Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 196: : Touched, long time no see

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In general, no one will give people a compliment when they have not been diagnosed, although the object of this report is the family. The married girl, after the husband’s pregnancy, first informed the mother and family that the family was reassured. If it was just an ordinary in-law relationship, as a family member, naturally, she would be happy to have a better foothold in her husband’s family. And the intimate relatives who are interested, the little life that is being bred will make this relationship more stable. Because of this, it is necessary to secure insurance. Therefore, although it will not wait until three months to stabilize, it is at least diagnosed. Will report good news, or because of some special circumstances, as a married grandmother needs her family to help the doctor, will only secretly act through those who believe in it.

If you reported it early, but the result is an oolong, it is very unpleasant.

Obviously, Luo Jingying’s situation does not belong to any of the above.

Li Hongming has always done things, and it is natural that he will not make such mistakes. Then, it is certain that Luo Jingying is really pregnant. No doctor can determine that a woman is pregnant with a child in at most one month. Li Hongming dares to be here. When people come to the door, one of them is that Luo family knows the truth, and the other is that they really can’t wait.

Luo Jingying has been in his backyard for a month. However, Luo Peishan has not had a slight movement. Because it is an acolyte, her family is not good at what she does. She secretly tries to give things to ask about the situation. It is normal. Family members, it is estimated that there are nine such. Usually, as a wife, there is a blind eye to the diverticulum with background. It will not interfere, but the attitude of Locke is like no one. If you don't think about it, Li Hongming is not trying to marry his own king. Don't be embarrassed about the family, but ask Luo Jia if anyone comes to the door.

At the earliest time, Li Hongming had already felt the real situation from Luo Jingying’s attitude, but the reality seemed to be worse than he expected. This is the last thing Li Hongming would like to see. This is not his own acolyte. Affected by her mother's family, to some extent, it is more intuitive to reflect the Luo family, more specifically Luo Peishan's attitude towards himself. If he is optimistic about himself, as long as he has a little bit of support, Even if it is a kitten and a puppy that is sent to his house, it will bring a closer relationship, but if on the contrary, even if he counts his most loved granddaughter, he is expected to bear it.

Because of this anxiety, Li Hongming can't wait to find a door when he confirms that Luo Jingying is pregnant. If it is not to block the long-term mouth and prevent the Luo family from being completely annoyed, he was half a month ago when Luo Jingying was pregnant. A few have taken action, the purpose is nothing but death, want to finally confirm whether everything is exactly what you expected, if not, nature is the best, if it is...

"She has no blessings, she doesn't know the old man. The old man only knows now. The girl who was carried into the Prince of Rui's house in our family also followed the summer palace. On this road, plus a few days after arrival, Rui Prince followed. Our lord, looking up and seeing the low head, is the old man, and I have seen the Prince of Rui once, but I have never heard him talk about anything."

Mrs. Luo calmly described a fact, but Liu Yan’s heart was not calm. The Luo family didn’t even know this. Doesn’t Ying Ying’s tell him? Was she sent someone to swear by the yin, or did she send someone?

"This is what the Prince of Rui has told me, but I forgot, I did not say." Luo Peishan explained.

Mrs. Luo’s wife was not salty and not faint, and then... there was no more.

Liu Yan saw the Luo family's appearance as a direct drop-off. He was not prepared to send someone to take a look at it. He didn't even ask a word, let alone go and see it in person. Moreover, from that expression, it is not installed, but really does not show a little concern.

Liu Wei’s first impression of Luo Jingying was not bad. However, it was not long after he entered the government. Luo Jingying’s nature was exposed, and with her role, Li Hongming inevitably indulged her two points, because of this. Luo Jingying’s head is higher than anyone else. Although she still reluctantly keeps the rules in front of Wang Hao, who is Liu Wei, she will not see how much she is not swearing on her head, sometimes That look as if she couldn’t wait to go to the death of Wang Hao, and then she herself.

In this way, Liu Wei is naturally incapable of seeing her eyes, but even if she does not know the specific things, she also knows that Luo Jingying is from the Shangshu House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has great use for the prince, and Wang Hao did not say anything, she naturally said nothing. .

