Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 192: : The requirements are not high

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"Too ugly, don't." The tone does not have the ups and downs of the four words, the eyes are collected back, and lazily leaning against.

Not to mention that the smiles of the eight beautiful women are stiff on the face, and the expressions of other people present are also split. Anyone knows that these women are only nominal women. Is it really only a palace woman? In the end, there will be a conclusion. In essence, it is a warm bed for the people. It is not the emperor and the prince who is an honorable person. Naturally, he has been carefully selected. Otherwise, he will not be invited to the pet, but he will fall into a disrespectful crime. Single color, perhaps better than the regular draft. After all, this is Kaiyuan's netting up and down, much wider than the draft, how could it be ugly?

“It’s pretty beautiful, what is ugly?”

"Since the father of the emperor feels beautiful, then it is all collected." Li Hongyuan whispered.

"The idiot, the one that your mother gave you the choice, is simply, it’s..."

"Because the mother-in-law is preparing for the children, the father is scrupulous, and I still want to accept it."

This time, Le Chengdi directly picked up the cup and smashed it.

As a beggar's face is not red-hearted, other people are scared to death, especially those who saw this scene for the first time, the so-called emperor is angry, although the current situation is not as a million. But it is also absolutely scary, all panic, shrinking, like awkward, where there is still a mind to show their own beauty.

Li Hongyuan frowned and bounced a few drops of water falling on his body. "The temper of the father is more and more violent. If the weather is hot, get angry, let the doctor open some medicine, defeat the fire, and throw things at random. If the children don't avoid it, isn't it disfigured? The children have a kung fu, the hands and feet are still very sensitive, and they can basically avoid them. What if you missed someone else, such as the mother, how is it? ”

EMPEROR LANGUAGE AND CULTURE music can be easily lifted anger, do not want to curse, just wanted to hit him, but now, as this evil creature will not obediently stood there with other people, you really ordered him to kneel down, he would follow suit At that time, I couldn’t get my hands anymore, but the fire didn’t come out, and I was flustered and wanted to copy things.

"Emperor," Su Guizhen was busy reaching out and holding it. "You are suffocating, you know that Yuaner is tempered, but as Yuanyuan said, if you don't avoid it, you are hurt, but it hurts you. height."

In the end, Le Chengdi did not squat again.

Su Guizhen looked at Li Hongyuan again, but also helpless. This son does not care much about other people. How to be partial to life and love to sing with his father. "You, can't you provoke your father to be angry?"

Li Hongyuan glanced at Le Chengdi and hooked his mouth. It seemed to be a special irony.

For the average person, this is provocative, not to mention the other side is still the ninety-five, but after the provocative eyes, followed by the eyes of Su Guizhen praying, Le Cheng emperor is tolerant, remove his eyes, eyes are not bothered.

"Yuaner, if you do this, you will go outside and squat." Su Guizhen said quite harshly, but with helplessness in his eyes, he indicated that Li Hongyuan had a temper, and he could stop it. Don't really annoy your father.

Li Hongyuan slightly bowed his head, seemingly obeying the words of Su Guifei, another look of boring.

Su Guizhen chuckled and returned to the eight beautiful women. "The mother also feels pretty good. You are talking about it, where is it ugly? You can really say one or two, the mother is not reluctant to you. If you can't say it, it's not as simple as picking two people." Su Guizhen's expression has the meaning of letting him all get back.

"The skin is rough and black, the legs are short, the waist is hard, the face is covered with a thick layer of powder, the spots are still visible, and the face is not a ghost face? I don't know what kind of inferiority I use. The incense is so thick that it is stinking. In this way, the children don’t really know that point, is that beautiful?” Li Hongyuan said half-heartedly.

The eight girls who have always been quite confident and satisfied with their external conditions, biting their lips at this moment, teardrops spinning around in their eyes, being so degraded, this is a grievance.

Su Guizhen is speechless. According to your picky method, it is estimated that there are no beautiful people in the whole world. "Where is it rough, where is it black? It is clear that all of them are tender and tender; people stand at the end, how do you see that the waist is hard? The legs are short?" Su Guizhen glanced, "not all They are all short; there are spots on the face, most people have it. It is normal to cover with a powder. There are several women who don’t use powder. This incense, you don’t like it. If you look back, you don’t like it. You are pure. It’s the bones in the egg, not counting.”

