Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 113: : Sun dowry

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Princess Heyang did not recruit Hummer at the age of 18, not only because her personal style was not good, but also raised several face-to-face, and because she was dismissive of those so-called young talents. Not to mention those who can become her Hummer. According to her words, even the princess who is not comparable to the capital of the princess is still thinking about this princess? Don't be killed by her in the bridal chamber night.

Princess Heyang was raised by his brother as a daughter. The empress of the time had to let her, let alone the discipline. When the brother’s headache was helpless, could it be that she would make her sister like this for a lifetime?

Later, with the North Xiongnu suddenly proposed to pray for the Princess of the Qiyuan Dynasty as a queen, to establish friendly diplomatic relations, the North Xiongnu in the eyes of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, that is the barbaric land, the place is ridiculous, but also a group of barbarians, drinking blood Ru Mao, went to such a place to be sinned, there is no reason for the royal Princess of the county, the original has already prepared this girl to choose the minister, Jiafeng Princess went to kiss, did not think, and Princess Yang took the initiative to stand out.

To say that even if Princess Heyang stayed in the Kaiyuan dynasty, she was in front of her brother. After her brother died, there was a scorpion to give her a hand. Others took her helplessly. She chose to take the initiative at this time. Her emperor decided to disagree, and did not know what Princess Heyang had said to him. He relaxed his mouth.

The courtier who was very bad about her senses changed her attitude in an instant. A princess who can sacrifice herself because of the country’s righteousness is not good in other aspects. It is also worthy of respect.

Princess He Yang, dressed in Chinese costume, looks back at the capital, his eyes are shining, his lips are hooked, his momentum is full, and he is not the most beautiful face, showing the most dazzling charm in an instant. At that moment, everyone felt that it was not the princess who went to the North Xiongnu and the pro, but the king who conquered the land. The people of the group are all crouching.

Princess Heyang may not be accepted in the Qiyuan dynasty, but it is very popular in the North Xiongnu. She makes the North Xiongnus seem obsessed with madness, and Princess Yang and Yang dare to raise their face in the morning when they are in Kaiyuan. Do not care to entangle with this group of North Xiongnu dignitaries, even if the North Xiongnu is resentful, but also reluctant to kill her.

Princess Heyang played with them in applause and provoked them to fight, and the North Xiongnu, the man who dominated her, was the first to be the public enemy. His sons joined forces to kill him, so the North Xiongnu fell into In the battle of Wang Quan, only one sentence from Princess Yang, the princess only surrendered to the strongest man, and then watched them leisurely to fight for your life. Just had a result, Kaiyuan sent troops at this time.

The new North Xiongnu Wang is unstoppable, wanting to kill the Yang Princess, and Princess Yang is smiling casually.

The North Xiongnu seized her by death, and the blade reached her neck. The skin oozes blood. He and Yang’s princess still have the mood to call him. “There is a saying in Qiyuan that’s married chicken and chicken. With the dog, the Princess has married the North Xiongnu, naturally the North Xiongnu, the king wants to kill or want to marry, the Princess is listening to the respect."

These words, but dispelled the killing of the North Xiongnu, after a beastly desire, with the Princess of Yang with the expedition, and then, at the crucial moment of the war, Princess Heyang killed the North Xiongnu.

In that battle, Qiyuan naturally won a great victory, and even almost destroyed the North Xiongnu. However, it is a pity that the North Xiongnu can be said that everyone is still martial, brave and good, and it is difficult to destroy. The North Xiongnu was hit hard. It can be said that it was a hundred years including the former dynasty. The biggest victory for the North Xiongnu, the weakening of the biggest enemy in the north of Kaiyuan, and the Princess of Heyang is indispensable enough to remember In the annals of history, let future generations sing praises.

However, the world thinks that Princess Heyang has killed the generals after killing the North Xiongnu. In short, there is no more news from her, but she does not want to. The princess is not only good at living, but also returns to Kaiyuan. It’s a taste. If Yunniang is really a princess of Heyang, then she can hold the Rouge Pavilion and no one dares to move. It is a matter of course. Her patron is indeed a Lecheng emperor, but this relationship is completely different from what Jingjing thought before. Dare to start with the Rouge Pavilion, and I was sure to be beaten by the Emperor.

