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So, when he was alive, where did the gold medal go? Obviously, for Li Hongyuan, it can only become a mystery.

However, the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan is Li Hongyuan. Even if the gadget appears, it will not have any effect. If he kills, he will definitely kill, and the rest will depend on his own will. He wants to keep it. Just keep it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to keep it, not to mention a dead thing. Don't say that he does not respect his ancestors, and he is crushed by a person who has been dead for many years. In the end, many people will do such a thing. However, in the past life, there was such a person, holding the ancestral law to tell him that this should not be, that should not, then, how did he do it? He didn't seem to be a "professional" person. He just seemed to not let him do anything. He did something special until no one dared to rumor.

Li Hongyuan, he is a tyrant who does not respect the ancestral rituals!

However, if this free gold medal is in the hands of the shackles, it will probably be another matter. If you do a good job, it will become her other card. In the current situation, a piece of people who are not in the position of the top wants to do everything possible. The withdrawal of the death-free gold medal, even if only the last chance is left, is definitely a fragrant, people are eager to sneak, there is him sitting in the back, anyone can think of winning, want gold, how can not pay for blood cost. It’s just that at this moment is not a good time to let people know who is in the hands of the death-free gold medal. Of course, at the same time, Li Hongyuan will not let Jing Hao and even Luo’s useful opportunity. If he can’t even do this, then he You can also go to ... directly kill the father, subvert the imperial power, then do, happy is a pleasure, ...

Even if you go to the palace to escape the heat, the DPRK has left enough personnel to handle most of the government affairs. However, there are still many things that the Lecheng Emperor needs to deal with. Every day, people are rushing to send some copies of the copy, although they are compared. In the case of Beijing, this is less than half, but half of it is basically a sinister thing, such as asking for peace, there is very little, no way, who makes him not trust his son - even the son There is no power in the hand, the so-called supervision of the country, more is just a symbolic meaning - the power must be caught in the hands to be at ease, but not because of leaving the Beijing for more than two months to the world, but he is still The hard struggle is more tolerant to the followers, and in the absence of important things, you only need to go a little bit in the squat, or brush your face in front of the Lecheng emperor. Therefore, during this time, the majority of the courtiers Time will be very leisurely, of course, because you are close to the palace, in case of emergency, you must be on call.

It is said that in this Chengde summer palace, because the climate is pleasant, many flowers and trees grow quite well.

In his free time, Luo Peishan couldn't help but start to play with it. Such a perfect opportunity would naturally bring Jing Jing together. Although this kind of thing is quite a lot in the capital, there are fewer opportunities.

Therefore, Jing Hao went out with Luo Peishan.

For the palace, the courtyard built by the palace, and the area within a radius of ten miles, Luo Peishan is a place where the famous flowers are different. In addition to the special planting, the wild flowers and trees are the focus.

To the west of the palace, about three or four miles away, there is a valley that is not too big, but there is not a lot of grandeur, but because of its excellent location, it can reflect the waterfall too long for a long time. It seems to be extraordinarily charming. Such a small waterfall may not be a waterfall, but Jing Wei stood up and looked up for a long time in the rock pool below. The surrounding flowers and trees are not necessarily luxuriant, but no Not alive, including the cliffs, the little pine trees, all trying to stretch the branches, because the impact of moisture, and the wind blowing, like a beating spirit.


"Do you like this?" Luo Peishan saw her seeing God, but she did not rush to let her go.

"Well, I like it, I like it very much." Jing Hao nodded.

"If there is no accident, it will be here for more than two months. If you like it, you can look at it every day."

Jing Hao is speechless, beautiful scenery, and there is no reason to look at it every day.

Luo Peishan seems to have not seen her expression, touched the beard, and said with deep feelings: "This beautiful scenery, different moods, different perceptions, different people around, this sentiment is definitely different, but the gimmick is You can be accompanied by different people who are different from each other. I believe that the same scene will be seen every day, and it will be different beauty. It will definitely not be boring."

Jing Hao is speechless again, grandfather, you say that the master of literature, the second to the philosopher, is really unnecessary. "My grandfather said this, but I can take my grandmother and look at it. I will change my dress today, and I will return to it tomorrow. There must be a novel experience." It is a pity that the samples of clothes are also those, and the so-called change is not the same. It was as varied as her predecessor, but when she thought of her grandparents wearing such "fancy dresses," the picture was too...not beautiful, and quickly threw out the brain.

"Taro's suggestion is not bad, it seems to bring your grandmother out and walk."

