Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 323: : Cheng Cheng early

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"The prince of Jin is not so good to use, and the singer will eventually take the bamboo basket to the water - small - say - these things, it seems to be very unfavorable to us now, rather than staying in the old things, let us be passive It is better to send it directly to the hands of the Jin Prince. According to the current attitude of the Prince Jin, he did not want to completely rectify the meaning of the Jiangnan officialdom. It seems more like how much the officials have eaten and how much they spit out. Officials, even if they are greedy, but there is a reliance on the family, there is no shortage of money, and greed is limited. As for individual life, or too much heart, these people are similar. Toxic tumors, for the sake of the roots of Yu's family, directly give up better. How much the people are greedy, how much they will return, according to the details of Yu's, even if it is several times more does not matter. So, the old things of Yu's grasped The things in it are just like waste paper."

"If the Jin Prince still wants to pursue it? And, this kind of thing, you are sure that the Prince of Jin said that if he does not pursue it, he will not pursue it?"

"These are just some people involved. If they are involved, they will not be killed. At most, they will be dismissed from office, which will not affect the foundation of the family. After the tearing of the family, there will be no obstacles in the future. As for the Prince Jin, it’s not a big deal. Big Brother, do you really think that the Prince of Jin is like the news from the capital?”

"What do you mean?" The Yi people were a little more solemn.

"The literal meaning." Yes, it is literally meaning, more needless to say, as the helm of the family, usually very good at divergent thinking.

The clan chief squinted and meditated quietly.

In the cold heart, the irony is ironic. "The old things of the 裴 想要 want to use the prince of Jin to let the princes recover. Not only that, but also want to step into the sky, but unfortunately, the prince of Jin is not alone, and the help of the singer, he may be uncertain. It’s not as good as chicken ribs, and the old things are too big, and they don’t want to pay. Such people, as the superiors, will not be seen by anyone. What can you do, you can do it, you can even do more. it is good."

"As a family, it is not wise to stand in the battle of the battle." The family is too large, branching, they have the foundation, the foundation, there is no need to bet the whole family to bet, the safest way, even if standing, It is also best to be just a part of the people. In the end, if you lose, you will not be hurt by this family. After all, in general, the final winner will not be mad at the people who assist the losers. The thing that meets the emperor who is enlightened or for face-to-face engineering, says that it will not be reused, and if it wins, the whole family will benefit.

The irony in the cold heart is even worse. In fact, these people are essentially the same, but it is his brother, who is not as good as the old things of the old man, and the bottom line is still stuck. Once, I didn’t feel that it was wrong at all. Now I don’t think how to look good. However, as long as there is no conflict with the things he has done, it does not matter naturally. "There is nothing in the rich and the dangerous, the things in the end, the Jin Prince does not need to do it. To do it naturally, we must do our best. Now the family is not able to interact with the emperor. When I was in the same position, I wanted to go further. Naturally, I couldn’t be afraid of it. I have been recognized as the first tyrant in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time. Even if I quit the court, I still keep it. Now it is destined to be defeated. ...and I can’t replace it."

Because I understand, it is easy to catch the soft underbelly of this brother, and I can't see the flash of light in his eyes.

闵钰寒 wants to do his best to help the prince of the Jin, and the strength of the 闵 is the best choice, although the other party may not need it, but he still wants to do something...

"The Prince of Jin finally... How confident are you?"

"70%." This is still conservative. According to him, it should be 10%, because I believe, because some things do not allow failure.

"I need to think about it." The clan chief shook his fist, showing that his mood was unstable.

"It should be, after all, it matters a lot, the elder brother is the head of a family, and it should be solemn."

The chief of the clan of the clan must be beheaded. "About Ying Ying, if the cold is really taken care of, he will not be able to earn income in the day."

"If you really accept her, the insult is swearing." The original purpose was to find a slap in the face of Qi, and to cut off the reputation of Yu Ying. If the old thing really can stop, it will no longer "get trouble" for the prince of Jin. Of course it is best, but, obviously, this possibility is not high. Speaking of it, if Ying Ying is not self-satisfied, she has moved her mind, and the cold will not do this. After all, it is a little girl of Jinxiu Fanghua. He is not too embarrassed when he is old, just saying that he is self-defeating... just standing From the perspective of those who think they can give everything to the family, they will probably never have something wrong. "I'm going back."

"Well, go back and rest."

