Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 360: : Conflict escalation

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"What happened to Sancha, but what did I say wrong?" Jing Hao did not continue to stab.

Su Guizhen and Liu Wangwei both of them, how did they not think that Jing Hao was so timid, and dared to say anything, even before the needles in the cotton, it can be said that they directly poked their scales, but according to the usual situation, this statement There is nothing wrong with it. I dare to go out and swear. Only those who have no face will be them. The most happy one is probably the queen, and then they will offend all other sons who have sons. Therefore, Su Guizhen did not even dare to pretend to use the filial piety to suppress Jing.

To put it bluntly, the biggest problem in Jing's remarks is that Tianjia can't use theories as usual, except for this family, other, even the royal clan, and finally the scorpion inherits the family business, but the ancient emperor, but few It is the nephew of the Queen. Of course, this is not something that can be opened up. In the historical dynasty, it is basically an ancestral training, a contradiction, wherever it exists, and some are acquiesced.

Su Guizhen is a good mother-in-law. She has never been to the backyard of Rui Prince. Li Hongyuan is a adopted child. Some things are more noticeable. Sometimes they are kind, and they are also said to be malicious. If they are not being discouraged by Jing Jing. However, it will not cause such a coma, and the fainting will not directly point to Li Hongyuan's warm bed. This kind of thing, everyone knows that it is euphemistic, the reason why it is so straightforward, she is also feeling A little doorway, she really wants to just wait for their husband and wife, saying that the person who can't be sent is really only used as an ordinary singer, so that she can achieve her purpose, so she simply goes straight, and then, Yuaner 20 Three children, his daughter-in-law is "small", she gave people in the past, they have been married for more than half a year, not three months, no one can blame anything.

Even if this is the case, the Luo’s grasp of the loopholes in the words is still a place that ordinary people simply can’t mention. They directly put the mother-in-law into the pit, and they both gnawed their teeth in the pit. But at the edge of the pit, I am content. Su Guizhen and the Queen fight, for twenty or thirty years, although there are losses and wins, but it has never been as sorrowful as today, the face of the good mother-in-law is getting bigger and bigger, and it is almost impossible to hold it. .

"The noble lady, Wang Hao Niangniang wants to come to the more familiar people to serve, slaves, Wang Hao Niangniang has seven big beggars, want to come to a lot of people waiting, and the top is beautiful, and instead give someone to the prince, It is better to let Wang Xiang choose one or two from her own. As a person, it is very willing to come to Wang Niangniang. Even if she gives birth to a child, I believe that Wang Xi’s mother will be treated as her own.” Auntie next to Su Guizhen laughs. Said Ying Ying.

"Hey, how confused, thanks to the aunt reminding the palace. This person is brought into the palace today, they are called to come to the palace, what kind of girl likes, the palace is the clearest, just in the palace Give the palm of your hand." Su Guizhen smiled lovingly, and there was a bit of a gesture of "distracting difficulties".

Liu Wangyi also smiled in an instant. "Exactly, it is so good, I believe that the six younger brothers will be satisfied."

In fact, it is the most disgusting thing for the female master to open the face and do the squatting of the big bangs around him, especially as a confidant, and to become a shackle of his right arm in the future, the person around Jing Hao, What is the situation, Su Guizhen actually made a rough check, and now squatting, I am afraid that no one is really prepared for her son. Dare to talk to her, so why is she polite.

I didn’t ask Jing Yu at all, and the maids who were on the side went straight out. The smiles were overjoyed by a few embarrassing people. Then, it was almost unbearable for them to enter the hall. Today, all of them will enter the palace. Because they want to give gifts to several maidens in the palace, it is not so much, and the things that are imported are not good enough to pass through the hands of other people. However, it has led to an unwarranted disaster.

These few embarrassing, the rules are good, although the heart is awkward, but the face is basically not obvious, Qi Qi's majesty please.

Jing Hao has always been ignorant of the people around him. As long as he does not violate the things, not what Li Hongyuan has specially prepared for her, they will reward them with a lot of water, and they will be able to raise their water and tenderness. Beautiful and bright, but the color itself is not bad, a child of water in the place, compared to many official women are better than others.

Su Guizhen looked in his eyes. "The old sixth wife is really not good for the people around me." This is better.

"The mother-in-law is well-respected. They are loyal to their daughter-in-law, and they are considerate and thoughtful, but they are some outsiders. They will not be embarrassed." It is to know what Su Guizhen is going to do, and Jing Hao has not changed his face now, although it is true. It’s a bit okay, it’s like that, it doesn’t affect anything.

- This palace is going to be awkward, when can you calm down? "Let's look up and let the palace be awkward."

The seven people heard the words and looked up, but they all looked down.

