Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 210: : Don't want to live and die

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"It doesn't matter, we just stand on the edge and live, don't get close, you are already showing up now, but if you have eyes, you won't be ignorant. We will bring two more people to ensure that nothing is lost. The doctor does not say that your current fetal image is very stable, and has not been affected by the previous, so the courage can be enlarged a bit, do not need to be always careful, and walking around is beneficial." Jing Hao said.

In fact, in the past two months in the other hospital, Sun Yijia did not go out, still a little depressed, so nodded, "Go first to talk to the grandmother."

"This is of course." Going out to tell parents, in the moment, that is the rule.

Even in the environment of the past life, Jing Hao felt that he should keep this point. He would only say a word before going out, so that he would not know where the person went when he went back. This is especially important for the elderly, and the special family is more important. Heavy, don't say anything, no, just say "go out" and where is your *, of course, there is nothing wrong with the "others", lie and even someone will try to cover up the past.

Usually, Mrs. Luo is naturally not willing to detain them without giving the door, and letting go of a few words. For the juniors who know the size, they don’t like it very much. Mrs. Luo’s wife has always been tolerant. At the beginning, Luo Jingying could make her feel bad. It was also Luo Jingying’s “skill”.

From the bottom to the top, the "third and fourth floors" of the palace are very wide. There are few temple pavilions. In nature, they are similar to the royal gardens in the palace. The imprisonment is not so strict, and it is basically open to each year. Everyone used it. At the beginning of the banquets of the princesses, it was also in this place, but there are more people gathered today, regardless of men and women, regardless of whether they are married or not, they can go there. Of course, even if they are, look at the past. The number of over 30 years old can not be found, but the children of Sa Huan are not too small.

The whole picture looks like a mixture of men and women. If you look closely, it’s still the same for men and women. It’s “僭越”, and it’s also between husband and wife, close relatives. Under such eyes, no one will be stupid and make an inappropriate time. thing.

When Yuyao Weng saw Jing Hao, they called her sister to run over. Jing Hao reached out and helped her, and wiped her with a small sweat on her nose. "Don't run so fast, beware of falling." ”

Yuyao Weng’s main smirk, pulling Jing Jing and spoiling, the intimacy between the two, I don’t know if they are sisters. "Sister is relieved, won't fall." He also greeted Sun Yijia next to him, carefully glanced at her belly, and was educated. She saw her sister-in-law who was far away from her belly. Is there a baby in my sister's stomach?"

"Yeah." Sun Yijia smiled, probably will be a mother, see children are particularly fond of, "Wen, do not touch it?" See her standing next to Jing Hao, a little timid on her stomach, and bring A bit curious.

"Is it okay?" Her married sister, who was married to her mother's house, and her pregnant women, all treated her as a thief, especially when she accidentally met the pregnant sister, not yet. The elder sister was crying and crying, saying that her little old age was malicious, which made Yuyao Weng’s dissatisfied and exceptionally wronged. She was still on her side and would not take care of them in the future. "but……"

"Just touch it, it doesn't matter." Jing Hao her little head.

Like a big event that has to be done, Yuyao Weng’s main body is a bit stiff and goes up two steps. He stretches his hand, but he doesn’t dare to let go for a long time. It looks like it, don’t mention more teasing, and feel cute. Sun Yijia took her hand and put it on her stomach. Yuyao Weng’s hand shrank a little, but didn’t feel anything different, she touched it with courage, and her face was wrinkled. “Nothing special. "The voice just fell, suddenly "Yeah", quickly retracted his hand and returned to Jing Hao, "Sister, sister, it, it, it moved." Like what he did wrong, squatting The clothes are awkward.

Everyone could not help but swear, including Sun Yijia, carefully placed on the stomach, looking at Jing Hao, the expression is a little dreamy, "Really moved, the first time, the first move." I have heard of certain At that time, the child will move, although I have been looking forward to it, but it is really unpredictable to appear, and it is a little strange. "Isn't it normal to go to five months? Is it early?" Sun Yijia was a little worried.

"Less grandma is more concerned, this is also different according to individual circumstances, and earlier is not without." Gong Yu said.

In fact, Gong Yi did not really wait for pregnant women, but she couldn't bear the richness of her theoretical knowledge. She could still see one by one, and people couldn't see that she was actually a raw hand. She is now quite good at Sun Yijia's stomach. Care, from time to time to give her the pulse, the level of detail even exceeds the people around Sun Yijia. Gong Hao accepted the gratitude and calmly, saying that all the slaves should do it, while the dark accumulators "real combat experience" did not prepare for the future.

