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Jing Hao did not give up and wanted to continue to reach out and hug, but this time, the little thing went straight into the arms of the guards, as if Jing Hao was a big demon, and the person holding it was simply its redemption, even disregarding it. Injured the leg, watching his injured leg apparently collapsed again, Jing Hao hurriedly retracted his hand, even retired two steps, then the little eyes glared at her little things, stopped the struggle, the pitiful little eyes In Jingjing's view, it seems to be very lucky.

Jing Hao is sad, is she so unseen to see? However, it was clear that it was good before, so it was certainly not her fault. So, the eyes with a little complaint fell on the guard. --it was all your fault!

Under this circumstance, the gaze of the small things fell to the dark body, and the dark heart was bitter and the body was stiff. - Luo girl, grandma, the culprit behind you, don't look at me, look at it again, the master I have to give it to me. Dark one can't wait to turn around and run, but he doesn't dare, he can only look down and keep his eyes open and motionless.

Fortunately, Jing Hao only looked back for a while and took back his gaze. He looked at the little things with a bit of disappointment, but he did not cling to it. He turned back and let the white cockroaches handle the wounds.

Li Hongyuan reached out and touched Jing's face. "It's the little animal that doesn't know how to be good."

Jing Hao avoided his hand and secretly gave him a white eye. So many people, even if you are a prince, you also keep the rules, your grandfather is still watching, and this kind of thing, once pulled out, the reputation is affected. Loss will always be a woman, even if it is, the current thing will not let outsiders know.

Li Hongyuan did not have to take the inch and retract his hand. "If you like it, I will let you give it out, cats and puppies, what kind of variety can be, want other, no problem, I remember in the northern snowy mountains There is a kind of fragrant fox, which is white and white, and has a different fragrance. If you want to raise your temperament, the tiger leopard..."

"Wang Ye..." Jing Hao interrupted his words. "It’s just because of the fate, let me meet this little guy. When it hurts, it is natural to return to the mountains, and even treat it with wounds. They will not take it away." Raising the tiger leopard, she is not a trainer, you can't afford to play some "high" pets.

Li Hongyuan understands the meaning of Jing Hao, even if he likes it, he does not want to forcefully change the fate of others. Even if it is only a beast, this heart is actually incompatible with most people in the moment, let alone the aristocrats, even the civilians know that you If you have the right to be powerful, you will be superior, and you can easily control the fate of others. It is a matter of course. In the past life, Li Hongyuan also knew that she would not easily lose her life. It was only when she felt that her heart was exceptional. Compassionate, but after doubting the origins of Jing Hao, he became more and more curious about her original life.

However, this point is not anxious, one day, he will let Jing Hao take the initiative to tell him.

As for the little beasts, since I like it, I have to meet her naturally. When she is in her hands, can she throw it away? However, before sending it, we must train it. Keep it in front of her. It makes me funny and funny, but if I dare to rush to her, oh, I have to suffer a little bit.

This led Jing Hao to raise a large number of pets in the future. As a result, most people can hold them, but they can only hold them. The mood of Jing Hao is a "depressed". To say that those little things obviously like her, and when she sees her, she goes to her feet. As a result, she reaches out and flies away, just like Jing Hao wants their lives.

Of course, this is a postscript, not to mention for the time being.

"You are happy," Li Hongyuan said.

Jing Hao raised his head and looked at him quietly. He said so much, and he was so thoughtful and considerate. Jing Hao suddenly wanted to know where his bottom line was. Even if it is a substitute, the word may not be right. He should just empathize, and enjoy it without giving the truth. Because she always believes that feelings are mutual, then, In addition to love, she can treat him as a close relative, how good he is to her, she can also be good to him, although because of the defense of men and women, she can't do too much for him now, or she will invite gossip, but Does not prevent her from remembering in her heart until after their marriage. Hey, because there is no love delivery, then there will be no monopoly. Then, I will not care how many women he has. According to what he just said, he is happy, she will not be sad.

Jing Hao’s eyes brightened and felt that his idea was really perfect. He didn’t have to worry about his purpose of doing things every time. He didn’t care what he did, what he sent, and then it was until the day he terminated.

"Wang Ye want to come together, I think this place is quite fun." Saying, not waiting for Li Hongyuan to respond, he jumped from the place he just came up, and while walking, he turned back and said: "White 芍You have to deal with the injury to the little guy, is to bring back to recover or let go, you decide." Then smiled and waved to Li Hongyuan.

