Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 302: : Heart further, action

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Jing Hao reached out and covered his eyes, covering up all the emotions. After a moment, he let go of his hand, and it was cold. "Ladies will go back first. This person, since he has arrived at this hospital, he has no connection with each other." Obviously, this It is helping them to excuse them. You must know that in this case, it is not the trouble of finding a "murderer". Only the "murderer" is angered and pursues the responsibility of others. He really wants to pursue the bottom, then, obviously Who belonged to the two shackles, and whoever is responsible. Jing Hao said that people in other hospitals have nothing to do with them, and naturally they have drawn a clear line with them.

The joy and expectation on the faces of the ladies on their faces, and the horror that emerged in an instant made the whole face look very distorted. The body has given such an intuitive response, thinking that it has not yet returned to God. Until Jing Hao’s voice, I’m responsive, actually said something, probably I don’t know.

Jing Hao is too lazy to pay attention to them. She is already doing her best. "Mu An, send the guest."

This place is still far from familiar. Jing Hao casually called a person to lead the way. Xiao Yan was very excited about the "chores" that fell on his body. He went to Jing Hao and even got some helplessness. However, he soon became in his heart. Hey, Wang Tang, how can you wear these coarse clothes that these people do not care about, want to think back, but dare not show a little abnormality. Perhaps in order to express himself as much as possible, Xiaoxun tried to introduce the other hospital with innocent words. Obviously, she did not know what happened in the backyard.

In general, Jing Hao may still have a mood to listen to, but now, only feel bored, the brow does not consciously pick up.

Green bamboo pulls Xiaoxiao, "Okay, come here, this bit of silver you first buy sugar to eat, after Wang Hao has a reward."

Although Xiao Yan is not willing, but there are rewards, naturally he will be happy to pick up, and then step back and leave, hope that Jing Hao can leave her.

Although it is a bath, it is not in the clean room behind the bedroom, but a small soup spring is opened separately, behind the main courtyard.

There is no threshold, only the overlapping yarns, the faint sound can be heard, obviously, Li Hongyuan is still inside.

Jing Hao saw people who had been wrapped in mats on the ground, but they could barely see a pair of shoes without shoes. There is no longer any luck. This time, Li Hongyuan is really rude to kill people, so short before and after. Time, it is not difficult to guess, he is not hesitant at all.

"Buy two thin coffins and bury them." Jing Hao regained his gaze, facing the dead, Jing Hao has been able to stop the water? No, it’s just that people are dead and dead.

The two guards stepped forward, and Lisuo's body was picked up, and he left the man's body. He seemed to be quite skilled in business.

Jing Hao looked at Xiao Tangquan again, even if he had seen Li Hongyuan murder, but it was also a special situation. This time, Jing Hao seems to really feel what is called "shade, irritability," two live Human life, killing and killing. She told him that if it is not necessary, don't make it easy to kill the industry. He said it is good. Do these two people have to die? At this moment, Jing Hao’s heart is actually a little embarrassing.

Originally, the two bodies were completely dispossible before she arrived, and he could completely conceal the news, but none of them. So, is it deliberately left for her to see? Jing Hao stood in the same place, looked at the unknown place, and was a bit stunned.

Gong Hao and others stood by and worried, but they could only do their urgency. At this time, nothing can be said, and nothing can be done.

Then Jing Hao finally returned to God. "Hey, pass on this matter, be sure to let everyone in this hospital know, and don't have to ban them."

"Yes." This approach is not just to put an end to the minds of some people, so as not to ruin their lives...

Jing Hao finally broke through the layers of the veils, until the last layer, just opposite Li Hongyuan's eyes, that moment, it seems that everything between heaven and earth is forbidden.

Slow down the temper, Jing Hao even thought, what is a million years, probably this is, regardless of whether the other party has done something that makes you unhappy, can forgive, can be tolerant, you have him in your heart, always have him ,that is it. She probably also planted this man's hand. Don't say anything else. When his own three views can change for the other side, the bottom line can be lowered again and again. What else to say, maybe you need to run in, but, a lot of things It is already certain.

