Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 157: :Wang Ye, you are not humiliating me.

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Under his burning gaze, Jing Hao subconsciously wanted to open his hand. As a result, it is natural not to mention it.

What is "compared to the two people have been staying in this confined space, or to go out better", obviously staying in the carriage is better, where someone seems to be hugged, not more extraordinary Things, but now, it’s clear that you have to eat the rhythm of dryness. Jing Hao was really a bit flustered at this time, and wanted to turn around and flee.

The hand was always held by him, and even if it was not very hard, it was not Jing Jing who could get rid of it. Eventually bowed his head, kept his lips silent, and did not make a desperate struggle.

Here is the site of the living king. He really wants to do something for himself. Then, even if he can get rid of him, he will definitely not be able to get out of this yard. Moreover, the consequences of struggling must be a wolverine. He let himself go out, then, wait. The inevitable person who is holding himself is surrounded by people, not only is her reputation swept away, but the Luo family will also have no face to face; people like him probably will not allow anyone to disobey him, and really annoy her, I am afraid that I will suffer more. Unbearable treatment.

Although Jing Hao was flustered, she did not lose sight of it. She was very sensible to weigh the pros and cons, and then gradually calmed down.

After the peace of mind, even if you still have a leisurely thought of something else, you should have thought that what might happen later is also part of the "sweet pet". In the eyes of these high-powered men, the "pet" of other means is Attached, the real "pet" is in the bed, they are "pampered", that is the blessings of eight generations!

At this moment, Jing Hao once broke the **** into the only thing that Li Hongyuan had.

At the beginning, I didn't open him, there was no more movement, and the body's tremors disappeared instantly. Through these reactions, I can probably guess her mental journey. The flames in Li Hongyuan’s eyes went out and they knew that they might face the situation, but they were still so calm and rational. Is this a normal reaction of the girl? If you don't want to, regardless of the consequences, you want to escape. If you are willing, you should be ashamed and nervous. Li Hongyuan adds a strong evidence to his own guess.

Li Hongyuan has never been a good person. Even the person on the top of his heart, when calculating the next set, is not soft. He admits that he wants Jing Jing to think crazy, wants to get close to her, wants to tie her all the time. So, knowing that she is resisting, she knows that her image in her heart is only getting worse. He still won’t let her go as she wishes. Other things can be discussed and she can satisfy her. There is absolutely no room for negotiation.

Li Hongyuan knows Jing Hao’s thoughts, but he will not give any promises. He is notorious. The more sweet words he speaks, the more he will be considered to be a flower, and it will only be counterproductive. Therefore, for Jing Hao, at least in her Before I fell in love with myself, I can't say a lot of words. I can only tell her by action and tell her by time.

Li Hongyuan took the hand of Jing Hao, sat down at a low table, and sat in his arms with Jing Hao.

If you are not mistaken, this should be the mat used for squatting. So there is no image and no reason to sit on the ground, Jin Prince, your etiquette?

Jing Hao noticed that there were a lot of seasonal fruits on the table...

Cut into the tip of the thumb, the average size of the red 彤彤 watermelon, but also carefully picked out the seeds; the red skin looks like the lychee that was picked; the large, large, tempting cherries; and the same Cut the chopped yellow-yellow pineapple; the water is full of black and white bayberry; the crystal clear crystal grape...

Most of the production areas are not in the capital, and it is inconvenient to keep fresh or transport, but these things look fresh, no damage, and do not smell the long-term fermentation.

The two ends came to the basin and other things, and they were squatting on the ground, and the basin was turned to the appropriate height.

Li Hongyuan personally took down the things on Jing's wrist, put it on the tray on the side, and then took Jingshao's hand into the water, just the right water temperature, picked up the water, washed the big and small hands, took it. The cloth towel wipes the water off your hands. Until the cockroach did not make a slight noise, Jing Hao did not take a finger.

It’s so light, the eyelids haven’t moved, it’s obvious that it’s taken for granted.

Actually, we are shocked, but it’s just that the active king is too prosperous, the action that shouldn’t be, the words that shouldn’t be, or even the expression that shouldn’t be there, can’t be expressed in a single trace.

