Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 188: : only the remaining appearance after the sever

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The old lady couldn't help but frown. She knew that her daughter's current state is very wrong.

As her daughter, she is destined to be a squat woman. It is more worthy of being happy if she is better than blue if she is blue. But this is her only blood, but she still can’t bear it. To her, more is the ability to survive in the house. Once, she thought that she had no problem in her education. A series of things that people couldn't catch up with broke her understanding.

She is glad that her daughter has not collapsed because of heavy blows, but she also feels that she has suffered from physical and mental pains. The previous hardships have not been spent, and the back is followed. The ability to withstand is obviously in the middle stage, and it is not the best. Pain, if you go crazy, then you don’t know anything, or you’re totally wrong, and naturally you won’t suffer. Now she is either going backwards in hardships or moving forward. As a mother, she naturally hopes to be the latter. In fact, she did not disappoint herself. However, now the problem is coming, because the process is too short, it is simply a seedling.

- Crazy, cool, six parents do not recognize, she will die against her! She will be a complete demon!

In the past, there have been such signs, just at this moment, molding. The old lady has gathered her eyes and gaze. Didn’t there happen to something she didn’t know?

Yan Fangfei smiled and smacked the six heads one by one. She was very interested in asking her mother how the wounds were formed. It was made after death, when she was alive. Is it more interesting to draw?

Full of dirty, she did not care at all, where there is a delicate and dirty place to shun the look of the house. After reading it, I was short of interest. I used my hand to wash my hands. Little by little, I was very serious and focused. It was obvious that some dirt could not be wiped off. She wiped it once and for all. "Mother, these few people, are you leaving the Tu Village? This is killing people and not being killed, it is really useless, but this is also good, the village keeps playing slowly. - Niang If you have something that is inconvenient to do, you can tell me that I can help you."

My old lady looked at her daughter quietly. In fact, she felt some regrets in her heart. She knew that there would be today, she should adjust her to the "best" direction at the beginning. Now, it’s too late to reverse. The rest are okay, but this loyalty is very problematic, because you will only take yourself first, and everything else will be left behind. However, if there is a mistake, it is used properly, and the most critical place is not let her know, then she will become a weapon.

The old lady reached out and touched her face. "I’m covering my face at home, but I still use such a thick cloth, isn’t it stuffy?”

Yan Fangfei smiled in her eyes. "That mother helped me take it down."

The old lady nodded and picked it up, and then she stopped. "This, this..." was already quite good, and the scar was gradually faded. At this moment, it became a black lacquer. It's like an ugly bug, and it has a fine line like a spider web on the edge. Is this the last push? "Fang Fei, what is going on here?"

"You ask me, how do I know that my consumption and use, including the medicine used on my face, is not in my own control." In the eyes that are no longer clear, there is no trace of innocence.

It’s hard to see the old lady’s face. I was being unknowingly ignorant when I was completely ignorant. If it’s not so obvious, I’m afraid I’m still in the dark, but the question is, when is this? Is it difficult for her to control the backyard of her family, and there are loopholes she doesn't know? Perhaps the bottom of their own is known, and the loophole seems to be reasonable. However, this made her unbearable, and took a deep breath. "Fang Fei, it is the negligence of the mother, don't worry, mother will give you a way..."

"Without the mother, I feel that there is nothing wrong with this." Yan Fangfei said with a smile.

"Okay." When you no longer care, you can be indestructible.

"For the mother, give me a man who is proficient in the house."

My old lady blinked a little, but it turned really thorough. "You don't open it, I will also prepare it for you. This way, it will save me from spending more money, but wait until you are well." Her private part, although not particularly serious, is also a short time. Not suitable for the house.

"Send it tonight, there must always be a process of adaptation."

The old lady was silent for a moment, and she gathered all the emotions. "Good." It was crisp and neat.

Yan Fangfei laughs, from now on, this woman probably won’t take her as a daughter again. It’s funny, it’s dirty, but I want a clean daughter, I want it. Is it good to keep the last point, or do you deceive yourself? No matter what it is, it is extraordinarily stupid. "My daughter will go back first."

The old lady looked at her as she stepped out of the threshold, turned, left, and looked back at the same wooden box. They shouldn’t have the luxury, and the final result is the same. Covering the wooden box with no expression, Yan Fangfei thought well, she would not see her as a daughter again, and the things outside her body would still be the same as before, but she would not be half-hearted for her emotions, and she would rather be completely .