Jing Hao looked at him again, saying, the restraint of the scholar-officials? When I was a young man, with a little girl, it was called the wind and the snow was not old. With an old lady, that is called, okay, it’s called a deep love, a loving couple, and a whitehead. Jing Hao always felt that he was inadvertently, and his grandfather showed a kind of love and stuffed his dog food.

In Jing Hao’s view, this old couple has long lost his passion, but that is a slap in the face, a look and a tacit understanding of each other’s movements may not make people blush, but it will definitely make people Sweet to my heart. Between my grandfather and my grandmother, when I was young, there were also people who had a foot in the room. However, when I was old, I could go to the present day, not like many people, and the lord was like a walk. Turning around in the backyard, I turned to the little girl to prove that she was actually old and strong, and her wife, eating the Buddha, the heart is like water, and the six are clean, which is very rare.

It is a pity that when I died in my previous life, I didn’t drink Meng Po Tang, and I had a “bad fault”. If the marriage was inserted, there would be no possibility of “being old with the child”, so sometimes, it’s really “Ignorance is a blessing. "?" Well, this "ignorance", this "blessing", Jing Hao did not want. A small wounded spring and a bitter autumn, and a small smashed grandparents, and then, all thrown into the back, "Grandfather, go."

"When you go so fast, slow down slowly, a girl's house, hold some." Luo Peishan hurriedly shouted at the back.

Jing Hao is in a good mood and full of spirits. At this moment, she wants to hold on to her own sake. She will also indulge herself in a rare way. Anyway, her own people do not care. Therefore, the stream formed by Jing Hao along the stone pool 蹿It was a little faster, and in a blink of an eye, it was covered by dense trees.

Luo Peishan even had some stunned words. He said that this is like a monkey. Is it really his grandson who is well-fed, tempered, and calm? Just looking at the two cockroaches that followed her, the size of the creek was also a few verticals on the stone, and it quickly disappeared. Luo Peishan returned to God, oh, patted his old heart, hurry. Let the two nursing homes keep up. Although these places have been cleaned up long ago, there will be no fierce birds and beasts, but there are also many accidents.

"Grandfather, come on."

Listening to the sound seems to have gone further.

The granddaughter who has never been worried about it has suddenly become a headache for Luo Peishan. It’s hard to be true. The person who doesn’t commit crimes is a big deal. His grandson has always been quiet, and this step is quiet, and it is directly transformed into a monkey. At least say hello to him in advance, so that he is psychologically prepared.

Luo Peishan wants to keep up, naturally he is in a hurry, seeing his little timid and frightened, busy helping, said that Luo Peishan’s arms and legs can’t be smashed on the stone, even if his little sister doesn’t do much Get it.

The trembling slightly passed from the side, and the branches of the road were to be opened along the way. When Luo Peishan appeared in Jingjing’s sight, Luo Peishan’s hair was scattered, and the image was quite embarrassing. Such Luo Peishan, Jing Hao was also the first time to see, so he looked at Luo Peishan with a smile.

Luo Peishan quickly and completely groomed, "angry" said: "Bad girl, who is this?"

Jing Hao washed the fruit in his hand and jumped along a few stones. He saw that Luo Peishan’s old heart was jumping again and again, and she told her to slow down slowly. Jing Hao handed over a green skin fruit in his hand. "Grandfather doesn't have to worry, I have a sense of proportion." As he said, he took another bite of another fruit. "It tastes good, my grandfather tastes it." I took two.

Luo Peishan disapproved of frowning. "How can this wild fruit be eaten?"

"It's okay, I am robbing the food from the monkey's mouth. I think they like to eat. It is definitely okay for people to eat." Jing Hao smiled a little.

"Noisy, you are a good show of everyone, even with the animals to grab, it is... oh..."

Jing Hao put the fruit in his mouth, the fruit was not big, and half of the stuff went in. "Hey." He laughed.

The mouth was stuffed with something that was a bit stupid, and Luo Peishan quickly took it down. "You are so gimmick, it's more and more like it."

Jing Hao did not pay attention to him. He turned and walked away. He also turned back and teased him. "I heard my grandmother say that when your grandfather was young, you could do a lot of things without a grandfather." It is not allowed to light up the people's arson."

Luo Peishan's old face is red, to say that he is doing a lack of morality and affair, which is before his wife, how did his wife know, and now is known by his granddaughter. However, the teeth just bitten the skin and the taste seemed to be good, so I took a bite.

------Off topic ------

Seriously calvined~

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