Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 294: : He is good, everyone.

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It was behind him that belonged to Li Hongyuan's subordinates. Before that, he gave a little face to himself. He quietly lived in the small boat at the back. At this moment, he accelerated, and quickly and orderly concentrated in front of Li Hongyuan, kneeling down, "I have seen two under the genus." Master. Lewen novels"

"Excluded." Li Hongyuan said softly.

Get up, then control the boat to slide to the sides, live on both sides, ready to stand.

Jing Hao first paid attention to the old man, but after hearing the names of these people, he raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a chuckle and accepting it with pleasure.

She originally wanted to see what she and Li Hongyuan's substitutes look like, but unfortunately, the camouflage on her face is gone, and she can see from the clothes which person she is.

Looking at the figure alone, it is indeed more than 90% of the similar image. What makes her pay attention is not Li Hongyuan's substitute, but her own.

Her root Li Hongyuan has been married for more than two months. In such a short period of time, can she create a very similar substitute? Or, it was already prepared before, but is it possible? After all, this avatar is not the same as her previous filming. It only needs a figure back and the like. It is not only necessary to have a divine shape, but also can not be flawed in some small details and small habits. It is perfect before marriage. How many times can she know her? Therefore, she doubts the perfection of this substitute, or she may think too much, and she does not need to be perfect. It is enough to fool people who are not familiar with it.

I have the opportunity to sneak again. Now is not the time to say this.

Yu Zhongqing then went forward and "had seen Wang Ye Wang." Although he did not agree with the appearance of Li Hongyuan, it was only a foregone conclusion, and the current environment is not allowed, so there is not much to say.

"Imperial. I have worked hard for a few days in the adults." Li Hongyuan is quite pleasing.

Jing Hao is a little bit of a side, when does this become a normal or ordinary prince?

"Wang Ye is broken, not hard." In fact, there is really no hard work. Although his duty in this trip was to be ordered to protect and supervise the Prince of Jin, in fact he only had to act in accordance with the order of the Prince of Jin, and the so-called profession had a specialization. Therefore, he basically did not have anything in his trip. The palace is still free.

"And retreat."


Then, Li Hongyuan finally gave the face to the old man, and the four eyes were opposite. The atmosphere was inexplicable and brought a bit of dignity. Many people did not dare to breathe.

In Jing Hao's view, it seems that it is a bit like a competition, it depends on who can't hold back.

"The princes are so big, they are married, and there must be a few children." The old man’s face is not strong and even harmonious. However, it is obvious that the elders live in their own eyes. In his eyes, Li Hongyuan is the one who has not seen for a long time. The children are gratified and embarrassed.

At this moment, Jing Hao’s affection for this person plummeted, and he was disgusted.

For more than 20 years, I have never heard of it. Now I will meet this virtue for the first time. If you think of who you are, you really take yourself seriously and become a personal thing. Don't say that Li Hongyuan's biological mother is removed from your family, and it doesn't matter to you. Even if you want to climb the relationship, don't forget, he is the emperor, the prince's respect, and you are essentially A "grassman", met, it is also a gift.

Moreover, if you really want to return to the dynasty and regain control of power, let the name of this noble family, the grandson of the blood relationship with the singer, be listed as a crucial part, then, Divided into a hundred will pay attention to his situation, but now it seems to know nothing about this child, specifically to say that she is disgusting.

However, think about it too, a family, the most important thing is that the branches are flourishing, it is simply a place where the stalls are exclusively produced, and the young and old wives are piled up in groups.

The request to his wife is only more sage than the Queen. After all, the Li family has been in a hundred years of inadequacy, the mud legs are born, and the rules and etiquette are only for the sake of these families, and the family is naturally the rule. The model of etiquette, or the position is absolutely unstable.

According to the situation that Jing Hao learned from Li Hongyuan, at the beginning his mother would be abandoned quite thoroughly, without pennilessness, alone, imagine, but if it is a little emotional, how should she carefully consider it for her? Some money is all over, and it is justified to arrange a few people to take care of it. If the Lecheng Emperor likes her, will it be rejected? Even if she followed the Lecheng Emperor who was not the emperor at the time, she didn't have to eat and wear. However, this is not the key to the problem. The key is the mind, such a cold and cold feeling, what a hurt.

Now that there is a need, I will come together again, and I will have nothing to do with it. I don’t want to face it to this extent.

Li Hongyuan may also be shameless and shameless, but he played well and even took it for granted. He never denied it. But this person, obviously doing the most disgusting thing, has to stand at the highest point of morality and advertise himself as a saint. It is disgusting than the villain of the bottom.

Li Hongyuan raised his mouth and sneered. "No one in the whole Kaiyuan dares to talk to the king in this tone. Where did you come out, leaning against the old and selling the old in front of the king."

The old man stunned, probably did not expect that he would be so unkind, but the expression did not change, but a slight sigh, with a bit of connivance and helplessness, "Wang Ye, I am your grandfather, the patriarch of the Jiangnan family, Your mother is my only niece, this, I don’t know if St. has never said it to you."