However, as time went by, she naturally found out that something was wrong. This Ying Shi, in the position of her family, was afraid of a bit... and the patience of Wang Yeying’s aunt was also spent day by day. At this time, I found that Ying Shizhen was pregnant. Originally, because Li Hongming was a thin man, he has no children. Liu Yan is very happy, but when he refers to it, he knows when he is pregnant, and he is pregnant before entering the government. Although she believes that she will not be sorry for the prince, she still casts a shadow on pure pleasure.

However, for the prince, she is still very willing to go to the Luo family, but the result is simply a cold water, which is not good, it is just a name more than the people who are detained. It’s gone.

Liu Yan is somewhat stiff and has a hard scalp opening. "Luo Daren, Mrs. Luo, young and young, this is the first child. It will inevitably be a little scared. If you can let your loved ones go to see her, talk to her. Maybe, it will be much better, and Ying Shizhen also really thinks about you. You see... I have to say that this thing is not at home, that is, our prince is wide and..."

"Rui Prince is wide and we can't be unruly. A family of aunts and aunts can't even count on their relatives." Mrs. Luo interrupted her softly.

Liu Yan wants to play his own mouth, because in her eyes, it is naturally the best of her own prince, and the most honorable, to be a courtier, that is to be respected, what he said is what he wants, according to his will, therefore, Originally, it was a "seeking person", and when it was said, it was unconsciously turned into a grace, and Mrs. Luo slammed her back, and it was really swallowed. "Mr. Luo Lao’s words are self-improvement. It’s all about other people’s homes. How can you compare them to your house?”

"Can you say this in the old face of Liu Ge?" Mrs. Luo’s voice was calm, but the words were a little bit rude.

Liu Yan is speechless. Her purpose is very simple, no matter how they relate to Ying Shizhen, as long as the Luo family went to see her, let the outsiders know that the Luo family had entered the place of the prince. Obviously, Luo Jia really did not give a face, I don’t care if I don’t care, naturally I don’t care if I don’t support my mother’s support. What kind of days she will live.

Jing Hao took the person and came back with a face. He never thought that the scorpion had left, and he had an outsider.

Originally, I wanted to personally give Li Hongyuan, but those who did not want to do it did not make such an irregular thing.

Li Hongming naturally sees Jing's intentions, and she is reluctant to cook, but it is only a matter of intimacy. It is of course very happy. For those who spoil, naturally, there is no good face, so I look at Liu Wei. His eyes are a bit cold, and when he wants to target a person, the momentum is terrible.

Liu Yan’s stomach was a little trembled, and he almost didn’t feel soft on the ground.

Jing Hao looked at her on the side and looked at her. It was not curious, but obviously it is no longer suitable to continue, so she is ready to retire. However, she has not waited for her to speak...

"This is the three girls in Guifu. It is really a good person in Peugeot." Just smiled and looked at Li Hongyuan. "It’s really blessed to say that Wang Ye is..." Then, I obviously felt that it was targeted. Feeling a lot weaker, I did not expect that I was actually gambling, but the prince of Jin’s concern for Luo San’s girl was simply shocking.

"Awkward reputation." Jing Hao smiled.

Because Luo San’s girl is famous, although she has never seen it, it is still very clear that she is very talented. Because of Luo Jingying’s relationship, she is very suspicious of this. Now, I will know where the problem is. Yes, it is just a person who can't be a dog of anti-category. Because after staying for a while, after the collapse, the impression is even worse. Now, compared with the main master, it is simply the gap between the moon and the firefly. I am sorry that I entered the backyard of my own family. Why is this girl not? A side squat is appropriate.

When Liu Yan was fascinated, suddenly a thing flew over, was taken aback, and hurriedly avoided, but in the end he was still not spared, his shoulders were smashed, the water stains in one body, and the pain in the bones. Li Hongyuan was so arrogant that she had to smother her. She finally did not hold on, and she squatted on the floor, and the teacup just shattered at her feet. This squatting down, the pain is not just the shoulders. "Wang Ye..."

"Wang Wang Wang, is his Li Hongming dare to think?"

"Wang, you misunderstood, slaves are just, just..."