Jing Hao smiled and appeased Yuyao Weng, "Yu Yao Mo is afraid, you also heard the words of swearing, and ah, when other people touched, the little baby did not respond, you touched it, Explain that this little baby can like Yuyao."

“Really?” Yuyao’s eyes showed a pleasant look, and the children were naturally happy to be liked.

"Nature is true." Sun Yijia also smiled and spoke.

And Yuyao’s milkmaid also came forward at this time, first squatting and seeing it, laughing and opening her mouth. “It can be seen that the owner of Weng’s wife and the three younger grandmother’s stomach have a relationship.”

People in the moment actually believe in this and are considered to be happy.

In fact, many people have already noticed them. The fact that Sun Yijia is pregnant has long been known. After all, her mother’s eyes were all over the place. It’s hard to know if I’ve seen it. I suspected that at that time, Mrs. Dingguo’s wife said it was right. Now it seems that it’s the problem of the wife of Dingguo. Sun Yijia’s face is not covered, her face is ruddy, she has opened the scar on her face, and she feels more than before the disfigurement. Fortunately, with a gentle gentle smile, compared with the arrogant and cold woman, it is more intimate and close to her. If she is wronged at the Luo family, then she is probably the bottom of the world. The people of Cheng Jiu are all in the Huanglian.

"This Sun Yijia is really not a normal life." Someone sighed.

"There can be quite a lot." The others echoed and looked at a large number of places somewhere. "This Luojia Sangongzi, first of all, shocked the world as a dowry, and then kissed the phoenix and asked the phoenix to ignore the truth of the world, and look at it now. At the beginning, it was not a slap in the face. It really took Sun Yijia in my hand."

"How many people were not optimistic about this marriage at that time..."

No, when the real Luo family only looked at the power of the Dingguo government, now the two are very unpleasant; really for the dowry of Sun Yijia, take her back only to be a display, then the big can directly arrest her at home. If Locke wants to pinch her, will the government of the country be contending for the high-ranking cadre of the sacred book?

In the case of Sun Yijia, the backing of the government of the country is almost equal to nothing.

She did better than before she got married, and she didn't know how many people were hit.

"It can be seen that this family's family style has not been picked. This Luo Sangong is even more noble, not the superficial person who is optimistic about color."

"It is also true that if it is not, it will not be less than two decades."

"Isn't this Sun Yijia a full-bodied rouge tiger?" a girl next to me whispered, seemingly purely curious, but the hatred and admiration that she thought was hiding well, and really could have passed several people. eye.

A woman next to her fluttered and glanced at her, casually opening her mouth. "There are people who can't eat grapes and say that the sour grapes are from the deceiving people. This Luo Sangong is not a cartilage head. This Luo family is not without power. Nothing, he really wants to blame, who can stop it, not to mention those who want to give him a gift, that is, I want to recommend the pillow, but I don’t know that he has been infected with anyone. After all, he still doesn't want to."

"This is a good house, good husband, and I am pregnant when I enter the door. It is really a good thing that makes her take it."

"Probably a good person who has been doing for a few years, she should enjoy this blessing in this life."

"Sun Yijia is now in the Liujia, how can he not find someone to wait for Luo Sangongzi, even if it is not a rouge tiger, it is not good, and Luo Sangongzi holds her in the palm of his hand, it is even more important for Luo Sangong to consider "The girl just opened her mouth again, and the voice was still a lot higher."

Not to mention that many people around her have heard it, and even Jing Hao has hidden their ears. Because I didn't hear it clearly, I looked for it. So, Jing Hao found that other people are very friendly expressions, just a girl, in order to carry the chin, with arrogance, but also with provocation, it is simply inexplicable.

Because they are separated by a certain distance, they do not know who she is targeting.

Sun Yijia slightly picked up his eyebrows. Now, there are really no people who dare to provoke his sister. At least there will be no one on the bright side. Not to mention the Yuyao Weng, as the daughter of the Grand Princess, the grade is not big, and the brain is more. Is it normal to go to provocation? The most likely thing is myself. I also looked at the place with the most people. Although I couldn’t see it, she knew that her husband should be in the most central position. "I think this girl seems to remember Changping Houfu?"

Changping Houfu is also one of the four public and nine princes. It is not born in the mud, but it has been almost lost. Of course, even if it is defeated, it is more than enough. Moreover, it is the eleventh prince. Outside home.

"Women are still prostitutes?"

Jing Hao smiled and glanced at her. "What are you doing with us?"

"Hey, my sister, you are right." Sun Yijia nodded deeply.

