Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 168: : Should be counted

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Unexpectedly, the eyes of the Prince of Jin, but in a short moment of contact, Jing Hao seems to naturally look away, because with that intimate contact, she can maintain calm on the surface, but to say really Don't care, it must be fake, and always feel that his eyes are too aggressive.

The chess piece was sent to the table in front of Lecheng Emperor and Luo Peishan. Lecheng emperor knocked on the chessboard and picked up a chess piece and looked at it. "Hey, love Qing, you are really a granddaughter, give her something to use." It is better than everyday use."

Le Cheng Emperor is only saying this, there is no other meaning, he is still basically known at the end of the middle and middle ministers. Luo Jia is also a accumulation of two or three hundred years. The history is much longer than the Li Dynasty. normal. He is not the kind of thing that the courtier uses, and he must not be better than himself. Moreover, who stipulates that when the emperor wants to use the most extravagant things, what he uses, even if it is broken, others have to be treasured.

Between the monarch and the minister, there is no one who can let anyone directly follow the rules.

Luo Peishan first dropped the first piece and looked at Jing Hao. "This girl is hurting, but it is the most worry-free." So I can only give something good. Luo Peishan is so "shameless" that he has occupied Li Hongyuan's "credit."

Le Chengdi nodded, and the parents were all in a state of mind. They also looked at Jing Hao. "It is indeed a good girl. Why don't you have such a prostitute? But, it is said that the son-in-law is a half son. The daughter-in-law is also a half daughter." Speaking, his eyes swept away and fell to the "satisfactory" six sons who sat in the position of Jing Hao. "You are a shackle, and you will be better for your wife in the future. Have you heard that?" "It can be seen that Lecheng Emperor also knows the degree of **** of this son. It is really a hate."

Li Hongyuan didn't hear it. He didn't give Le Cheng Emperor a look. He threw the small bamboo tube in the Jingjing Cup to the side, and took a bite to drink. The movement was natural and smooth, so fast that it was too late to stop. Pouting, "It tastes good, come back again." Shake the cup and the ice sizzles inside. "Add some more ice."

Under the eyes of the public, if you drink a cup or something, the husband and wife will not do anything, especially the husband who drinks his wife. Oh, it is known, and the wife is estimated to be killed by her mother-in-law. Jing Hao is very embarrassed - Wang Ye, I know that you have always used it, but can you pay attention to it? Your own skin is thick, it doesn't matter, but...

Although he felt that Li Hongyuan's work was out of date, he did a lot of things hundreds of times of confession. Le Chengdi really didn't feel it, and his eyes returned to the board. "There is a mix of things." The pieces in the hands fell.

Jing Hao sighed with relief, but a living king refused to stop, looked up at Jing Hao, knocked the table with a cup.

Jing Hao had a headache. "Please wait for Wang Ye to wait a moment." Go straight away and re-take him a cup. It is not re-squeezed like the waiter, and it is directly squeezed. In order to speed up the cooling of the juice, the ice will be directly Broken some. I saw that Gong Hao had already prepared a few other emperors. "Hey, let's send it together."

Gong Hao wanted to help, but according to her understanding of someone, I really did this, and I must make a moth, "Girl, Prince Jin..."

"Well, hey, you don't have to say, I know." It can be seen that even if Jing Hao is not deeply involved with him, there are some things that he has deep experience. Wait until the piece of Le Chengdi is done, and then send it together. "Wang Ye please use."

The same cup, Li Hongyuan poured the juice into the previous cup, which was then brought up to drink. Jing Hao deliberately did not want him to continue to use her cup. As a result, Jing Hao really did not encounter such a person.

In addition, two large umbrellas were held up, and the last two were simple. It was enough for other couples to use.

A total of four kinds of juices were placed in the pots, and then the cups and ice cubes were placed up. After asking the respective preferences of the princes, they waited for them to fall.

The fruit is eaten a lot, and the juice that is squeezed out is also there, but it always feels that the taste is a bit strange, not how to drink, let alone the novel method of adding ice. "This is also what you three girls want to come out?" asked Prince Rui.

"Back to the lord, yes." 丫鬟 respectful response.

Rui Prince remembered the one who belonged to him, the same name, Luo, but the difference is really too far, and the eyes swept away from Jing Hao. If this is one, I am afraid that I don’t have to use myself, Luo Peishan will take the initiative to vote for him. As his eyes gradually became deeper, he suddenly felt a Limang, and when he was a little surprised, he was confronted with Li Hongyuan’s sullen eyes. The day of June is like a cold winter. I think that in the old four houses, it’s like that. If you dare to think about his people, as a wife, you don’t know what it will be, and the father Mothers will not let go of themselves. Li Ma immediately smiled and said that he absolutely has no evil thoughts.