Liu Yan closed his mouth, not to mention the buzz, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Li Hongyuan picked up the chopsticks and began to eat noodles slowly.

A bowl of noodles, it looks like a lot of color and flavor, and, in the end, what is for the prince to eat, certainly not only the noodles, but also a few dishes with a side dish, are crisp and refreshing side dishes.

The taste is really good. Li Hongyuan was eating with ease. Jing Hao is also not good at this time.

The action is also fast, a bowl of noodles, basically all belly, the side dishes also eat seven seven eight eight.

When he puts down the chopsticks, gargles, and then looks at Jing Hao, "Your fourth sister is pregnant, do you want to see it? Just, the king is looking for Li Hongming to ask, how he adjusted the next person."

"Four sisters?" Jing Hao slightly stunned, and then Jing Jing looked at Liu Yan and chuckled. "Luo Jiaxuan is known, the minister and the four sisters are not allowed. She is now Jin Gui, this time her daughter goes. Look at her, what if it is good to be angry with her? If you want to come to Rui, you will love your child. When the Prince of Rui asks for sin, the minister can not afford it."

"Luo Jia up and down, come out to take a summer, it is your five masters, Luo Daren and your brother long do not have to say, the old lady is her grandmother, and she is now an aunt, whether it is identity or seniority, the old lady condescending Expensive to see her, I am afraid that she can make her life, and it is still a little suitable for your nephew..."

"The body of the scorpion is just a little better, how can I go out." Jing Hao vetoed categorically. On the same day, Mrs. Dingguo’s wife was so fierce in front of the Luo’s house. There were probably few people inside and outside the palace who didn’t know about it.

"So, you are left now. If you become married with the king, it is naturally unsuitable for your status. Now you are slightly wronged. Although she is an acolyte, you don't want to see her, but you are hung in the house. The surname is from the Shangshu House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even if it is awkward, it is more noble than others. Where is the person who holds the high and the low, and she is in the Prince of Rui, representing the Luo family. When others step on her, There will probably be a feeling of happiness in stepping on the Luo family. And, don’t you want to see her in person?” Li Hongyuan smiled.

Although Jing Hao was slightly dizzy by Li Hongyuan’s smiling smile, there is no real dizziness. The meaning of this words seems to help Luo Jingying. How can I hear why it is not right? The Jin Prince occasionally made some things that he should not have. What will be done, according to Jing Wei’s statement, is that it is indiscriminately related to her, and the result is very resentful. Now, he seems to be doing the same thing again, with a bit of corruption.

Seeing Luo Jingying in person, let her tell Luo Jing’s position in Luo’s family. As long as he broke the last fantasy of Rui’s prince, Luo Jingying’s days can be imagined. It seems like a little excitement. There is a saying called something, knowing that she is not good, I am happy, and seeing her step by step is not good, is it even happier? Well, in fact, Jing Hao is not so boring. It is meaningless to pay too much attention to people like Luo Jingying.

Li Hongyuan saw the lack of interest from Jing Hao's face. He knew that Jing Wei's temper, irrelevant person, never put it in his heart. No matter how Luo Jingying was, it didn't affect her. She always knew that she needed it. What is it, will not lose yourself, and deviate from the direction, this is not wrong, but Jing Hao does not know, sometimes, small people can also turn up the big waves, although this possibility is very low, the best The method is to completely kill this possibility, the person who hates you, directly trampled on death, even for some reasons, it is not good to directly kill, but also step on the other side without resistance.

However, since there is no interest, "It doesn't matter if you don't go, it's really not worth paying attention to."

"Go, why not go."

"You are happy." Li Hongyuan seems to be a little helpless.

This feeling of pampering and indulgence came again. Jing Hao was quite uncomfortable to remove his gaze, and he would forget it privately. In the face of so many people, can't he converge a little?

In the valley, Luo Peishan saw the virtue of Li Hongyuan, and now it is not a serious matter. Mrs. Luo’s wife is also calm after a slight surprise, as if nothing has been discovered.

It was Liu Yan, bowed his head, and tried to cover up the shock in his eyes.

