Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 264: : Leisurely, burnt

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"Specific circumstances. ``" When I realized that Jing Hao was unusual, Li Hongyuan thought that the meticulous painting might not be created by her, because Jing Hao was relatively mature when she first painted, and she never said it herself. It’s from her hand, but what about it? This is what she brought. No matter whether it’s in the history of Qiyuan or in other countries, it’s never existed. Then, it belongs to her. She gave the fame and fortune to her. Her brother, he is not happy, but he will not interfere. Now someone wants to insert a hand, no matter what the purpose, it is absolutely unforgivable.

"The beginning of the rumors, there is only a little bit of a sign. According to the preliminary grasp of the situation, it should be that Wang Hao’s paintings in Qi’an’s house flowed out and fell into the hands of outsiders. I don’t know whether it was used by people or not. If the ambition is used, the possibility of the latter should be greater. If the other party does not take the painting out, no one will know that if it is premeditated, things may be handled badly. Two or three years, enough for each other. In the whole process of manufacturing, there are no other paintings by Wang Hao in Qi'an. The other party is likely to have a fight. It is probably also confirmed that this is unscrupulous and the things are too big. The reputation of Luo Sangong will be detrimental."

"Mrs. Luo Lao was at the beginning to prevent Wang Hao's paintings from flowing out. What are you doing, and such a flaw?" Li Hongyuan said with a blank expression.

"It’s **** damn." He bowed his head and pleaded guilty. "I also asked the master to let the subordinates solve the problem and then punished."

"Who is behind the scenes?"

"Rui Prince."

Li Hongyuan sneered, Li Hongming's purpose is obvious.

To say that such a thing, once it is a bit of a rush, will soon spread, especially after the move, even if Li Hongyuan took control of the situation in the first time, it is difficult to control, in fact, the speed of the spread Unpleasant, obviously someone is deliberately suppressing, except for the behind-the-scenes ambassador, basically there will be no second person.

"If you are honest, this time you will give some blood to you. Since the partiality hits you and doesn't make you hurt, I will write down the name by Li Hongyuan. - Let people play Shen Shuhan, or let Shen Shuhan turn right. The position of the Governor is broken, or the rest of the Shen family is cut off."

In a dark heart, this is really awkward. Shen Jia is the irons of the prince of Rui, the right hand is in charge of the military power, Shen Shuhan is shackled, and the prince of Rui is almost the same as the left and right arm, and the rest of the Shen family, where they are, It can be said that it is all aspects, it is really full, and the loss can not be more huge, but it is not a bone.

In fact, this is not the only thing. In the previous plan, it was prepared to start with the money bag of Rui Prince. The current situation is not to give up the former and execute the latter. It is clearly superimposed. Why should the prince of Rui want to be so open, and often provoke the master. Speaking of it, this is also the sorrow of the hidden monsters.

Only in this way, the balance between Rui Prince and Prince Kang is broken.

Of course, this is not a dark matter to consider. He only needs to execute Li Hongyuan’s order. "Yes."

The local drawings of Jing Hao are not completely drawn. I believe that there are intuitive visual effects. The following masters are sure to be able to complete them by themselves. Now it is necessary to determine the location of this small playground. It is for the sisters to play. After that, there must be other small diced beans. Isn't it good to build on this village? Someone’s sense of territory seems to be a bit strong.

Jing Hao sent three small gimmicks with curiosity, and turned to Li Hongyuan to ask him what he meant.

"Nothing is bad. You build one now, and the things that you will play for your children will not involve any interest disputes. It will not take long for others to follow suit. It doesn't matter if you build more. There is nothing to worry about."

"That's right, wait a few years, our children can play."

"The delusion is really far enough." Li Hongyuan with a little teasing chuckle.

"What are you talking about?" Is this not a matter of course? She wants to monopolize this man, and naturally she is obliged to have children for him. After all, men can be innocent here; no, this is not just an obligation. If they are connected, children are the crystallization of their love, life. continue.

As for someone who will be an emperor, maybe the Sangong and Sixth Houses are 72. She does not want to think about things that have not happened.

"I don't know what I said?" Li Hongyuan saw her annoyed. "Okay, don't say it. Tell you something..." Regarding the previous incident, he did not intend to glare at her.

Jing Hao's slight frown, she is very clear, this matter is not handled well, the impact on the third brother will be very large, will not ruin his future, but also for the Luo family, because of this, No one would think that it was made by the third brother alone.

"Don't worry, there is me in this matter. Tell you, just let you have a number in your heart, but it is not worrying you." Li Hongyuan stroked her forehead with his fingers. "If the daughter-in-law's family is counted Dead, then the king will not have to mix."

Jing Hao relieved, yes, there is him, and then, even if it is himself, this thing can not be started. After all, the position of the other party is that she cannot shake.

However, although she can't do anything, she can make some ideas. The best way to cover up the gossip and conceal the gossip is to create a more sensational rumor. Moreover, it is not a patent for anyone to do such a thing.

"Don't you say that there is me? This kind of thing, the king has been playing for eight hundred years."

Jing Hao is discouraged, forget it, I still play with it. However, the paintings she had previously painted in Qi'an should have some effect, but in this way, some things must be explained and removed. With such an idea, Jing Hao no longer hesitated, telling Li Hongyuan that his strokes were originally from his own hands.

Then, he did not see a half-split on his face.

"A Yuan seems to be not surprised at all." This is already known already?

"I am not surprised if I am smart and I will do anything."

"Don't give me a high hat." Although it is from her hand, but it is not created by myself, mentioning this is already very self-confident.

"Okay, don't say it.--You just said that the previous paintings, including those abandoned paintings, brought the capital?"

"Well, when I left Qi'an, my grandmother called it."

