Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 357: :Into the palace, the eyes are blocked.

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Jing Hao held Li Hongyuan's hand, and almost stunned like a spoiled, smiled: "Su Guizhen is a kind mother, is a good mother-in-law, how can it be difficult for me?"

"Yes, it is a good mother-in-law. The other brothers are all very hot recently. The Three Emperors are no exception. Although the royal family is full of spoils, but the old man is already in the yellow, the father is in her, she has to find another People are sleepy, they want to brag about the wind and there is no chance. Now is the key period for the battle. In order to balance, the father and the emperor have suppressed Suegui. At this time, she dare not say anything more. I want the king to transfer the attention of the father, and I still hold evidence that the good brothers have collected many benefits from Jiangnan, but if they are smart, they should know each other. I want to go to the father and the emperor. The time is bound to be short, if Su Guizhen is deliberately embarrassed, you may wish to reveal a little bit, the three emperors are her life roots, how angry she is, and can only be pleasing to you."

Anyone who is old and yellow is far from it. Su Guizhen was originally well-maintained. He got the skin care products from Jingjing, and the effect was also good. The style of the charm was excellent. He went to Li Hongyuan here, coughing, not to mention. "So threatening her..."

"What about threatening her?" To tell the truth, Li Hongyuan is now more and more impatient to do superficial work.

"She is your foster mother. You have deep feelings. I am your wife. Usually, the status of the wife is not the mother's."

"If she feels mad at you, just come and ask me to complain."

Jing Hao screamed, Su Guizhen really wanted to find this guy, I was afraid that he would be mad at vomiting blood, but he couldn’t show it, and because the cultivation was too good, when the son’s nature could not detect it, then, this is probably half a point. "I didn't notice" I did something wrong, and then I didn't care to clap my hands.

"Without threats, I will say it later, but the filial piety is still filial, and I will give it to her." Anyway, Gong Jiu made some more.

"Look at yourself and do it."

"Well, I know. Go to the bath."

"Or else, why should you be with the husband?" Li Hongyuan lowered his voice and seduce.

Jing Hao’s resistance to beauty can be described as awkward growth. However, when someone deliberately seduce, they still can’t help but sway. Jing Hao twisted his face and gave Li Hongyuan a slap in the back. "Go yourself."

Li Hongyuan chuckled, and deliberately pinched the face of Jing Hao, and then Jing Wei left before he became angry.

Jing Hao looked at his back, too lazy to move, suddenly laughed, then moved and returned, although it may be subject to some restraint, but think about it, it is quite good to go out for half a year, so In the big context, how many people have no chance in their lifetime? Those people, probably from one back house to another, are like this, but they have lived forever. And she, from time to time to go to Zhuangzi for ten days and a half, is a small meaning.

Yes, in Jing Hao’s opinion, it’s basically impossible to stay away from the capital. Now, in the case of the church, Li Hongyuan basically did not hide her. According to him, maybe a few years, this battle will end. . After slowly knowing Li Hongyuan's cards, Jing Hao did not think that he would lose, unless he did not want it at that position, but this possibility, Jing Hao never thought about it. At that time, he boarded the position and it was even more impossible to leave the capital to visit the mountains and play with the water.

A little regret, but she is willing to give up that freedom for the friendship between the two. Of course, if Li Hongyuan becomes a heart, she is forcibly deprived of her liberty. However, now Jingjing will not think about this possibility, and will not be more sorrowful.

"Wang Hao, the water is ready." Qingzhu came out of the clean room.

Jing Hao got up, and his husband said that he was right, he was so good and relaxed.

In addition to Gong Yu and Xiao Xiao in the clean room, I said that in the past few months, Xiao Xiao was similar to several other cockroaches. She was very comfortable when she started doing things, and she did not see where she could not adapt. At the time, the temper is a lot more lively, and the smile from the heart is also more. In short, it seems that there is less "sweet temperament", more "popularity", and better acquaintance with everyone.

However, the dawn is a talented person, the talented woman has nothing to say, waiting for people to learn the rules, this is not a problem, but the female red aspect is a bit huh, and the dusty land, probably will not go The female reds of the girls are tempted, and the six big cockroaches of Jingjing are all female, only the distinction between good and bad, but even the worst black girl, there are also 30%, and dawn begins to learn female red, then the pair is delicate The hand was stunned and I didn’t know how much was tied on my finger. When others looked at it, they felt pain. Jing Hao told her not to learn. Dawn’s stubbornness was committed, and the needlework was smashed. Up to now, there have been some achievements, and no more hands will be made.

"Dawn, let me listen to a little song." Jing Hao said on the edge of the tub.

Xiaoxiao chuckled, "Yes." For the past days, Xiaoxiao naturally wanted to give up all of it. However, she did not mind when she danced with Jingjing.