Li Hongyuan hooked his mouth and a bit of a haze.

Le Chengdi looked at the chessboard and reached out. The waiter handed the cup to his hand and took it back. Instead, he saw the bamboo tube. Even if it was never used, he would not have a teacher. With a mouthful, it tastes good, just a little cool, even if it hasn't been eaten, I know that there is definitely no ice. "How come?"

Recently, the waiter secretly complained that the ice is so cool, but many people can eat it. The emperor has never been a long-lived one, including the Lecheng Emperor. In fact, the physical state is far from being like an age. In case the dragon has a good feeling, Who is responsible for? Is it that these people are not waiting too much, or do they blame the Luo family for taking this kind of eating?

"Even if you are an emperor, you should have a degree of willfulness. If you eat ice at an old age, is it too long?"

Le Cheng Emperor's forehead picked up the blue veins, and the chess pieces on his hands threw them away. "The obstacles, Laozi is still young, how about eating ice? Who is better than being willful?"

When Li Hongyuan lifted his hand, he caught the chess piece. "The grandson and granddaughter have a bunch of people, and dare to say that they are young? It’s one thing to disobey the old one. Self-deception is another matter, and the children will not be self-willed. The body is joking. Things are not yours, don't mess around. Also, the impulse is irritating, the liver is strong, and the body is hurt."

The emperor's chest is ups and downs, apparently being mad.

Luo Peishan looks like a regular tap on the board. "The emperor, it's up to you."

The first time I saw this kind of scene, I was really surprised. For example, Jing Hao, Luo Lao’s wife, Luo Jingbo, but it’s another place where Sun Yijia, who is sitting next to Mrs. Luo, is like everyone else. I am used to it.

They all said that the Prince of Jin was unable to be lawless. Even his Laozi said that the top was on top. Le Cheng was often mad and thunderous. Jing Hao thought that this matter must be exaggerated. How can the Lecheng Emperor condone this son? He is also the first. Secondly, it is the father. How can he tolerate such a disrespect for his son? However, seeing the ups and downs of the Lecheng Emperor restored his original degree, continued to play his chess, drink his juice, and did not call ice. The anger disappeared so quickly...

so amazing! Jing Hao is an eye-opener, and even the three views are slightly brushed.

However, Jing Hao did not know that this was actually the result of accumulated accumulations. Li Hongyuan stepped through the results of Le Cheng’s bottom line step by step. At least, at the beginning, it was absolutely impossible to do so, but it was done by Le Cheng’s emperor. Feelings, make up the heart, step by step forward, and Le Chengdi retreats bit by bit without knowing it, the tolerance is getting higher and higher, so that the habit is formed, a behavior pattern that changes but will be strange And others are used to it.

Even for Le Chengdi, it is a rare enjoyment. Yes, it is enjoyment. In his eyes, this is a pure father-son relationship without any interest relationship. Even if it is angry, it is habitual. Fast, go fast. For example, just now, in his understanding, this son did not speak well, but in fact he was concerned about his body. This time, he was too suffocated, he was less concerned, less was concerned, his anger was gone, his heart was still beautiful, and he changed his mind. Try it, even if you are careful and careful, consider it and think about it, and say that you can't give you a deliberate guess and privately sneak into the crime of dragon body health. To put it bluntly, Le Chengdi is a "masochistic".

So far, Le Chengdi’s close waiter was still grateful to Li Hongyuan.

As for Li Hongyuan, is it really concerned about the music? Oh, maybe there is a little bit. If he is not worried about what he is doing, Locke will be implicated, even if he eats more, Li Hongyuan will not lift his eyelids.

Mrs. Luo’s heart sighed a little, and the prince of Jin was fascinated with a darling, secretive and imposing, and seemed to be unscrupulous in acting. It seems that he can perfectly control a degree, even if there is no mother, but he is a resourceful, city, Wrist, there is no shortage, more importantly, under the eyes of other people, so many people can be loyal to him, think about it makes people feel ... shudder, it is such a person, wholeheartedly "calculating" their granddaughter Then it is like laying down the nets, and even if you are smart, you will only be a woman. If you are too restrained, how can you break free?