At the age of twenty-two, in her previous life, many of them were still college students. It was when they were playing, although the current people were precocious, including the princes of Jin sometimes doing things, it seemed a bit self-willed, even a little bit noisy. But I can't deny that he is a mature man. It doesn't matter if you play it once.

Li Hongyuan naturally feels that Jing Hao’s attitude toward himself is obviously close to a lot. It is no longer the kind of alienation, restraint, and courtesy. If it is not turning a little faster, he doubts whether he is keeping the cloud and seeing it. Look at Jing Hao to see his own eyes, he has not seen a woman who is obsessed with his admiration, but his eyes are not touched, and now there is still a lack of understanding between Achilles, I don’t know what she is thinking, but I am willing to be close to him, and it is a big step forward.

So, without hesitation, he followed it directly. Except for the dark one, the other guards followed.

However, because the white pheasant is just close, a daughter scented into the nostrils, so that because of the special status, I dare not look for a woman's big man, the body is a bit strange, but I want to give this raccoon directly to the other party to leave, but the day The phrase "Hold it up", the dark one has to continue to be stiff, and the brothers who have left, not only do not speak loyalty, but also laugh at him. They are destined to be unable to continue to serve the master. Don't expect to marry your wife and children, even if you are looking for a woman in a flower building, you can only marry your wife and have children. There is only one situation that is no longer suitable for a **** (deep guard) - either it is injured or it is With age, there is no longer the ability to do it - basically it belongs to the former. It is really the case. Nine of the ten are unwilling to marry, because the body is indulged, meaning that life is not long, so Why do you need to harm others?

However, if Wang Hao gives himself a look at the husband, can she see the person, the master can still be incomplete?

It’s not that there is a way to get rid of the current position. In fact, it’s more because this group of old bachelors who haven’t opened up like their masters suddenly have the opportunity to get in touch with pretty girls. The parties may be “shy”. But other brothers are inevitably "wrecked".

It must be said that everyone around Li Hongyuan is like this. Naturally, there are some special tasks. Naturally, special means are needed. In this way, there are special talents in various fields, such as the Feng Yue master, not to be too normal.

As soon as the body was stiff, the little guy was dragged, and the voice was a bit miserable. White eyebrows, reaching out and taking a dark look, "Hold so tight, let go."

Then, as soon as he secretly let go, he was scratched by the little guy. The clothes were scratched directly, and they felt a sting. Obviously, the arm was also smashed. Unexpectedly, Bai Yan looked up at him and saw a very plain look. The dark one always felt that her left eye was written "waste" and her right eye was written "things", and she really felt that she was lost.

No matter the "undercurrent" between the two people, they have continued their exploration. Of course, Jing Hao did not forget to say goodbye to her grandfather.

Li Hongyuan also finally gave a glance to Luo Daren. In the eyes of the ancient well, there is no wave. On the contrary, Luo Daren is indeed angry, especially if he once said that he will not let his grandson lose his sorrow, at most kiss and hug, mother, kiss Isn’t it enough? How many people have never seen each other before marriage. So, the less people will be looking forward to her granddaughter married into the royal, but he is not happy Luo adults, the most crucial point is that this son-grandson can not beat.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao like a child, but he didn’t say a word. He followed it very easily. When she had to pick something and couldn’t do it, he would help him. .

Therefore, Li Hongyuan completely took over the work of Bai Yu and the black girl, Jing Hao said what is what.

"Wang Ye, look, is that the tea tree above?" Jing Hao said, pulling his arm.

Li Hongyuan looks like a wild tea tree. It is not very big, but it looks lush and green. "Go and get a basket."

Fortunately, this time Jing Hao was stunned by his tone of the past, but it was halfway up the mountain and the rock wall was steep. "Wang Ye, it is too dangerous, and the woman is suddenly surprised to see it. Did not say to pick."

"Is there a vine beside it, it’s easy to go up, it’s okay."

"I still don't want it, it's really dangerous." Jing Hao shook his head in disapproval.

Li Hongyuan looked at her, "Trust me."

Jing Hao opened his mouth, but could not speak, she always felt that he said this, not just the current thing.

The basket was quickly taken. "Master, don't let it go." As a guard, of course, I don't want to see him in danger.

Li Hongyuan turned back and glanced a little. "When you know how to pick tea, let's talk about it."

The guards are ashamed. It seems that their skills are far from enough. If you want to please Wang Hao and then please the master, you must have the decathlon, take care of him, fight, and go back to study. However, the master, you will pick tea?

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