The voice of Xiaoxiao is very good, and it will be changed, so many songs can be sung, all with different flavors.

At this time, the sound line is not high, with some gentleness, listening to the extra comfort, let people feel more relaxed.

After taking a shower, Gong Hao gave Jing Hao a maintenance, and the whole body was loose, and then he slept.

Gong Yuzheng is going to take Jing Hao out, Li Hongyuan just happened to come in, and several people rushed to salute. Usually, they will be ignored, and this time is no exception.

Li Hongyuan took Jing Hao out and placed it directly on the bed. He was lying next to him, probably preparing to take a nap.

After all, it is not the evening, this feeling is also an hour.

When Jing Hao’s spirit came back, Li Hongyuan still wanted to continue to get tired of Jing Hao. He hadn’t returned to Beijing for so long, and there were so many things. Therefore, he was forced to leave him.

Jing Hao is mainly to sort out those things bought in the later period. As for the few things that were collected by Li Hongyuan, other things, Jing Hao was too lazy to ask, and Li Hongyuan’s life has seen the good things he used. It’s too much, it’s really left to be seen by him. It’s really rare.

Jing Hao just looked at the list. I didn't know it. When I saw it, it was really scary. It seems that I bought too much. Jing Hao is a bit speechless. However, what is the so-called self-defense? Ok, and the purpose of buying these things in the first place is actually to give away people. Naturally, they are all good quality things. If you buy more, you will send more when you send them. Well, that’s it, as for the end. Because there are too many things to send out, and it attracts all kinds of "concern", it has nothing to do with her.

The most important thing now is the thing that will be sent to the palace tomorrow. There should be no more than one of the main palaces, and they must be carefully selected, but this is not difficult. The rest of the things that are sent to each family can be prepared after returning from the palace.

What Li Hongyuan wants to prepare over there is naturally another thing that has been added to the emperor.

Telling the truth, according to the ability of Li Hongyuan, the son of Laozi, has come twice, and Lecheng Emperor is determined to lose his life.

In fact, at this moment, Le Chengdi is already unable to re-plug, and those officials, whether they are "reporting work" or listening, are soft legs, no him, because of many things, they All of them did not know, and the Lecheng Emperor knew more than them. The Lecheng Emperor smashed the teacup, smashed the fold, and smashed the platform, and almost even the jade was given. Among the accompanying officials, except those officials who are not yet qualified to stand in front of the Lecheng emperor, only Zhong Qing and Li Suyan are in the old gods, wearing official uniforms and carrying a waist knife, and they all think of the Jin Prince. These people have not yet entered Jiangnan. All were taken out by the prince of Jin.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that none of these people are “clean”. Basically, they all carry “tasks”. This is not, and it’s been thrown out by the black clothes. So, this time, don’t say it’s credit. It’s not bad to go down to three levels, and the penalty is three years.

The entire process, the time used, is less than expected, because the more into the back, Le Cheng emperor is more and more impatient. In the end, let them roll directly, roll back to write the fold, if you can't make it out, you have to ask them to take off a layer of skin.

The next day, Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao entered the palace, Li Hongyuan gave Laozi a face, and he wore a prince's servant. After all, it was a formal errand, and the dress should be officially.

Although Jing Hao is not a prince, but also a costume, a set of ruby ​​heads, the main color of the clothes is also red, the whole person looks really beautiful, the lining of the face is more tender, the color is one-of-a-kind. Ok, this way, for the harem that is also in the same depth, the eyes are absolutely blind.

In accordance with the rules, Jing Hao first went to the Queen to ask for peace, and sent a carefully selected gift. Don't say anything else, no Laodan is absolutely unable to refuse things for the harem woman who does not have children. Of course, Jing Hao sent the party to the party very generously. What she sent is a direct test for the party.

The empress smiled and praised two sentences. The couple and their husbands took care of the situation, and then they used Su Guizheng to wait for the reason and let her leave.

Queen's attitude, Jing Hao is not unexpected, after all, with Su Guizhen is a deadly enemy, and there is no direct conflict with the Jin Prince, she did not make sense for Jing.

Jing Hao did not know, when the Queen saw her, she once again regretted that she could not be her daughter-in-law. She had to know that the Prince’s successor was still not present, but all her favorite girls would always look for various things. The reason is ridiculous, and the Lecheng Emperor, regardless of the matter, the Queen can only blink, and the person who supports Prince Kang, there is basically no suitable girl, it is not good, she is already considering lowering the request.

Jing Hao went to Su Guizhen, Su Guizhen was really "very good" breathable from her head to toe, the pain of heart and lungs.

Jing Hao smiled and smiled, "The daughter-in-law gave the mother a peace of mind, and the mother-in-law Wan Fu."

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