Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 182: : Just ask for an answer

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Prince Jin said that he did not want to make people live, but few of them could survive.

The defeated Luo Daren was a little bit sorrowful. He didn't want to move on again. He looked at the group of Jin Prince and was annoyed. The time to come out was not short. He just went home.

Luo Peishan is there, there are a bunch of people who don't want to do it, and Li Hongyuan is not close to Jing Hao. So, it doesn't matter if he goes back now. Moreover, Luo Peishan wants to go back, and he must listen to him instead of listening to himself. This is probably a point that makes someone very dissatisfied. However, there is no way to force change, but only slowly and step by step.

- One day, someone wants to make his heart point to say: listen to the husband.

In fact, who is listening to who in the end, this kind of problem should not be taken care of.

After returning, Li Hongyuan did not return to the palace, but went directly to the Luo family. Even if it was concealed, someone was cheeky and did not hear it. But people are princes, let alone blasting away, even the frame, can only go back and bend. - Jing Hao refused to be with him, still comforting Luo Daren who was very angry.

Jing Hao’s heart is also funny. It’s really old children and old children. Even if the grandfather is in the officialdom, he can’t change the fact that sometimes it’s very naive. It’s not a narrow-minded person, and you can’t see the junior’s stronger temper. Did the prince of Jin give him this? They all say that this is either hi or anger because they care about it. Is it difficult to have a quality grandfather who is really very concerned about the Prince of Jin? Also, I am good at my future husband. As long as this kind of anger is not really hurt, but also full of temperament, hey, maybe it can be angry from time to time? Jing Hao thought badly.

Because the prince is coming, Mrs. Luo’s wife naturally wants to meet with her, but Sun Yijia is still alive, and she is the son-in-law of her peers. It is understandable that she is not welcome. It is Mrs. Sun La, who has already left.

Because Li Hongyuan is not using the Prince Yi, the whole process means meaning.

He said, from the family, you are welcome, he is not welcome, naturally he does not have to be too polite with him.

Everyone knows what Li Hongyuan is doing, but he still leaves Luo Jingbo with hospitality. As for Luo Daren, he said that he is going to make tea now, and he has no time to take care of him. Such "disobedience", Li Hongyuan did not care.

Luo Jingbo, who was left, said that he was very uncomfortable. The goal of this person was obviously his younger sister. He ignored him very thoroughly, but he really wanted to slip away. However, he left his little sister alone to a living king. When the brothers are not worried. So, you can only slap on the scalp.

However, the more you sit, the more you squat, and you don’t say that the prince of Jin Jin didn’t give him a look. From the beginning to the end, his eyes were on Jing Hao, gentle and gentle, so that he could not stand the marriage. The feeling, Luo Jingbo now even has a kind, if the Jin Prince does not care for his little sister, he would rather die. Although, as a brother, anyone who likes their own little girl takes it for granted. However, when this person is replaced by the Prince of Jin, it is still a bit illusory.

Jing Hao saw his brother, Ming Ming, sitting on a needle felt, but he refused to leave, but also helpless. "The third brother went to see the blind man." There are so many people here, Jin Prince may not be like her.

Luo Jingbo is going to be sternly rejected, and Wang Ye is a guest, so he can be slow.

"Go three brothers go." Do not say that you don't slow down people, it is people who ignore you at all.

Then, Wang Ye finally gave a look to Luo Jingbo - not to roll!

Luo Jing Bo Momo got up and rolled.

Seeing that Luo Jingbo, who was hit hard, came back, Sun Yijia was quite surprised. "What is this?"

Luo Jingbo showed an expression of no love, and shook his head.

Sun Yijia raised an eyebrow. "Is the Prince Jin gone?"


Sun Yijia’s eyes turned, “Where is my sister?”

Luo Jingbo looked at her and said nothing.

However, Sun Yijia has read his gaze - don't ask, don't want to say. If you don't want to say it, you have to ask more. She is bored at this moment. The brow wrinkled, showing a worried look. "What is wrong with it?"

"Of course it's okay, what can be done."

"But Jing Bo, you have something to write on your face. If you don't say it, wouldn't it make me worry more?"

