Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 269: :surrender?

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No matter what you or me, Li Hongyuan will not go to ask Su Guizhen what the mood is. He is a filial son, but at the same time, he is also a careless big man. He is not so delicate and sensitive. What does a woman think? How did he know that the idea of ​​guessing a woman all day long was known to him, and he would really be defamed.

So, don’t let him know that he’s not finished? Hehe, Li Hongyuan said that if he did this, he would definitely let his father know.

As for Jing Hao, is that his wife, is it comparable to others? Obviously, when Li Hongyuan faced Su Guifei, the nerve was always the thickest.

Perhaps it has long been taken for granted, the son is such a person, Su Guizhen did not think much. "How come you fold back so soon?"

"The father's government is busy, there is no time to take care of the children, the children want to go to the royal garden to turn around, then I am afraid that I will meet one or two more than I want to recommend the pillow, the unfortunate is still a child, the right and wrong, Still less involved in the wonderful." Li Hongyuan said softly.

Su Guizhen is quite speechless. Whose fault is this? Although in the end...and how long it has been, how big is a big man so vengeful? "That was just an accident. How could there be a second time? You are a little bit better."

"There are not enough security for the children. The mother-in-law feels so that the minister directly moved to Zhuangzi to live."

"If Yuan Yuan said this, isn't it the heart of the mother-in-law?" Su Guizhen said with a three-pointed wound.

Li Hongyuan frowned, but did not seem to know and provoked the sensitive nerves of Su Guizhen. "If the child is wrong, the mother is saying nothing."

Su Guizhen is speechless, her son may not have any extra thoughts. Besides, this son has always said what to say, what to do, never hides, and does not know what is called, Not to mention what is measured. Maybe it’s not that I don’t know. It’s just a long-standing habit. I’m used to turning around others. It’s a big joke for others. Knowing that it’s still true to him is simply asking for sin.

"It’s not the wrong place. But the mother is misunderstood. As you said, your father is really busy recently. What is his attitude towards you? You know, you really have to live on Zhuangzi for a long time. He should be sad. So, the mother is just..."

"Mother, the child knows."

Su Guizhen nodded with relief.

On the one hand, Jing Hao’s sneer and laughter because of someone’s garlic is bad. On the other hand, he’s really not sure what to say about Su’s attitude towards Li Hongyuan. Does Su Guizhen really treat this son as an adult? ? Or can only say that someone is "successful" and is too successful, giving many people a deep-rooted impression?

Then he casually talked a few words, Li Hongyuan told Su Guizhen, he sent something into the palace, so that Su Guizhen looked at the treatment, Su Guizhen bluntly said a good son, filial children.

In the end, Li Hongyuan regretted that he originally wanted to accompany his mother to eat, but there was a scorpion, and he would not join in the fun.

Waiting for what Su Guizhen said, he turned back and told Jing Hao that he hadn’t eaten that for a while. After he went back, let her remember to prepare.

Going back, I saw Su Guifei, who wants to stop talking. "What else is there?"

Su Guizhen is another glimpse. If it is only Liu Wangyi, she can still send people. If there are two small ones, they can’t do it. The son shuns that it is a matter of course. Can she still say no? It is possible to leave Jing Hao, but, as a good mother-in-law, how can I leave people when my son is his wife? However, Jing Hao is stupid and arrogant, and she is also mad at herself. Put your hand on, "Nothing, be careful when you go back to the government."

"Yes, the children have left."

"The daughter-in-law retired."

Jing Hao left Li Hongyuan and left the palace. At the gate of the palace, he met the commander of the Royal Forest Army. At the beginning, Jing Hao had no idea. As the boss of the Imperial Palace, even if it appeared in the outer palace of the harem, it was not unusual. Li Hongyuan’s eyes were a bit Meaningful, Yu Zhongqing's appearance is in his expectation.

Yu Zhongqing saw them, respectfully asked to ask, and then looked at Li Hongyuan, as if there was something to say, perhaps because of the occasional problem, did not speak.

