Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 367: :Accounting, accident

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Now it is in a relatively lively section. From the woman’s roadblock, there are many people around to stop, with a strange excitement and excitement. After all, as ordinary people, they are in different classes with them. People's various gossips have a strong curiosity, which is often used as a kind of talk for them, saying that they can't spit at some point, but because there are guards to open the way, those people can't rely too close.

It is known from some informed population that this is the frame of the Prince of Jin. Many people have raised fears in their hearts. It is obvious that the "famous name" of the Prince of Jin is very popular among ordinary people. However, today, the Prince of the Jin Dynasty returned to her family, the Prince of Jin may not be in the carriage, but the Prince of the Jin Dynasty must be there. Inexplicable, some people are excited again, playing chicken blood. Anyone who is afraid of something is temporarily thrown to the side, and there are two words left in the mind - the drama.

It can be said that it is "a long-awaited call". Of course, I only dare in my heart. The curtain of the carriage has finally been opened. These ordinary people have never seen the Prince of the Jin Dynasty. However, the style of this whole body should be the Prince of the Jin Dynasty. No doubt? ! If you don't say anything else, you can see the true face of a prince, and you can show off for a while.

People are beautiful, they are different from these people, with gentle and gentle, kind and kind-hearted, such a woman, is a man who is afraid that they are willing to take good care of them, they just dare to think about it, and Wan will not give birth to a sly mind. However, how will Jin’s pro-King will handle this? I am afraid that I will suffer.

However, when I waited for the opening of the king, I expected them to be like them. - Most people only have the wrong feelings in their hearts, followed by breeding fears.

When the words of Jing Hao fell, the people who had a good impression of her before, turned to urgency, vicious, snakes and beautiful, knowing people knowing each other and so on.

The prince of the prince is so incompetent, but it is the woman who has served the Prince of Jin. Even if she is unhappy, she will not be seen, but she will be sent away, but she will have a life, and she will be like a mustard. People, but in high positions, do not know how many people will die in her hands.

"Wang Hao...hey..."

When Jing Hao speaks, the guards will naturally not be polite again. You must know that these people, apart from executing the orders, are not ordinary iron heart, pity and jade? What the **** is that.

As for the beauty, Jing Hao no longer looks at it more, still with a smile that looks like nothing, and glances around, and just this one eye makes people feel chilling, as if to say another word, even what is wrong. The idea will be immediately known to her, and then it is possible to feed the fish to the moat like the woman.

In the big court, doing this kind of thing, Jing Hao expected what might happen, but it does not matter, the man inside the carriage, in order to make her happy, do not do much? So, what can she do if she does something to please him? But say that human life...

Jing Hao looked back at Mu Gonggong, and the meaning was obvious. In the past, those women, some people themselves did not know what it was, as the number one dog leg around him, this kind of thing must be known, and even the "book" is there.

Mu Gonggong was seen by Jing Hao. "Wang Hao, this woman, has been given by the prince Wang..." The memory of the quick flip in the brain, who gave it, who is coming? The time is a long time, and there are too many things he has to remember. How can this kind of thing be remembered, but Wang Hao asked, can’t remember, but also have to think hard, must think about it, think about it, think about it. ......

Although Mu Gonggong is not moving, Jing Hao knows that this is not a problem. "Is it not in the courtyard?"

"Back to Wang Hao, no." Mu Gonggong is absolutely sure about this.

"In this case, check clearly, in the end who sent it, send people back, and tell the other party by the way, this Wang Hao is very angry about this matter."

Seemingly inadvertent tone, Mu Gonggong's inexplicable heart is chilling, there is a illusion of facing the living king, is it true that it is really close to the Zhu people? Don't you, Wang Yiduo and a sly person will become the same style as the prince in the future? Think about the picture, a living king will make people feel hot, and then come to a king, do you want to end up? Because that is really terrible.

"Mu An, thinking about it, or saying that you didn't listen to what Wang Hao said, do you need to repeat this Wang Hao?" Jing Hao said with a smile.

Mu Gonggong only felt that the chill in his heart was even worse. It was even more terrifying than Wang’s cold face. "Wang Hao, the slaves heard it, you don't have to repeat it."

"Very good, do it quickly." Jing Hao gently stroked the sleeves, turned into the carriage, and then saw the one-handed support on the side, laughing and hooking the active king. Jing Hao was helpless and funny, went up, leaned over, and put his forehead on the other's forehead, whispered: "Satisfied?"

Li Hongyuan reached out and took hold of Jing's waist. When he used force, he brought Jing Hao into his arms. "When you say this, some people think about you, usually, shouldn't you treat them all?" At this time, it is not a problem that I am not satisfied with, but a problem that you are not satisfied with. Hey, you are defending your own interests."