Mrs. Luo did not know that Prince Jin was more fond of his granddaughter, or that he had more obsessive thoughts because of his dreams. He was afraid of the latter. In that case, after he got it, his obsession disappeared, and then he was only left out. A little better, I am afraid that he thinks that what he did before is not worth it. For a woman, it is so expensive, she loses her face, she loses her weight, and then she wants to remove the stains she once had.

However, there is no way to retreat now, no, it should be said that from the moment he calculated, there is no retreat.

Jing Hao wants to go with Mrs. Luo and his brother-in-law. Someone who has never taught the worldly rituals will tell you, not to mention the door, even the door. In this way, Jing Hao had to sit on the opposite side of Li Hongyuan with a hard scalp, away from him "the farthest" position.

Lecheng Emperor took a look at Li Hongyuan. "You have a hard time giving Laozi a little bit of trouble. If you have no face and no skin, don't be evil..."

Luo Peishan suddenly coughed, even if you are an emperor, don't be too much. Everyone has one eye closed, do you have to shake it out? My grandson is now wronged, do you still have to smash her face?

Le Cheng is a bit embarrassed, and the old face has let this shackle be thrown away.

Jing Hao feels that this father and son face is actually half a catty. Fortunately, her cheeks are thick enough, so that because a group of people are gazing at their hands and feet, they are unscrupulous. - This is not because Li Hongyuan stepped on Jing Hao's bottom line in various kinds of cheap, he knows that Jing Hao is not an ordinary woman, not because of this thing, I feel that I have been greatly humiliated, but to die to live, and he originally The reputation is very strange, as long as it is not excessive, the sewage can not be poured into Jing Hao, maybe some people will sympathize with her.

Therefore, Li Hongyuan, this person, is really such a heart.

Fortunately, Li Hongyuan did not do anything else, and his eyes fell on the board.

Li Hongyuan’s chess power is not an exaggeration. Therefore, after watching it for a while, he became interested in lack. His eyes fell on Jing Hao, but he wanted to pull his wife into his arms and kiss him. Unfortunately, he thought about it at most.

Looking around, the book of the family department at the back of the Luojia team, with the eldest son on the Luo family to join in the fun, in fact, in front of the Lecheng emperor to brush the sense of existence, probably also see the Luo family no extra shade here Not burning, I am afraid that all children and grandchildren have to bring it.

The guards of the Royal Forest Army are scattered around, and the posture is also standing upright. Although these people Li Hongyuan does not look in the eyes, the current Yulin army commander is indeed a personal thing, and his Yulin army is much better than his predecessor, but This person is pulled up by his old man, but he is loyal, but most people have weaknesses to grasp, and this is no exception. However, Li Hongyuan is not in a hurry now, and the time has not arrived.

The people of the Luo family gave the Guards Palace a bowl of iced green bean soup. This time it was the best summer heat. It’s not about buying people’s hearts, but it’s better than buying people’s hearts. On the body, there is always an unspeakable kindness and soft heart. If many things are let her do it, there is no need to do it, I am afraid that it will be popular.

"Walk with the king." Li Hongyuan suddenly said.

Jing Hao looked at him, Wang Ye, can you always think that it is a success?

"When you go for a walk, there are also a few people in this wilderness." When Jing Hao thought about how to refuse, Lecheng did not disregard the many things but spoke first.

This is an opportunity to help the son and refuse to refuse at all. Jinkou Yuyan, if you say no, it is equivalent to the purpose of resistance. Moreover, he spoke up, rumors or something, and there is no chance at all. Do you know that your son is having trouble with his wife? The hot day, this walk, is a sweat, but also where to sit with you, while drinking something, there are people who are cheering to give you a fan? Also, can you play chess seriously? Under this side, do you still listen to others while talking with your ears?

"The scenery here is not bad, but remember to bring an umbrella." said Mrs. Luo.

Because of deep fears, in fact, Mrs. Luo did not mind that Jing Hao had contact with the Jin Prince before marriage, and the feelings were all out. She hoped that Jing Hao would have some understanding of the Prince of Jin and let her understand that the other party is not true. So bad, for men, no matter what state of mind, it should be hoped that the woman is admiring her own, compared to calm and self-sufficient, the former is certainly more pleasant. It is not to deliberately please, but to let Jing Hao hold a glimmer of expectation and embarrassment for the future, instead of not hoping for the beginning, and sticking to the atrium, so that even if there is an opportunity, it will miss happiness; Let the prince of Jin see the true Jingjing, instead of being completely influenced by the "dream", can like her more, care more about her, and really put her in her heart.