"External grandfather? Jiangnan Yushi? This king knows that the birth mother is an anonymous woman, and she won the royal family when she was so popular. When did she come out?"

The chieftain of the Qiang family showed anger at the right time. Obviously it was not directed at Li Hongyuan. He looked at him with great kindness. "When the Kaiyuan was founded, he left the court and vowed not to have a relationship with the Li royal family. Jiangnan runs poorly, and occasionally sees your mother, stunned her beauty, regardless of your mother is to marry, take advantage of it..." Speaking is full of sorrow, "We are sorry for your mother, sorry for you what."

Li Hongyuan’s face is full of shackles and personal changes. Perhaps it’s a little bit of a feeling. Unfortunately, Li Hongyuan not only understands all the causes and consequences, but also has a cold heart and a cold heart. For his so-called grandfather, when he was a past life, he has long been taught. However, he was already enthroned as an emperor at that time. The attitude of this person was relatively low, and his temper at that time was quite bad. He didn’t dare to put a head on the shelf. What gesture?

Before I knew that "please" was just a substitute, I already expected that it would be more difficult to "touch" this grandson than expected. I didn't think I could do it in a few words. It really became. It is disappointing. Therefore, it only shows some sadness that has been treated like this by the relatives.

At the same time as the difficulty of the matter has increased, the leader of the Dai people is actually very happy. This means that this grandson is not "disputed" on the surface, and has ambitions. He has the opportunity to have a chance, he believes. The benefits brought by Yu, no one peeping the dragon chair will not refuse.

Jing Hao has seen a lot of acting skills, but, telling the truth, this first time to meet the patriarch of the clan, let her inexplicably feel the most disgusting.

"Wang Ye all the hard work, not weak, take a rest, others, we will talk slowly later, what is the meaning?" Seeing Li Hongyuan seems to be unmoved, the Yi chief smiled, "Wang Ye personally, can also find it directly here. I don’t think it’s just that I want to bring your people back.” So, your thoughts, I know, don’t be wrong. "Whether your mother is not a woman on the face, but the blood is always unable to give up, Wang Ye, you said yes?"

"Wang Ye, I am also a little tired. I don't want to rest. I heard that Huang Guigui is a national color. I don't know how it is. I want to know one or two. Wang Ye also wants to know?" Jing Hao said softly.

The different colors in the eyes of the Yi people disappeared. "Wang Hao Niangni wants to know what, the old man will know what to say."

Li Hongyuan’s slight frowning was unremarkable to the patriarch’s words. He only looked at Jing Hao and looked at it. “It’s worth it.”

The chieftain of the Yi family was beaming, and the boat behind him was quickly separated. The boat he was in was also given aside and made a "please" gesture.

In addition to the patriarch's boat, Li Hongyuan's people still occupy the surrounding position.

On the way, the patriarch tried to talk to Li Hongyuan, but he was ignored. He was not annoyed. He retired and began to talk with Jing Hao. His age was placed there. In fact, he was older than Luo Peishan, and it was "Elderly", "essentially" just wants to know the situation of the grandson, it is not illegal.

Jing Hao knows that with such a person, she will lose completely, so she will be in the spirit of "knowing everything," and ordinary things can be said to be more detailed. In addition, they all use "I don't know" to send it. No way, whoever makes him in Beijing is not long.

What Jing Hao said is basically known to the Yi people, because Jing Hao answered the question too naturally, and he could not pick anything wrong. Therefore, I don’t know if Jing Hao really didn’t know or didn’t know. However, his views on Jing Hao have changed. He thought that it was probably an ordinary woman. It must be far less than the daughter of his wife. Therefore, from the beginning, she basically ignored her. Now it seems that Excellent tolerance, talkative and generous, not humble, standing next to this grandson, is an extreme fit, and does not say that her influence on this grandson is true, or the husband and wife sing and play together, to her original The plan is afraid to change some.

After finishing the "well-known" thing, Jing Hao looked at Li Hongyuan with a hint and asked about the matter of Huang Guifei.

The long-term leader of the Yi nationality will naturally talk about the things of loving women. They are quiet and gentle, considerate and kind, and are proficient in the poetry, poetry and poetry of the chess, calligraphy, poetry, and articles, and even compile history books. This is beautiful. It is not necessary to say that there are countless people who want to ask for help since childhood, and they have almost stepped on the threshold. Speaking and talking, but revealing sorrow and embarrassment, "...this woman, looks good or mediocre, it is better, otherwise why make the flesh and blood separate, life and death do not want to see."

To say more unwillingly, to say more grief, to hide deep hatred, just because it is difficult to restrain and reveal a little.

Jing Hao sighed in the heart, this acting is absolutely. If I don't know the truth, Jing Hao thinks that she will be touched.