Jing Hao’s virtue of being cheap and selling someone is not the first time to teach. "You are happy."

"Is it so fast? You should be faster."

"Yes, I am very happy, very happy." Not because the "enemy" was solved, but because of this man. Hooking his neck, the tip of his nose was on the tip of his nose, and then he kissed his lips without hesitation, his tongue tipped his lips and opened his teeth. After more than half a year, I was often practiced by someone who was full of kiss skills. Jing Hao is now still not full, and there are seven or eight points. Occasionally, mastering one initiative is more than enough.

Li Hongyuan’s eyes are small, although he does not know where to touch his own careful liver. However, the daughter-in-law is so active and enthusiastic, but the rare benefits, how can I not enjoy the truth, the dull softness, just cater to Jing Wei The action did not take back the initiative.

However, Jing Hao was still weak in this respect. In the end, she was still panting, her eyes were slightly red, and she leaned on Li Hongyuan's shoulder, softly relaxing and breathing. Li Hongyuan’s desire is obviously also hooked up by her, but now is not a good time to continue to do something. Li Hongyuan gently stroked her back.

When Jing Hao recovered his calmness, he straightened up and looked at Li Hongyuan with a smile. "Wang Ye, some accounts, are we supposed to count?"

Originally, the old account is very hurtful, even if it is unhappy, but the past things can not be changed, so it is best to let go. However, she does not turn over, and the person carrying a debt is not happy. That line, just fine liquidation and liquidation, all of which are clear and unclear, is it even more unpleasant, or no longer a little bit, then it will be clear at a glance. What is it, it is a kind of fun.

"Oh, what do you want to do with your husband?" For those black history in the past, Li Hongyuan may have been still thinking about it. He thought that he might not be able to explain it to his wife. Now, hey, it’s not calm, even Instead, he became an excuse for him to find Jing Hao's "trouble". It was obviously something he had made, but he was more confident than anyone else.

"Come on, let me talk about your ‘ seven-day spree’.”

"What's going on, it's not the case. Is such a simple thing, so smart, need to explain?"

Jing Hao bite the back of the alveolar, this bastard! "Oh, there is no deep meaning. So, Ayuan is not the usual new and old."

"When you say this wrong, the word for the husband and the new and tired of the old is actually not on the side. If you identify that one, then you will like it from a new time, and then you will continue to like it, no matter how old or like it is, and in my eyes, She will always be new and will never fade.” Li Hongyuan holds Jing Hao’s face with one hand, and his eyes are unusually gentle. “It’s like new and old, because it’s because no matter what the new one is, you can’t afford to pay attention to it.” ""

Jing Hao was almost confused, and the old account can make him disguised form loyalty, it is really enough, the bull head, spurned himself, and then look at Li Hongyuan, this **** is actually laughing, clearly is "smirking" her determination Poor, so easily confused by the male color, Jing Hao opened his mouth and took a bite.

"Hey..." Li Hongyuan seemed to take a sigh of coolness, a very painful look.

Jing Hao really thought that he did not master the scale, and quickly reached out to squat, pure care was chaotic, and did not want to think about it. At some point in the past, direct bite bleeding was not one or two times, just like last night, the facts It’s just that the animals are more beasts. Can you be more serious than that?

Li Hongyuan took her hand, "Hey, don't worry." It seemed like a very painful scream.

"This is so serious, obviously, clearly..."

"Well, very serious, very serious..." Li Hongyuan's eyes are deeper and deeper.

After Jing Hao knew it, there was a burst of black on his face, and he continued to talk, killing him.

"Good heart, don't bite, it's really serious. It's serious that you can't get a carriage in at least two hours." Li Hongyuan grabbed her waist and pressed it tightly to herself. "Oh, what are you doing?" You have a good heart, you have to know that you can make it react to one eye. You are so tempted to seduce it, and don’t appease it, isn’t it a life for the husband? Is this still not serious? If you are arbitrarily, you can think that you are going to appease it on the carriage."

Jing Hao is really gnashing his teeth, but feels the obvious hardness, and the faint heat, did not dare to move.

Although Li Hongyuan was a little uncomfortable in the body, he was very happy. He kissed the relatives who were in his arms but was very smooth. "Is the account finished? Continue without it."

Jing Hao’s cold sneer, “The key is not that you don’t care. The key is that those you don’t care about exist in essence.”

"Oh, this is indeed a problem, but that is an unchangeable fact. What should I do?"

"In addition to being raised in another hospital, is there still someone sent?"

"It's not necessary anyway, others like it, just save some rations." Li Hongyuan's tone, as if to say is not a person, not even objects.

Therefore, it seems to be in the life of the living king, it is okay to be seen by him, even if it is only a little bit, in any sense, it may be considered lucky, the rest, do not give him a good feeling, give a feeling That is destined to be the greatest sorrow.

