Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 242: : Back to each other, back to the door

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The nest quickly fell asleep in Li Hongyuan's arms, and was entangled with something a little tight. It didn't matter if I got used to it. So, this habit is really a terrible thing.

Even though it was a lot of time in the morning and evening, in general, Jing Hao’s entire sleep time last night was not enough, so when she slept naturally, she spent more than half of the time. As for Li Hongyuan, he didn’t sleep for so long. He couldn’t resist him. Now he has beauty in his life, or his thoughts are empty and his eyes are closed, or he looks at Jing’s sleepy face, he can mix time. .

When Jing Hao knew that he had overslept, he was quite annoyed. This is what it is called.

"I didn't press the hour in the palace, the father did not say anything, let them wait, how about?" Li Hongyuan did not care.

"Can this be the same?" Entering the palace according to the prescribed time, I have to wait for the emperor to finish the early morning, to handle the important government affairs, to cooperate with his time, it is only possible that it is impossible to be late, he is the father, but the world. Lord, respecting tea, it is impossible to pass him first to give other respects, so as soon as he summons, he will soon see people, and will not care when you will go, especially the sons of the former department; these The clan is not the same, it is completely letting go of all his own things, waiting there, as a newcomer, being late, will definitely make them unhappy.

"When the king is willing to go, it is already giving face, and there are opinions to the king."

Jing Hao silently squinted, well, she didn’t know anything. She was a beautiful white lotus, a black pot or something, someone was willing to carry it, but she was back with no pressure, and she was polite, and she was bold and daring to him. Throw it.

Li Hongyuan seems to have seen that Jing Hao has gradually become aware of it. However, this black pot naturally cannot be like a person's back. It is not a matter of reciprocity, but don't worry, take it slowly.

Li Hongyuan laughed and said, "When you do bad things in the future, just push to the king, but ask the king to turn to you, you just accept the things, but remember that at the beginning, Raise the threshold, don't let people make your grievances cheap and easy."

It’s really drunk to meet such a husband who makes his wife a greedy person. "What about gold and silver jewelry, are you still less? Isn't it more worthwhile?"

Li Hongyuan pinched the nose of Jing Hao. "I am correct in this sentence, but I also scored. Your husband and wife can not be blatant and owing to people. This thing means people, too many people. I will be unhappy, troublesome, but it doesn't matter, but it will take up my time. I have the leisure, I would rather stay with you. So, in most cases, it is better to have money and goods, as long as that few cases, I don't think I need to teach you how to do it. In fact, it doesn't matter how you do it. Everything has me."

Jing Hao also knows the importance of the history, but just said that, in fact, she should never intervene in things that should not be intervened. This man gave her a strong backing, enough enthusiasm, and even participated in the political affairs. The right, this is not so indulgent, does he know what he is doing?

Li Hongyuan does not know what he is doing? Of course, he knows how this kind of thing can make him lose his mind.

Li Hongyuan kissed her on her lips. One day, she would know what he was doing. He didn't mind giving her an answer in her life. "Do you want to go out? Or don't go to worship any tea, eat your respected tea, they are not afraid of life."

Jing Hao had a palm on his face, pushed his head away and went into the house to change clothes.

For the disrespect of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan smiled, so it took absolutely more time to get close to her before the marriage. It is absolutely necessary, otherwise, it will be replaced by the way the regular couples get along. On the second day of the marriage, how is the newlywed wife? So casual and even unscrupulous. Li Hongyuan really felt that he was too wise.

Seeing that the clan was outside the palace, everyone was concentrated in the ancestral home of the highest ancestors, and it was Li Hongyuan and their uncle. There are people inside and outside the room, including Li Hongyuan’s brothers and sisters, but whether they are married or unmarried, and then there is the Prince Wang, the Prince Wang Jun, the person who rarely meets on weekdays, as long as he is still happy. The people in the three emperors of the emperor, all of them have arrived at this time. In terms of identity, except for those in the palace, the whole Kaiyuan is probably no more noble than these people.

So many people are waiting for the new couple, knowing the virtues of Li Hongyuan. Some people are already late for a quarter of an hour, and there are more people who step on the spot. However, it is still underestimating someone. Left and right, etc., drinking a stomach of tea, this grievance is almost skyrocketing, and even can not help but want to leave hands, and finally endured, no way, the rules have always been like this, if gone, not only Just don't give Jin Prince the face, and don't give the face of Le Cheng, that is equivalent to not giving the "clothing and eating parents" face, you do not want to mix or how?

Of course, there is also a good mentality. Anyway, it’s okay, waiting to wait, what time is it to spend a lot of leisure time on weekdays? Besides, this time for everyone to gather together is relatively small, it is an important festival. Gathered in the palace, there are too many rules, it is not as hot as this.

I really waited until the Lord arrived, but no one dared to complain in front of him. But just two screams, pouting, can be stunned by the living king, the body is stiff, uncomfortable at the beginning, afraid to be stared.

Although there are many elders, there is nothing that can make Li Hongyuan squat, and it is good to let him do the trick.