Perhaps, this is also the reason that Jing Hao may be "bullying", and Mrs. Luo also easily let Prince Jin take away Jing Hao last time. In order to have a good future for Jing Hao, Mrs. Luo sometimes has a hard time.

Mrs. Luo’s thoughts, Li Hongyuan can understand, as a grandmother, it is not a rare thing to be able to do this. Moreover, in his understanding, Mrs. Luo actually acts as a mother, so The cultivation of Bao, Li Hongyuan is hard to imagine. In the past life, he was self-destructive and wanted to get rid of the family. Later, she was in trouble and experienced many hardships. She even had the last death. What kind of state is Mrs. Luo?

Li Hongyuan got up, "Go."

The current state will not be "bullying", but it will not matter if it is gone.

Looking at Li Hongyuan's unhurriedly away from the team, Jing Hao directly took the paper umbrella in the hands of Gong Hao, and he supported and followed up, and we naturally took some possible things to follow, then Behind is Li Hongyuan's guard.

Not too few people, but let Le Cheng emperor frown, "Zhong Qing, with ten people to keep up."

"Yes, the emperor." Yu Linjun commanded the road, and then ordered ten people.

Le Chengdi’s concern for Li Hongyuan is definitely not envied by other emperors. If you want to squat again, it is estimated that you are already crazy. It is best not to be bored. In this way, after hearing the words of the music master, the emperors bowed their juices very consistently. It seems that it is the supreme taste that can attract their full attention. However, they themselves are not aware of their behavior.

The people I saw were silent, and I encountered such a heart-rending Laozi, and I really wiped a tear for these emperors. I don’t even say it, only silently sympathize with you.

Gradually drifting away, it has basically left the eyes of everyone.

Li Hongyuan walked slowly, and the speed of Jing Hao was absolutely unpleasant. So, unless Li Hongyuan stopped himself, Jing Hao would only fall behind him not far behind. Knowing that she is deliberate, Li Hongyuan also took her no way. If the mountain does not come, I will only be able to go to the mountain. Li Hongyuan stopped his foot and took his hand sideways and looked straight at Jing Hao.

Jing Hao did not stop, went directly to Li Hongyuan, a shadow hit him, "Wang Ye."

Li Hongyuan reached out and Jing Hao was slightly stunned. After hesitating a little, he handed the umbrella in his hand.

After getting the umbrella, Li Hongyuan turned and continued to move. Under this time, Jing Hao was stunned and followed up. On the side of his umbrella, the distance between the two men’s arms was almost the same as a fist. However, this distance, In the eyes of the people behind them, they appear to be very close, unconsciously slow down and leave space to them.

"Can the carriage be used? The waste from the Ministry of Construction has been improved for a few months."

When I heard this, I knew that the gang of the Ministry of Construction was being bullied. However, Jing Hao was afraid that she would not think that their misery was caused by her motion sickness in Beijing. "Wang Ye loves, the carriage does not know how many times more comfortable than before."

"You still feel uncomfortable." Li Hongyuan looked at her sideways.

This kind of "you are not feeling well, I am very distressed" is what is the visual sense? Watched by his bottomless eyes, Jing Hao felt that his body was a little bit numb, trying to restrain the urge to escape. "How can such a good carriage be uncomfortable? Wang Ye is more worried."

Li Hongyuan suddenly smiled and lowered his voice. "Jiaojiao is still the most sincere in the arms of the king."

Jing Hao's face is green and white, bastard. Would you like it if you don't mention it?

"So, darling, in front of the king, you can be honest, otherwise..."

Jing Hao subconsciously reached out and grabbed him as unscrupulously looking through her clothes to see her body's eyes, hating to gnash her teeth, "also ask the prince to leave a face to the minister."

Li Hongyuan took her hand and saw that she really hated and annoyed, and then teased, probably really want to be anxious, and it is estimated that it is not only distressed, but also creates obstacles for her own wife, so It must be just enough. "Okay, don't worry, it's the fault of the king. The king is not right, don't say it, and the Jiaojiao disappears."

Apologize for apologizing, what is your dignity as a prince? What about the lower limit? Have you been eaten by dogs?

However, it was really impossible for him to get upset.

How come you encounter such a man who is uncertain? Feeling tired.

Li Hongyuan said that he did not mention shameful topics, but chatted freely with Jing Hao. It was really quite casual. He said what he thought of, and here, it involves things in the north of the sea. , history and culture, and even some local customs, gradually, Jing Hao even listened to fascination, and even asked questions from time to time, "have it", "later" such words frequently.