Of course, in the official history of Qi Yuan, only the achievements of Princess Yang are recorded, and her romantic history appears in the wild history and many words. Even if she is a prototype created by her, no one deliberately Touch her black.

This woman, that is a legend.

"The Princess of Heyang should be fifty, and it’s close to sixty. The look of Yunniang is only in her early forties."

"So the slaves are just speculations, not sure." However, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Ye to make mistakes. Since he said that the boss of the Rouge Club was the Princess of Heyang, then it would not be wrong. I just didn't expect that when the girl went for a while, she met her, and how many people deliberately wanted to find her.

"How do you think that Yunnian is a princess?"

"Slaves have inadvertently seen the portrait of Princess Heyang in the palace, which is very similar to Yunnian."

Jing Hao looked at Gong Yu’s eyes. This kind of portrait should not say that anyone can see it. When Gong Hao is in the palace, shouldn’t it be the kind of aunt who has a very small right? However, Gong Yu will work hard, the general aunt of the court who will these things, Gong Yu should not ... Jing Hao light cough, to eliminate those messy ideas.

"If this is the case, the possibility of guessing is very large."

"So what do the girls want in the future?"

"Nature is how to do it, just don't know. Besides, this is the first time I basically get things done. I am not interested in the things of Rouge Court. I don't want to go shopping, then I have the opportunity." It will be small."

Gong Hao nodded, the girl's situation is not very good now, there is such a dangerous figure as Wang Ye, even then provoke the Princess Yang, is not a good thing.

When Jing Hao spoke to Gong Yu, there were three girls in the house who were not waiting to see the long rumors.

"...The three girls gave us the other girl's fat cream last time. We didn't even have a lot of grandmothers. This time, except for the younger girls, the husbands of the upper class have everyone, even the married grandmother has it. We are not alone with the four girls, the three girls have been with the four girls, and it is justifiable to not give the four girls something. What is the matter of our grandmother? Is it the same as the four girls? Waiting to see? When the three girls went to Beijing with the old lady, the grandmother gave a meeting, but it was a bracelet worth more than two thousand. It was really..."

"What are you talking about?" When Luo Jingde came back, he heard our embarrassed, slightly frowning.

We were shocked and busy, "Little Master."

"Go to things, chew your tongue around here."

"Yes." We hurriedly dispersed.

Luo Jingde entered the house and saw his wife in Liujia leaning on the big welcoming pillow. Some of them were depressed. "What is this?" Going forward, sitting down beside her, carefully touching her belly, "Children Are you mad at you?"

"No..." Xiao Wang also said that he had no gluten.

"You still have something missing?" Luo Jingde was quite speechless.

"Is this just a matter of something?" Xiao Wang's voice was elevated. "Besides being small, I didn't have four sisters. Is it difficult for me and my four sisters to sue her?" I said that I must have done something bad to get her, so I can’t bear such a reputation."

"Don't be excited, don't be excited," Luo Jingde was busy appeasing her. So, this is really not what he thought he didn't care. "Three sisters are people, I still know a few points, except for the four sisters. See who she has targeted, you have been raising a baby, I have never seen a few times with her, naturally there can be no hatred, there may be some misunderstanding in the middle, or we do not know the reason, you should not worry, wait I will ask clearly."

"Ask? How do you ask, you go to the door, but maybe you think that my eyes are shallow, just stare at her something."

"You are stupid, I naturally ask the younger brother to ask, it is difficult to go by myself."

"Still forget it, the third brother got married the next day, is busy, it is difficult to trouble him because of this little thing, you don't care about this matter, I will find a way to figure it out."

"On the line, it’s all about you, but you pay attention to it yourself. Don’t move, hurt your child.”

"Don't worry, I am not really angry."

The couple said something else, and the atmosphere quickly eased.

So, this thing, probably except the people in the second room, everyone else knows.