"The requirements of the children are not high, if the skin is fat, the frost is snow, a plain color is also a national fragrance, no flaws, the waist is flexible but not fragile, the legs should be long and straight, the body does not need any incense, summer The sweat also carries a good smell of fragrant smell. The mother-in-law is not the picky of the child, they are like this, the children are still unable to speak." To put it bluntly, it is Jing Hao, if Jing Hao is not like this, after the weather She, he is probably another word, the skin is black and rough, he can also be said to be wild beauty.

This is also called the demand is not high? "Those women who used to wait for you are not the standard?" To be true, how others have not found it, all of them let you take it alone. Don't think that she and his son are doing it, but other people are not so prominent and serious, and they are covered up by his "light."

"When you are interested, you can naturally lower the standard." When you are not interested, don't meet the standard.

"Well, you don't want to talk to the mother, don't want it, this kind of thing, the mother can still force you to not?" Su Guizhen waved an impatient wave.

"It’s not a child, but the tired mother is bothered." Li Hongyuan said with apologetic apologies.

Su Guizhen glanced, "You, the child, the mother is not the meaning, the mother is still not doing it, you think about it first, you say that you are a big man, this time it is a little daughter." Helpless and funny.

Li Hongyuan smiled. "My parents know that the mother-in-law is good to the children. I have always kept it in my heart. It’s just that the children are not convinced, and the mother-in-law is sad from time to time."

"What to say, the more you say, the less decent." Su Guizhen smiled, but squinted at the corner with a scorpion. "Do you really think so, after that, everything will listen to the mother-in-law?"

Li Hongyuan has never been a warm-hearted person. Because he doesn't play, he occasionally comes here. This kind of lethality is absolutely unprecedented. This will make Su Guifei cry in the blink of an eye, let the music of the emperor become a mess, and let Min. The fear of the sharp decline, the eight women who were completely lost in his face could not help but sneak a peek at him. As for Li Hongming, a person who is not right, this kind of warmth can only aggravate his disgust.

However, these people have anything to do with him.

Li Hongyuan shook his head. "Children and relatives are accustomed to it. I am afraid that I can’t do anything to listen to, so my mother, my parents are sorry, if there is an afterlife..."

"Stupid children, do not have to say anything, the mother-in-law knows." Su Guizhen warm voice.

Li Hongyuan smiled, if there is an afterlife, probably won't involve you a little bit, maybe you will also ruin your son early, even if you are in the high place, you will pull you down and step into the mud, it will not Knowing that you are still a "mother" as it is now.

It is naturally impossible for Li Hongyuan to stay in the harem of Lecheng Emperor. Li Hongming will not want it, but if he is good-looking, he will probably not reach out again. I will ask others that they are so blind. You are pulling back, you want to be laughed at, or want people to say that you are not tasteful? Of course, it is not excluded that there are those who are not doing the right thing, and they are confused and say that their eyes are not as high as those of the Prince of Jin.

After the eight women were taken down, they couldn’t help it anymore. They cried in tears, and there was still a arrogance when they were first selected by Su Guizhen. Because they climbed high, they fell badly, though, compared to others. They are only one step higher, but now it is enough to make the other women double the irony. Let you be high above, arrogant, let you bully me, that can double the hatred, not report at this time, but when.

A joke is naturally known to others soon. The reaction of the people is different. Although the final result is satisfactory to many people, after all, the rest will probably not be easily smothered. It also made many people think that it is really a splendid Su Shi, and thought that she was used to defend the pet, but the result was chosen for her son. According to the love of the emperor, he chose him, and he was chosen. Cheng Emperor naturally would not oppose it, and perhaps still very happy. Su Guizhen then let the Jin Prince stir up the game, basically a person who overthrew a boat. This woman, really not a sinister traitor, solved the potential enemy with little effort.

However, Qin Shuzheng, after hearing the news, just smiled faintly, whispered softly: "All the way, he is the most romantic, and whoever thought, in fact, the most infatuated and loyal, but I really want to see, wait for After marriage, what can he do? Luo San girl is a blessing in the end, then I will see it."

"Meng Niang's atonement, the slave did not hear what you said, can you say it again?" Gong Ren asked for sin.

Qin Shuzhen's temper is good, and the grading is also high enough. In the harem, there is no competition, no Su Guifei's splendid, but not bad, the whole harem, I am afraid that no one is more comfortable than her. Therefore, the person who is waiting for her is easier than other places, and the courage is slightly larger. If you change someone, you can easily say such a thing.