Because of the large number of people, Jing Hao received a lot of things, but also sent out a lot. Therefore, her own embarrassment, Li Hongyuan's original shackles were all dispatched. However, Jing Hao still does not know exactly who there are, and there is no way to do the preparation work before the marriage. Which ones are uncles and aunts, and those who are nephews and prostitutes, except for the outside pockets, all of them are Li Hongyuan. prepare. Jing Hao couldn't think of it. Apart from giving the Princess of the Emperor and the granddaughter of the Emperor Sun, I spent a little thought, and all the rest were simply and rudely stuffed with silver tickets.

What is even more speechless is that these people, a little and a half, Li Hongyuan simply does not know how to call it, which generation is not clear, a face of cold standing next to Jing Hao.

Jing Hao didn't feel embarrassed, but he was able to do it by himself.

Still, the attitude is good, and they all smiled and told Jing Hao, "I am Hongyuan, what kind of person he is." If the mentality is not good, then the face is stretched, obviously angry, and dare to speak. Under the reminder of others, Jing Hao also called people, the younger generations, because they had to first pay tribute to Jing Hao, the first one was also clever, and came directly to the "self-introduction", and the following kind of learning, but smooth a lot of.

It’s still a bit tiring until it’s completely finished, it’s a lot of time, and that’s the result of crazy opening.

What makes Jing Wei more unexpected is that there are so many people, and their faces are still green, and they are like excessive wine, but most of these people were in the Prince’s Palace yesterday. This is crazy after eating the wine. ? Someone was crazy last night, drinking more wine than anyone else, but it was a godsend. Is this difference too big?

I know that these are all for Li Hongyuan’s drinking. Instead, Li Hongyuan’s pit is a bit of a drink. The wine is very strong. It was not drunk at the time. If it was drunk at the time, it would be uncomfortable to say less. Days, ordinary hangover soup hangover drugs have no effect at all, today can support the go out, it is already their ability.

In fact, when I saw Li Hongyuan, I knew that I was pitted. The amount of alcohol was good, and I couldn’t reach this level. But what about it? It’s your own, it’s not that he’s forced, and it’s uncomfortable. I can only recognize my nose.

"I don't know if your drink is so good, and our brothers will have a good drink on that day." Li Hongming said with a smile. The spirit is not good, this charm value can be greatly discounted.

"Exempt, your brother and sister said, drink more and hurt the body, drink less in the future, you don't have to look for me when you drink."

Many people's eyes subconsciously look at Jing Hao, when is the living king so obedient?

Jing Hao lips laughed and said nothing, then what, he smashed the pot to each other, and he helped the other side to back the irrelevant pot. If you drink too much, you will hurt your body. Whether it is intended to bring out the mouth or something, it is good to have this awareness.

"It’s natural that you don’t drink alcohol. It’s okay to get together.” Li Hongming said.

"A group of great men, what are you doing without drinking? No interest."

Li Hongming wants to vomit blood, men get together, what can be done without drinking, the most unqualified to say this, is you, now actually instinct here, who to watch it? Simply, it’s just...

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao, Jing Hao was a bit small, what do you mean, is it difficult for this pot to ask her to come back? Hello, don't bring such a play! Li Hongyuan did not remove his gaze. Jing Hao only felt that the scalp was numb. This is the rhythm that does not say anything. Or if you don’t follow him, it’s even more endless? Moreover, the Taiwanese family’s Taiwan can’t be dismantled. Isn’t that equal to playing your own face? “It’s all my brothers, and it’s okay to have a simple contact.”

Li Hongyuan nodded, and a pair of Jing Hao said what it was.

Not to mention that everyone is stunned, that is, the calmness of Jingjing must be kept, and the heart is even more sad and painful. The grandmother saves his life. The Jin Prince is going to "play" with her, and he can’t help himself. .

"Then please ask you on that day, Minger will go to the Luo family, and take the first step." Li Hongyuan's attitude is very good, it is simply flattering, pulling Jing Hao, the current departure.

And the person who stayed in the original, is not the face to face, which one he played?

Jing Hao also wants to know what he wants to do.

Li Hongyuan’s eyebrows pick, “What are you doing? Isn’t it a good idea?”

Is this good feeling so brushed? This is clearly to push her to the cusp of the wind, then, Su Guizhen should ask her to drink tea. I don't know why, Jing Hao always has a bad feeling, just like some kind of being broken, maybe not only. In short, my heart is a little hairy?

Going back to the Prince’s Mansion, I have to go back to the door tomorrow. There are indeed many things to be prepared.

The people of Luo’s family said that there are not many, but they are definitely quite a lot, and they are with Jingjing’s generation. But if they marry, they will bring their husbands back, and count the time. Both of them have their feet stable. The possibility of not coming back is really too small.

There are more gifts to be prepared, but it is not possible to directly insert the silver ticket.

However, when Jing Hao knows this, it looks a little more subtle to Li Hongyuan’s eyes. Dude, are you wearing it? Big things, small gifts, all gifts, they are directly solved with money, so the essence, that is the "wisdom of wisdom" of her predecessors, where do you learn to play?

“It’s convenient and easy, and those people are poor. The money is in line with their minds.”