After listening to Mrs. Luo’s wife, “I’m doing things, I’ve always been thoughtful, I’m not going to be confused about this matter. It’s definitely the reason for her. When Ming’s please, I will ask her to know. It is strictly forbidden to pass on this matter again, whoever dares to chew his tongue and severely punish him."

There is an old lady who speaks, naturally no one dares to say anything, but many people are guilty in their hearts, and the old lady will protect the three girls.

So, when Jing Hao asked for security the next day, she rarely saw the lobby, and her stomach was a little bigger. Although she knew that her condition was not very good, she looked scared, but there was a small life. Still worthy of happiness, Jing Hao couldn't stop laughing and went straight up, and asked a few words carefully.

Xiao Wang’s doubts in his heart are not like looking at himself. The so-called "not to smile", even if there is still awkwardness in Xiao Wang's heart, what Jing Jing asked at this time is basically a question and answer.

In fact, most people are wondering about this.

Mrs. Luo called Jing Hao to her side and said a few words. Then she asked directly, "You sent things everywhere, how come you are there?"

"Don't you be pregnant?" Jing Hao didn't think about it, and blurted out.

Mrs. Luo’s outspokenness is an accident, and Jing’s answer is even more unexpected, which has something to do with pregnancy.

"What happened to pregnancy, do you have to wear makeup when you are pregnant?"

Pregnancy can't make up, this is common sense! Well, Jing Hao suddenly realized that this is the common sense of her past life, not here, she finally knows why when she came in, the lobby looked at her eyes is not right, Jing Hao wants to lick his face, like a no When you were careful, you made a low-level mistake. Did Gong Hao not remind himself? However, because of the bad explanation, Jing Hao decided to pretend to be stupid. "Isn't pregnant people not able to apply makeup?" It was a questionable question.

There are more than one person who cares about her. "Hey, pregnant can't put on makeup, who do you say?"

Jing Hao confessed his eyebrows. "It seems that I didn't listen to anyone. Which book should I see? Isn't that the case? I thought everyone knows this."

"Hey, tell my grandmother, where did you see it, what book?"

"Grandma, this is hard to live with me. You know, when I was in Qi'an in the past few years, I have read a lot of books, and it is very complicated. Some things I thought were well known. Even after a glance, I still remember what the book is. I don't remember when I saw it."

"You are right," when in Qi'an, except for those books that were absolutely forbidden to the girl's family, others did not really control Jing Hao. "So, don't remember why pregnant people can't wear makeup?"

To say that Xiao Wang’s stomach is a great-grandson, and Mrs. Luo’s wife is very valued. As for Wang’s and Xiao Wang’s, it’s not necessary to say that this child is very valued and can’t stop watching Jingjing. Hey.

"It seems that there is something in the makeup powder that is not good for people. The average person is okay. The pregnant person has more contact, which may affect the child in the stomach. Other things, I don’t know if it is the same. Influence, so I didn’t dare to send it to Daxie.” Jing Hao’s Xiao Wang’s, some horrified hands covering his face, “I’m only going to be a big makeup when I go out, I will wash it when I go back. I have seen the big cockroaches before and I didn’t pay much attention to it.” Look at Mrs. Luo’s wife again, “Grandma, isn’t I too worried?”

"No, hey, the so-called Ning is credible and it is not credible. It is said that it is not really true. - Come, don't hurry to wash the face of the grandmother."

Xiao Wang himself was busy getting up. Wang's subconsciously reached out and held her. This time, it was really anxious, and he couldn't care so much. He personally helped Xiao Wang to wash his face.

When Xiao Wang washed his face, Mrs. Luo’s face was black. “Jingde’s wife, how many makeup powders have you wiped on weekdays?” Xiao Wang’s makeup before, looks good, but in fact, After washing, the face was pale and pale, and there was no blood.

Don't say that it is Mrs. Luo, even Wang, who sees her daughter-in-law every day, only when she looks good, now I think, she is afraid that she will wipe the makeup powder at any time. If it’s really like what San Shutou said, isn’t it...