Qin Shuzheng waved his hand. "Nothing, this palace talks to himself. Right, you go to the Prince Gong to come over." Hao Hao is his own niece, or two more, don't be fooled by others to do it. The things are good, I didn’t need her to do this kind of thing, but her brother is also a temper tantrum, refuses to talk well, does not tell her clearly, and may be more guilty in her heart, long time Then, other people are blowing their hair in their ears. In case of irreparable things, it will be even more troublesome.

"Yes, the goddess."

Li Hongyuan stayed for a long time, and then used lunch with Su Guizhen, but he did not leave the palace and strolled back to his yard. I also met other brothers on the road. Looking at his eyes, it seems to have a bit of "relative resentment." Li Hongyuan is naturally clear in the doorway inside. However, these things have nothing to do with him. I really have that mind. I will retreat because of his two sentences. After all, I don’t want to face, but I want to be there. Leave a good impression. If this is the case, then what beauty is still contaminated, there is a house to have it, nothing to give up, and want to get it all, it is impossible.

Li Hongyuan’s four shackles, two in the palace, and two outside the palace.

At this moment, Li Hongyuan looked at the low-browed and sly eyes in front of him. To be honest, they are actually regarded as first-class beauty, which is not inferior to the previous eight. In the past, they did their own thing, Li Hongyuan was too lazy to take another look, but this time, Su Guizhen did not give him a few years, he did not raise people for a few months, she began to care about her son. Of course, he refused, she will not be strong, but the four beggars around me, all of them are finished, I heard that some people's eyes are very poisonous, and so on, will sooner or later be seen.

The affair with 婉婉 has already been fixed. Even if it is discovered, it doesn’t matter. It will not hang up with 婉婉, and at most another round of random speculation, for example, he can’t do anything, as long as it’s not from his wife. In the mouth, who loves to talk about it, but after all, it is trouble, the fiancé can't, as a fiancee, it will certainly be involved in the message, being pointed at, and thinking about it, and his so-called parents, Probably not to show grace, eager to white hair, their hair lost and no relationship with him, but his ears may be a scorpion, so these four cockroaches are still better.

"Looking for a man, I will round the room tonight. After Wang Hao passes the door, I will marry you."

The main son has always been too lazy to say to them on weekdays. Although they know that things are not as good as those of the nearest guards, but the Luo Jiasan girl has an unusual position in the heart of the master, but this seems very clear, because it was suddenly Calling, still uneasy, is it wrong to make yourself wrong? For them, there is nothing more frightening than this.

Their masters do have a bad temper, but in fact, they do their best, their days are the most leisurely and the most relaxed, because the idea of ​​climbing the bed from the beginning, no need to compete, everyone is the same, naturally Getting along with each other, there is no intrigue, and there are many cases in the month. The whole capital is afraid that no one is comparable to them. Losing this errand is the last thing you want. Just, what does the master say, looking for someone to round the room? Is there an auditory hallucination in the ear?

"What, is there a problem?"

The two of them glimpse together and open their minds without thinking. "Go back to the master, no problem."

"So, let's go."

When the two left and returned to their rooms, they couldn't help but face each other. No matter what, the problem is big.

To be a girl's house, to find a man by yourself, you must also round the room tonight, without such a person to play, the master you want to "make us out", you directly refer to people, listen to the orders of the master, justify, why not Hey, now I am going to the door to give the man a sleep, but I don’t want to be afraid of being rejected. I am sure that I will be treated with a different look. It will be married in the future, and the other party will only be embarrassed.

For a time, I want to cry without tears.

"Clean poetry, what should I do?" Qingge slaps the slap, and his face is anxious.

"Is there someone in your heart, look for him, I will find one." The poetry seems to be lighter.

"But, but..."

"Nothing, the master said that he had to find a man. He wanted to make a round room tonight."

"Is it true that the Qing dynasty is the same as the Qing dynasty?"

"Most of the time. The master has always been ‘every way to the same.’

"I went to see him at night. If he didn't want to, I would also find one." Qingge three-point anger, three points helpless. "You, do you have someone in your heart?"

Qing poetry smiled and said nothing.

The Mu Gonggong, who is always on the side of the service, does not know what to say. Sure enough, his master is a scourge. The scourge of outsiders is not counted, but it also harms his own people, so that a few watery spirits are waiting for you, even if It’s no merits, no hard work, it’s also hanging under your name, and I don’t know how people who are selected by a few people will think about it. I’m married later, and it’s not good to say it, oh, okay, then It is Wang Hao who marries someone. The big deal is that Wang Hao’s name is a daughter-in-law.

Mu Gonggong’s face, a serious belly, Wang Hao wants to know the cause and effect, I don’t know what it would be. Then glanced at the dark one that also loaded the wood, as the head of the dark guard, and at the same time the leader of the guard. Because of the special, it should not be like other secret guards, and it would have to wait until the retreat to get married. However, the four 丫鬟I only know his identity on the bright side, maybe it has already been stared at this time. Mu Gonggong is a little gloating.

"Dark one..."

"Master." The dark one stood on one knee and waited.

"Send someone to tell Zhongwang Shu, the king thinks that there are too few people waiting around him."


So, after Le Chengdi took a nap, it was not long before he was preparing to see the deduction. The loyal prince came to the door. "...The emperor, the younger brother heard that there are eight beautiful people, and Hong Yuan’s children are too abandoning. He is abandoning. Don't give up on the younger brother, you gave them to the younger brother, just as the younger brother did not bring a few waiters."

Lecheng Emperor saw him for a moment, this younger brother is also a singularity, and he is not doing business all day long. He is not in the right position, and even his sons are a group of idiots. However, after all, he owes him, and he also If you have a sense of proportion, you don’t commit big things. It’s just a little thing to slap a cat and a dog. It’s okay to raise him for a lifetime. Even if he is a guest, his son is enthroned. This is still an elder, he has not participated in party struggle, and he will not be mean. As for his children and grandchildren after his death, he can't manage that much. "Go to the chaise. You are also a little bit yourself, don't break your body."

The loyalty king did not care, haha ​​smiled. "The emperor is relieved, and the younger brother saves."

Lecheng emperor waved his hand and let him hurry and watched and was annoying.

The loyal king smashed and rolled, and asked Su Guizhen to ask for a person. Then he took the eight beautiful people who were languid and stunned, and they met the rumor, and they did not agree. What is the face, the value of the thing A few dollars, it is true that it is real, others are imaginary, don't think that he did not hear the acidity of some people's words.

Therefore, in this kind of person who does not take the face seriously, only the one who is depressed.

However, after the loyalty king returned, the smile on his face disappeared. It is obvious that he is not as happy as the superficial face. He has always been mixed and not faked. It does not mean that he has no brains at all, but it is realistic. Helpless, let him compromise again and again, in the end, they will get used to it, get used to gags, get used to bowing in front of the strong, the arm can not twist people's thighs, then do not screw.

"It’s not good to eat and eat, etc." The loyalty king laughed at himself and then grabbed a beautiful woman into the house. His life was short, and he was happy in time.

Because the mood is not good, it is inevitable that it is not so gentle, and the beauty is the first time to bear the joy, the result can be imagined.

The loyal prince was shackled, but he was both on the sidelines. So, no one seemed to think that the two loyalty princes were actually full of quotas. So what about Fang Fangfei? Is it correct? Or what about a side? Or break the convention and make him the third side? The first one is obviously impossible. Lecheng Emperor is convinced of the words of Master Dust, and will definitely press on Fang Fangfei. On the second, in order to compensate the loyal Prince, his two side squats are not bad. And, the children are all right, nothing is wrong, what is the reason? Then the third may be the only choice, but the ancestral law is there, how could it be more for her, then in the end, she may be the title of the side, but not on the royal jade. The name, the result is nondescript.

So far, who is aware of this?

Li Hongyuan may not have realized that Yan Fangfei is not worthy of his attention.

But two people are sure that it is the two side shackles of the loyal prince. The two people's family is similar. There is no such rude and stupid Wang Hao. It is very possible to support one of them. Yes, they see The arrival is not only the threat brought by Yan Fangfei, but also the opportunity to give the position of Feifang Fei Teng, why must you marry?

Knowing the virtue of the loyalty king, naturally do not expect him, the two have a tacit understanding of the eight women to arrange, the two people who have been favored, whether or not to be mentioned as a waiter is still pending, after all, there are still six Can't always be a waiter after the pet? The prince is a toller and there is a quota.

The loyalty king had enough to eat and drink, and the suffocation in his heart was also scattered. Anyway, the advantage was that he got it.

"Give the girl a post, you ask her to go to the house to enjoy the flowers and drink tea." The loyalty king told the two sides.

The two looked at each other and provoked the same degree of laughter. "Yes, Wang Ye."

------Off topic ------

Dear, happy new year!

At the end of the month, the ticket is cleared, look at your own evaluation vote, monthly ticket, and some have quickly voted, expired and voided~

Favorite you~

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