Li Hongyuan looked at her little eyes, and read so many books, knowing so many things, actually has the most sense of accomplishment at this moment. I really couldn’t climb up in her hands.

Waiting for Jing Hao to withdraw from this situation, and then look at Li Hongyuan, there is nothing wrong with it. Say good except for the skin capsule is nothing? I don’t know how to learn from the rich five cars, but I’m so hard, I can’t see such a comprehensive time. However, if she mentioned it, there would be no one he didn’t know. Even her most proficient flower and wood, he could say one. Two or three, and definitely not Hu. "Wang Ye, you really..." is not a simple person.

“Sure?” Li Hongyuan asked, but it didn’t seem to count on her answer. Looking at the small stream next to it, “I won’t let you be implicated by me. After a few years, I will be able to protect you for a lifetime.” It can make the Luo family stand for a hundred years. - Jiaojiao, how about we go to the opposite?"

Jing Hao returned to God, she really can't understand this man. When she was bad, she just wanted to kill him. When she was gentle, even people like her couldn't help but tremble. From time to time, they would say some heartstrings. However, it seems like nothing at once.

I know that Li Hongyuan is never plausible, but he confides to her and she will not believe it.

With his gaze, "From here?"

Shallow streams, crystal clear, large and small stones are clearly visible, and tiny water creatures suddenly swing their bodies and stir up a small group of drowning water. The position in front of me is just layered, the smooth stone above, and the piece of the exposed water surface, I think it may be put when someone passes.

"Would you like to go?"

There is also a forest on the opposite side, and the trees are shaded. On this hot day, it is very attractive. "Okay."

Li Hongyuan lost his umbrella in his hand and walked into the stream with his long legs. He stepped on the stone and turned back to help Jingjing.

"Wang Ye first, the minister can come by herself."

Li Hongyuan just smiled and stood up with his attachment.

Jing Hao rogue, put his hand into his palm, because of the weather, the body temperature is somewhat high, but there is no feeling of sweat. "There is Lao Wang."

I am your husband, you don't need to be so polite. - Endured forbearance, after all, did not say anything.

Li Hongyuan walked in front and carefully pulled her forward. Originally, a martial arts super group, a year-round exercise, a steady foot, bold, easy to walk past, but the two hands together, but out of the difficult taste, in the end, are all concerned The other side.

Jing Hao couldn't see the front. Every step went along the footsteps of Li Hongyuan. Someone stepped a little, and there was just a little bit of moss next to it. When the foot slipped, it would fall below. "Be careful -" Li Hongyuan applied force, quickly folded, and stopped Jing Wei's waist, naturally going down, but the height of the fault is actually not too high, not according to Li Hongyuan's martial arts. It won't make two people fall into the water, so when he has no feet in the water, he has firmly held Jing Hao into his arms, and Jing Hao naturally surrounds his neck, his face close to him, each other's Breathing can be touched. Jing Hao slightly red face, heart: This guy should not be intentional, right?

As for whether it is intentional or not, then only Li Hongyuan knows.

Since the shoes and the clothes are soaked underneath, they will not be taken care of, and they will pass through the water.

The remaining two-thirds of the journey is much faster than the previous one-third.

The deeper parts of the woods, the eyes of a pair of evil spirits, staring at the intimate two people, and several times of temptation, want to break away from the shackles of reason, tearing the two people apart.

The beggar next to her, standing calmly, just faintly shaking her hands, indicating her true emotions.

"Return." Only one word, like a scorpion broken and hoarse.

However, I was in a bad mood. I wanted to avoid it for a while. Let her see such a scene. He really did because she would be like this to herself. In the past, I have never seen him take the initiative to get close to a point. I have a look at it. Now, this is so cautiously guarded, because it is a fiancee? Is it the heart that moves after the decision?

What about cheating ghosts? Li Hongyuan, you lied to everyone, you counted everyone, you even use me, just for her, just for her? Ok, very good, I want to smash all of you all the time. No, you care about her, let you see how she is being humiliated, make her dirty and mean, see if you will She is on the heart.

However, you should return to you now. Success is natural, and it doesn't matter if you don't succeed.

When she got on the shore and put Jing Hao down, she splashed a few drops of water on her body and couldn't see it at all. "Wang, do you want to go back first? The clothes are wet and uncomfortable."