Li Hongyuan did not stop, stretched out the hand of Jing Hao and got on the carriage.

Li Hongyuan’s sudden action, Jing Hao was a bit inexplicable, realized what he was, and stunned Yu Zhongqing’s eyes and did not struggle, but the guards of the gates immediately bowed their heads.

However, Yu Zhongqing looked at the backs of the two people, his eyes flashed, the shadows in his eyes dispersed, and a little more relaxed.

In the carriage, Jing Hao finally couldn't help but open the door: "Is there really no problem with Ayuan?"

"What's the problem? Even if she notices what, how can she? She won't turn over with me, now she still needs me to continue to help her consolidate her position. For me, she doesn't care if she is." No, 'it's better, I'm too lazy to continue to deal with her.'

Well, you have a wayward capital, you have the final say. "Is there something for the adult to find you?"

Li Hongyuan’s face turned a little overcast in a flash, “I’m pretty careful.”

Jing Hao is a little crying and laughing. "Hey, you are enough. The performance of the other party is not very clear, but with your actions, it is worth pondering. Well, going to the summer palace last year, what happened halfway, this is located in the adults. See clearly, don't say that you know all about you, but there are also five points. When you find you at this time, you are ready..."

Li Hongyuan’s face did not improve much, but he did not continue to be mad. “Who knows what he wants to do, he will know when he finds the door.”

"Then, Ayuan’s move just reminded him..."

"Nothing is." Li Hongyuan interrupted her without hesitation, and looked at Jing Hao without hesitation. The threat was not too obvious.

"Yes, yes, what do you say about Ayuan?" Jing Hao smiled and said. This temper, I don't know how to say him.

Li Hongyuan's face is a bit black.

Jing Hao was busy picking up, grabbing his neck and sealing him with a kiss.

Li Hongyuan will not miss the benefits of being delivered to the door. People outside the carriage, because they are too savvy, it’s hard to say, especially those who don’t have a wife, they can’t easily go to the brothel on weekdays, and they don’t even think about it, how can they be hard? Got it.

After returning to the Prince’s Mansion, four days later, Jing Hao went to the Luo family, and he was concerned about the cousin’s marriage. In fact, in the royal family, the person who can return to her family like Jing Hao is really the first one. However, as Li Hongyuan said on the day of marriage, this is what he said.

As a royal wife, Jing Hao should actually have this conscious, but unfortunately, she is resolutely implementing "marriage from husband" in this respect.

When I was back to the palace, a little girl, who was a big boy, chased a kitten and ran out. If it wasn’t for the speed of the carriage, it’s not fast.

The guards blocked the shots, but they could not stop the flexible kittens. In the process of being chased, the kittens jumped into the carriage of Jing Hao.

Probably no one would have thought that this would be the case, let alone a group of guards, that is, we can't help but panic, this little beast would hurt Wang Hao, and they could not afford to lose a few lives. "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, are you all right?" Anxiously asked, at the same time, Gong Hao quickly opened the curtain.

"And peace of mind, I am fine." Jing Hao and Gong Yu looked at each other and knew that her Gong Yi had only one look, and she knew that there were other things in it.

The wildness of the kitten still exists, but after all, it is a small milk cat with limited strength. Jing Hao quickly reached out and spread the silk cloth on the table, covering the kitten, and then pinching the back of the neck, it is also limited. Space, in order to catch it so smoothly, to be placed outside, Jing Hao is really not sure.

Compared with Jing Hao’s great indifference, the guards and the squatting people are relieved, the owner of the kitten, the little girl still hopes to bring the kitten back, however, a woman who is chasing her behind her face has changed her face. I quickly took the little girl and asked for sin. The whole person was shaking. Obviously it was really scary.

And the number of people on the scene is also increasing. Seeing the whole process, I know that it is the person who is the frame of the Prince’s Mansion, and both of them have pinched a cold sweat.

But when I know that the person inside is a prince of Jin, not a prince of Jin, many people are fortunate.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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