Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 140: : Jing Hao made a big move

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Because of the special protection of Luo Peishan, the message about Jing Hao was temporarily subsided. However, it is only temporary, even just before the storm, unless it can perfectly solve the marriage of Jing Hao, so that all parties have nothing to say, otherwise, the crisis attached to Jing Hao will not be lifted.

At the same time, Luo Rongping was finally valued by Prince Kang. For Luo Rongping, it was not too late. The so-called late, but he has already invested in the Prince of Rui, and he now pays more attention to it, and it is not too late. To rely on Rui Prince, he said that he has become a nail in his family. Even if he is a nail, if he can't reuse it, he can't touch the core, and it doesn't have much effect. If you want to vote for a name, chances are. coming.

The first time I was summoned by Prince Kang, the treatment I received was unprecedented. It really made Luo Rongping sincere and fearful, but fortunately, there was no fainting, knowing that he could not get rid of Rui Prince now.

Prince Kang let Sun Yilin meet with Luo Jingbo, Sun Yilin should be, Luo Jingbo should also be.

Originally, when Sun Yilin met with Luo Jingbo, he told him that no matter what Kang’s Prince said, the purpose would be one---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To be honest, when I heard Sun Yilin’s words, Luo Jingbo was actually quite surprised. Even if he had smashed Yi Jia, the position of the government of the country was there. The marriage between him and Yi Jia was not So strong.

Sun Yilin did not explain much. He was a good person in the government of the country. However, he used to avoid Sun Yibin. Even if he was deeply impressed by the emperor, he never participated in political affairs. Later, he followed Sun Yibin and completely fell into trouble. Officer, he still does not participate in the factional struggle, he does not understand many things, do not want to understand.

However, after Luo Jingbo met with Prince Kang, Sun Yilin found that his worries were all superfluous. This brother-in-law is not easy to be casual, but he is not without the heart, and he does not understand the world’s second son. Anyway, Sun Yilin is a guest. I didn’t listen to it for a long time, I had to sigh. It’s what Luo Shangshu taught. It seems that Kang’s lord dominated the conversation. In fact, Luo Jingbo has been holding the nose of the other party. Li Hongyi does not know.

Luo Jingbo's straight, it is also to see the object.

In fact, Luo Jingbo has done a relatively obvious job. If you change one, you will find no clues. Therefore, the IQ of Kang Prince is a serious injury. Perhaps his IQ is at the level of ordinary people, and the people he has come into contact with are all refined, which makes him seem stupid in the invisible.

When Sun Yilin was about to leave, he never thought that the Prince Kang had brought the Qing Dynasty to accompany him. The face was naturally black, but although Li Hongyi was a cousin, he could not let him down. However, the subsequent situation really made him somewhat unexpected, because when the beautiful Qing dynasty approached, he was trying to get close to Luo Jingbo, and he didn’t want to, Luo Jingbo had several sneezes in succession. So pungent?"

That clear face, then very helpless, tears condense in the eyes.

Prince Kang’s black face, waved and let people roll down.

"The grass people are out of the instrument, and the king is atonement." He couldn't help but lick his nose.

"Nothing to do with you."

So, in the end, it seems that a lot of talks have been made, but the facts are not at all substantial. The person that Prince Kang is preparing to send is returned without being close.

Luo Jingbo and Sun Yilin left and left. Sun Yilin saw Luo Jingbo's refreshing spirit, and there was no feeling of a bit of bad feelings. The eyes were more and more weird. "Sister, you are deliberate?"

Luo Jingbo smiled at Sun Yilin, especially harmless. "What do you mean by your brother?"

Ok, no need to ask, Sun Yilin has already determined that he is deliberate, pretending to be really like, even he has cheated. "People can't be seen." Sun Yilin once again deeply understood the meaning of this word.

Luo Jingbo still smiled with a silly smile.

Sun Yilin no longer asks, this brother-in-law has this heart is also good, he is now recruiting more than himself.

After returning to the Luo family, Luo Jingbo went directly to see his own baby sister.

Although she knew that she did not put things outside, she sometimes couldn't help but worry about her.

Just, it seems to be playing with something, but after asking it, I didn't get an answer.

On the same day, after Luo Peishan squatted, Jing Hao went to find him with something.

Jing Hao often goes to and from the study, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

"Do you want to find a grandfather?" Luo Peishan looked at the things in Jing Hao's hand.

Jing Hao did not say anything, just handed things to Luo Peishan.

Luo Peishan first fiddled with the long tubular thing, some unknown, so he put his gaze on the two sheets of paper, the top one is an extremely fine drawing, "This thing, clairvoyance?"

Jing Hao turned to the desk and walked to Luo Peishan to tell him how to use it.