"Mrs. Luo is really a foresight." Li Hongyuan said softly. "However, Luo Jingbo is quite accomplished in the meticulous paintings, but it is still better than you. The posters in the back are all you will copy him. Those who can have a big difference, but those who know how to draw can basically see it at a glance. It is from two people's hands. It is not difficult to break the rumors, but it is difficult to clean him thoroughly. He is not clean himself..."

"What is not clean, don't use words." Jing Hao said dissatisfied.

"You are too good to say to Luo Jingbo." Li Hongyuan said a little deeper.

Jing Hao cried and laughed. "He is my brother."

"I am still your husband. The woman is three, but I have never heard of my brother."

"Don't you say these boring things, don't you?"

Li Hongyuan nodded with nothing. "The time when Luo Jingbo took out his paintings, he could not stand the scrutiny. No one doubts it. Once he is suspected, this kind of child will definitely take root. The result may be to push you out."

"The third brother is not going to follow the path of the literati in the future. It doesn't matter if it is smudged. If I give it to the launch, it will not only be a joke, but even a scorpion will be affected. Don't forget the one hundred." The bird is facing the phoenix."

"Well, listen to you. So now, you are giving a small group of thoughtful considerations, for the husband, for the husband is also very boring, there is no point of entertainment?" Li Hongyuan asked.

"Ayuan was a bit old... alone?"


"There are few people playing with other people. I heard that you will play very well, but others..." Jing Hao ridiculed.

"I have time to play, I am not interested in taking them to play." In his eyes, those people are no different from the children of a few years, playing with them, don't be kidding.

"I will bring them together after that day. You are the first name in the name of the capital. It is not the case. We have built a racecourse in Zhuangzi. When we play horses, we can build them in the racecourse. Other game facilities, we make money and entertainment."


"Gambling horses, it is also simple to say, horse racing, other people bet on their favorite horses, similar to the opening of the Zhuang, the other people can also be placed on the Zhuangzi to see the game, but the horse that won, as a horse The owner will be divided accordingly. General gambling is prohibited, I want to bet the horse should not."

"Well, it will probably be called an elegant thing. There will be a lot of people involved in it. In addition, I am afraid that it will be very profitable. Is it because I am short of your money? I have lost money."

"People who can enter your Zhuangzi, at least not the ordinary people, are the main players who are not lacking in money. This money is not earning money. You have more money, but it is only now, in the future... ”

When the emperor was a man, the treasury was ample, and if it was not good, it would use a private library. At that time, there was more money, and it was like running water. It’s gone, then it would be less.

"Hey, I think so far," Li Hongyuan chuckled and leaned closer to her ear. "It’s the mother of the world."

Jing Hao’s eyes narrowed slightly, which is a real recognition of ambition, and it is not the same as the feeling that I understand.

"How to build a horse farm, it is better to draw a picture and a husband."

"Okay." Jing Hao was also interested in painting.

This time, Li Hongyuan was in the whole process. He asked one or two sentences from time to time, and occasionally talked about his own views. Jing Hao couldn’t stop watching him and seeing him. He said that he really was a versatile person. One hand.

The atmosphere of the two is warm and harmonious.

In the capital, people in the gloomy state are not in the minority.

The prince of Rui has been unable to maintain the gentleness of the book because of the ban on the book. Although no one mentioned it in person, he is also convinced that there is no rumor outside, but he always feels that he can’t help but suspect that the other person knows this. Things, I think that the other side is taunting him, there is no more shameful thing than this, so it is strange that the mood is good.

When I faced Luo Peishan, I also became a smile, even a bit yin and yang.

Not only that, he seems to have fallen into the mud again, I don’t know where the problem is, the trouble is constant, although it is not always the same as the time of the year before, it was always reprimanded by the father, but the big thing is not, but the little thing is Constantly, it doesn't matter, it makes people feel violent.

And let him be the most annoyed, although the long princess did not have a birthday banquet, as a nephew, still need to send a gift, and his ritual has a problem, the jade Guanyin split, for those who believe in the Buddha In fact, it is simply unforgivable. I can see how bad the princess's face is. I just apologize in person. The princess has turned it away, and then she was reprimanded by Le Chengdi, although she did not say it. He disrespected his elders, but he also said that he did not do his best. He treated them like aunts and aunts. Can you count on him when things are big? - This is a heart.

Li Hongyuan was almost the first time to make a thunder against Liu Wangwei.

Liu Qizhen, He Qichen, she repeatedly promised that before the gift was sent to the past, she had repeatedly checked it. There was absolutely no problem. When sending the manager, she was repeatedly careful, and the management was definitely not touching.

Li Hongming did not know that he had been put together again, and there was no gas to start. The management was directly killed by the stick, completely regardless of the other party’s past doing a lot for his master.

Li Hongming always felt that he was being shackled by invisible hands, and he was bored everywhere, but he did not know where the hand came from.

To say that his biggest rival, there are two, watching two people are not like people who can design him to this extent, but he is not so conceited, who knows whether they are suddenly pointing behind them.

What's more, recently, Li Hongjun and the Queen and the old nine are inextricably linked, and everyone with a clear eye can see what is going on. The partiality of their own children is fierce, and it seems that they will turn their faces into hatred at any time. Maybe it is a play.

After the early dynasty, Li Hongming turned black and black, and Shen Shuhan and Shen’s family were impeached. In the case of dozens of crimes, according to the content of the impeachment, it was simply a sinful crime.

Although some of the content is illusory, but most of them are true, they can come up with real evidence, but they are exaggerated invisibly. To know the art of this text, sometimes just changing the word order can cause a difference. do not.

Li Hongming wants to directly slap his hands, no matter what, some things are related to him, and Shen Shuhan is too important to him, regardless of public and private, he can't care. It is almost vomiting blood.

The burnt head is not enough to describe.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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