Liu Wangxi praised two sounds. "Mother-in-law, this one is a kind of water-like spirit. How do you want people to like it? The six brothers are really blessed, and the beauty around them has never been broken. However, in the end, The six younger brothers raised the same, and that the six younger siblings are also a virtuous one."

Su Guizhen had no words, just looked at Liu Wangyi, Liu Wangxi was swaying Jingjing, she had no opinion, but involved her son, saying that her son was greedy and lascivious, she would naturally not be happy. Liu Wang’s mouth was stiff and stiff, and he looked away from him.

The seven people who were squatting were slightly discolored, whether from Wang's point of view, Wang's point of view, or even their own point of view, they never thought of waiting for the prince to wait on the bed. Unconsciously clenched his fist, but did not dare to say what to do, he was worried about confusing his own king.

Su Guizhen’s gaze patrolled the seven people. After a while, “the first one on the left and the second on the right.”

Xiao Xiao, on the way back to Beijing, has changed his name and changed to grace. Under normal circumstances, others will probably think that it is Hibiscus. Although there are not many people who know the identity of Xiaoxiao, they know the dawn of Zhounan House in Shannan County. The famous person, not necessarily among those officials, is not named, and it will inevitably not make people think about it; another black girl. They will be selected, and Jing Hao is not surprised. Although she was born in red dust, she is now embarrassed. However, Mei Xi has spent a lot of time teaching her to teach her in the direction of everyone’s show. Now it seems that there is still a quiet and gentle temperament, plus the beautiful face. In the fireworks, occasionally such a woman will be particularly sought after; black sisters needless to say, beautiful and different.

"My mother's eyes are really good. However, I have never seen this beautiful girl in the six-sisters. I was in Jiangnan. I said that Jiangnan is absolutely beautiful. It is true. I just don’t know if the six brothers are fancy, or six. The younger brother and sister, Hui Hui, specifically for the six brothers to find?" Liu Wangqi hooked his lips.

Jing Hao looked at her with a smile and smiled. She said nothing, and the meaning of "idiot" expressed in her eyes was obvious. Liu Wang’s anger is not good, but it’s not good to say anything. Jing Hao doesn’t say anything, she said, but it’s not good.

"In the future, you two will be more dedicated to serving your prince and Wang Hao. The old six-year-old daughter is still younger and younger. Now it is better to have a child, and it will be better for two years. You will soon be the son of the prince." You are all good people around the old six-day-wife, and you will give birth to children in the future. You Wang Hao also pays special attention to it. Don’t let her down this friendship. When the child is born, both men and women, this palace is full of There are rewards, and in the future, I will go to the palace with my sixth wife from time to time."

Jing Hao looked at Su Guizhen, so obvious provocation, also said that they should support them, telling them that they do not have to fear the Jingzi master, and even more or less let them talk to her. In fact, Jing Hao did not care much about it. What she cares about is that Su Guizhen’s left sentence, “The son of Yuan’s son,” rightly gave the child a child. As soon as she said this, she did not Is it guilty?

In fact, what Jing Hao saw on her was only "sincere". It seems that she really hopes to have a child who is going to raise a child as soon as possible, and has nothing to do with Jing Hao. Jing Hao’s heart is cold, how can this woman be terrible to this point?

"The old sixth wife, you said, can this palace be right?" Su Guifei apparently did not like Jing Hao's appearance as a wall-viewing. It seemed that she did not see her face changing, and she was very unwilling.

"Female 妃..."

"Please ask your mother to forgive sins, the slaves are despicable, and the princes are worthy of the princes. The slaves are not qualified to serve on the side of the couch, smearing the body of the prince, and asking the nobles to take back the foreword." Suddenly, the mouth suddenly seems to be self-deprecating. But with an unspeakable determination.

Su Guizhen was stabbed by Jing Hao and couldn’t speak, but now a sly dare to disobey her? ! For a time, I was furious, "Let's go!" Once again, I licked the cup in my hand.

And the aunt around Su Guizhen is also a cold face, stepping forward, the slap in the hand is a slap, "Oh, big courage, the maiden let you wait for the prince, that is the blessing that you have cultivated for eight generations, dare to push the three resistance four? If you do not want to live Yes, you can talk straight."

Grace was hit by a heavy slap, and the aunt finished, but also reached out to pull her hair.

When Jing Hao started the aunt, she completely coldened her face. Huo Di got up. When the aunt reached out again, she grabbed it. The aunt was not guilty, and she wanted to resist. Jing Hao looked at her coldly. "Why, my aunt still wants to do something with this king?"

The aunt was a little numb by Jing Hao’s eyes. He took his hand back from Jing Hao’s hand and owed it to him. “The slave is not daring, but this is too ignorant, and the sorrow of Wang Hao’s pet is lawless. Now if it is not Lessons and lessons, in the future may lead to provoke or end, so the slaves are daring..."