When he left, he knew very well that his brother would definitely agree. The name of the first family is now, and it is also a heart.

Sure enough, on the next day, the clan chieftain was looking for chills. "At this time, the matter is of great importance. The four younger brothers, I am afraid that you still need to take a walk." Said here, there are some embarrassments on the face, the other four days ago. When I saw the Prince of Jin, I fainted and went to the door again. "If the four brothers don't want to go, they will find someone else for the brother."

"No problem, just a few days ago, I suddenly saw it. It was difficult to be self-sustaining for a while." In fact, he didn't dare to face the face of Jin Prince. He was afraid that he would lose his attitude and make rude things and provoke the other party. Not happy.

"The four brothers don't have to be embarrassed about themselves." Having said that, but the look is still very much like a cold walk.

闵钰 心 说 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I didn’t say much about it, but I took the things prepared by the patriarchs, and then I prepared a car and went to Sichuan Zhoufu. As for the aunts who came back from the family, they will certainly not treat them badly. On the contrary, they will take care of them and, to a certain extent, even prepare them for their return.

At this time, Shannan County’s township test has been completely over, because there is a personal prince’s personal pressure, and naturally there will be no situation of reading by personal preference. Whether it’s a favorite rhetoric or a Zhongzheng’s side, they are all thrown aside. In short, there is something to say, of course, a good hand is also crucial.

The top three are not Li Hongyuan's hand, but he also nodded. In short, no one will be stupid at this time.

When this matter was completely exhausted and the heart of a group of scholars was appeased, Li Hongyuan seemed to think of being detained in his own admiral.

Li Hongyuan personally reviewed the admiral of Shannan County, and the officials who had already tightened the skin of the whole body were naturally stretched more tightly, let alone those who had problems themselves. Li Suyan, the black-clothing defender, has a lot of hands to ask, and the Jin Prince is not bad. He doesn't know the process of his interrogation. In short, but one hour, Black Yiwei has also dispatched, except for Chongzhou, other capitals of Shannan County. All of them dispatched personnel, apparently it was a big move, and the admiral’s school administration was officially picked up, and the official uniform was taken and ready to be escorted back to Beijing.

When Li Hongyuan returned to the other hospital, Jing Hao felt inexplicably that he seemed to have a **** smell, but he did not seem to have anything to read.

"Hey, what is this?" Li Hongyuan was puzzled.

"Smell if you have any rouge powder on your body." Jing Xiao laughed.

"Yes? You can smell it well," Li Hongyuan gently licked her cheek with her fingertips. "Maybe it is on the body. Would you like to change clothes for the husband?"

Depressed the sound line, close to the ear, from time to time will be performed in the swearing method, Jing Hao still a little parry can not.

And the cold is just looking for the door at this time. In fact, Li Hongyuan has already known about it. As for the details, it is not known. The reason is still the same. It is a family, it is difficult to turn these people into nails. To some extent, it is simply a wave of power, and naturally it is too lazy to do anything. However, he did not have a life, but the people who often live in Jiangnan can't do nothing, don't need to go too far, and the corners and corners can be.

Jing Hao is actually a bit interested. The former fiancee of Huang Guifei is also considered to be a personality person. He is also very embarrassed to start. The relationship between Qi and Shi’s many years is probably a crack in recent years. But it is also deeply hidden. This time, even if there is no complete tearing of the skin, the two are also obvious.

Li Hongyuan went to see the cold, with Jing Hao.

It’s natural to see Jingjing for the first time. Of course, I just glanced at it in a hurry. I remembered that when I went to Chengde’s summer palace, Jin’s prince wanted a woman who wanted to know what to expect. The prince is stunned. When you look at the attitude of the prince of Jin, you should know that he really put the prince of the prince in the heart. People like the patriarch of the patriarchs will also suspect that Li Hongyuan is doing the drama, but he will not, because he loved it. I know this truth very clearly.

It is said that the Prince of Jin likes beauty, as long as it is a beautiful person, the other side can ignore it, and it is really wrong.

It is also said that the Jin Prince is good, fierce, and incompetent. In his opinion, it is also the prince of Jin, because he loves it deeply, because he is a painful pet like a pearl, so he will not want her to be wronged.

Jing Hao looked at the cold, and it was really a handsome guy. In her opinion, it was also a proper male god, or a goddess of infatuation, although he still had a place of criticism, compared with the emperor, or It is much better.

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