Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 355: : Enlightenment is too late

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"How is the taste of being refuted?" Li Hongyuan’s slightly smiling voice rang from behind him, but the laughter was ridiculous.

Things have developed to the present point. Don't say, even Li Hongyuan is quite surprised. Originally, things are a little bad for him. Although he doesn't care, it doesn't matter whether it is solved or not. It only affects his attitude toward Yu. That's all, just, who knows that Ying Ying will come to God and bring a 180-degree reversal of things, so that he does not care about his reputation, but his wife cares about his reputation, though, He is now too dark to be black, even if he puts on another layer of ink, it still looks like that, but his wife, it is estimated that he wants to whitewash his reputation, although she may have to carry it all her life. A good name.

"Outer grandfather," Li Hongyuan said, but with a special ironic taste, "I want to know that the king's reputation and acting style in the capital is not, do you think that those are fake? The king also tells you, except flowers Name, the other basics are true, some are even more than ever, for example, you must report, ruthless and ruthless, there is a demand for the king, it should be like a person, threatening the king, that It is the most stupid way. You are squatting under Huang Quan, as long as the Kaiyuan is not destroyed, you will never want to be a family, you can mix three streams, and you can count on the future generations. One day, it will not stop you from being a singer, five products, and the top."

The patriarch’s body trembled, and he wanted to restore his glory. Compared with it, he could rely on the latter step. If he had to die, he could save his life. He did not hesitate. After all, his age is actually It is already a high life, but there is no regret, but now, now...

"It's all for you. Remember to go back with the ancestors."

The patriarch’s lips are straight and the outsiders don’t know. Only when he dares not believe or is angry, the actual reaction at this moment is not at all with Yu Ying. “Even if the grass people have more calculations, they have not hurt the prince. In the end, it’s the blood of the prince, so it’s hard to avoid losing your temper. In the future, how can we make it...? In the end, I dare not scream out loud again, and I have already reached the point where I can’t let the last point of the 裴Broken.

"You should be glad that you have not succeeded. If it is successful, the king will slap you the Nine." Li Hongyuan underestimated, but the **** and bloody, but the soul is shaking in the depths of the soul, how a fear.

Li Hongyuan repeated and chuckled, but it made the scalp numb, and his heart was cold. "When the grandfather died, he should understand it again. You shouldn’t have to do it. You shouldn’t count the king, the whole family, not the same. Put a finger on her, if all your calculations are directed at the king, maybe the king will have a little mood to play with you."

The long hair of the Yi people shook, "I don't think Wang Ye is still a seed of infatuation."

"When you were in the water, you should be aware of this."

Yes, Jin’s love for Jin’s princes has not been concealed in front of him, but he does not believe it. He thinks that he is only playing.

Because the initial cognition was wrong, everything behind it was wrong. In the final analysis, he inferred the grandson from the mentality of an ordinary man. However, he is unusual.

"Even so, in the future, other women around Wang Ye will still count Wang Hao, will it be impossible for Wang Ye to clean all of them? Is it true that Wang Ye will keep the current Wang Hao in his life?" The chief of the sect said nothing.

"What's the matter?" Li Hongyuan did not hesitate, and he said of course.

The patriarch, Horan, turned back. Obviously, this shocked him. It was bigger than other things. "If you want to be beautiful, don't want to be a river..."

"What is the relationship between the two?" Li Hongyuan interrupted him.

"In the future, the prince will be able to keep it, others will allow it? The balance of the parties..."

"What is the king's business, need others to allow? They only need to do their own duties and move to the king's head. That is to use it. If you want to use it, you will use it if you don't want it. You can use it in the world. And with women to balance, it is waste."

Although it was still faint, even with a bit of sloppiness, the patriarch was actually shocked by the hidden enthusiasm of Li Hongyuan. He carefully looked at this grandson. This son, perhaps in addition to that face, there is no place like a phoenix. The way, his bones are overbearing, Jane has reached an extreme, however, it is not just self-use, but also a wisdom strategy, the city's means are not bad, he may really be able to do things that others can't do.

At this moment, the patriarch finally admitted that he was wrongly wrong, and he was indeed self-righteous. "May the prince get what he wants."

Li Hongyuan looked at the patriarch who had calmed down the mood and accepted the matter in a comprehensive manner. He must admit that if the grandfather can correct his mentality, he is definitely a capable person. If he can’t get what he wants, he will stand up, but unfortunately, It is already late, and it is too late to realize.

"Although the name is not occupied, the blood is still implicated in the end, the king wants to make a scent for the old lady."

No matter what kind of reputation the patriarch is now, he is still the patriarch. He waved to make people clear, and the clan clan naturally obeyed.

Li Hongyuan returned to the carriage. Jing Hao did not see the incident just now, but he also knows it very well. Others, regardless of it, are Ying Ying. "It is a strong one, and it must be reported. Her proud people know that in the future. There will be no good days, and it will not be too unexpected to go on such a road. However, the Qiang chief is not smothered by her. Even if she is not guaranteed in the evening, she will always carry stigma in the dead. When Zhou Zhou was not beaten by several of her aunts? Zeng Zu are so miserable, those few will certainly not be better?"

"What are you doing with us?"

"It is true. Looking at the current situation, the latter things should be smoother than expected."

Li Hongyuan nodded, less trouble, he was naturally happy.

When he arrived at the main house of Yu's house, Li Hongyuan took Jing Hao from the carriage and took people into the gate. He said nothing else. Just this house, you can feel the extraordinary ancient charm.

Into the mourning hall, Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao went up a fragrant incense, in addition, did not say nothing.

After coming out, Li Hongyuan was no nonsense, and he opened the door to the patriarchs. "The ancestors of the ancestors uploaded them and told you to keep everything safe."

The elders of the Yi nationality, probably did not expect Li Hongyuan to want those things, the mind to turn around, "Can you ask the Wang Ye what is special?"

"Are you sure you want to know? I know, the Yu family is really gone."

The chieftain of the Yi nationality scratched his heart, but he did not dare to ask more, but he was not reconciled. "Is it related to the withdrawal of the family from the court?"

Li Hongyuan seems to laugh and laugh.

The patriarch understands, but can't continue to ask. I personally went to take things and handed them to Li Hongyuan. There is also a dragon and phoenix, a book, and a painting.

These things, the patriarchs have not been studied, but, for so many years, nothing has been discovered.

Li Hongyuan made people collect things. "Before the imperial family, Yu Yu, before you died, it was cleaned up, and the king would handle it. To prevent omissions, it is probably also Yijiu."

Later, Li Hongyuan did not say much more. He left the scene directly and took a special trip. The time spent staying was so short.

------Off topic ------

I can finally return to Beijing tomorrow.

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