Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 257: : Specially built

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Li Hongyuan nodded naturally, naturally, everything has him. The chapter update is the fastest

Jing Hao squinted at him and told him that he was so arrogant and really drunk.

Li Hongyuan seems to always be able to sense it in the first time, and return to a smile that is not good enough to make people blush, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is so intimate and tacit.

Mrs. Luo took a cup and took a shallow drink. She didn’t see anything. She was old and couldn’t stand the tiredness of young people. But this is her most loved granddaughter and her husband, two The better the person's feelings, the more naturally she is happy, and naturally she will not do the arrogant awkwardness.

Jing Hao glanced at her grandmother. Her old man didn't seem to notice it. She breathed a sigh of relief and was sitting in danger. The face of the elders was too greasy. This shame should be at least 50%. It must be said that the premise of the past is open. Better next, high acceptance is not, the current environment, maybe a big stimulus.

Li Hongyuan did not know about the two grandchildren. One self-deception was not seen by the other party.

Jing Hao knows a problem afterwards. Grandmother has great trust in the Prince of Jin. This trust can not be established overnight. Therefore, it is impossible to be the time after marriage. For the essence of Jin Prince, she and her grandfather I have known it for a long time, but I am afraid that it is going to be traced back to the pro-parent, and this understanding is deeper than she thought.

There is a feeling that everyone else knows that they don’t know. Ok, it’s not too angry. Grandma doesn’t tell her, she must have her reasons, no need to care.

After talking about the business in an understatement, I casually talked about private matters.

“Wang Ye likes children very much?” asked Mrs. Luo.

"How can I see it? - Just by holding the little thing? It’s boring." The grandmother of her own daughter-in-law, Li Hongyuan still had a little patience to answer her boring questions.

Think about it carefully, Li Hongyuan is really not feeling like this kind of thing. If you don’t say that you have a child, you will inevitably take away the attention of your wife. If a woman has a child, it is a matter of life and death. If it threatens you. Life, then, he will not hesitate to give up the child, although this man continues the blood is nature, but it is definitely not the present, it is in the future, it is also natural, he will never force.

It’s not a bad thing for Mrs. Luo to see him. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the Lecheng Emperor, he did not have the right to inherit the throne. Then, before the replacement of the throne, the son had no relationship with the heir. He is the only one who does not have to consider the issue of the child in the process of vying for the throne.

On this point, Jing Hao knows more things, but now he remains silent.

Mrs. Luo wanted to stay in the house, but it was still early, and Jing Hao saw Li Hongyuan’s boring look and refused.

Mrs. Luo’s mentality has lost points. It’s not so easy to have a granddaughter to eat a meal. However, it’s not strong, and the granddaughter is married. The slightest bias is also appropriate.

Leaving the Luo family, "What is the fun place in the capital, can you have a recommendation?"

After entering Beijing for more than a year, Jing Hao has not turned the place where the capital can go. She feels that she should review it.

"What can be fun in the city, let's go out of the city and go to Zhuangzi."

"Hey? Just go like this?" In this time and space for more than ten years, I really haven’t said that when I leave, I will go out of the city. If I can’t come back that day, I have to prepare at least one day in advance. Just to go to other people's homes, you have to prepare some things that you might get. This mouth is going to go, and you will be happy when you close your mouth, the first time.

This frame is out of the city gate. There is still a sense of unreality in Jingjing. These days, Huanghuang is not a more troublesome trip. Before the call back, the mighty is normal, so it is lightly loaded on the road, casual and willful, this man is probably also a single.

Jing Hao also knows that everything can't be so simple. No, that Mu Gonggong has disappeared from the shadows. He wants to come. It is not to go back to the palace to collect things. It is to go to Zhuangzi to make arrangements.

In the above sentence, the following run off the leg.

Of course, no one thinks it is wrong. Jing Hao also knows that this is their survival value, it has a role, you can exist, when it does not work, you can get out of the way, after rolling, what kind of days will be difficult to say.

It is their greatest glory to be properly tuned to the perfect fulfillment of the master's needs.

With Li Hongyuan standing, Jing Hao did not honestly shrink into the carriage, opened the curtains, squatting on the window, facing the breeze, enjoying the beautiful scenery, not too comfortable.