To say so much, but I want to play emotional cards, but it is a pity to meet such an extraordinary man as Li Hongyuan, whether it is Lecheng Emperor, Su Guizhen, or his mother, all the feelings of these people, in the past life. I have already worn out, although I have thought about it, if the mother is still there, he will not be another situation, but later I know that her Laozi has killed the aging mother, because he is a devil who is not seen by Laozi, he It doesn't feel anything, let alone now.

In the eyes of the patriarch, Li Hongyuan was very keen to understand everything about his mother, but perhaps because of the resentment of "abandoning him," and he did not want to ask, but he borrowed the mouth of his wife. It’s just that there is no clue from his face, and the patriarch is not sure.

When Jing Hao still wanted to say something, Li Hongyuan suddenly said, "Enough." Although it is a bit chilly, it is still much better than others.

The so-called acting is full! Jing Hao stunned and immediately smiled: "Wang Ye does not want to listen, can not listen, but is very interested."

Li Hongyuan sneered at her. "He said that he is the chief of the clan, and he is the clan of the clan. He said what you believe, Wang Hao, when did you become so deceived?"

Not to mention that the patriarchs were not stunned, Jing Hao was a little bit smirking. "Who would take this joke, this old gentleman is not a patriarch, it is easy to verify, and even if he ate a bear, he did not Reason to lie to your head."

Li Hongyuan snorted, "The first lord of the Jiangnan, the patriarch's nest in the water's nest, is also calling for the rain, the big master's posture, specializing in chicken burglary?"

"I don't care if we are insulted by the princes, can you insult the patriarch?" But when the voice just fell, there was an angry mouth.

Ok, it was not suspicion, but ridicule. The patriarch raised his hand, "Hugh is rude to the prince. - This is a misunderstanding of the prince. Although they have the reputation of leeches, they have never done anything wrong. They are only for some special reasons. Living in other places, in the name of the water, is just a place to live in peace, and that’s all."

Hey, this is doing "good things."

Li Hongyuan sneered a little, this is really a real irony. According to the ability of the first Hao people in Jiangnan, will not be able to arrange a group of more difficult personnel? If you don’t say anything, it’s a slave. If you want to operate it, it’s not too difficult. Now that you have made such a group of people here, you will be fooled by those who are uncomfortable with you and who are grateful to you. Let's go.

The patriarch knows the meaning of Li Hongyuan, but he does not care about this. Everyone knows this kind of thing. His explanation is to Li Hongyuan. The point is that these people have not done "bad things". As for whether there will be other, perhaps, done, these "water scorpions" will not realize what they have done, whether it is good or bad. Those who are involved in the battle of hurricane and blood, will not even see this, so they don’t care.

Arriving at the water village, this is indeed a house with more than half of it built on the water. It looks simple and unpretentious, but it does not have a charm on the whole. Well, Jing Hao likes it very much. Well, Li Hongyuan is very disgusted. Standing in the largest and best house that was specifically reserved for the patriarch, Li Hongyuan sneaked a few eyes. "Come on, move the things off the boat."

Jing Hao wants to help, "Wang Ye is ready to stay here?"

"Leave two days, some people, always give more time." Li Hongyuan said without hesitation.

Jing Hao did not speak. In his view, some people should include Lecheng Emperor, Su Guizhen, Li Hongyuan's brothers, Tongzhou County, Shannan County and even the entire Jiangnan officials, and ... Sun Yilin. People who are worried are more worried. The happy people are more than happy. The former gives them a surprise when they are desperate. The latter gives them a fatal blow when they think they are finally fine.

In the face of such a wayward person who is keen to play with people, Jing Hao can only sigh silently.

The Yi nationality was very happy. He immediately told people to help. After all, according to his understanding, what this grandson needs is not a little bit.

At the same time, that big ship also needs a little cover up, too conspicuous, generally no one will come to the tributary, but now it is a special case, although it is said that the government of Chongzhou Prefecture is now clearing the water at some downstream locations. However, because it is impossible to determine the specific location of the princes of Jin, the roads in these dozens of miles will not be missed. Although the closer to the nearby river, the density of the search will be smaller, but always prevent it.

Then I realized that there are still caves nearby, huge caves, luxuriant rattan cover, the boat propelled, properly placed, and the outside is not visible.

However, the things that have been removed from the ship, the people who see the waters are stunned, and many of these things are among the people they think are the most knowledgeable, and they have said that they have not seen them.

The patriarch touched the beard. Although he heard about his grandson and his exaggerated and luxurious salute, he did not care when he heard it. When he saw the scene, he could not calm down. Really no problem? Well, the patriarchs have to admit that luxury is luxury, but this luxury, not tacky, those treasures, so that he can see the heart. In this respect, the princes and rumors are really absolute.

Although Li Hongyuan’s goal is the chief of the patriarch, he does not want to take care of him at all. For him, it seems to be a place suitable for him to implement the plan.

In the capital, I have already got the news. Le Chengdi was furious and almost overturned the royal case. He did not give anyone the opportunity to dissuade him. He directly ordered Tongzhou County and Shannan County to search for it and said: Jin Prince is good, they are good. , no...

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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