"When the king of the king, even if there is a mistake, he has his own lessons, but you are also a sly, and dare to replace the singer of this prince? The people of this prince are lawless, and your aunt is also eating a bear and a leopard!" ”

The aunt's face was pumped, and her shot, the nature of the representative is Su Guizhen, Su Guizhen wants to teach the people around him, regardless of whether there is any mistake, naturally it seems to be taken for granted, partial life, Jing Hao is not according to the rules.

"The old sixth wife, I lost my identity, you are a prince, and you are pulling with a slave, what is the system."

The aunt around Su Guizhen, Jing Hao did not personally shoot, no one dared to shoot around her, Jing Hao can look at his own people being bullied? "The daughter-in-law may not be a system, and the mother-in-law's body is very good."

The upper beam is not under the beam!

Su Guizhen turned black. "The aunt shot, that is what the palace means."

"Oh? The people around the mother-in-law are all intimate with your heart. If you don't say a word, they will know clearly."

This time, the mouth is not one or two, "the heart has a spirit"?

These people, in any sentence, have to think about it and think about it. In their view, it is strange to see nothing in the words of Jing Hao.

"Isn't it what the daughter-in-law said is wrong? Then change a word, the mind is connected? The heart is printed? Otherwise it is..."

"Enough, old sixth wife, you don't talk nonsense." Su Guizhen's thoughts of death Jingjing have been, and I still feel that this is still good, especially the Queen wants to find a plan.

"Isn't that the case? That is to say, is the aunt around her mother's self-assertion? The people around her mother-in-law are really good."

This time went back.

Su Guizhen’s chest is more and more undulating, apparently suffocating.

"It is the fault of the slaves. The goddess of the king sins forgiveness. It is really not good to know this. The slaves are also looking at the princes who grew up. They are not guilty. Under the impulse, they have done something wrong, and they also ask Wang Hao to forgive me." The fire burned to the master of the house, the aunt simply admits the mistake, and the excuse to find is also seamless, if you care about her, it expresses dissatisfaction with her maintenance of the Prince of Jin? As a relative of the Jin Dynasty, Jing Hao can be dissatisfied with this? No.

Grace straight up, suddenly took off the hair on the head, brushed against the face, from the corner of the eye, straight to the position close to the chin, the wound is long and deep, her action, but will include Su Everyone, including the nobles, was scared.

Grace is to endure the pain, the blood drops and the answer is wet, and the eyes are already firm and clear. "The noble lady, the slave is ugly, fearing the eyes of the prince, waiting for the prince, but also forgiveness. ”

Which woman would care about her face? The more beautiful, the more concerned you are. But now, there is such a beauty of the first-class, a sly, refused to warm the bed to the prince of the gods, and will not be disfigured! Su Guiqi was almost vomiting blood, she must have not seen the Huang Li today, all kinds of guilt.

After Su Guifei converges on the shock, the heart is full of sorrow.

Jing Hao was also awakened by the words of grace, and rushed to cover the wound on her face with a slap in the face. Su Guizhen wanted to kill, she now wants to kill. "Hey, fast, hurry, send the graceful back, let Gong Ji give her treatment." So long, such a deep injury, 100% is no way to recover, a good beauty, said ruin is ruined . "You are also a stupid..." Jing Hao is facing the grace, but also hates iron. Don't worry, come back to Wangfu to close the door, Li Hongyuan can't sleep, shut off other people's fart.

Grace wants to smile, but it pulls the wound, and the smile is stiff and far-fetched. "Wang Ye and Wang Hao are deep-seated, slaves are envious, and they don't want to be destroyed. This person can't be a slave, especially if it is just a trace." ”

"Don't say it, go back to heal." I knew that this was the result. Jing Hao wouldn't take them with him, or he would endure Su Guifei, not so special to stab her. A little girl who is so smart, but at this time, she makes a fool.

Gong Yu listened to his own master's words, even did not ask Su Guifei, take people away. Jing Hao only left the green chrysanthemum, and the other few also sent away.

They just just stepped out of the door, and there was a rush of coming in. "The goddess, the two princes came over."

The two are undoubtedly the Prince of Jin and the Prince of Rui.

Su Guiyan’s brow, how could it be so fast? There is no such thing as a quarter of an hour.

Jing Hao looked at Su Guifei, and then reached out, not slow down the hair accessories on the head and dropped the ground, and then pulled at the neckline.

Su Guizhen’s eyes are shrinking. She already knows what Jing Hao wants to do. However, before she even said it, Li Hongyuan and Li Hongming came in from the door. "I have seen the mother."

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