On the face of a team, watching should be an ordinary caravan, but should be familiar with the things in the capital, see the frame of the Prince of the King, it will make people rush to avoid, stop at the edge, so, Jin Prince The team, they passed by them, as the saying goes, you are enjoying the scenery, but I do not know unintentionally become the beauty of others' eyes.

Of course, this does not mean Jing Hao, but Li Hongyuan. - Hey, where are the dogs?

"Who is the man in the carriage?" In a carriage in the team on the side of the road, there was a voice of a woman's interest.

"That is the frame of the Prince of the Sixth Prince of the Emperor. The one inside is the Prince of Jin. The woman in the window should be Wang Hao who has only passed the door for a few days. He is from the Shangshu House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and recognizes the Princess of the Long Princess as the mother." A man whispers.

"It’s really the first beautiful man in Kaiyuan. That face is really worthy of the name."

"Master, is the focus of your attention not wrong?" The man was helpless.

"Is it wrong? In addition to the face of the Prince of Jin, what else is worth noting?"

The man was speechless.

To say that everyone who is a prince of Jin thinks that there is only one face, I don’t know if it should be silent for him, or that he should praise him too much, hide too well, and miss a little.

Although Li Hongyuan’s attention is mostly on Jing Hao, it does not mean that he is ignorant of things outside. It is not that people who appeared at this time have appeared. It is not too much accident. It can only be said that courage is not small.

Don't say what happened to people in previous lives. It counts memories of decades ago. Who remembers what those people are looking for, can't resist the prince's identity of the "important person", and he can do it. Not a vegetarian, if you can't get back a few portraits, you can die of death.

If you think you are in the deep, you will not be noticed. No one will understand that it is only in normal circumstances. Li Hongyuan, who is not open, can be killed by him. After the suspension, you die unclear. Not white, can only go to the prince to go to shout. - Li Hongyuan looks lazy and has no eyelids.

However, this time, maybe it can help him catch some fish hidden in the depths and not found.

Li Hongyuan’s Zhuangzi is not far away. It will be more than an hour after he leaves the city. Of course, as long as he is not going fast. When I arrived, it was almost just lunch time. And as Jing Hao expected, it was really someone who came to manage it. Not only that, but the people who went back to the palace to clean up the cages, they all arrived first, and the poems and songs were given four shackles. This ability is really a lever, once again let Jing A few big cockroaches have a sense of crisis of “lost the rice bowl”.

Not busy to see Zhuangzi, one is hungry, and secondly, Jingjing is a little dizzy, need rest and rest to continue the following play.

Li Hongyuan now takes the daughter-in-law as the first thing. Well, even before, the days he spent were actually monotonous. Because of his excellent ability, many things have "foresight," so he feels tricky and needs no day and night. There is nothing in the exhaustive handling of things, the efficiency of the work is too high, and the belief that "the upper class is laborer", so he has a lot of free time, which is also one of the reasons why "no one doubts that he is secretly doing things". Thinking about yourself and people, I am busy becoming a dog all day, and how can people who are busy and energetic can be a person who mixes with them.

Probably that Li Hongyuan had too much time on weekdays, and people felt that it was the sick five sons, who seemed to be more suspicious than him. True temperament is true temperament, and acting actor is also considered appropriate.

After a rest, I filled my stomach again, and Jing Hao was full of blood.

Appropriate consumption of food, Jing Hao began to explore this Zhuangzi.

This Zhuangzi is Huangzhuang, covering an area of ​​several thousand acres. It is built on the hillside of the Bianyuan and does not say that it is definitely the prince of Jin who used to be the "local wind", which is exquisitely made of silver.

And this March's day, when the flowers bloom, all kinds of flowers and trees, it is enough to call Jing Jing.

However, to explore a wider site is what Jing Hao has to do now, and her love can be put aside.

Because the place is too big, Li Hongyuan took the horse directly with Jing Hao, and it was a ride together. Jing Hao saw Li Hongyuan’s ability to capture the horse. So, no matter how much he took the rugged road, he would not worry, he would not let himself Wounded and hurt.

It is natural to be happy with this kind of trust, but it is also less fun for someone who is not good.

Jing Hao secretly gave him a blank eye.