In the eyes of Luo Peishan, the leaves farthest outside the study door are suddenly in front of you. Luo Peishan was amazed, clairvoyant, clairvoyant, although this name has exaggerated suspicions, but it can be seen very far.

Jing Hao did not bother, let Luo Peishan play there. The lens in the telescope is the white crystal with the highest transparency. The effect is worse than the glass. However, the final result is quite satisfactory.

Luo Peishan finally saw enough, but after all, such experience and insights, in addition to feeling quite strange, have not found any other role, "Oh, this thing is delicate, but..."

"How do you fight in the march? The enemy can't see me."

Luo Peishan’s eyes slammed brightly. “It’s really wonderful!” Although Luo Peishan did not go to the battlefield, the situation is imaginable. This is just a playful thing, and it is clearly a treasure with great effect.

Luo Peishan put his gaze on the drawing, which can be seen clearly. Specifically, it is directly handed over to the Ministry of Industry and Military Bureau. There is one finished product and the drawings are fine. If you still can't understand it, the military bureau can go up and down. Roll home and hold the child.

Luo Peishan looked and looked again, finally put the drawings down, and then picked up another piece of paper, the same is a drawing, the above is a pimple, different from the commonly used 弩, and improved after the continuous shooting. Because there is no finished product, Luo Peishan can't see the goodness of this, but with this shot, once the forging is successful, it will definitely be worse than now.

Luo Peishan solemnly collected things.

"Three hoes, you will bring things at this time, what do you want?" This is obviously to be sent to the prince. It is a very special period. Luo Peishan knows that she should have her plans.

"Grandfather, do you think it is possible to seek the position of the Prince of the Jin Dynasty?"

Luo Peishan looked at Jing Hao's look again, inexplicably with a bit of light, extremely calm or indifferent opening, "Three gimmicks, you know what you are talking about?"

Jing Hao licked his lips. "Grandfather, I know very well what I am talking about. People like Jin’s Prince, others can’t avoid it. I’m going to pick it up now. It’s really unwise, and maybe even stupid. However, the current situation, the Prince of Jin is the best candidate, if it becomes his fiancee, the dilemma will be solved."

Jing Hao is very clear, don't look at my grandfather is now very prestige. He is still within the tolerance of some people, he believes that he still has the possibility to use himself. If he has been tough in the end, then no one will tolerate him to continue to sit in his current position. Important, no one can tolerate him to be independent, and at the beginning of his tenure, the current situation is a very resort. This position is not stable in itself. If other people want to pull him down, San Shuo Luo Rongping himself is not safe, so, always I can find out some reasons for attacking Luo Peishan, and there are no more students. Luo Peishan can finally imagine the end. Therefore, it is not only Jing Hao, but also Luo Peishan, and the entire Luo family.

The Prince of Jin has no power and no power, but he is an object that no one can attract, and it seems to be the adopted son of Su Guizhen, but everyone knows that he does not touch it.

"It is true that the current situation is broken. Then, Shantou, can you think about it in the future? Moreover, the Jin Prince himself is not a good temptation. If he breaks the game, he may even bring more trouble to the Luo family. After all, other People's words can also make them feel scrupulous. The Jin Prince is nothing to worry about. He is a blatant shot, and you can't help him."

"So, just ask for a name." Yan Fangfei is a metamorphosis, she did not want to fight with her, and then said that Jin Jinwang probably still lives a true love Bai Yueguang, she is not interested in intervening, if she wants to move the position As long as the Luo family is stabilized, let her go, even if it is a special way, let her live as another person, but it is all right, just, "wife" is the final bottom line, she can not even insist on this one. Have been given up.

When Jing Hao was slightly coveted, Luo Peishan saw her eyes more and more strange, and there was no name? Grandchildren, you have to look at the Jin Prince to disagree. He counted so much, so long, now you take the initiative to send him to the mouth, not to swallow you. However, it is not so cheap that the living king, who was sick by his life, how to give him a return. "Taro, you should know, more important is the future."

"In the future, my grandfather thought that any other prince would be enthroned. Is the prince of Jin a mortal ending?"

"Is it difficult to be a girl?"

"In contact with the Prince of Jin, although there are only a handful of times, and the time is short, but one thing is certain, he is not a stupid person, he will not know his current situation? He can still take his own way. Half-point does not know convergence, is it hard that he does not care about his life? There is no reason to let his heart and death, so he must be a means of self-protection, I never think that when other emperors are in power, he is dead. day."

Luo Peishan's eyes flashed, his granddaughter, although he did not know the truth, but it was true. "Even so, the Prince of Jin is not acting according to common sense."

"These two things are only used in the holy place. After all, my identity is not enough, but when the prince is in the position of the prince, only the sacred is allowed to talk about the other, and if the prince does not agree, I will not force it."

