Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 267: : Good play continues

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However, when Li Hongming faced Luo Peishan, he always felt that the other person’s eyes were very cold.

After three times and three times, Li Hongming can be sure that his feelings are not illusions. Luo Jingying’s thing is that Locke is sorry for him. He was tolerant enough during this time. He didn’t have trouble with Luo’s family. He did not look coldly at Luo Peishan. Like this, Luo Peishan can make him have a look, so he has to doubt, is it in Luo Jingbo's affairs, Luo Jia already knows his handwriting?

It’s a coincidence that it’s a coincidence that the poor scholar who first entered the capital city first saw Luo Jingbo’s teaching book, and his face was unbelievably crippled. He was just seen by his people and felt that there might be any articles in it. If you do, you will bring people to him. In fact, in this matter, he does not believe at all. He directly used the lynching. A poor scholar, where he can withstand this, easily recruited all.

Even if this is the case, there is still a suspicious place, so I took advantage of it.

At the beginning, he still controlled a degree. After all, his purpose was not to ruin Luo Jingbo. It was nothing more than swearing at Luo Peishan or appearing as a benefactor. He easily helped Luo Jingbo get rid of this matter. However, he But he was caught by other things, and when he turned around, it was over, and he didn't know who understood the hand.

This completely uncontrollable thing, once again and again, is who is against him?

In the face of Luo Peishan, Rui Prince is as always, as if he does not know that there is such a thing, whether Luo Jia is determined to be related to him, he is determined not to admit it, in short, it is innocent.

Prince Rui is very clear that Luo Jingbo’s current fame is inevitably the focus of Luo Peishan’s training. In the future, the Luo’s mainstay is now being tried to ruin him. To some extent, it is undoubtedly destroying the foot of the Luo family. Once, it is equivalent to the hatred of the door. For the initiator, the Locke does not hate.

Did not get the actual evidence, Luo Peishan did not talk to him, in fact, Li Hongming's attitude is entirely in his expectation, as a superior, can you even have this face? The same is the official old oil, Luo Peishan said that understanding and even agree, but out of his own, it must not be forgiven.

Therefore, for the plan of the three-grandmother, his old man said that he would do it more thoroughly.

Although Li Hongyuan did not let him participate in many things, he only let him do the things in the division, but he did not favor it. However, because of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan trusted him and told him more things than other people. So, sit. In the position of the sacred book, which is not in the right place, he feels sorry for himself. He is using his own strength and clearing the power of other people without any traces. He has cleared a point and his granddaughter can easily Minute.

The three-grandmother wants to be someone, no, not right. It should be the money bag of some people. He is already picking up the replacement, and he will be satisfied.

In these few days, Locke is busy with Luo Jingming’s family affairs. This matter has changed. Apart from the three older brothers of the grandchildren, Luo’s family only knows that they have not done anything, just waiting. The development of things.

The result is that, as Li Hongyuan said, Hongjunsi Qing proposed a substitution, and he also said that he was sorry for Luo Daren. He also asked Luo Daren to have a large number of people who don’t care about him.

Although I have known this result for a long time, Luo Peishan’s acting is also a lever, very online, first expressed his dissatisfaction in a timely manner, and then looked at the sincere apology of the other party, generously expressed forgiveness, after all, two relatives, outsiders Basically, I don’t know, it won’t have much impact. In addition, the prostitute of Hongjunsi Qing is only a month or two younger than the prostitute, and the rituals have already passed. It’s her turn, but it’s a little ahead of time.

"I just don't know what happened. Of course, the old man is not deliberately embarrassed. If Zhao Daren feels inconvenient, it doesn't matter. It is said that every family has a difficult experience. This is a substitute for the people. There must be a reason for this. Everyone understands that Yang Yangshan smiles. The ones are the same, we understand, we all understand.

It’s just that the Hongjun Temple Qing Zhao’s adult is somewhat cold and sweaty. This is clearly telling you that he already knows that your family has a ugly thing, and that it’s clear, maybe it’s okay, don’t say clear, and you’ll have to “think”. When I get tired of the prostitute who is married to your family, I always look at her with a different look. It’s not good, isn’t it?