"Grandmother, grandmother, I..." Xiao Wang almost cried out. She used it with makeup powder before she was pregnant. After pregnancy, the situation was not very good, her face was even worse, she thought, if the day All of them look like this, who knows that they are pity, or they are being dismissed. Although her husband is still a cousin, he is always following the beautiful room that he is waiting for, and he looks like this... So, this makeup The powder is used more, except that at night, the face is not less than at any time, it will not be because of this, but it hurts the child in the belly.

Jing Hao saw Xiao Wang is not right, busy to appease her, "Da, don't worry, now I don't know if it is caused by this reason, maybe there is no such thing at all, you are in a hurry, maybe Instead, I was shocked by the child, don't worry, don't worry." Jing Hao gently patted her back.

Xiao Wang took a few breaths and slowly stabilized it, but he grabbed the hand of Jing Hao. "Three sisters, you told me, what if it was caused by makeup powder?"

"This..." Jing Hao is really not sure how pregnant women lead poisoning, but nothing more than premature birth, slippery, resulting in child stunting, serious may cause deformity, but Xiao Wang is only through the makeup powder intake, It should not be so serious that it is too big. "I am not very clear about it. But, this is the end of the matter. If you want to use it, it will be useless. Besides, who is not sure whether it is caused by makeup, why not? Broad and wide, stop those things for a while, if it is caused by this thing, stop, it should be fine, if not, there is nothing to hinder. You and the peace of mind, can not let my heart because of my words Restless, there is nothing wrong with it, but...I am not guilty?"

Mrs. Luo’s face is also slowing down. “He said it’s good, don’t think so much.”

In fact, Wang is also a little anxious, but no one has ever heard of this before, naturally it is not strange to Xiao Wang's body, mainly because she puts on her face every day, let her think that Xiao Wang is even from time to time. It’s not particularly bad to ask the doctor to take medicine, but who knows, that face looks like that. Now it is not the time to say anything, so I opened the door to comfort Wang Xiaoshi.

"Three sisters, I can't help it. The rouge gouaches of yesterday, I didn't have a single scorpion. (The other one is naturally ignored. It doesn't appear today, even Liu can't say anything to Jing Hao.) How does the blind man invite you not to see, but don't want to, the third sister is good for me, the blind man is the heart of the gentleman's heart, and the third sister forgives, and the general knowledge of the blind man." Restored the calm little king It’s still a good-natured everyone.

Jing Hao didn't care about laughing and laughing. "This is a human nature. For me, I think a lot. I have to say that I didn't think about it."

"This thing can be blamed for the three-headed head on your head, you are still a girl's house, you are pregnant, you have to think about everything, what is like that." Wang smiled and shouted.

Jing Hao also smiled at the "sorry" lips.

"Jingde’s daughter-in-law will go back to rest first. Today’s home is busy, you pay attention to it, but there is nothing to hide, know?”

"It’s a grandmother, Sun Hao remembers."

After Xiao Wang’s departure, Mrs. Luo’s wife talked about today’s business. “After a while, there will probably be guests coming to the door. It’s important to have a good reception. It’s not a mistake. It’s just that the government will send a dowry. Come over, there will be a lot of valuable things, and it’s one thing to do the dowry. You must keep it. If you have something that is so shallow, and secretly take something, our Luo’s face can be considered as a waste.”

"Mother, you can rest assured that the arrangements, the daughter-in-law have been arranged, will not go wrong." Wang said.

"Well, I can rest assured that you do things." Mrs. Luo said, and took a look at Zhang.

Rao is Zhang, and she can't help but the hot face. She is awkward, but there are not many things that she really does. Most of them are arranged by Mrs. Luo and Wang, and this time it is very self-confident.

Mrs. Luo has never expected any expectations from her. If she is expected to marry her, this marriage does not know what it is.

Later, Mrs. Luo let them go, and quickly went back to breakfast, including Wang, who did not have to wait to serve her. Of course, Jing Hao is still excluded. Her daily breakfast is basically in Mrs. Luo. Eat here.

I can’t talk about makeup powder any more. “If it’s really for this reason, the child will be born in the future, thank you very much for this aunt.”