This identity is indeed the biggest obstacle. Otherwise, the Prince of Jin has long been asking for help. However, for the emperor, this is not a problem at all. As long as he nods and wants to promote one’s identity, that is A word of things. Grandma, if this thing is done, it will solve the biggest problem of Prince Jin.

Luo Peishan couldn't help but think that the living king is so mad, the biggest trouble, does not need him to solve in the most extreme way, but to let his future wife-in-law solve it, I don't know what it would be.

"Taro, you have to think clearly, the reputation of the Prince of Jin..."

"The rumors are often exaggerated. In the end, there are some truths. I don't know what to say. Besides, I don't ask for practical things. Whether he is romantic or not, he has nothing to do with me. As for the temperament and temper, how can it not be? How about your wife, my wife, now I don’t all say that I am a husband, the character of our gram, maybe you will meet each other and become a living.” Jing Hao smiled.

Luo Peishan now really knows that Jing Hao does not care about marriage. Now this step should be well thought out. "That is the case, tomorrow will present things to the Holy Spirit, to explore the meaning of the Holy."

Jing Hao nodded. I thought about it again. "In fact, as long as a marriage contract is not bad, anyway, the granddaughter will marry at least after the marriage. There is still a short time, there is a marriage contract to make a buffer, and my grandfather should be able to stand firmly in the crotch. Feet, some things can be handled well. At that time, even if other people want to pull you off, it is not so easy. At that time, the Jin Prince was not happy, and he could also 'g' me back."

Luo Peishan looked at Jing Hao, did not know what to say, in the end, she did it for him, for the Luo family, but in fact, he should probably tell her to the Prince Jin, let him block the heart.

However, as a result, the Prince of Jin is excused from being exposed now, and the opposite is true. It is true that even if he wins the throne, it is indeed not a good time. This is simply a catastrophe that has solved the Kaiyuan invisibly. Santoutou is so blessed, and it is really a blind eye for God not to be good to her.

Subsequently, Luo Peishan was quite interested and heard how Jing Jing thought of this.

"I don't know how to think about it. I used to play it in Qi'an. It was just not so fine at that time, and I didn't think of the far use." This lie was also cooked back twice, anyway, in Qi'an. At that time, she did drum up a lot of gadgets that seemed strange to others. Nothing was strange. Then, when I was really slashing with my hand, it would not be surprising to think about improving it.

The reason why she understands this thing is that when she was a past life, someone sent her a son, she was curious, she used it for a while, but she checked the production method specially, but it took too long, she was just a model. I remembered some of the vagueness, so I spent so many days, after a good study, I basically restored the drawings, but she estimated that some areas might need to be improved. She believes that those of the Military Bureau will be successful.

Because Jing Hao sent Gong Yu to the Rouge Pavilion, naturally he did not follow the previous study, but the things that Jing Jing did before, because they did not tell her, I don’t know what it is, so the important talks between the grandparents and the grandchildren in the study. Did not pass to Li Hongyuan for the first time.

The next day, there was no early morning, Luo Peishan went directly to the royal study room to see Le Chengdi.

Naturally, at this time, there were several other ministers in the royal study room. After dealing with the political affairs, Luo Peishan stayed in the end and presented the things. Because he wrote another book, he did not need to explain anything.

Le Cheng is a good emperor, and there are still some visions. When I saw Luo Peishan’s things, I couldn’t help but move. This is indeed a good thing. "Come to, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Labor and the Governor of the Left, see you." Looking at this moment, "This is a very good thing, who made it, so thoughtful?"

"Returning to the next, the three granddaughters of the minister."

Le Cheng’s eyes moved, and he was impressed by Jing Hao. "Great good. The last time the **** was a great talent for Qi Yuan, I have never rewarded it. This time I have rewarded it, what Ai Qing wants, let's talk."

"Chen the granddaughter, can you do the emperor's daughter?" Luo Peishan did not hesitate, bluntly said.

Le Chengdi’s eyebrows moved, “Oh, is Ai Qing’s eleven princes?”

Luo Peishan is also helpless. I am so sincere in my heart. Why can't I talk well? I don't want to understand it. What do you mean? "The age of the eleventh prince is still young." Less than fourteen, that is a real child, even if it is two years later, his grandson marries him, it is also to bring a big child, mother, he is Looking for a grandson who can feel distressed, caring, and protect his grandson, is not to let the grandson marry out as a mother. "The emperor, the minister does not ask the singer, the rich and the rich, the jewels, and only hope that her life will be happy, but now the man is a knife, she is a fish, the minister looks at the distress, the old wife does not have to say, if it is not helpless, Chen Wan I don’t dare to think about the Prince’s position."