Therefore, the so-called feelings of Mrs. Lao’s wife are quite ridiculous, and the feelings that can be easily abandoned are called feelings? Perhaps she can't completely deny her efforts. However, she may have long thought about the situation like today. In fact, she always has reservations. Since she has not been wholeheartedly, she will not suffer when she gives up.

In the middle of the battle, I found the Emperor Lecheng. The original intention was to ask for a search for the imperial edicts.

Obviously, such a request will not be promised by the emperor. You must know that the people who accompany you are the favorite, the minister, and the largest group of the royal family. Can these people's hospitals search casually? Moreover, his son is basically in the palace, so that a courtier, even the sacred minister, moves to his head, and that is absolutely impossible.

In the view of Lecheng Emperor, it was only a courtier who was targeted, not him, and the dead is nothing but an insignificant person. He did not have to let him develop the truth of the public. Then, if everyone else is fine, it will be your home. Something, is it that people are suspicious of your family, look at your loyalty, it is not bad to check you.

So, the Emperor Lecheng called Yu Zhongqing, and brought some people to help him check and view it in other places. This is actually equal to nothing busy. Fortunately, Lecheng did not do it, telling Rui Ruizhong if he had evidence, know Who is behind the scenes, but it can be searched.

Leaving the sight of Le Chengdi, the face of Rui Rui was more and more condensed. He did not feel that Lecheng was gradually cold to him, the emperor was ruthless, and the emperor who killed the hero was a big one. He was just a first assistant, but it was really nothing. His family was at the toughest time. Because of those gossips, he was also impeached. Although he was not allowed to stay in the middle of the emperor, it did not mean that there was no opinion in the heart of the music master. After all, he even lost his face with the prince of Jin, and he Self, although I want to be as always, I have to admit that the body is not as good as before, and it seems that some of the power is not enough, but these can not be revealed, otherwise, the family is really finished.

Yu Zhongqing stood behind him. He knew who the black hand was. He also speculated that there was a problem with his family. He was more puzzled as to whether the problem was in the first assistant or in the family. On other people. However, these don't require him to ask questions. Since they didn't know from the beginning, they kept going.

In the end, Rui Ruizhong did not let Yu Zhongqing carry a large-scale search, and it would have no effect at all. Why bother to make everyone known and add words. Therefore, Yu Zhongqing took people, like a patrol, and walked around the area of ​​the other hospital, and then went back to return to the emperor.

The house of the palace is not as good as the house in the capital. Li Hongyuan has the heart to clean up some people. Naturally, he has already made arrangements, and the old lady has lost some of his hands, and he only arrived here for a whole day. The time is not up, "checking out" is not enough to find people who have been in other hospitals, that is, the investigation, and in a short time can not find flaws, after all, these people are not here, want to touch The bottom of the picture is not completed overnight. They themselves are doing a rough job. They are sent out. In this place, there is no way to add people. The best way is to strengthen the rules and let them perform their duties. Otherwise, they are exposed to things that should not be touched. Then, even if it is a nail, it doesn't matter. Therefore, the old lady who really checked it is still the entourage brought from the capital.

The old lady has always been a wise man, and a wise man naturally has the weakness of a wise man.

If you don't touch something you shouldn't touch, you won't be able to get useful things, nails, and you don't have to be smart. You just need to write down what you see.

To talk about the manpower, the old lady and Li Hongyuan are simply slag, completely incomparable, her defense is stricter, and there are times when it can be used.

When she learned that she was in the Qing Dynasty, Li Hongyuan did not respond at all. It just made people create something plausible. The custody would allow Mrs. Lao to completely block the "vulnerabilities", at least, let her think so.

In the evening, Li Hongyuan learned that Mrs. Lao had added a shackle to her baby daughter. It was said to be taller, with long legs and thin waist, and her front and back were sharp. It was a beautiful woman. The beauty was in the evening, and the money went ahead. No few people saw it. .

Li Hongyuan snorted, playing this kind of measurement, and deceiving other people even if it is. However, he seems to have been stunned by Fang Fangfei. After being passively shattered, he simply smashed it to the end.

Even if she knows that her heart is "stable", she is easily unbeaten. However, when she gets up again and again, she is still stepping on again and again, living awkwardly, humiliating, and never achieving the purpose of tone. What will happen?

However, the night is quiet, he wants to smash.

------Off topic ------

I will still add more today~

The update in the morning was uploaded the night before. When is the background review in the morning, when will it be updated? This time is not decided by the author. Look at the update time of these days. It is 7:00 in the morning and 9 in the evening. More points~

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