She is now worried about anxiety, anxiety, and so on. "Don't think about it, I will tell you."

Sun Yijia immediately showed a bright smile.

Luo Jingbo can still not understand, this is to eat him. He will follow her now. "You." He is now completely devoid of people, but one more. "In fact, it's really okay." Luo Jingbo said that the future brother-in-law will treat his younger sister. Well, just standing on the objective position, stated it, there is no sense of color!

After listening to Sun Yijia, he quieted for a moment and suddenly laughed. "Isn't that a good thing? In the past, when Jin Prince was a person, he always made a lot of noise, but now, even if he is close to his sister, it is also private. I know all of my own people, and I don’t worry that my sister’s reputation will be broken. My sister’s passing through the door is right, and she can be loved by the Prince of Jin. Naturally, it is better than his coldness and even disgust.”

"You are right. I can't stand the feeling that I am completely redundant."

Sun Yijia looked at him. "You can't stand it, don't you go early? Are you worried that your sister is being bullied? This is the house of Luojiaxing Palace, and there are so many people waiting for it. So, you are looking for it." ”

Luo Jingbo is speechless, but he is not looking for himself. He knows that he is not waiting to see him. He has to be in the way. He has not seen his grandfather as the head of the family slipping. No matter what aspect, he is not qualified. Would you like to entertain the prince? Now think about it, my grandfather let himself stay, not at all to let him hospitality, more like to add to the Jin Prince.

Grandfather, I know that it is a pit, I don’t want to step on it, don’t push my grandson into it.

In the end, Li Hongyuan will not let Jing Hao lose face in front of the next person. Therefore, even if he is extremely eager in his heart, he always restrains his manners in his words and deeds. Sometimes he feels that this day has gone slower.

So, after Luo’s family meal, Li Hongyuan returned to his own hospital. Yes, he did not live in the palace. In the emperor, he also had his own yard in the palace, and he had his own outside the palace. hospital.

Both of these things have been properly taken care of.

Outside the gate of the other hospital, a carriage was parked. Although there was no logo, the people under the hand recognized it at a glance. It was the carriage of the family. Li Hongyuan heard the words in the carriage and didn't lift his eyelids.

Needless to say, the following people already know how to do it. After all, it is the prince’s hospital. It’s not that any of the cats and dogs can stay here.

It was just about to drive away. The man on the carriage had already come down and walked straight to Li Hongyuan’s carriage.

It is only a woman wearing a veil, but with a sigh of fear that Li Hongyuan’s guards are somewhat fearful. Face to face, this woman is not crazy, but rather like a ghost who is preparing for revenge. Is it a daunting woman who likes others who can't avoid it? However, when the strength and the timid match, it is called bullish, empty and courage does not match the strength, it is called silly. It stands to reason that a courtier who holds power is in conflict with a powerless emperor. The retreat is often the emperor. However, this article does not apply to Li Hongyuan.

When Fang Fangfei was one ft away from the carriage, he was stopped by the guard. "Girls please leave."

Yan Fangfei was cold-eyed and cold-eyed. She did not take it for granted. She forcibly moved forward. The guard directly pulled the knife on her neck. It hurts a little. She doesn’t have to touch it. She must have seen the blood. Obviously, if she dares to go In the previous step, she will be on the spot. She is very clear that the current situation, even if she really killed her, she can only be white, because as long as she is given a crime, she can't avenge her, and her life is gone. How can you report your hatred? She is only trying to confirm one thing today, not to die. She is alive and wants to live very well.

However, the heart that had been eroded by evil spirits for a long time no longer has a little cover, "Li Hongyuan-"

"Bold!" The knife went down a bit more unceremoniously.

However, she now faces Li Hongyuan's self-confidence without the fascination of her once-in-a-lifetime. She hates teeth and squeaks. "There is only one thing that the minister has unknown. I want to ask the prince, as long as the prince gives the answer to the woman, the minister will leave immediately. ""

For a long while, the sound finally came out of the carriage, only one word: roll.