Le Chengdi is understandable, Luo Peishan this is true. "The temper of the old six, and his reputation..." Although the wind in the middle of Beijing is not necessarily known to the emperor, he still knows the situation of the Luo family. In fact, he is also very satisfied with Luo Peishan.

Luo Peishan laughed, "The singer of the sect of the family was also circulated. As for the other, if the prince of Jin is not happy, the minister does not force." Not happy? It’s not crazy!

"Let's think about it."

The Ministry of Industry and the Zuo Dudu, soon and after, arrived at the Imperial Study Room.

The products of Clairvoyance were directly given to Qin Tianming. In the current military commanders, he has the most experience in bringing troops to fight, and he is also considered to be a general in general. He has the most say in military matters.

After getting the usage of this object, a little try, immediately take the golden eyes, obviously, do not ask, just look at his expression, the role of the clairvoyant is very small.

The work of the Ministry of Engineering, which got the drawings, is equally exciting.

"Zhong Aiqing, this picture, how do you think?"

"The emperor, great good. Previously, the Military Bureau had always wanted to transform the handcuffs, but the progress was not great. Looking at this picture, at least 80% of the forging success was successful. More importantly, it was able to achieve five consecutive shots. The speed of improvement may completely replace the configuration of bows and arrows in the cavalry, and the cavalry's lethality can at least double."

"Good." Le Chengdi couldn't help but pat the table. He was not an emperor with ambition to expand the territory. However, as an emperor, he naturally hoped that his national army would be strong.

The left governor heard the words, and couldn’t help but go forward, and gathered in front of the work department’s book, and the heartbeat accelerated. “Good things.”

Everyone knows that the power of 弩 is far stronger than the bow, and the range is farther, but the speed of winding is slow, and it is not dominant on the battlefield. However, if it is shot, it will make up for the shortage...

Because of the reaction of the two, Le Chengdi was more and more excited, and it took a long time to calm down.

The Ministry of Industry Shangshu can't wait to go back and study the drawings with the people of the Military Bureau, and the left Dudu also wants to feel the role of the clairvoyance more intuitively, and they have to retire, the Lecheng Emperor is allowed, but only two things are related. It is significant and cannot be revealed. However, the calculation of the left Dudu was lost, and the finished clairvoyant was deducted by the Emperor. The left Dudu’s heart was called a depressed, so the deadly work of the Ministry of Industry went to the Military Bureau.

Then, in the royal study, in addition to a close-fitting servant of the music master, only Yu Junchen and two.

"Luo Aiqing, you should go first."

"Chen to retire."

Le Chengdi temporarily fell into silence. His shackled son, the marriage was really a headache. Originally, there was a plan to break the jar and see if there was any fate in the future. Luo Peishan wants to let the shackle be a granddaughter, but it is really unexpected, but it seems reasonable to think about it. The girl of Luo Jiasan is indeed a good one. Whether it is character or tolerance, it is enough to hold up the identity of the Prince.

"The Prince of Xuan Jin met in the palace."

Li Hongyuan heard the announcement of the Emperor Lecheng, and he was puzzled. He did not seem to have done anything in the last two days. In three days, he could go once in ten times. He had no errands in his hands, so he occasionally entered the palace and the Soviet Union. The nobles asked An, and they took the Lecheng Emperor. They only met the day before, so he did not suddenly want to "think" his son.

I want to know more about it.

Le Chengdi did not turn around with him. "Luo Aiqing wants you to be his granddaughter. What do you mean?"

Li Hongyuan’s heart jumped wildly, but he did not change his face. “Why.”

"The Luo family is now a four-faced song, you are the best person to help them stabilize the situation." With the Luo Jiasan girl and the marriage contract, it is fine, nothing more.

Luo Jia will fall into this situation, and Le Cheng will take half of the factors.

"The child is asking the father to agree."

"Luo Aiqing presented two things up." So, Laozi sold you.

"Since the fathers have agreed, what are the children?"

I am not afraid of your troubled moth! "That's the case, then this is the case, let's go."

Li Hongyuan did not fall in love at all, but no one knows how excited he is now. However, he has worked hard for so long, and his daughter-in-law has made it simple, but it has really lost so much. However, the wife is so powerful, I have to solve it as soon as possible, is it directly killed? Still getting disabled? Or is it ruined?

The next day, the Princess of the Grand Princess sent a person, the 18-year-old bachelor seems to have a small problem, let Jing Hao go and see.

Jing Hao stayed for a long time in the Princess of the Great Princess. Then, there was a rumor that the Princess Dachang was very fond of Jing Hao and wanted to be a righteous woman.

Jing Hao and Luo Peishan both know that this marriage has become.

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