn't let it out, the plan of Wang Ye was not good. Four girls are a very important part.

Liu may think that this is the reminder that Jing Hao gave her. When I really asked Mrs. Luo, Mrs. Luo did not bother her. She just said a few words, let her go back and teach well. Next time, it will not be so easily released.

When I asked Ann the next day, Jing Hao saw a lot of lost Luo Jingying, but it also conformed to her appearance in the recent "in disease", soft and weak, as if the wind blows the opportunity, but it really is what I see. Still pity.

I just don’t know if she was picked up by Liu after she went back. At this moment, she kept her head down, and it was quiet and quiet. It seemed to be a profound reflection. However, she was thinking about it. Nothing, no one knows. Anyway, Jing Hao does not think that she will realize her mistake so easily. When she is in the Princess Palace, she hates her own son and can't be erased in her life.

"Today's palace test, after the end of the palace test, there will be three scholars and the third street. I am interested to go out and have a look at the excitement. At the end of the day, go outside the second door and go out with your brothers. There are many people on the street today. Don't go away. - Four girls, don't go out."

Luo Jingying’s body couldn’t stop shrinking. “Yes.” The voice was a little choked, and there was no grievance.

No matter whether this grievance is loaded or true, in short, no one cares about her.

To say that, at this time, the 300 tribute students who participated in the palace test have already waited outside the palace gate.

Because there are still some time in this period, the three or five groups are talking. It is necessary to know that among these people, they may be colleagues in the future. When they enter the career path, there are three kinds of people who are closest to each other. That is the classmate, the fellow, and The same department. It is good for you to have a good relationship with these people, and there is no harm.

What's more, many of these people have their fathers and grandparents in the DPRK. If there are people who inadvertently make friends, there are big people behind them, then you may be able to fight for many years.

Among these people, Chen Zhengmin also had two or three friends who met in Beijing. He was talking to him at this time. Some people who were close to each other naturally knew that he was the one who received much attention yesterday. It is a rare thing to say that what happened in front of the Imperial List last year, and naturally someone can't help but look at him. If the biggest feature of his body is probably young, he looks at the appearance of 16 or 17 years old, but he does not show the good spirits of young people because of the good results he will try. His whole person feels calm. The cool color between the eyebrows makes people feel that he is not easy to get close.

A person's temperament, not a life-and-death catastrophe, will not change so thoroughly, probably because he has not completely turned around for a time, more or less subconsciously feel that others are malicious to him, watching him Jokes, some people are not allowed to enter, and after some time, probably will not be like this.

These people, there are many people in their 30s and 40s, one can not help but secretly say that the young people are really unfortunate, if all of them are like this, then these "old guys" do not have to mix.

"Zhengmin." Luo Rongzhen walked to Chen Zhengmin.

"Four uncles." Chen Zhengmin was busy seeing the ceremony. "I haven't congratulated my uncle."

Luo Rongzhen waved his hand. "Nothing is worthy of congratulations. Uncle is not a good one. I have to report it yesterday. I even have a good money at home, but I have ignored all of them. , I will roll my eyes."

Chen Zhengmin smiled and said, Luo Jia was busy, and his grandfather went to the door yesterday, perhaps not made everyone know, but also wasted a lot of time for her grandmother, maybe it was the master of the house who forgot The following is not good to do, there is some apology, "I am afraid because of my grandfather's reason..."

"It doesn't matter to this matter, it is your grandfather's command. I didn't enter the top 50. I didn't have a copper plate. He said that he used to take the test in the past, that is, the yuan. If it is not good and young, how can it be spotted? He is the champion of the champion. The old face is thick, and the three gimmicks are too eye-catching, and he has lost a few words..." Seeing Chen Zhengmin's smile faded, knowing that he accidentally poked his pain. The old father said last night, it is not necessary to alienate this kid. "He didn't want to think about it, thinking that everyone in the world would be as bad as him."

"My grandfather's knowledge is really good to say nothing, and he has benefited a lot from his few instructions."

"You have a chance this time, go to his step."

"Zhengmin will go all out."

Luo Rongzhen nodded. "I am going, you talk."

When Luo Rongzhen left, the people around him were busy: "This is the fourth son of Luo Shangshu?"


"There is a Shangshu, I am afraid that it will be..."

"You can't be bad with Zhengmin. What do you say is also the prospective granddaughter of Luo Shangshu,..."

"Zuo Xiong, I have already retired with the Luojia cousin. I will not say this in the future, affecting the reputation of my cousin."

"Ah? How do you get back to the end, is it a family?"

"No, it's my reason. Luo Jia's centuries-old scholarly door, but kind, but my own, myself..." is his own blessing, knowing that he should not think again, but still can't help it. Awkward. "The specifics are going on, I can't say more, it's also a shame to say it, and you can't say it for a while, you will know."

Several people face each other.

Instead, one or two of them knew about it. They looked at each other. It turned out that he and Luo’s family had already retired. They thought that they would wait until after the palace test.

When the time comes, line up and prepare to enter the palace.

The order of queuing is based on the ranking of the test, left and right.

The buzzing sound, the two teams stepped into the palace door.

Under the leadership of the servant, go directly to the square in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The seats of three hundred people have been placed neatly, six seats per row, three on the left and three on the left. Everyone is quietly standing in the middle, waiting quietly.