"Nothing, since someone went back to take the clothes with the king." Follow him, can you even have this look? "Let's go." This is a polite, directly holding Jing Hao's hand. Just when I left, I squinted and looked at somewhere.

The grass is green and there are some wild flowers mixed in, and the colors are quite colorful.

Along the stream, Jing Hao folded a branch and waved it in his hand, a little bit fascinating.

“What is Jiaojiao thinking?” Li Hongyuan asked.

"Wang Ye..."


"In fact, the female is not used to you called Chen Jiaojiao." In fact, not accustomed to the next, the most important, will let her involuntarily think of the origin of this title, shame burst table.

"Then you said how to call you?"

Jing Hao hesitated for a moment. "It’s called Jing Hao."

"Good." Li Hongyuan nodded without hesitation.

"What do you say is what you are," is it not like this?

"I haven't told me what I was thinking." Li Hongyuan did not seem to notice her little tangles.

"Just thinking, at this time of the year, the ministers should be on the Zhuangzi of Qi'an, smashing the scorpion, squirting the fish, picking the fruit on the tree, hunting in the forest, making a dirty, just like a wild donkey. Like, but my grandmother never stayed with me, she said, this girl's family, the happy ones will be the years before the marriage, so after the study, the rest, how happy how come." A carefree day is really a special nostalgia. However, if you touch the fish or something, you will actually play it, but you will not be able to take out the skills of catching fish in previous lives.

"Why do you want to say?"

"What?" Jing Hao puzzled.

“Why tell me this? Doesn't the girl's family pay attention to calmness, gentleness, dignity?”

Jing Hao smiled. "Wang Ye is very concerned? What should I do, Wang Ye will not be so abandoning me?" For this, Jing Hao actually does not care much, even if she said that she has no rules, not a system, how can it be? ? In the future, even if it is not as wild as before, but the general rules, she is not really a baby, can not always wear camouflage to live.

"This king is very happy."

"Well?" This is completely unable to keep up with his rhythm of thinking.

"Jing Hao is just like this. Even if you are married to the king, you can do this. If you are uncomfortable in the palace, go to Zhuangzi. It doesn't matter how long you want to live. You can do whatever you want."

Jing Hao was somewhat unconcerned and became Wang Hao. It was so casual that it would be nice for her to be free in the palace.

Jing Hao did not believe that Li Hongyuan did not emphasize that at that point, he would always meet.

A slight noise behind him, Jing Hao looked back, this speed is really fast enough. "Wang Ye, change the clothes first." With his hand slightly loose, Jing Hao took back his hand.

Li Hongyuan nodded and his eyes swept from his fingertips.

Just looking around for an empty space, pulling up a cockroach, no one is waiting, Li Hongyuan quickly changed clothes.

Despite the back, but your slight cloth friction, people unexpectedly think of the perfect body, can not help but blush, Jing Hao patted his face, this is a sign of more and more colored women.

If it weren't for Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan wouldn't use anything at all, even if it was, but it would be able to cover his chest. Therefore, Jing Hao's movements, as well as the red ears, are in his eyes.

However, now this place, this scene to tease her, will certainly be angry and angry, the atmosphere is good, it is not beautiful if it is messed up, so I have to see nothing.

Changed the clothes and walked gently to the back of Jing Hao. "Okay."

The sound that was close to the ear seemed to feel warm and rubbed on the auricle, and Jing Hao was shocked by the shackles.

Li Hongyuan laughed lowly. "It’s so small."

Asshole, is this a small problem?

Li Hongyuan touched her face with ease. "The scenery is good, it is cool, sit for a while?"

When Jing Hao wanted to avoid it, it was already late. Just nodded.

Then, Li Hongyuan’s cockroaches, which had just been used to change clothes, were laid on the ground, so the white pelicans who stood not far away did not come forward.

Li Hongyuan sat down casually, one leg stretched out, one leg bent, one side of the elbow to support the ground, so half lying down, clicked on the side of the body position, indicating Jing Jing sat down.

When Jing Hao sat down, he seemed quite casual. He held his knees and looked at the slowly flowing stream. "In Qi'an, the fish caught in the water and was directly grilled and eaten. It has not been eaten for a long time."

"This is not easy. - Mu An, hurry to get it."


Jing Hao looked at him sideways, and some of them were crying and laughing. "How do you get it?" She made her feel like a enchanting person, and she was especially troublesome.

However, Mu Gonggong seems to be very active and very happy!

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In order to make the two people get along, is the author fun?

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