Speaking of this Zhao Daren is also in his forties, just three products, compared to the positive one of Luo Peishan, the gap is not a little bit, not only the lower official, but also a younger generation, this time is his loss.

He is level with the fifth Taiqing, but the relationship with Luo Peishan was not enough before.

Originally, using a prostitute can make a relationship with Luo Jia. This sale is no longer worthwhile. Even if it is started, he will not lose it when he marries a prostitute. It is only to consider this face problem, and the result is finally Instead, I have made a moth on my own, and I know that it is better to use a prostitute at the beginning. It is a matter of both initiative and being forced.

Under the thoughts, I decided to tell the truth. If the Luo family rises up and decides to pursue the whole story, the lie will be even more unbearable when it is dismantled. After all, this matter is a bit fierce at home. He cannot guarantee that he will never show his breath. "Luo Daren, it is said that the lower official is a woman who has no side. The prostitute has been a cousin since childhood and disagrees with this marriage. It has been done a few days ago, but the lower official does not know." This incident, when the incident occurred, I really want to kill her directly, the lower official is really shameless, faceless to face you."

Luo Peishan beheaded, heart, is really a person's style, and will not leave behind.

Already a broken girl, Hongjun Temple Qing did not have the courage to marry someone. After all, if the fraud was discovered when the house was built, it would be that the two were dead and hatred. Others were better and offended. Department of Shangshu, the descendants of your family, the children of relatives and friends are still mixed?

As long as he is Luo Peishan in a day, your family will never think about it. According to Luo Peishan’s current spirit, there are still many years without accidents. The official promotion is also about the right place and the people, missed the opportunity, maybe On the day when there is no more time, no one can stand the air consumption for several years.

For example, it is better to make things clear, and then to find a excuse for the prostitute to get sick, the external will go round. It is also good to give outsiders a good reputation for his benevolence. Naturally everyone is good. just……

"Luo Daren, you are at ease, the servant of the lower official, knowing the book, the quality is good, and there is absolutely no such thing as a favorite person. After the marriage, you will be able to harmonize with the husband and the monk."

If the prostitute is implicated in the prostitute, he has to kill the prostitute.

"Zhao Daren is more concerned. Since the old man should have a marriage, naturally he will not let his grandson be embarrassed. You can rest assured that the character of my grandchildren will never make malicious guesses. Indiscriminately angered."

"The Luo family has a good education, and the Luo family are all good. This is a well-known thing. It can be married to the Luo family. That is also the blessing of the little girl."

The marriage was finalized, and the two of them talked very much.

Once again, the agenda can begin to go.

To put it bluntly, Luo Jingming has already been eighteen, and Luo Jingbo, who is younger than him, has already been defamed. The woman has already been married. It is not necessary to drag on for one or two years, so the marriage is scheduled for September this year.

Compared with Luo Jingbo, Sun Yijia, at this ceremony, it was not bad. Luo Jia took out enough sincerity.

I just heard that on the day of Nassau, the Zhao family was "very lively", and the prostitute almost got to the front, saying that the sister and the aunt had a pair, calculating her, winning her marriage, she would not let them go.

It is conceivable that the face of the person who is holding the black pot is so eager to thank the family for giving the face, and the marriage is still the same.

As the insider of the Luo family, the two of them are very calm, and the three brothers are so dim.

"That Zhao girl is in love with others is true, Jingming, you are so happy with such a wife, and in the heart, can you be happy? Then, the prince of Jin said that he can change people. Can you stop him from changing? Why should he do that? Why do you need to care about other things?"

Mrs. Luo’s words dispelled the extra thoughts of the brothers. How can people like them be clean and white for a lifetime without doing anything against the heart?

Luo Jingming’s marriage is no longer an accident and is a foregone conclusion.