“Do you like it?” Li Hongyuan took the waist of Jing Hao with one hand and hesitated on the fruit plate. Then he took a cherry and sent it to Jing Hao’s mouth. “Try it.”

Jing Hao looked at him sideways. It was not her previous life. It was very inconvenient to transport. How much human and financial resources did he spend to achieve this? "Is the Holy Spirit rewarded to the lord?"

Li Hongyuan’s expression is soft, and his mouth is smiling. “There is no palace. If the father is like this, it will hurt the people. Yushi can kill him....”

Jing Hao thought, in the body of the Holy Spirit, dare to use the word "death", it is really not a jealous.

"If you can do such a bad thing, it will probably be the king. However, it is necessary for the king to give someone a face," Li Hongyuan ordered a little cherry cherry lychee. "These are a lot of losses on the road. When you go to the capital, there is not much left. If you eat, you will still have more than enough." Send the cherry to Jingjing again, "Taste."

As if to get it for her, don't make her like a enchanting. However, whether it is right or wrong, she has not persuaded his position now.

Jing Hao opened her lips, not waiting for her to live, Li Hongyuan put it in his mouth, the fingertips stayed in her mouth for a moment, swept her tongue, and saw Jing Hao’s eyes unconsciously wide, he was very Naturally, I took my hand out and slowly moved it to my lips. Then, I put out my tongue and rubbed it, and my eyes kept looking at her.

Jing Hao couldn't help but look red, suddenly don't start, bastard, don't you die?

The smile of Li Hongyuan’s mouth is more and more obvious, like he has never noticed the embarrassment of Jing Hao. “Is it delicious?”

Jing Hao always felt that he was not asking for the cherry in the mouth, but... Hey, there was no taste at all, and it was not good at all. The mouth moved, and the mouth was filled with the unique sweetness of the cherry, which was very pure and quite good.

Li Hongyuan suddenly got together, kissed Jing's lips, picked up his lips and teeth, and then left for a while, and took away the cherry nucleus in Jingkou's mouth. When he turned his head, he spit it into the empty plate on the table.

Jing Hao saw Li Hongyuan pick up a cherry and smacked it directly with a sip. "Don't eat."

Li Hongyuan seems to be quite sorry, throwing the cherry directly into the entrance and putting the plate over to Jingjing. The meaning is obvious, he does not move the mouth, and likes to eat, he can eat with confidence.

It’s a bit of a thing to do, distracting, even if it’s eating, it seems better than “seeing” him.

Li Hongyuan really "said" to do it, but only looked at Jing Hao to eat.

The cherries in the plate are not too many. One by one was eaten by Jingjing. I don’t know if I just saw Li Hongyuan’s spit cherry nucleus, or what else, Jing Hao didn’t eat as well as the usual Sven.

"Try another one." Li Hongyuan took a lychee and peeled it off.

"I really don't eat." Jing Hao shook his head.

"Just one, the other is tasted everywhere."

When you send it to your mouth, you can't refuse it. You can accept it if you eat it.

Feeding Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan also began to be less secure, holding Jing Hao, buried in her neck...

Jing Hao put his hands on his shoulders, and even raised his head, posing a gesture of catering, but unconsciously tightened Li Hongyuan’s clothes, the water mist was condensing in his eyes, and the body shivering gently, all of which showed Even if she did psychological construction, she still couldn’t be right. I felt that Li Hongyuan was taking off her clothes, and after all, tears fell down with disappointment. When she bit her lip and the outer garment was peeled off, Jing Wei shuddered. "Wang Ye, you are not humiliating me..." This is her last Pleading is also the last struggle.

After all, she is not the same as the beauty he has raised. If she loses her marriage before marriage, it is okay to marry other hard-to-male men. But he is a prince, a royal family, and the majesty can't be folded. The face can't be swept, and the whole Luo family will be involved. Hope that time will not be discovered? So many people stare at it, even if it is fraudulent, it is likely to be discovered by the extremely experienced savvy in the palace, but the sin is added. And others are jealous of her, it is not as simple as shameless.