Zhuangzi’s big management all the way followed, and Jing Yu explained the distribution of Zhuangzi’s pattern.

Zhuangzi wants mountains and mountains, water and water, the scenery itself is beautiful, and various kinds of flowers and trees are planted. The most occupations in Zhuangzi are flower farmers. In the pattern, it is not a large piece of flowers, but also more Close to the landscape of the garden, layered, different seasons, there is a perfect blend of picturesque.

Although it is a bit violent in the context of agriculture-based, however, this place is in line with Jing's mind. How to say it is like a manor built for her. Of course, Jing Hao knows that this is impossible, because the scale of this Zhuangzi is not something that can be done in a year. This is probably just a wonderful coincidence. His own preferences just coincide with someone. This coincidence is also a An inexplicable experience.

Jing Hao saw a red like a fire in the distance. "Is that red maple?"

"Yes, Hong Fenglin." Li Hongyuan nodded.

"Hurry up in the past." Jing Hao was a little excited to urge.

"This road is relatively flat, you can drive your own horse." Li Hongyuan said, turned over and dismounted.

Sitting on the horse, Jing Hao grinned at him, this man is too intimate. "drive……"

When the reins are shaken, the horse runs, and the speed is not so fast, but it is enough for Jing Hao to experience the fun of Mercedes.

The black girl followed the white horse in a hurry to catch up, and there were two female guards who seemed to be on the Zhuangzi, and then a large group of other waiters who were on the sidelines and hula.

And the person who followed Li Hongyuan saw that the master had left the horse, and naturally he could not sit still.

To put it bluntly, the horse that Wang Hao rode is the mount of the master. On weekdays, no one but the master can control it. Then the groom who waits for it can touch it. This accident can be shared by the master. Riding, don't want to, Wang Hao can still control alone, have to make people doubt, whether the animals know how to look at their faces.

Looking at Jing Hao running away, Li Hongyuan reached out and secretly placed a small reel in his hand.

Li Hongyuan crushed the small reel, took out the paper roll hidden inside, unfolded it, and quickly browsed it again, smashed it into a ball and threw it out. The dark one catches it accurately, takes out the fire, and burns it.

Li Hongyuan did not command, and the dark waited for him to be quiet.

Li Hongyuan went to Fenglin without hesitation. He didn't see the mood, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Jing Hao entered Fenglin, the horse slowed down, and did not slow down. Although it was not autumn, there was no extreme beauty of the maple leaves flying. The eyes were still beautiful, because the care was done, not the last one. The dead leaves left in the year, the green grass, only occasionally dotted with a few new leaves blown by the wind, the trees are not seen with dead branches, only the maple leaves that are "burning".

Then, Jing Hao also found a stream with several tributaries, slowly flowing, and approached, only to find that the stream is not deep, the deepest place, probably not the calf, not only that, but also at the bottom Large and small pebbles, it is clear that this stream is also artificially excavated, exhausted the mind.

Jing Hao slipped from the horse back, took off his shoes and socks, picked up the dress and hit a knot, wading into the water.

The feeling of cobblestones and lameness is actually very comfortable, because it is often caused by Gong Yu’s relationship with the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet. He does not feel pain. Jing Hao walked a small circle and looked at the people who were on the side. I wanted to call them together. However, if you think about it or forget it, you will be open. The answer to the ten ** is "not in harmony." The whole Zhuangzi will be fooling with her, probably only someone.

Sure enough, the one-legged music is not as good as the music.

Probably seeing the relationship between Jing Hao and wading in the water, the only person behind, Li Hongyuan followed.

Jing Hao's eyebrows bent and waved at him.

Li Hongyuan did not refuse, and went straight, and the water quickly wet the shoes and socks.

Jing Hao raised his eyebrows and did not stop it.

Li Hongyuan took the hand of Jing Hao and took her slowly and slowly.

Jing Hao cheerfully rubbed his feet on the water, and his smile on his face never diminished.

"Send the post back, invite your sisters to play with friends in the middle of the game." Li Hongyuan suddenly said.

Jing Hao stunned and looked up at him. This man, really knows everything. "Thank you, Ayuan."

"Why do you want to thank you, I am a husband and wife, and it is all right for you."

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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