Li Hongyuan put his hands back on the edge of Tangquan Pool and looked at Jing Hao quietly. He did not say anything at all. In the eyes, he didn’t even look at the gentle sigh of Jingjing when he was watching. There was no emotion, no emotion. Does it represent his heart? No, no, he is waiting, the first time I know, waiting is actually a torment.

"The two people, can't you kill?" Jing Hao finally asked.

"No." Li Hongyuan replied without hesitation, and his head was slightly biased. He seemed to look at Jing Hao more seriously. He did not say anything extra, did not defend, and did not show a trace of embarrassment because of his words. It is determined that Jing Hao will not be angry, but also does not care at all.

Jing Hao’s heart is actually a little helpless. Is it not you to do the wrong thing? Who is this kind of straightforward look to show? How about taking a soft suit? At this time, Tsundere may indeed be "dead." When Jing Hao stepped forward, he stepped into the water with a pair of clothes and slowly swam to Li Hongyuan.

Li Hongyuan took her into her arms and smiled sincerely. Apparently, Jing Hao’s actions really pleased him, and he couldn’t stop yelling at Jing’s forehead. At this moment, he was like a hope. The child of a long-lasting loved one has only the most pure joy left.

The soaked clothes stick to the body is not very comfortable, Jing Hao did not care, the chin is placed on Li Hongyuan's shoulder, all the negative emotions in the heart are dissipated, some lazy half squinting, hands without ** Gently touched him. "If I am angry, I will turn and leave. What do you do?"

"You can guess it." Li Hongyuan said in a meaningful way.

Just listen to him and know that it is definitely not a good thing. "Don't guess, but ten are not what I would like."

"So, I should be wise for my choice." Li Hongyuan kissed her on the forehead again.

It is not a choice of wise, nor deliberately avoiding the possible danger, just because this man, even if he does not show anything, always feel that if she leaves, he will be sad, will not reveal the heartache. How can she be willing.

The two are sticky and greasy in the Xiaotangquan pool. Qingqing, me, the big people in the outer court, the mood is not so beautiful, especially after learning of someone’s "atrocities", we must know that compared with Li Hongyuan and others. They are really not easy, especially when they are a certain year old. They have been tossing since last night. They have basically not eaten and drinked. It can be said that they are both physically and mentally tired. When they are on board, they have some time to take a break. But now, in such a state, how can I sleep?

At this moment, some are almost unable to hold, and the body is really shaking. I don’t know if I’m scared at this moment, but I’m so fainted.

At this time, fainting, it is not a good thing, other people may disdain on the bright side, in my heart, say no envy, at least temporarily escape. However, it is probably too much to be compared with the drunkenness, and it still has to be faced in the end.

Jing Hao looked at the clothes that Gong Hao sent in, reached out and touched the material, and waited for a good meal. "These people's actions are quite fast."

However, Gong Yu was not very satisfied. "After all, it was rushed out. The workmanship and embroidery were both worse. It was estimated that the upper body of the clothes was also bigger. Wang Ye and Wang Hao were wronged for two days. There may not be many other things in Jiangnan. There is definitely a lot of this embroidered mother. I want to find some embroidered mothers, and I don’t need those complicated embroidered patterns and patterns. I pick the simple and exquisite ones, and the final effect is the same."

"The grievances will not be over, the rest will look at the treatment." Embroidery is still the second, mainly the work and the fit is the most important, long-term accustomed, if the work is poor or may not fit, easily Feel it.

Li Hongyuan watched and listened at leisure, and when they finished, Gong Hao turned and left, he got up, the water drops on his body were wiped freely, and then the upper body of the clothes, subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows, "crowd out The thing is really not good." Look, that's it, the upper body knows what to do.

"The main thing is still not knowing the relationship between the size, but I didn't make it small for you," Jing Hao arranged for him to position the shoulder. "These places are smaller and can be stretched, then there is really no way to get on the body." It is."