Li Hongyuan has paused, but all the girls who are serious people will only get a little fuzzy knowledge of the love of men and women before they marry, from the mother or the close female elders. Before marriage, they are not personally experienced. I will know what the complete humiliation is, but she knows, and it is very clear that it is impossible for Luo’s family to tell her. Isn’t it another proof of her extraordinary origin?

Thinking that she may have experienced it personally, Li Hongyuan was crazy about killing people. However, she thought of what she had said in her previous life, and that the women he had had were not one or two. Well, he had no reason to confront him. And the "man" that he wants to make into a meat sauce can never be found, so all those bad things are thrown aside, or enjoy the moment.

Jing Hao's forbearance, he would not feel it, but how long he had to wait until today's bright and tasteful taste, just stop, he must suspect that he is still not a man. Stable and turbulent, raised her head, holding her face, let her look at her own eyes, there is no end to the gentleness and hotness, a little kiss to her tears, Salty taste, "fool, the most precious, naturally to stay in the bridal chamber night." This is his eyeballs, heart and liver, contained in his mouth, afraid of falling, holding in his hand, afraid of falling, and the palm of his hand It was too tight for fear that she was not breathless, too loose and afraid she would fly. How can she be willing to let her be humiliated, how can she let her have a hint of no future.

Perhaps it is really because he is too gentle at this moment, Jing Yu believes in his words, unconsciously relaxed, and even unconsciously smiled and smiled.

Li Hongyuan’s heart slammed a bit, this silly girl, what is the only thing he asked for?

"Is Wang Hao like me?" Jing Hao said like a joke.

"Well, I like it, I like it very much." Li Hongyuan’s soft voice is unprecedentedly serious.

Jing Hao inexplicably thinks that what he said is true. He really likes himself, at least at this moment.

Can't escape, can't hide, don't want to make the same as the murder scene, it seems that there is no need to pretend to be dead fish, and Jing Hao feels that the prince of Jin, such as the master of the wind, has not been so good before, he has a good knowledge. When he was a high-skilled method, he said that he would not be ruined. This physiological reaction is not controlled by reason. Under the premise of being able to hold the bottom line, why not let the countless men and women be crazy about it in any era and in any background. In his eyes, all the reflections are themselves.

Jing Hao shuddered and kissed his lips, no longer afraid of fear or even despair, just nervous.

Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows with some surprises. In fact, it is not bad to know some aspects of this aspect. Although it is a little less to teach her fun from scratch, it has another fun.

It was not the first time to kiss, but it was still so nervous. I can only say that at this moment, she really took the initiative to kiss him and wanted to kiss him. This cognition made Li Hongyuan's body and mind feel more pleasant.

Gong Yan stood outside the door and watched the atmosphere between the two of them change little by little. She knew that the girl had fallen into the hands of the living king, and in the end she would definitely not have "good fruit to eat", but she I can only watch the former master and hold the current master and go to bed. Spit out a sigh of gas, shut the door tightly, and then turned around and did his duty to accept the door.

To say that what the girl is doing now is actually the same as the previous four girls in some natures. However, she does not have a bit of a bad feeling about her own girl. Even if she finally loses her face, it is also abducted by the miscellaneous. This is the relationship...

Almost an hour, the inside gradually disappeared.

Gong Hao’s ear was extraordinary, basically listening to it from beginning to end. From the reaction of the girl, Wang Ye really said it was done. He didn’t let the girl break, and at the same time, he still admired him. Actually, Can bear.

Jing Hao felt that his last strength was gone. The whole person was so soft and weak, and he didn't want to move a finger.

Did not do it in the end has become this virtue, really arrived that day...

Say good lingering flowers, excessive wine, and weakness? Have you been eaten by dogs?

Well, I only heard that the Prince of Jin is so beautiful. I didn’t say that he was over-indulgent. Moreover, there were only a few meetings, but there were no bad times. It is really not easy to know the temperance. However, when I get married in the future, Jing Hao will return to the word "temperance" given today. The face has been hurt for a long time, and I feel like I have been beaten into a pig's head every day.

"Wang Ye, can you loose it?" It’s like being entangled in a giant python. Is it necessary to hold it so tight?

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