"Why thank you, that's what it is."

"You, what are you willing to take credit?"

It is Jing Hao who thinks that he cannot afford a life.

As Mrs. Luo said, there are guests coming to the door, but today, they are basically close relatives, such as the relatives of the Luo family who also live in the capital, the grandmother who married, and the maiden of several daughter-in-law. People, of course, Zhang’s and Liu’s family are not in Beijing, and Luo Jingbo’s marriage is too busy. Zhang’s family can’t catch up. Although he’s gone to the letter, this person will only have to wait for a while. To.

Too many people, Jing Hao can not be lazy, come out to help entertain the little girls.

They all said that this is a broken bone for a hundred days. This Yuan Qiaoqiao folded his leg, and the partiality also came under her aging mother.

"This is still coming out to join in the fun, you can not stop?" Jing Hao wants to poke her.

"People are boring at home, and you are all busy. You don't have time to marry me. I am so busy, I naturally want to come out, you don't know, I want to come out, with my mother. How long has it been. Look at it, Minger, you can also see Yingshuang, but according to her grandmother's relationship with Mrs. Sun, she should go directly to the government office and then come to the family in the name of sending her."

"Well, she heard that her eyes are great, but I am really busy, and I have not taken the time to marry her."

"We know everything about you, so don't worry, but unfortunately, you can't hear you playing the piano. I heard that you are amazing and have made a splash."

"There is a price for the show." Jing Hao thinks about his current situation. Hey, don't care if you have to face this troublesome reality.

Among them, Yuan Qiaoqiao is not very clear, but can not help but grin. "However, Yi Jia's final marriage is unexpected. She actually married her cousin. You probably don't know. Jingbo cousin is very popular. If you don't say anything, that person, there is her mother, but both. There is no less idea of ​​playing Jingbo's cousin."

Jing Hao followed the direction of Yuan Qiaoqiao quietly pointing, Jiang Lingshan of the second aunt's family, and Luo Jingying is very good.

"But at that time, my grandmother was not there, and the second mother and your mother were not all the way. I couldn’t even say that I went there. Listening to my mother said that the second mother was raised a few times by your mother, but you can be partial to your mother. There was no such consciousness at all. She wanted to go to the big aunt. However, my grandfather did not speak, and your mother did not ask for the big mother to look at it. She could only work in a hurry. She thought that her grandmother had entered Beijing and had hope. The result..." Yuan Qiaoqiao laughed more joyfully, and the catastrophe was not too obvious. "Especially after Jingbo’s cousin’s bird-faced phoenix map was released, she was only afraid to kill Yi Jia. In her eyes, if there is no Yi Jia, then the glory should be her.”

Jing Hao had no choice but to smile, Jiang Lingshan thought it would be beautiful. However, there is a bit of Jing Hao a bit strange. "She wants to marry my brother. When I first met me, I didn't want to please me. I still want to count me?"

"Who knows, probably that you are not a big prince."

"Yes, after all, I haven't seen my third brother for a few years. In her opinion, I probably have no feelings for a long time, let alone affect my third brother." If it is such a personal marriage to her brother, no If you think of ways to take it apart, you will never give her brother the education of "three from four virtues".

"However, I am losing a lot of four cousins, is it really sick?"

"Otherwise, do you think?"

"If you don't tell me, I don't believe it anyway."

Looking at Yuan Qiaoqiao and Jing Hao, they talked and laughed, so that many people have such awkwardness. They actually want to find Jing Hao to talk, but it seems so rude. Jiang Lingshan almost has this thought. She is not qualified to go to the Princess Palace. But the Jingjing thing, basically all the officials in the capital know that although a Sun Yijia has no value, she still knows more noble people. If you can climb up the nobles by her...

"You still don't want to be a daydream." Luo Jingying seems to see her thoughts, close to Jiang Lingshan's ear. "We are a Luo Jiasan girl, very narrow-minded, but if you leave her a little bad impression, you don't want to I hope that I can climb up with her again. What's more, what she hates most is me. Do you think that you can 'get good' with me and get her feelings? In her eyes, we are probably a nest of snakes and rats. ""

Jiang Lingshan’s eyes were like a knife to Luo Jingying.