——Jing Hao thought that he should be the luckiest one, got his care, got his feelings, got everything for him.

- However, in Li Hongyuan's heart, the real lucky thing is that she let him know that in addition to interests, calculations, and injuries, the world has warmth, selflessness, and more mourning things, which make him new. Even once again, life has been stopped, and the tragedy has been stopped. There is no regret.

"Ayuan, you have such a strong possessiveness, how can you tolerate your beauty under the guise of others?"

Li Hongyuan lowered his head and pinched Jing's chin, forcing her to look up and her eyes became extremely dangerous. "Is it true that the world, as long as a woman with a certain color, regardless of her origin, or her identity, can Touched the body of the king?"

"Isn't it?" Jing Hao knew that he was angry, but he continued to be a tiger, and he was innocent. "In rumors, as long as it is a beautiful person, don't care about a good citizen's family, regardless of whether it is an innocent body or a red dust body, the sister flowers are too ordinary, the mother and daughter are really beautiful, and the prince of Jin makes people break their hands and get their hands."

Li Hongyuan is close to her, warmly licking her face, gently sniffing, like the top predator, confirming the delicious food, thinking about where to sip.

Jing Hao really has a feeling of being completely suppressed and unable to move.

"So, do you think that they match? Is it right?" The voice is soft, low, as if it is the most sincere.

Jing Hao couldn't stop himself from eating goose bumps. I don't know if it was because of fear, or because of some kind of tremor. The head involuntarily moved forward, like an unbearable movement, but unfortunately could not escape the living king. Absolute control.

"Hey, I haven't answered me yet, are they worthy? Um?"

What is the second second of illness, this is it! Obviously, he is the "Glorious Deeds" he left behind, and he himself agreed to settle accounts. Is it not allowed to say this? When I said it, I stepped on the scales? Jing Hao chuckled and reached out to hook his neck. "Of course it is not worthy. Who else can touch your body besides me? You are mine, you can only be me, who dares to move, who dares to approach, I will Whose life is it!" So, suddenly, force Li Hongyuan back, push the leg, sit on his waist, press him on the couch, put his hands on his neckline, slowly use force, Pulling on both sides, leaning over, kissed him on his lips, along the corner of his mouth, along his cheeks, all the way to the neck, "my..."

The neuropathy has gone, and it can't be escaped anyway. So, it's better to come by yourself. Anyway, Jing Hao's own inexplicable also moved.

However, this smoothing action should not be too smooth, um, it is already full of skill points.

This seems to reverse the role of fish and water, this metamorphosis snake snake only feels unusual enjoyment, it seems that every pore in the body is stretched out, and the body is inside and outside, he likes to control all of Jing Hao, and vice versa, I also like to be controlled by the love, the most intimate contact, the pleasure is not only the body, but also the soul.

The final result, however, is that Jing Hao was sent to his door and was cleaned by him. There is not much time for her to control the initiative. It is not that someone does not cooperate, but is unable to do so.

Two extreme joys in a short period of time, this has not been seen before, Li Hongyuan also worried that Jing Hao will not be able to withstand, so he will restrain, usually not over-fire, over-fire will at least rest for a few days, this time can really It’s overheated.

When Jing Hao was taken down by Li Hongyuan, the carriage didn't know when it was parked in the palace, and it was very close to the main courtyard. The horses had all been solved, and the surroundings were quiet, almost no sound, the sky. The sunset is close to dim. Jing Hao was covered with a blanket by Li Hongyuan. The clothes on his own body were very casual, and the chest was wide open. The traces on the top were unusually obvious, casual, sturdy, lame, and the beautiful face. It was actually more confusing than everyday. It was a slap in the face of his lack of thoughts. At this time, I couldn’t help but blush my heart. I buried my head low and didn’t dare to take a look.

Not to mention them, even those who are guards, even the sacred guards of the seven passions, seem to have been affected by certain atmospheres, some are eager to move.

Jing Hao's thoughts are empty, and some people seem to have not recovered from illness yesterday. It seems that this disease is getting worse and worse. In other words, it is not the account left by himself, but he has lost so much. Not finished, how can a sad reminder.

Jing Hao’s last thought is that, in any case, it’s better to check the accounts clearly.

As for some things that I still want to ask, such as about Fang Fangfei, I have long been forgotten to the clouds.

The next day, Jing Hao looked mentally awkward, but it was enough to prove that she was still a little bit weak in her body.

The collection was good, and it was a magnificent trip to the Grand Princess Palace. Because of his different identities, he did not wear formal attire, but used the prince Yi.

For the large number of gifts sent by Jing Hao, the Princess Dachang received more calmly. After all, these things are nothing to her.