Then, I will no longer care about it, and I am going to find a place to sit.

But in this world, there is a kind of person, not that you don't take care of it, people will be jealous, and this is not, they stick it up.

For people who are inexplicably blocked, it will make people feel very unhappy.

However, the other party did not want to offend Jing Hao, smiled Ying Ying to see the ceremony, and then tried to talk to Jing Hao, but unfortunately, Jing Hao look faint, love to ignore, in the most basic courtesy, did not give her face .

The problem is, some people, you give her face, but she doesn't know how to look at the face, or even if she understands it, she doesn't know it, even playing a snake on the stick, a familiar look, while " Kissing you with hot feelings, while you are obsessively looking at your nephew, your eyes are scornful; while you are boasting from your hair to the heel, you can express your reverence for your elder brother.

Jing Hao finally gave her a positive eye. "This girl, has anyone told you that you are very noisy?"

In a word, let the other side white face, eyes flashed annoyed, but on the bright face is biting his lips, grievances being bullied and miserable, "Three girls, can't help, I, I am just..."

"You just have nothing to do with me. I am not familiar with you. Also, before you talk to someone you don't know, please report your home first, at least talk about your surname. After all, after I went to Beijing, I went out. Less, there are not many people who are seen, that is, those who are famous and make people feel like they are stunned. When they see it for the first time, they may not be right. Isn’t it?” Jing Hao smiled and said, but the words were a little bit rude.

The other side looked at Jing Hao with disbelief. The face was written with the words "How are you like this?"

There are not a few people around the leisurely watching the show, and at this time they can't help but laugh.

This face is thicker, and I can't help but feel red at this time. "I thought that Luo Sangongzi, who is like a gentleman and kindly, is a gentle and kind person. He did not expect it. ......"

"That's really embarrassing, let you down."

The girl finally raised her chin again, and her face was proud. "You are really a lost face of Luo Sangong..."

"A girl's house, whispering a woman's husband on her mouth, but it is not shameful? This girl's cultivation, that is also to the people who have cultivated, for the rushing to want to intervene between other husbands and wives, do small I want to be a low-ranking person since I was degraded. Why do I ask this girl and Yan Yue color? I have a family and a donkey. I am very polite to those who want to enter my house to stir the wind and rain. I am very polite. It’s a nap, it’s also a girl who chooses to be gentle and quiet. When you come up, you will run on my nephew. If you look at it, you will be tempted by the family. If you lose more money, no one wants it.” To say, probably because of Li Hongyuan. The relationship, Jing Hao's recent temper is seeing a rise, think about it too. Compared with the people who can live, the lower feet, and the face, other people are really not enough.

This sly was cut off, and the face was thrown on the ground and stepped on the two feet, and then the reputation was lost. If nothing else, Jing Yu’s words spread out, the girl’s marriage was worrying, so Jing Hao’s words It’s just a pity, it’s a bit hot.

Many people are jealous in their hearts. This Luo San girl looks like a good sex. When she really gets her, she will also ask her to peel off a layer of skin, and she is now Jin Zunyu, and it is difficult to find it. The good thing is not to offend.

"You, you, you..." The girl pointed at Jing Hao and was so angry that she was straight.

Jing Hao looked at her calmly, not provocative, better than provocation.

The girl was tempted to lose her senses and slaps it.

Jing Hao was just about to push open. The black girl’s eyes were fast. When she was swaying, she went to Jing Hao and grabbed her wrist. She threw it out unceremoniously, and she fell to the ground.

At this time, a young woman stood up in a hurry and wanted to get people up, but the girl did not appreciate it. She opened the hand of the young woman and did not count it. She also slapped the ball. "Look at me being bullied, you are very happy. After returning, I asked my mother to lick your skin." Look at Jing Hao, the eyes are full of hate, people are on the ground, can not afford to body, swearing to be so humiliated, she is not alive.

The most embarrassing thing is that the young woman, with a red slap in the palm of her hand, is also extremely wronged, and wants to apologize to Jing Hao, but she is worried that the younger son will not be reluctant, and wants to appease the little girl, but she also knows that it will not work. The end is a dilemma.

Seeing the times, the more troubles, the more and more people noticed.

Jing Hao squinted and told the truth, this person is shameless, but it really does not hinder her.

Sun Yijia Laila Jingyi, there is a worry in her eyes. In the end, her sister is still maintaining her. In fact, things don’t have to go this step at all. She doesn’t care about herself. The gossip has long been experienced, it’s not painful, but she doesn’t want to marry her sister. The reputation was damaged by her.