Li Hongyuan once "seven pets", many people just heard that there are not many opportunities to really see, but Liu Wei has fortunately seen, how to say, Jin’s attitude towards those women is only It’s better on weekdays. In her opinion, it’s really unbelievable that it’s really nothing to do with it. It’s purely teasing. It’s really unbelievable that those women are so obsessed with life after a few days.

Now, she really feels the difference between him and Luo Jiasan. If the prince of Jin really moved his heart, then it would be a matter of course that his own actions would provoke him to be unhappy.

Since there was a decision, Jing Hao went back to change clothes. Although Luo Jingying’s future can be expected, she is pregnant now, especially when Rui’s son has no son. Jing Hao knows her too much, she must be full of will, and she can’t help but dazzle in front of her. When I was bored, I actually played with it and it felt good. So, Jing Hao will dress up with her own hair, using the most gorgeous and comfortable clothes, matching the top quality with craftsmanship.

The last line of Jing Hao, but the clothes prepared by the Grand Princess to recognize her as a righteous woman is more luxurious, but because Jing Hao can hold it, it will make her more radiant and beautiful.

When Li Hongyuan saw Jing Hao, he stunned God. He was really obsessed with Jing Hao.

Jing Hao's five senses may not be the most beautiful, but now she is standing next to the world's first beauty, but also can not take her light, and her skin is good, the shape of the eyes is good, bright and god, it is extraordinarily beautiful The advantage is once again magnified.

"Good looking." Li Hongyuan praised. Sure enough, you should be like this.

Mrs. Luo is also very satisfied with the nod, whether it is Jing Hao dressed plainly, or gorgeous, in her view, this is no problem, her granddaughter, how is the best.

Some of Jing Hao’s eyes could not stand Li Hongyuan’s aggressive look. He looked at Mrs. Luo’s wife with a reddish look. “Grandmother, the fourth sister is in the Prince of Rui, can I use it better than me?” Awkward eyes.

Mrs. Luo’s wife was a little bit dumbfounded. “All said that women are pleasing to others,” Li Hongyuan glanced at. “You are specifically trying to compare with people?”

"I don't want to compare with people. Someone wants to compare with me. I don't want to care about her. But she will definitely hold on. Her food and clothing are better than me. I will definitely show off." The little man’s ambition is not as interesting as her envy and hate. I am purely to gas her."

"You, you, it's getting more and more strange." Mrs. Luo said little by little. "You just didn't say that she was expensive, can't be angry?"

Jing Hao showed a pleasant smile. "I suddenly remembered that the life of the four sisters is tenacious. Otherwise, when I think that she will not appear to be boring again, she will be a hundred times more energetic."

Mrs. Luo’s wife shook her head and took a look at her.

Li Hongyuan’s heart was like a kitten who kept scratching his claws and itched it. He hated to take Jing Hao to his arms and smashed it. I am, so I want to smash the dog that made her so "careful" to feed the dog.

Li Hongyuan drank tea and looked at Jing Hao's eyes more and more deep, as if the tea in the cup was actually the soul of Jing Hao's body, a bite, very delicious.

Therefore, when Jing Hao inadvertently confronted Li Hongyuan’s eyes, he was a little shocked. Jing Hao’s eyes were a little wandering, and he did not dare to look at him. He always felt that he was more and more wanting to take himself into the abdomen. She was very skeptical that he really could bear the marriage. Inexplicably thinking of someone's size, a glimpse of her heart, she is only fourteen years old, will die. I am still only reading the half-children in junior high school. Why are these ancient people so heavy, how can they get a mouthful? However, when I thought of another one that was a little younger than her, and now I have already fallen asleep, Jing Hao feels that the whole person is not good.

I don't know what she thought of. In a blink of an eye, the look was a little bit uncertain. I went so far that Li Hongyuan didn't notice before she came to her. Li Hongyuan whispered aloud. Jing Hao only returned to God and saw the people in front of him. After subconsciously taking two steps back and realizing that I had just thought about something, my face was red.

This reaction made Li Hongyuan more curious. What he thought of, I want to know that in his cognition, Jing Hao is not a shy person, especially when he is in close contact, it is not as easy to intentionally or unintentionally. Touch her heartstrings. However, in order to prevent her from being ashamed of being angry, she did not ask. "Go."