There were successive appearances of the ministers of the DPRK, and then the princes of the emperors. Finally, the emperor of Lecheng came. Lecheng Emperor sat on the dragon chair in front of him and accepted the worship.

"My emperor is long lived."

"Suit, take a seat."

After that, there will be no nonsense, and a domestic service will directly distribute the questions and exam papers.

At the moment I saw the test questions, many people were paralyzed in the brain. What about this? Is it difficult for them to encounter scientific research fraud? However, it’s not right, the temple test is the question that the Holy Spirit personally came out...

"I don't want to come here to be familiar with this question, but anyone who knows the article written by Sun Yilin in the untitled building in the past few days, I should know that today's questions are the same as those of that day. I think privately, Sun Yilin The article is enough to be the champion. Today, I want to see if there is a better article. If not, today’s champion is just a name. Go ahead, let's get started."

Although it started, but no one wrote.

It is said that not everyone knows about it, and not everyone knows the article. In fact, more than half of the people are not clear. If you know that this will happen, you should open the article. The smashing and detailed research is thorough. Now, I don’t know what the content is, and I don’t know the style. However, “crazy” may be a breakthrough.

However, people who know, especially those who have read it on the spot, started to sweat coldly. What is the meaning of Le Chengdi? The arrogance of the article is that they are scared and really want to follow the style of writing. But what if there is no meaning in the holy? What is it? After all, can there be a few emperors who would like the kind of article that "does the best of the world"?

To say that the most complicated thing in my heart is Chen Zhengmin, he also wrote an article on the same day. Moreover, he has a habit, a broken question, and he likes to carefully consider it afterwards. Now let him write again, it will definitely be better than that one. The influence of Lecheng’s words on him is actually not Big, although he has a higher mind with Sun Yilin, but he now wants to write his own things, this question is too good for him, almost the same as fraud.

It should be said that the courtiers did not understand the behavior of the music master, and thought that he had pressed the article of Sun Yilin to ignore it. This was the end of the matter, so that those who prepared to play Sun Yilin died, but now they have turned Come out, but also said that it is well written, and has the name of the champion. In the end, what is the moth?

Li Hongyuan is very leisurely. This year's palace test seems to be the same topic. However, there should be no Sun Yilin's problem solving in advance. After all, at this time in the past, Sun Yilin has not entered the officialdom.

Candidates are thinking hard, living together to entangle whether or not to follow Sun Yilin's style of writing.

"Yi Lin, you can write another article, you want to swear, you will write something when you are awake." Le Chengdi said to one side of Sun Yilin.

"Yes, the emperor."

The waiter quickly prepared the things for Sun Yilin.

After Sun Yilin sat down, he thought about it and started writing. He is not a candidate, and he has written so arrogantly before, and now writes, there is no need to have a lot of scruples, just write what you want to write.

At the same time as Sun Yilin wrote, Chen Zhengmin also began to write.

Le Chengdi was drinking tea, and he seemed to think of something. "Luo Aiqing, who is your prospective granddaughter, refers to you."

Luo Peishan is naturally hidden. "Back to the emperor, the one in the first row on the right is the one."

Lecheng Emperor looked up and knocked on the past. "I will try the fifth place, the young talents. It’s no wonder that it’s just a matter of raising the son and loving the family. Who is the name?"

"The surname is Chen, the name is Zhengmin."

"Chen Zhengmin? How is this name so familiar? Think of it, Yilin, I wrote the article with you? His other article is very well written."

Sun Yilin put down the pen and stood up. "Return to the emperor, it is indeed this person."

"Okay, sit down, don't have to get up. That kid is a big deal this time. If he didn't make a leap forward, even if it was better than the last time, he would have to kick him to the top three." ”

I can write the same article before the exam, and I am more fortunate. This is good. Because it is too cheap, I have been kicked down. Good luck has become a bad luck. Many people are sorry for him. I will try the fifth ah. It is reasonable to say that when I try the temple, I can get into the top 20 again. No one thinks that Chen Zhengmin will have a big breakthrough. After all, the current affairs policy is closely related to one's experience. Last time, it didn't take long for Chen Zhengmin's experience to grow.

Luo Peishan also sighed, and encountering such an emperor was purely a bad luck.

Sun Yilin stopped writing.

"Is it finished? Take it, hehe."

Sun Yilin put his hands up.

Le Chengdi quickly read, suddenly, a hand shot, "Well, it is my first son in Beijing."

The Tuen Mun is too big. The students who answered the following questions have been affected. They have looked up and looked at them. If they don’t look good, this is a sigh of relief. Looking down at your own article, the more you look at it, the less you can do it!

"The emperor, the slave, the Chen Zhengmin Chen Gongsheng seems to have written."

"Oh? Go, take it up, hehe." The article of Sun Yilin was handed over to the courtiers.

------Off topic ------

The little angels who reminded me, don’t rush, the codeword speed of the author is really not fast, and it can guarantee a lot of time. It has already taken a lot of time, can write more, and write as much as possible. It is impossible. Write two more, to say two more, if you take 10,000 words apart, the three can be, but that, it makes no sense. Especially those who use the monthly ticket to lure the author's bacteria two, I really don't know how to wow~

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