Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 150: : Trouble throwing out the door

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Perhaps the old lady would not have thought that the enemies hidden in the dark would not only hurt her daughter under her comprehensive arrangement, but also let her witness the other person’s eye cream. Come out, and then, she applied the medicine to her daughter's face. If she knew it, she didn't know what it would be.

After returning to the Luo family, Jing Hao felt that it was a lot faster, and it was not necessary to continue to pretend to be a sick person. It is a great challenge for a baby who has always been healthy to let her sick. And her most painful experience, probably during the time when she entered Beijing, was a halo car, and there was no more painful thing than this.

After Jing Hao’s spirit, she thought about how to take revenge. To be honest, her skills are really lacking. However, the so-called being rushed, the rabbit will bite, Jing Hao thinks that he can not even be better than a rabbit? However, the implementation of this matter is indeed not so simple. First of all, the way Fang Fangfei started is too secret. Her external image is too good. Even if she points out her, she will not get any desired results. More importantly. Yes, there is no evidence. This is why she and the two members of the Locke family, on the premise of knowing the initiators, are equally secret. However, as a result, if she is shooting against Fang Fangfei, then she will become the wicked person who is accused of being blamed, and wants to be perfect and does not want to be discovered. This requires time, place, and people. "".

Such an opportunity, when you do not have the ability to manufacture, you need to wait patiently, but also need to be prepared in advance.

Jing Hao’s inexplicable sorrow looked up at the sky. It’s very costly to count the people under the same roof. It’s a huge project to count the people in the backyard. She would like to ask Yan Fangfei, in order to calculate herself. How much did she spend? Tired? does it worth?

Jing Hao thought for a moment, since it has been determined that Yan Fangfei is the kind of person with distorted personality, then that kind of person may just be able to achieve the goal and do more things, as long as the purpose is achieved, it will probably feel worthwhile, not to mention, It’s just a matter of calculating Jingjing. After the success, it’s the whole Luo family. The added value is not too rich, so it’s not worth it. However, the plan was not successful, and I was afraid that it would make her more crazy.

Looking at the expression of Jing Hao, Gong Yu basically knew what Jing Hao was thinking. "Girl, that Fang Fangfei turned the carriage on the way back to the government, injured and stunned, his face hurt." This is even "God." "I am taking revenge for you, so there is no need to think about things over there."

Jing Hao stunned, and then a faint opening, "Not dead."

This time, it was Gong's turn to be an accident. Even Luo Jingying did not think that the girl would die, not even hate. Although the girl said that hating a person also needs feelings, she only ignores each other. Can let Jing Hao want the other party to die, Yan Fangfei is definitely the first one, it can be seen that this time, Fang Fangfei only really stepped on the girl's reverse scale. Yes, the girl has always cared about her family and is more concerned than herself. Of course, the family in the girl’s eyes is not the owner of the Locke family, but only a few. Her heart is soft and indifferent, she can think of the world, she can be small enough to know a few people, the feelings are mutual, she has done this to the extreme, but once she gets the person she really treats, she probably feels herself It is the happiest person in fashion.

The girl wants to marry Fang Fei to death. In fact, Wang Ye is really determined to kill a person. In fact, it is not difficult. What needs to be seen is the price paid and the consequences. "Girl, if you don't affect you at all, do you want her to die directly, or die and die?"

Jing Hao looked at Gong Yu, although Gong Hao was still a serious look, but Jing Hao felt that her problem was very strange. Under normal circumstances, it should not be asked. However, Jing Hao’s answer to this question is still very clear. “Those who are so poisoned are willing to die, and it’s too cheap. According to the way she acts, she is so well-rounded and innocent. I can definitely stare other people as prey. I am definitely not the first one. For those who are hurt by her, just let her die at the expense of aggression and hate it."

Gong Hao nodded and understood. Looking at Wang Ye’s plan, I will not easily ask for Fang Fangfei’s life. The girl’s idea can not conflict with his plan, and it’s not bad.

Jing Hao always felt that it was basically impossible to distort this kind of problem in her heart. Well, she could not be 100% sure of this. However, even if there is a congenital "perversion", it should be There will be very few talents, and in the center of the national centralization center, the possibility that the body is not at all infinitely close to zero, then the person who causes the character of Fang Fangfei is more likely to be her mother. "Hey, do you know the lady of the First Auxiliary?"

"Oh, old lady?..."

When Jing Hao heard the name of Gong Yu, he immediately stunned. Not that he had never seen that person. It looked really young. The result was the old lady's level. Ok, okay, whoever makes the high-ranking people in the middle of the country, marry him, probably from the beginning is the old lady. Although there is no need to play an upgrade game like Little Lady, Mrs., Old Lady, but for a young woman, probably no one is willing to go one step at a time. Faced with a lot of "children" who are bigger than themselves, listening to what they call themselves an old lady, Jing Hao actually wants to ask for the "shadowed old lady" in the heart of the shadow area. However, no matter what the idea, but half of the word can not be revealed, Jing Hao gave her a row of wax in her heart.

"... Everyone said that she is the first virtuous person in the whole capital, ..." Gong Yu said the well-known things, and simply told Jing Hao. Of course, she is also very sure now, just as she is, like her daughter, it is fake. Yes, Gong Yi does not know the true situation of Yan Fangfei, and naturally does not understand the true situation of her mother.

Jing Hao listened to Gong Yu’s words. The first reaction was: like Yu Fangfei, perfection is not true. This kind of person has ten problems*. Therefore, Jing Hao ruled out that Fang Fangfei is a trace of the "innate metamorphosis."

However, in a short time, Yan Fangfei probably did not have time to come out as a demon, which also means that he has no way to retaliate back. This person can't see it, and everything else is naturally free.