Jing Hao set the god, let the heat of the connection subsided. Seeing that he was going to leave, Liu Yan was still in the same place, Jing Hao was not sure if there was a cup of tea under her knees... "Wang Ye..."


"Is it true that the next prince of Rui is handed over to the prince of Rui?"

"Jing Hao is asking her for sympathy?" Li Hongyuan asked.

"No, it’s just a Luo family. No matter who let her go here, it’s not a good thing for Locke."

Liu Yan’s eyes, which have the same value as judging the value of the goods, not only angered Li Hongyuan, but naturally also made Jing Hao unhappy. She was still pleading for such a person, and she was not her aging mother.

If Jing Hao really asks for love, Li Hongyuan will not be undone, but the temperament of showing true temperament makes him feel happy. "There are always some people in this world who are self-righteous, and this king can not let anyone swear. Jing Hao, you remember, the small fish and shrimps are boring and boring, and there will be more and more waste. It’s not as good as slaughtering a big fish, and it can solve the problem fundamentally."

Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan, the man - live Wang Wang is not easy to provoke, but the hand is black, the IQ is super line, the heart of the city is not lacking in the living king, but also has a perfect face, it is a super kill The lethality and lethal scale are simply hard to predict.

Li Hongyuan wanted to touch her face, but in the end it was held back, softly said: "Don't be afraid."

Jing Hao saw the horror scene when he killed him. Afterwards, he also said something similar. At this moment, Jing Hao really believed that he was an enemy of the world and would not hurt her. What to do, such a man, even if it is inferior, seems to be very easy to make people heart, once or twice the heart rate acceleration, more times, perhaps really heart.

At this moment, Jing Hao finally realized that his heart, not wanting to hold it hard, can really hold it, some fear, some expectation, no attempt, although the injury is eliminated, it will make the day dull. When I think about it in the future, the memory is a blank. After all, the things that really stay in memory are often profound things. Just like, she won’t remember what I ate in the past few days, but for the man in front of me. For the first time, she was afraid that she would not forget if she died.

Well, just like this, just let it go, let's see if this man really makes her hearty, and taste the bitterness, bitterness and saltiness brought by love. - However, Jing Hao feels that according to what Jin Prince is doing now, it is easy and difficult to be tempted by himself. The biggest obstacle is nothing more than those women. In the past, she can ignore it. In the future, she will look at him. Can you keep it, it is reasonable to say that a man with a beautiful heart is hard to turn back, but after a few months after he entered Beijing, he did not hear anything about his love affairs. Maybe the so-called splendid pet is just A blind eye method.

Jing Hao knows very well that this is actually the strongest bottom line of his own. It is also the boundary between tempering and dying. It is just tempting, so you can completely love the sword, if it is dead...

The current reason may be that the prince is ruthless, I will take a break. When it is really time, people are often crazy. If he really gives himself too high expectations and ruined by himself, maybe she will take him to the end.

However, thinking about it now seems to be superfluous.

In the past few days, I still thought about treating him as a relative. Now, she is indulging herself. So quickly, Jing Hao himself was unexpected. She looked at Li Hongyuan and suddenly laughed. "Wang Ye, you have already won initially. If this is your purpose, then please continue to work hard, and the minister is looking forward to it."

The words and deputies of the Prince of Jin, to say that there is no purpose, Jing Hao is not believe, now it is all that he is pursuing her.

Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to understand something. He didn't seem to understand it. However, he saw Jing Jing's bright smile and wanted to kiss it like this, but there were too many people who were blind.

"Wang Ye, it's time to go."

Li Hongyuan and several masters of the Luo family left, and Liu Yan also slowly stood up, but the feeling of heart-throbbing and fluttering for a long time could not be dissipated. They were small fish and shrimps, and their masters were naturally the big fish. Fish is refreshing? What does it mean? The prince of Jin is actually the same, the same...

Liu Yan took a moment, almost did not stand firm, the pain of the thorns on the knees, like the legs are almost abolished, smile, how long has it not been offended like this? Didn't let her swear, yes, she couldn't stand it, but the other person's honorable status did not scream, did she dare to get up?