"This kind of small thing can make a big scorpion and add up to the sin."

Jing Hao smiled and didn't answer. Some people, this sin, plus no one, is no worse.

Dressing up, going back to the room to prepare a good wash and wash the head, seeing the things in the house, except for some furnishings, the things that are usually used, are all newly set up, it is obvious that they use the mind, but in the eyes of Li Hongyuan , or all kinds of dislikes, if there is a better choice, probably will not stretch your hand.

"Hey, let's go clean up first."

Jing Hao was not polite, went directly to the back of the clean room.

Then Mu Gonggong entered the house and reported the situation of those officials.

Li Hongyuan didn't lift his eyelids. "Let them all give the king a roll. Without the king to summon, he is not allowed to appear in front of the king."


It is still the same routine, but the officials of Kaiming Prefecture are not strangers. The official expression of Chongzhou House is so wonderful.

However, Li Hongyuan does not order, and the people in Kaiming can only use it here. They belong to Tongzhou County. They can't reach the affairs of Shannan County, especially those officers and soldiers can only shrink, not to be forced. From top to bottom, it is obvious that there is something to do on your own site, and you have to be a grandson here.

The most calm is really the governor of the Soviet Union. According to his rhetoric, it is rare to have the opportunity to leave Tongzhou County on weekdays. Now there is just a chance, and there is no need to worry about government affairs. Why not do it. The former governor saw his hypocritical appearance, almost suffocating his nose, his own mess was not cleaned up, but now it is consumed here, you know, here is a waste of time, the danger at home may be one more point, this Old dog, or else you have to clean it yourself, or you have already made arrangements, and you don’t need to sit in town.

Li Hongyuan didn’t care what they thought. In the two days in the other hospital, they didn’t leave the house, but the people who were “missing” on the way also found it. They didn’t meet the similar accidents of Gong’s several people. We are all good, and the other people who were stranded in Kaiming before have also arrived in Chongzhou.

Jing Hao remembers that there is a problem in the cook, and asked his husband, the other party is calm, not worried.

He calmly determined that Jing Hao naturally ignored it.

On the third day, Li Hongyuan finally got a move. In a word, all the more affordable accounts in the entire Chongzhou government were summoned. Everyone was jealous. This is what to do. Li Hongyuan is very simple this time, without the appetite of everyone. With one order, all the accounts of the entire Chongzhou government in the past ten years will be handed over.

This hand can not be said to be not simple and rude. Even before, I tried my best to settle the account. However, in ten years, the span time was too long, and there were loopholes in the flat. Moreover, the accounts of the entire Chongzhou government were used, and the merchants were private. The various tricks, as well as the large house courtyards, can be described as a mixture of fish and dragons, because of this, it is more difficult to make a fake.

The officials’ heart rushed and jumped. Looking for various wordings to delay, Li Hongyuan did not say a word, and then Black Yiwei was dispatched.

The black Guardian of the original 50 on the bright side, although knowing through some channels, this number needs to double, but now, his mother, this number has reached more than 500.

A piece of black pressure, when you look at it, is chilling, and the ordinary officers and soldiers are not the same.

Black Guardian will not be polite with you, dare to block, do not say anything, directly pull the knife on your neck, lick a word, you have to see the blood.

Li Suyan personally led the team, and his anger was just another version of the active king. The first principal had played with him, but he was directly cut by him.

It’s not a shame to kill chickens and monkeys.

Therefore, the time to get the books is quite fast, and all of them are collected in the other houses where Li Hongyuan lives.

Li Hongyuan showed up, and the officials of the entire Chongzhou government also convened, and moved the Arhat bed, so it was so slanting.

Mu Gonggong glared at the dust, and the fox and tiger Weiwei stood up and pointed at the crowded accounts. The voice was sharp and said: "You have all listened. These books are divided into one part. The room has already prepared the compartment for everyone, one person and one room. Check carefully, don't expect to falsify, the audited books will be checked by others. If you can't find out by the people behind you, you should consider not only the head on your neck, but also your family. Think about it."

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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