Therefore, if there is no revenge, the enemy does not appear, then I want to be more vain. Jing Hao is not because the enemy will affect his life. Yan Fangfei can never be important to this point.

Later, in the courtyard of Jing Hao, Mrs. Luo sent more things after the wormwood, and then ordered her to bring the beads of the dust master to the body, even at certain times. If you don't match your clothes, you have to carry them in another way.

Jing Hao knew the intention of Mrs. Luo, so she did not object to this incident. In fact, the string of beads, Jing Hao himself also liked it.

Two days passed by, Luo Jingying wanted to "go out".

The Luo family didn't have a lantern, and there was no guest, and it was quiet, just like the usual day.

At the side door of Luo's house, a small green sedan chair has been parked, perhaps to reflect the importance attached to Luo Jingying. To come to the Luo family, in addition to a decent jealousy around Li Hongming, a manager, and four Awkward.

It stands to reason that the cockroach should bring people in to pick up people. However, the Luo family refused. It means that people who do not bother the palace, do not go in, and are blameless, even though it is not important to the woman. This will be the case, just because it is the meaning of the Luo family, they did not think much about it.

However, they did not know that in Luojia Sanfang, Luo Jingying was having a big quarrel with her mother for the first time in history. More specifically, it was Luo Jingying’s temper tantrum, only because Luo Jingying finally brought out the house. In addition to a baggage - most of the things inside are still sent by Rui Prince, there are only five thousand and two silver tickets in the district. You must know that when Luo Jingyi was married, there were five thousand two at the bottom of the box. Now, she has no dowry. There are only five thousand two, and she is not even as good as Luo Jing’s, and how can she be willing to give up, naturally it’s a lot of thunder and chaos.

What can five thousand two do? If it is placed in the ordinary people's home, five thousand two, enough for four people to chew for a lifetime, perhaps there is still left; and the average bureaucratic family, marry a daughter, probably three or five thousand two dowry, to some extent In terms of this, this is already very good. It can be seen that the accumulation of Luo’s two or three hundred years has a certain foundation. This sentence is really nothing to say. However, when it comes to a real rich family, five thousand two can't buy a decent head, and can't buy a few boxes of the finest rouge gouache - of course, Luo Jingying still doesn't know, the new boutique set of Rouge Pavilion, five thousand The two can buy a medium set. Therefore, this money, in the view of Luo Jingying, is the same as calling Huazi.

Liu sneered, "I really give Hanako five thousand two, you can change his destiny, he will be grateful to me, give you, that is, meat buns and dogs. You love or not, don't roll. Flowing five thousand Come, our three rooms are still in use for a year, just now I am tight."

Luo Jingying looked at her mother with a look of collapse. Although Liu had never taken care of her these days, she just thought that Liu was still angry and would not care about her, but today, she really understands that her mother is true. Regardless of her, when she was getting her own to go to the Prince of Rui, she was quite happy to prepare for herself, but now she can stop at such a point? From childhood to age, is her love for herself a fake?

Liu’s attitude toward Luo Jingying is actually not too awkward. As early as after the disappointment, there is some cold heart, but Luo Jingying is not aware of it, and Liu’s own unawareness, after discovering that Luo Jingying is still a white-eyed wolf, It broke out all of a sudden, and it was so ruthless and ruthless.

"Well, if this is the case, from now on, we will be decisive, even if you ask me at my feet in the future, I will not let you call me a mother again." Luo Jingying resentfully turned and left.

Luo Jingying did not face Liu’s mother again, not as she said, Liu’s pleading that she would not open her mouth, but that she had no chance to call, how many days and nights in the future in pain and despair. She called her mother, but she never got a response. She thought about how happy she was in the days of Luo Jia. Even if she was humiliated by Luo Jing, she made her feel more recollected. However, at that time, she even mentioned Luo Jingwei. There are no qualifications. Even the people of the Prince of Rui, they all say that it is a shame for Jin’s Prince to have such a cousin.

Along the way, many people have seen Luo Jingying, but they have taken aim at them, and then they have to do everything. When she does not exist, let alone stop and see.

Luo Jingying flew to them like a knife, but unfortunately, when there were people who also had small sex, they would show a provocative smile to her. The reason is still there, Luo Jingying did not rush to tear with them, but this place made her want to stay for a moment, so, speeding up the pace, but secretly vowed in her heart, she will definitely return here with a high attitude in the future Give all the people who are disrespectful to her here to death.

Until going out quickly, Luo Jingying slowed down and sorted out his dress. At this moment, the things that Liu had taught her seemed to be back, even if it was squatting, it could not reveal its humbleness, or be humble. Even if it is a poor dress, it must be perfect. So, unconsciously, Luo Jingying learned Jing Hao’s behavior, and Luo Jingying did not realize how deeply Jing Hao’s influence on her.

The embarrassment sent by Li Hongming was given by Li Hongming the same surname as her husband, Liu, who was Li Hongming who had been serving him when he was young, and he did not leave the palace after he was old. Serving Li Hongming, Li Zhongming is loyal, and everything is based on his will. Li Hongming has a respect for her. Therefore, although this is a slut, it can be in the Prince of Rui, she may be in addition to Rui The most powerful woman outside the prince, the prince of Rui, did not dare to neglect, and the other amateurs, but only the bark.

Although Liu Yan adheres to her duty, in her heart, Li Hongming actually has a guilty feeling. Therefore, the person who waits for Li Hongming will inevitably take a point. Seeing Luo Jingying at first glance, it seems to be a subconscious eyebrow, and then stretched his brows, much better than expected. I heard that Mrs. Luo is going to be a teacher. This should be true, but why is Luo Jialian’s aunt Unprepared, a bureaucrat like her, even for the acolyte, take a shackle for granted, even if it is with two, most will not ask.

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