Luo Jingying still smiles lightly, Jiang Lingshan's gaze, she seems to have not noticed. It should be said that Luo Jingying was trained by Liu for such a few years, and it was still very effective. It was only when he met Jing Hao that he was more likely to lose control. Moreover, after the "special training" during this time, her strength was strong. Originally, it was a little bit worse than Jiang Lingshan, and now it’s almost equal.

Jiang Lingshan's gaze also maintained the time of two or three interest, and also laughed with nothing. There is no intimacy between the two people. I don’t know if they think their feelings are so good.

Jing Wei, who saw her actions in both eyes, did not pre-evaluate at all.

Jing Hao also knows that Yuan Qiaoqiao has deliberately pulled himself to talk, not allowing other people to intervene, but who made her a patient, naturally take care of some, watching them not being left out, letting Yuan Qiao Clever behavior.

After lunch, as time went by, the outside of the show was finally opening.

One by one, shouting "coming came", then, the first red dowry into the door of the Luo family, followed by the second lift, according to the general regulations, the front lift should be real estate and field production, but because Sun Yijia was born to be honored, and there was a reward from the palace in the dowry. Therefore, the two heads became a huge red coral tree with a dazzling shape, and the shape of the twelve handles was different. Jade Ruyi. These two things are enough to make people praise, not to say some sour words.

The third lifted the tile with the hi word, and the high stacking up, people can't help but take a sigh of coolness. How much property is dowry? Then look at the adobe that follows, the adobe of the colored paper, the heavy people who seem to be pressured to lift are very hard, how many?

Not surprised yet, the large furniture behind was also lifted in one by one, six double-sided embroidery screens, four glass screens, then the back of the bed, the Arhat bed, the beauty couch, the dressing table, the piano table , desks, various cases, top box cabinets, bookcases, Duobao, even three cross cabinets, pairs of boxes, various seats, and so on, all appear in pairs, that is, a set of rosewood There are also a lot of things made of wood, such as golden nanmu, two mahogany, rosewood, rosewood, and eucalyptus. These furniture, once again, can see people's heart tremble.

Then there were various ornaments of all sizes, large and large vases that were taller than people, small to cups and saucers, all kinds of exquisite, and dazzling.

Then there is a complete set of cosmetics, exquisite pieces, bedding, top materials, exquisite workmanship. More than no mention of credit, curtains and other things.

Then there is the whole case of the whole box of fur, material, one by one, the box that is enlarged, stuffed full, fearing that a finger can not be plugged.

Behind it is a variety of jewellery. There are only 12 sets of heads on the head. Each set is less than 12 pieces, more than 20 pieces, ruby, sapphire, Dongzhu Nanzhu, top jade, most It is all made of gold. There are also those who are in the jewels of the jewels. They look at the less than 30 scorpions, and they are full of things. What kind of collars are smashed, what cat eyes are agate, probably only you can't think of it, there is no one inside.

Followed by antique calligraphy and painting, the most special one is probably the flat long box that was taken out to make a lift. Everyone has speculated that it should be the banquet of Luo Jingbo’s dowry and the various jade behind. The number of porcelain playthings is simply not the case, and the type of calligraphy and painting, because it is rolled up, can't see what it is, but it is certainly not bad.

There are more than a dozen boxes of books behind, and a few boxes of four treasures.

Spice medicinal materials are close to each other, ginseng, Polygonum, Snow Lotus, Ganoderma lucidum, etc., that box of boxes, you can see that no one is a defective product.

A total of one hundred and twenty-eight lifts are still real. Even if they are split into two hundred and fifty-six lifts, they are more than enough. I can imagine that when these things are all carried into the yard as a new house, What a spectacular, let alone reach out and touch, there is no place to go to the lower foot.

Jing Hao saw this dowry, and she seemed to meet another big local tyrant.

------Off topic ------

Author bacteria, pretend to die~

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