Yan Fangfei clenched her fists and knew that her hand was not hurt, but she did not seem to feel pain. "If a woman can't get an answer, she will die."

Li Hongyuan finally came out of the carriage with mercy and compassion. She looked at her in a condescending manner without any emotion. It seemed to be looking at a negligible bug. "You can't die, don't you see what the king is doing?"

Although I have long recognized that I have no position in his heart, when he said this, the heart still has no pain to add, and there is a deep hatred, although her love for Li Hongyuan may be It is not pure, but it cannot be denied that he is the only man she is tempted by, that is, the only one that is naturally unforgettable.

Looking at the handsome and unparalleled face, the cold momentum, just watching, seems to make people's heart beat faster. This man is very beautiful, but he is not a warm-hearted person. Usually he is very cold and even taciturn. He thought that he has been like this for a lifetime. Even if he changes, it is his own change, but he is biased. She saw that he was like a man in general, and he was not a self, not himself.

Yan Fangfei suddenly smiled in a haze. "The woman died without fear, and she was afraid that she would become a ghost. Then, day and night, I was stalked by a monk named Luo Mingjing..."

Later, Yan Fangfei swallowed back, only because Li Hongyuan suddenly got out of the carriage, and before he bullied him, he grabbed her neck, but he did not show mercy at all, only the face exposed outside, and instantly rose red. The color of the blood slowly subsided and became a little blue. Her hand wanted to open his hand, but he was clamped by his guard and could not move. The shadow of death, she has never been close to her, she suddenly regrets, facing this man, he has no chance of winning, why is it to find the door? Soon it is a question like a squat in the throat, can it be more important than life?

The sound of the hooves, the urgency of the scream...

"Wang Ye, Wang Ye’s mercy..."

The old and the young couple, almost coherently climbed down from the carriage, and Li Hongyuan’s guards stopped, only after Zhang Yuan, kneeling on the ground, squatting.

Li Hongyuan’s strength is to send some. “Do you think that if you die, will you have a chance to become a ghost? Even if you have the ability to die, you will die once, and this king naturally has a way to let you die for the second time. thorough."

When Fang Fangfei couldn't speak for a while, she stared at Li Hongyuan, and her mouth opened and closed, giving a slightly unspeakable low-pitched voice. "You have been using me to use me to eradicate your fiancee?"

"What about that? If you don't have this value, just turn around the king like a bug, will this king let you live to the present?"

"Just for the Luo family that woman? Li Hongyuan, how dare you, how dare you..." Yan Fangfei's eyes are red, the voice is even more ugly, and even because of the forceful relationship, the fire is burning.

Li Hongyuan whispered, and his eyes were condensed with a sigh of substance. "Not stupid."

阮芳菲一哆嗦, to say that the ghost is a ghost, can be compared with the king? Do not make jokes.

However, he admits that he admits that it is for the woman who is now, who is cheating, things started a few years ago, when they have no intersection at all, the monks are not even ten years old, you don’t like those The woman said clearly, if she didn't want to swear, she said, in order to stimulate me, follow me, why not follow me at other times?

Therefore, Yan Fangfei is still so self-righteous.

Li Hongyuan is close to him. "This king tells you that this king will not be so easy to ask for your life. Everything is just beginning, but it is you, don't stand it and commit suicide." After reaching out again, Mu Gonggong, who was waiting for him at the side, handed him a Jinpa, and Li Hongyuan carefully wiped it, then threw it, just falling to the floor of Fang Fangfei. "Hey adults, troubles are optimistic, she is already a loyal uncle, and this king is not only men and women, but also reluctantly counts the king's half elders, the loss is no problem, and then ethics, this head, Anyone who she is looking for, don’t buckle up to the king."

阮瑞中伏跪 is on the ground, angry, angry, and perhaps resentful.

"All said that she is a restless, has been once in the capital once, today is the same, not good to raise, run all day long, perhaps the king should remind Zhong Wang Shu, let him send people to do a good training, Even if it is a side squat, it is also considered a half royal wife. As for her, you are not too shameful, and the Li royal family can not allow her to be defiled."

------Off topic ------

Update time changed to morning~

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