"You are right." Jing Hao has not wanted to argue with him, he is always polite.

Just when Jing Hao was trying to send it, Gong Hao had already given her a list.

Jing Hao is about to take a look, Li Hongyuan took the past with ease, and naturally watched Jing Hao together.

It seems that from entering this eaves, I haven’t gotten out of his arms, can’t I hold it?

Li Hongyuan told her by action: No!

Jing Hao is not struggling, and Gong's list is in line with her mind. However, the specific choices need to be considered. What is good or bad is not.

Li Hongyuan handed things to Gong Yu, "called Mu An opened the inner library, although to get the best."

"Wang Ye, this can't be done." I also know that the inner library of the Prince of Jin is equivalent to Li Hongyuan's private library. The things inside are definitely the best. This is really too expensive. It is not Jing Hao’s family. Hey, but they get hot in their hands, they are known by outsiders, and they will be attacked.

"Relief, the things that cannot be used are sealed separately and will not be violated."


"Well, know what you are worried about, rest assured, the king's things, who the king wants to give to whom, who has no right to set it. The Luo family will raise you, but in the end it is cheaper, but it is some foreign objects. Can you compare with your living baby? Sending more things is a loss of the Luo family. I know that your grandfather is always gnashing his teeth every time he sees the king, and he can’t wait for him to give him some compensation. Maybe he will go to the door tomorrow, he will really start."

Jing Hao's cheeks are reddish, "the mouth is smooth." This sweet-spoken skill has long been full, and it is no wonder that it can play the high-level game of "Sheng Chong". "Don't filthy my grandfather, he is a Sven, and he has a literati style, and he doesn't care about your custom."

"Since it is a vulgar thing, it is even more okay, and you can send more."

Jing Hao cried and laughed, "Enough for you."

"Oh, you are not qualified to be married, and the daughters who are married can move to the maiden’s house. I can’t wait to empty the husband’s house. It’s like you, your husband’s preparation. Everything is pushed three times."

Jing Hao: "..."

Let the best choice, Gong Yu is naturally a little bit welcoming, absolutely not soft, in the face of Li Hongyuan, there is no "polite" in her dictionary.

Seeing the last thing, Li Hongyuan once again "educated" Jing Hao. "In this respect, you should learn from you well. Don't you be so stingy? You don't have any money, you don't have money, you have more money. ""

Is she stingy? is it? Jing Hao is too lazy to look at him again.

In the evening, although Li Hongyuan did not do a full set, he did not let Jing Hao go. The hungry wolf, who was already hungry with his eyes green, was completely reopened, and you still expect him to be vegetarian. The reason why Jing Yao was a horse was purely because Jing Haotou was the first time in the evening, and it was indeed hurt. "So, this man is too majestic, not too good?"

Jing Hao also licked his face, which stinks.

The next day, Jing Hao did not get up late, and it took a short time to practice in the morning.

For the first time, Li Hongyuan saw the tail from the beginning, and he really saw the flexibility of Jing Hao's body. It is not difficult to circle in a circle. Touching the minibus, hey, it’s too good to be better.

Jing Hao got up and saw that he was half-squinting and looked "intoxicated". Jing Hao's back was a bit cold, and he seemed to have done something stupid. I threw the sweat towel on hand and put him in the face, bastard. In addition to the colored materials in your mind, you can't think of something else?

Li Hongyuan did not immediately take down the sweat towel, but instead put two faces on his face, all of which are the taste of Jing Hao.

Jing Hao: "..."

Luo Jing Bo Dengmen, ready to pick up Jingjing back to the door.

The Prince of Jin Dynasty prepared a rich breakfast, and before the breakfast, Luo Jingbo received three teas.

At the time of breakfast, Li Hongyuan gave him the title, and the big scorpion sat on the chief. That is the average person. The royal family has no such rules. Therefore, Luo Jingbo can be said to be sitting on a needle. This is not glory, but sin.

Jing Hao did not say, and did not want to say, Li Hongyuan must have reason to refute her, just to mourn for his own brother.

After the morning meal, everything was ready. Although the two did not wear robes and costumes, they also used the Prince Yi. This is not to show off or something else. On the contrary, it is a sign of the importance of the Locke.

In addition to Luo Peishan, the rest of the Luo family went out to meet, including the two sisters who had already returned home with their families.

When I saw the ceremonial approaching, the same people who were still relatively idle were standing apart.

Li Hongyuan stepped down from the carriage and stood in the same place. Naturally, he reached out and helped Jing Hao.

Good and bad, see the true chapter for the subtleties.

Mrs. Luo is very pleased, but she is a bit sour in her heart, but she has been a baby for more than ten years.

They all said that this mother-in-law had robbed her son because of her daughter-in-law. Her heart was not happy. The woman’s mother-in-law, the hard-working prostitute, after seeing it, it’s hard to see a few times. Isn’t it even more unpleasant? Therefore, if you bring someone back to your house, you will be treated well.

"I have seen Wang Ye Wang, Wang Ye Wang Jinan."


Seeing the loved ones saluting themselves, Jing Hao has an urge to cry.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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