The big princess looked at her righteous woman. The man grew taller and his body grew longer. The whole person seemed more and more beautiful, and because he married someone, he had a charm that the girl would not have, elegant, dignified, atmospheric, Calmly, although not every man will like this type of woman, however, if you like it, if you are in the heart, I am afraid it will be difficult to let go, and it is not to be blamed for the kind of winds like Li Hongyuan. But this time the eyes of the big princess are a bit strange...

"Yi mother, why do you look at me like this? I have something on my face?" Jing Hao touched his face with some doubts.

Dachang Princess smiled. "I heard that you sent a person to the Grand Princess House yesterday?"

Jing Hao knows what is going on in a flash. "So, the prostitute is a big hummer? So, I should probably go to the big princess to drink tea."

The princess is naturally the eldest daughter of the Emperor of Lecheng. She is two or three years older than Li Hongyuan. However, because her mother is not a palace lady, she is born because of her, and her position is very low. Her Hummer is also a family, but it belongs to The kind of "favored little son", one of the nephews, is close to thirty, and there is no qualitative, Zhao cats and dogs, greedy and lascivious, the woman who was yesterday, he directly asked Li Hongyuan.

The big princess is not favored, no one gives her support, let alone to control the Hummer, she is actually a role in the air bag, her Hummer often said that because she broke his future, so naturally not for her Well, in fact, it is the mud that can't help the wall. Because there is a princess and a wife, she blames everything on the princess, giving him a perfect excuse for the days of drunken dreams, but his family still thinks so.

He used the money of the big princess to go to the brothel, to play the drama, to raise the room with the house of the big princess, to raise the children, and the big princess emptied the private property for him, and he did not get a good one.

These things, Jing Hao had some understanding before he became a relative with Li Hongyuan. He was naturally hated by the man. He was also angry with the big princess. He was also a princess. How did the mother not say that half of the body was holy? The blood, the trouble, the holy is for his own face, and it is impossible to ignore it.

In the end, it is because the temper is too soft, and it is not without dependence, but it is also bullying.

However, although it is the sister of her husband, but not close, if there is no familiar person present, Li Hongyuan may not know who the other person is, so who will gossip. However, perhaps you can take this opportunity to give the big hummer a lesson - purely blind.

The long princess is speechless. Is the prostitute’s idea too different? It’s been a long time since it’s been full of troubles. She still wants to find the big princess to “drink tea”? "Do you know what your current reputation has been passed on?"

Jing Hao smiled uncomfortably. "Left is just a wife, heart and soul, and serious, but it is not worthy of being a royal woman. Before leaving Beijing to go to Jiangnan, haven’t there been such a sign? ""

"Isn't this enough? I said that you are exquisite, I think you are heartless." The long princess hated iron and did not become steel. "And, since I know what the consequences will be, why do I still have to do this? However, the district has a lot of ways to clean up the seeds. Why do you have to deal with it in a large court? If you say that you have lost the guardian river, is this not a deliberate gesture? Can you make this stupid thing?"

"Yesy mother, you are at ease, no problem, others say more, as long as our prince does not say anything, then no one can help me. After all, it is the holy, it does not seem to dare to gamble can not find a Jin The prince and daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law, said that our prince is a free man, and his prince is the virtue of the deficiencies and what is wrong with it?" What is the reputation, Jing Hao really does not care much, but also has his own husband to support, do not have to worry What will the emperor public meeting be. "As for why do you do it? Yimu, my daughter is also forced, do you believe it?" Showing a little grievance.

Dachang Princess’s manners are all gone, and she is given a blank eye directly, which shows what a big princess is.

Jing Hao sighed under the heart, clearly speaking the truth, no one can believe it. If it is not forced, she does not care about her reputation, nor will she be tempted to live in that situation.

"Okay, I am too lazy to say to you, you have a few in your heart, but I still remind you, don't be too much, Hongyuan does not say anything now, it will hold you in the palm of your hand, if it is in the future There is change. Everything you have today is wrong. It is sin. When it is time, it will only be your own."

"Thank you for your mother, I know." Don't be too much? More is still behind, Jing Hao wiped a tear for himself.

Jing Hao can't be 100% sure that Li Hongyuan will not change his mind, but this "far worry" is really unnecessary. It is purely asking for trouble. She only needs to "now" to believe that he is enough.

"In addition, this matter has spread too fast. If no one pushes the wave, it will never be so. I even suspect that there are people who deliberately calculate it. Otherwise, if you don’t know how to be honest, why are you so courageous? Do you dare to make such a thing that the master has lost face? This person can’t say it anymore.”

What the big princess would think of, Jing Hao, they naturally want to get it. "The thing in Jiangnan, the mother-in-law probably heard about it. I am collecting money in Jiangnan. I just don’t know that it’s coming from the lord, it happened to be hit by me. