Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 244: : Take over the palace

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"It’s Wang Ye’s own, not the first time doing this kind of thing.” Gong Yi said with a face.

Yes, it is not the first time this kind of thing has been done. Forget it, how to say that you are a husband, to live a lifetime of people, is not a close relationship with the gods, these flowers and trees can not naturally go over him, and reach out and touch a leaf near the peony, "This Wei Zi Just put it here, no one will take care of it."

It’s just that the vinegar jar vinegar is like this. Now it’s not happy with the flowers and trees sent by “others”, but don’t develop to the extent of hostility as long as you occupy your own time. It’s said that Jing Hao is just thinking about it, who knows...

Jing Hao entered the house. In her house, someone is very familiar. At this moment, it seems that there is nothing. The fake model is a book that looks like the content of the book is too attractive. When Jing Hao came in, he was not aware of it.

Who is this childish ghost? Jing Hao was helpless and funny. When he walked in front of him and swayed for two laps, he still didn't respond. Jing Hao picked up his eyebrows and turned to prepare to leave. As a result, someone threw the book in his hand and grabbed her wrist. In my arms, holding his chin, his eyes are cowardly. "Is it so insincere and impatient? A broken flower can be more important than this king? Do you believe that the king burned it?"

For the ignorance or getting along, Li Hongyuan is really very scary, but he has contact before he decides to kiss. The contact after the appointment is more frequent, and he looks different from the beginning, not in front of her. Did not reveal the horrible side of the temper, even he has seen the scene of killing like a **** of death, may be afraid at first, over time, Li Hongyuan, who lost his temper, in the eyes of Jing Hao, it is not bad with the paper tiger.

Jing Hao looked at him and suddenly laughed.

Li Hongyuan’s eyes are more and more hazy. “Is this king in your eyes, is it a joke?”

Jing Hao suddenly leaned forward and her lips were printed on his lips.

The suffocating suffocation of Li Hongyuan was like the melting of snow and ice, which quickly disappeared. He buckled the waist of Jing Hao with one hand and buckled the back of her head with one hand, deepened the kiss, and knew that Jing Hao’s breathless struggle had let go of her. The thumb was lingering on her lips until Jing Hao clasped his strange hand. Four eyes are opposite, it seems that there is something burning in the bill.

Jing Hao is actually reflecting on himself. This man is undoubtedly good at himself. Although it is not 100% certain, but he has nothing to do, he is not a substitute. His feelings for her are inexplicable, but they are also true. Even if it is installed, can be installed to this point, it can not make people indifferent, he can't respond to his same feelings now, but in other places, he can still be a little better for him, for example, he is jealous. And it won't touch her bottom line, let's just let it go. "Ayuan..."

"Women have to be reserved."

Moved for only three seconds! Jing Hao is a bit cracked, holding? You are holding a look at your grandmother!

Jing Hao opened his hand and got up and went out.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, no matter what the air is.

The flowers and trees that Jing Hao is prepared to take away have been “packaged”.

At the luncheon, there are quite a lot of people.

Li Hongyuan took the first place in the male guest's seat, and Jing Hao also took the first place in the female guest seat because of her identity. Although some things don't want to change, they have to change. There is nothing to entangle, just let it be.

The average son-in-law, at this banquet, will definitely be filled with turns. Now, everyone is dare, but it’s Zhang’s. Maybe Mrs. Zhang knows Jing’s “commitment” and drums up. Courage gave Li Hongyuan a glass of wine, Li Hongyuan also gave face, and drank. As for someone studying behind, Li Hongyuan directly refused.

Therefore, he was enough to be flattered, refused, and refused.

After the luncheon, Li Hongyuan left the Luo family because the daughter-in-law refused to accompany him and was bored. It is natural that Jing Wei will let him move his own baby back first. The attitude was too natural. Jing Hao did not feel that something was wrong. Li Hongyuan nodded and let people go to Haishu Yaju to move things. He also did not think there was any problem.

In the eyes of others, it is different. Even the usual husband and wife, there is no wife to call the husband, let alone in the royal family. Everyone sees Jing Hao’s eyes are a little subtle. Should she say that her husband has surgery?

Jing Hao was seen inexplicably, but no one proposed it.

Jing Hao spent an afternoon in the Luo family. Near the evening, the frame of the Jin Prince’s palace was picked up. It was not the former Prince Yi, who looked less glamorous, but also far from the luxury of ordinary people.

Everyone sent it in unison.

In the face of the love of their loved ones, Jing Hao took a breath and held back, and could not open the door for them to go back first. It was necessary to watch their frame leave and they would turn around.

Jing Hao was put on the carriage and just entered. "Wang, how come you?"

"Nature is to pick you up." These words can be asked, it can be seen that the daughter-in-law will not be so smart, forget it, marry and marry yourself, so don't disappoint it, slowly "tune" is, some Things must be "learned" slowly.

What was said later, the outside people never heard, regardless of the Jin Prince, who left after the luncheon, this time to pick up people, it is enough to see the importance of the Prince Jin to his own Wang Hao.

Well, look at your good taste for your own girl, forgive your "ignorance", and the young and old of the Luo family have made such a heart.