Liu Yan endured the pain and followed up as quickly as possible. She did not forget that the Prince Jin was originally asked to question her own prince. I also blame myself. When I was in the Prince of Rui, I used to be decent. I inevitably gave birth to something that should not be in the next person. Moreover, the place where she used to deal with all the year round was the back house, which is other people, knowing their identity. It is a respectful three-pointer. At one time, it may be a bit smug. I forgot. In fact, there are still many people who can easily crush themselves, and it is no more difficult than crushing an ant. In the face of the Prince Jin, it should be clear. One thing is. But if you don't pay attention, you make a mistake. If you say big, it's not a big deal. It's just that your eyes are a little bit sloppy, but if you say small, you may die.

There is also a story behind the Prince of Jin, how do you say to your own prince?

Outside the gate, Luo family sent Li Hongyuan. At the same time, Luo Peishan handed a box to the Prince of Jin. Li Hongyuan said nothing but did not ask, and received it directly, and Jing Hao was on the carriage.

From the beginning to the end, no one looked at Liu Yan, but waited for the other two little faces on the outside of the carriage to face each other. What happened? Moreover, the Prince of Jin came out from the Luo family!

In front of the two little sisters, Liu Yan would not be humble and knee-shouldered, with no expression on his face. "Not yet." What is in the box?

In the face of the magnificent "ladder", Jing Hao on the carriage is naturally ready to choose the road that is winding and winding.

Li Hongyuan did not think so. Two horses are the true portrayal of his intentions.

Jing Hao looked at the horse that he had used on the road. It was strange that the things that Prince Jin had prepared for himself. When he went back, he recovered it without saying a word. He thought that this horse was just borrowed. For yourself, I am waiting for myself here.

Jing Hao did not refuse, although the Jin Prince was very indulgent to himself, but he also insisted on some things. Anyway, probably everything is under him, so there is no need to insist on these small things.

They can ride horses, and if the carriage is going up, they can only walk along the side of the mountain road and take the winding road. Those who want to walk straight will reach it in advance, naturally.

Compared with Li Hongyuan, Jing Hao's riding skills can only be regarded as beginners. Therefore, Li Hongyuan is easy to write, but Jing Hao seems to be somewhat cautious, but the horse is gentle enough and smart enough. After climbing a stone ladder, Jing Hao will let go. A lot, even so, watching Li Hongyuan's eyes is still a bit small.

Li Hongyuan followed the speed and chuckled. "In the future, the king will take you and want to go anywhere."

"...I want to ask the prince to teach the daughter-in-law."

"Okay." Even if it is a Hummer, it is naturally in his arms, and the teaching of the hands is the fastest.

The speed was slow enough. When Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan arrived at the courtyard of Rui Prince, Rui Prince had already got the news and personally took people to wait there. Seeing that the two men were riding alongside the horse, Li Hongming’s look was a little dumb.

However, Li Hongyuan has already put away the previous moderation, and it seems that it is only a little bit better than other people.

When Jing Hao saw the Prince of Rui, he immediately understood the reason for the huge difference in attitude between Li Hongyuan and his heart. He said: This is a proper acting emperor, and the emotion is simply free.

Dismissed, Li Hongyuan just screamed the voice of the three emperors, Sancha, Jing Hao on the side of the rules and asked for security.

Li Hongming smiled very closely to Li Hongyuan. He only raised his hand on Jing Hao, and he was alienated and indifferent. After Liu Yan said something to him, he should know what attitude he would face.

"Whether in the capital or outside, the six brothers basically don't ask me to drink, I let your nephew prepare two appetizers, let's have two drinks today." Li Hongming originally wanted to pat his shoulder. However, it seems that I thought of something and took it back.

"I want to come to the Three Emperor Brothers to know why the king came here."

"Know know, it is the third brother, I am not strict, the six brothers are assured, the third brother will give you a satisfactory explanation."

"So, best."

Li Hongming nodded with a smile. Sideways, "Wang Hao took Luo San girl to see Luo, a sister, there should be a lot to say."

"Yes, Wang Ye." Rui Wang Wang Yu Liu's answer. When they were sent away, Liu’s smile to Jing Hao was mild. “Ying Shizhen often misses her family. I can see my cousin today, I’m sure I will be very happy.”

"Is it?" Jing Hao said nothing, she did not believe that Liu Wangyi would not know his attitude towards Luo Jingying, or that the acting skills were already in full swing, and that they did not know whether they were blind or not; or that she was fed up with Luo Jingying. Just waiting for Jing Hao to "help her" export evil.

Along the way, Liu Wangxi looked very close to Jing Hao, quite a bit of the treatment of his own sisters, of course, many of the so-called sisters in the backyard of the Prince of Rui, but the sisters.

In the backyard of Rui Prince's House, in addition to Liu Wangxi, Luo Jingying's origin should be the most distinguished, and Rui Prince is very "loved" to her, which makes her from the beginning is only a little more than the side of the treatment, there are Separate yards, servants in groups.

Luo Jingying learned that Jing Hao was going to come to see her. She was not happy at first, but then she was excited. Apart from anything else, I rushed back to the house to change clothes and dress. She used it now, but it was far more than before. She once envied Jing Hao and said so many things, but it was just too superficial. What I have now, what do she count?

When Jing Jing arrived with Liu Wangying, he saw Luo Jingying’s original smile on his face. After his eyes turned around on his body, his expression slowly became stiff, and then he’s cracked a bit. All reactions are in Jingjing. I expected it, when I was bored, wasn’t it fun?

Approaching, Luo Jingying was just looking at Jing Hao, and the eyes seemed to be swallowing away. Liu Wang’s frowning, it seems that Liu Yan’s words are not false. How is the gap between the sisters under this roof? However, now she is a person of the Prince of Rui, rude, lost, is also the face of the Prince of Rui. "Ying Shiwei--" implied a few warnings in the voice.

Luo Jingying rushed back to God, busy converging his eyes and seeing him.

"Sure enough, the palace will adjust the people, the rules of the fourth sister..."

This is not a compliment to the Prince of Rui, but to tell Liu Wanghao, Luo Jingying in the Luo family, there is no rules.

"Luo girl is laughing, who does not say Luo Jiashu Xiangmen, the home of etiquette, if it is out of the other seedlings, it is also that the seedlings have grown up. There are not many children."

Jing Hao nodded. "The words of Wang Xiiang are reasonable."

Luo Jingying's face, because Liu Wangxi and Jing Hao's sing and the singer's face was green and white, but in the face of Liu's face, she did not dare to attack, in the palace, she can despise other acolytes, but can not be against Wang Hao Disrespectful, Wang Ye is the most disciplined, just because he once slammed Liu's sentence, Wang Ye left her for a few days, so he dared not make the same mistake.

"Wang Hao, I haven't seen my three sisters for a long time. Can you talk to her alone?" Luo Jingying took a few pleadings.

Liu did not respond, but looked at Jing Hao, apparently asking her for advice.

Jing Hao nodded. "Please also ask Wang Hao Niang to complete."

"The Luo girl is serious. - Ying Shizhen, Luo girl is your sister, but also the future Jin relatives, and you are slow." Let this person get angry here, maybe the live king will put this The account counts on the head of the king, and there is a precedent of Prince Gong. She does not want Wang to suffer the same innocence as her own family. Because Zuo Dudu is the greatest reliance of Prince Gong, so the King of the Living King will start with it. During this time, Prince Gong is in his father-in-law, just like a grandson, don't mention more grievances. The reliance of her own prince is not her mother's family, but the relationship between the biggest reliance and the living king is extraordinary. At that time, her mother's family is most likely to suffer.

Luo Jingying hated his heart. "Wang Hao is more concerned. Before the marriage, the relationship between the sister and the three sisters is ‘best’, and no one will scorn her.”

Liu Wangxi looked at her deeply, "I hope." To say that Li Hongming's understanding, probably no one is more than her, he looked at the child on the face, but it is not, so, Luo Jingying's belly, He will not care too much.

Liu Wangxi left, and there were two sisters left on the scene, who had already served the two.

Jing Hao found a place, so I sat down with a sly look, looking at Luo Jingying, who was gloomy, laughing. "Four sisters, this is not seen for a long time, my sister misses it."

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