Jing Hao appease her hand, saying that this is just a small meaning, don't care. The person who is waiting for the service will protect her and isolate the irrelevant people. The potential dangers must be eliminated.

However, it’s hard to get out of the door. It’s also awkward to encounter such a thing.

To say that Luo Jingbo is focusing on painting, the summer lotus pond, a group of koi play, this time has been on the paper, the posture is different, lively, it is as if the fish really swim to the paper, and Luo Jingbo is so skillful and free At the beginning, it was just a few strokes that were understatement, and they outlined their various poses.

I was disturbed by his paintings, and the people who were closer to him were talking in a whisper.

In fact, they are louder and there is no serious problem. Luo Jingbo is now basically in a state of selflessness.

Only the external arguments grew louder and louder, so that several people close to Luo Jingbo frowned at the disappointment. "What happened?" Xie Renxun thanked the champion and asked, deliberately lowering the voice.

"It seems that the girl's family is squashing, but it seems to involve Luo Jiasan girl." The latter said, but I couldn't help but look at Luo Jingbo.

It is a person who is more oblivious to things. He is still very sensitive to certain things, such as people or things that are closely related to himself. The words "Luo San Girl" are so straightforward that they fall into Luo Jingbo’s ear. Go back, "Who? My little girl? What happened?"

Also concerned about Chen Zhengmin and Sun Yilin, it is related to Jing Hao, probably other things can not attract their attention.

The people who watched by these people felt that the pressure was a bit big.

Luo Jingbo simply put down the pen and got up straight, and the people around him quickly gave way.

When Chen Zhengmin and Sun Yilin did not say anything, they followed up. This is where the masters are gone. Others look at each other and follow up to join in the fun.

Luo Jingbo’s far-sighted glimpse, not only his own little girl, but also his own wife, a sigh of relief, speeding up the pace, it seems that there is a fire.

Seeing the "Bane" appeared, the onlookers took the initiative to give way. Other men saw Luo Jingbo, with a little bit of sorrow, and with some gloating, the former is because his peach blossoms, the latter is because his peach blossoms are too good.

The **** the ground, although not to do the things that sprinkle and roll, is not willing to get up on the ground, nor will it look good. When Luo Jingbo appears, it is a more pitiful appearance.

However, this flower is intentionally flowing, and there is a lot of living on the ground. He didn’t see it at all. In the eyes, there was only a sister and a wife. It was confirmed that both of them were good, and they were relieved. Then asked what happened. From the beginning to the end, they unconsciously protect Sun Yijia.

Some places in Luo Jingbo may be 榆木疙瘩, but some things can be done, but they can also show their faces inadvertently. Just like now, I don’t know how many women are staring at Sun Yijia, what they are doing. Really, when I really saw it, the feeling was actually completely different. Envy and hatred did not seem to be enough to express my inner thoughts. Why didn’t I encounter such a man?

Sun Yijia’s heart is unspeakable sweetness. Although she was so close in the eyes of the public, she was a little embarrassed, but she still did not want to push Luo Jingbo’s plan. Just whispered and Luo Jingbo said something happened.

Luo Jingbo frowned and looked at the girl who looked at him and was so sad that she had never seen it.

Jing Hao looked at her brother and suddenly smiled. "Three brothers, so many girls like you, want to do it for you, are you very happy?"

Luo Jingbo heard the words, a spirit, watching his own little girl, in the eyes of others, probably think that she smiled like a flower, in his eyes, the little girl smiled so terrible, could not help but Sun Yijia shrinked, the expression of righteousness "Is there anything to be happy about, Xiaomei, you don't know, I don't dare to go to many places in the third brother, which is very troublesome."

"Who is called the third brother is not the world's talent." Still good temperament, more important is the "infatuation seed", the attitude towards the blind, but also verified this.

So many people are coming to him, and the last one is fancy, but don’t think about it, it really makes them successful. Is he still the man who is “infatuated”? They don't want to think so much, they just want to get that feeling.

Not talented? Who is harmful! I really want to shake my little girl, but I don't dare. "Girl, you look so embarrassed, or get up first. Also, thank you for the girl's love, just to be blessed in the next, the girl should have her own good marriage."

If I just installed it before, it really feels like a collapse. "The son said, I have nothing to lose."

"If you don't want to live, you should die soon."

The cold man’s voice has a feeling of freezing for three days.

------Off topic ------

What was written in the previous chapter that was misunderstood? Why do people think that cockroaches have been completely eaten?

Well, I should go back to Beijing tomorrow!

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