When there is no outsider, Li Hongyuan always likes to hold her, and Jing Hao is used to it. As for the people who are waiting to be served, it is a good thing to say that they are treated as their own people. It is not good to say that Li Hongyuan did not care about them. Think about it too, these people's lives and killing powers are in their own hands, no different from other properties. In the eyes of Li Hongyuan, probably will say that they will move things to do things.

Jing Hao’s quiet nest was in his arms, while he was playing with his fingers and talking about the affairs of his ancestors.

"Little things, I will arrange." Li Hongyuan paused. "Reassured, you will not pass your grandfather, you are married to the Prince's House, some people want to bargain, please arrange a errand for you, it is a matter of course." Although your grandfather is now a high-ranking person, he is also a pure minister, and he does everything publicly. This kind of private affairs is not easy to start at first. If you open your head, it will not end well. This is a few things to please, as long as it works a little. People are willing to help, anyway, they are small and small officials, and the waves can't turn a little."

"Well, there is a big Buddha standing on the top of the lord. No matter where you are, there will be people taking care of it. Don't worry about being bullied by people, and they can read well." Jing Hao chuckled.

"Well, my big Buddha will keep you out of the wind and it will be fine."

It’s no problem, it’s not going to be better. "Can help, but if you do something, the prince does not have to be a person, how can they be, it is impossible... more important than you."

Although it was almost inaudible after a few words, Li Hongyuan was still in a good mood, which is probably the most love story. It is really a good phenomenon.

After returning to the door, the bride officially became a member of the husband's family, but she had no privilege. She went to the kitchen to wash her hands and serve as a soup. She was waiting for an old man. Of course, this is a normal family. For Jing Hao, these are invalid. .

Regardless of whether Jing Hao will cook or not, Li Hongyuan will not let her cook.

However, Jing Hao can officially take over the palace.

In the flower hall, many things in Wangfuli are already there, standing down with respect and respect, waiting for the arrival of the female master.

These people have long been accustomed to the fact that there are no female masters in the palace, and they have the power to control them. Because Wangfuli had only one master before, and it was so close to serve. Other people, including those present, may not be able to see the master side for a year and a half. The master has money and is not awkward, as long as it is not special. The greed, the oil and water in all positions are very good, although I have long known that there will be female masters entering the door, but it is really the day, my heart is not happy, and even there are some, I hope that Jing Hao is the same as before, was given by the prince "", however, this life is too hard, and it will be a half-year-old marriage, and then the marriage will be stable. The female master’s temperament is wider and better. If it is a tight hand or even a mean, their good days will come to an end. . After all, Wang Hao also brought dowry, and someone always gave them a place.

Putting your own people in the various positions of the husband's family is something that every master will do, and it will help to gain a foothold in the husband's family.

This kind of variety, my heart is awkward, but I don’t dare to show the slightest negative emotions on my face, let alone whisper to the female master. They are the old people in the government. They don’t have any feelings in Li Hongyuan. So, how dare you make it in front of Wang Hao. More critically, the general manager has already beaten.

Slightly heard, everyone knows that the Lord is coming. The color is more beautiful.

What Yu Guang saw, it was the slightly fluttering clothes corner, followed by six people.

Jing Hao sat down at the top and said a few words briefly. The general idea is that they are all Wangfu people. They will work hard in the future, do their own job well, do a good job, and do bad punishment.

Jing Hao’s voice is not too light, and the words are not harsh, and everyone’s heart is temporarily relieved.

"I don't even compare the roster with a little bit of people. You come and pick up your name, and talk about the one. I am familiar with the familiar people first."

"禀王妃, slave 婢 Mu An, is the general manager of the palace." Mu Gonggong standing on the edge, hurry to the first one.

How respectable and respectful, even with a little flattering.

Jing Hao saw his dog legs as the clearest, quite speechless. In other words, this person is still normal in front of his master. He looks at a savvy image. In his own place, how can it be wrong?

However, other people are in a state of sorrow, who is the father-in-law, but the first smug person around the prince, who is respected by the Wangfu, but this attitude to Wang Hao, to some extent, also explains the prince Attitude.

At this moment, what careful thoughts are put away, the second master of the palace, that is, a high degree of existence with the prince, no, in their case, the status is still higher, after all, Wang Ye regardless of the matter, Wang Hao It is often seen, if you accidentally offended, or do something wrong, you can change their destiny in one sentence.

Therefore, the people behind are more and more respectful, and the mouthful, not forgetting to compliment Jingjing.

Jing Hao also knows the reason for this. Although he is a bit speechless to Mu, he has actually saved himself from trouble.

Jing Hao listened quietly. In the end, three people came out in a corner position. These three people are not the same as other people. Two women and one man, one of them looks like a 30-year-old, and the other two are more Young, in his early twenties, but these three men are handsome and handsome. Because of their advancement, the other retreats with disdain. However, there are also the management of the outer court to use the sinful eyes to smash on the two women.

And themselves, in the face of Jing Hao, is even more nervous, even if it is older, looking calm, look at it, still can see her uneasiness.

"Slaves and clever mothers, who are in charge of the palace."

"The slaves are in charge of the female troupe of the palace."

"Little Tsing Yi, the male troupe of the palace."

Jing Hao suddenly understands that it is no wonder that there will be no such thing as the "Fox" that the woman would like to raise, especially the princes of the Jin Dynasty, or the men and women who take it all. These people will worry about the new mother's mother attack. .

It sounds like these people are the "Harem" of someone. "How many people do you manage each?"

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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