However, some people are secretly preparing to dig the corner of Kang’s prince, and they want to be the prostitute of Shangshang’s book, but some people are unwilling to let him take advantage of this, so he is confused about his post-home chasing, and he is a betrayal of dancing girls.妾 妾 , , , , , , , , , , 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康 康Angry into the palace, almost killed in the Queen's Kun Yu Palace. Therefore, the Emperor Lecheng was alarmed. Therefore, the Prince Kang, who had just improved, was reprimanded by Emperor Lecheng.

The Ministry of Industry Shangshu also stood up, euphemistically expressed his love for his daughter, and indirectly refused the marriage with Prince Kang.

After all, it is not an sacred purpose. The Ministry of Industry’s refusal is also understandable. The Queen can succumb to the marriage. However, because of the restrictions imposed by the Kaiyuan on the harem, the Queen’s decree, as long as there are legitimate reasons, the courtiers can not answer, the Ministry of Industry has already said To this end, in the final analysis, it is the problem of Prince Kang himself, it is not blamed on his head. If the Queen still insists on the purpose, it will not only be swept away, but also an enemy for Prince Kang.

For this time, this marriage has to be given up.

Prince Kang was so angry that he smashed a lot of things, and he naturally did not have a good face for the enchanting singer. After all, in the eyes of these men, women help them a lot, and don’t expect them to be grateful, especially those who are enchanting, in essence, they are a plaything, but they are more valuable, and once they have no value, they Even the real playthings are not as good.

The enchanting heart hates her, she is in contact with the prince of Kang, but she did nothing, and did not stir up the wind in the backyard of Kang’s Prince. After all, this is not her purpose. She is not interested in fighting with those women. Thinking of a moment of negligence, if it was not for her, Kang’s prince also pushed a person to go out to sin, and she relied on a dancer who did not have a name in the name of the acolyte, and she threatened the emperor and grandson, and ten lives were not enough to accompany her. Death is also white death.

Eat a sip, grow a wise, enchanting naturally will not make such a mistake, and will not be a small woman in the future.

However, no matter what she thought, this time she tried her best to regain the favor of Prince Kang.

The drama that comes out one after the other is wonderful.

In this water, Prince Gong has been praised several times, and the recent messenger has also been beautiful, and his relationship with his father-in-law, Duo Tianqin, has gradually eased, which is arrogant.

At the same time, the seven princes of Zeng Jianguo even climbed up silently, and with their own team, gradually emerged, showing their ambitions invisibly.

The person who dominates the gimmick seems to be gradually losing momentum, or deliberately crouching?

The adult prince will continue to increase, and the situation in the court will be more and more serious.

Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan are more and more leisurely on Zhuangzi, and because the small playground has been completed day and night, several small and more fun, do not want to return to Beijing.

My daughter is in Jingyi, the righteous woman. The princess seems to be particularly relieved. Yuyao never left her for so long. She did not send anyone to pick it up. As for the two girls in Luo’s family, Luo’s family Don't worry.

On the horse farm on Zhuangzi, there is a saying that the working king has to send him enough craftsmen. These are only the royals, and they are the craftsmen who work for the world. At this time, they can only work hard and honestly.

Of course, for experienced craftsmen, they are very happy to receive the prince’s private work and work for the Prince of Jin. This wage is at least three times that of other places. This money is not so good, perfect, must be Jin Prince is satisfied, satisfied, has more rewards, is not satisfied, he is in a good mood, you probably have another chance, he is in a bad mood, you will probably suffer.

However, it is said that the main principal of this time is Wang Hao. Although they have never seen anyone, they obviously feel that the following things are more harmonious, there are mistakes, they are smashed, and the rework is over.

As the saying goes, there is no comparison. It’s not a good thing. The Jin’s pro-King’s kindness makes them more energetic. It’s also because Jing’s words say that they have any opinions. If they are adopted, they will have rewards. So, the horse farm The construction was faster than expected, and some of the places modified by the craftsmen were more perfect. Jing Hao was very happy.

Jin’s pro-king is happy, and the Jin’s prince is also in a good mood, and the wages are rising.

The craftsmen laughed and closed their mouths. It’s really hello, hello, everyone.

"We should go back to Beijing." Li Hongyuan said.

Jing Hao deeply regrets.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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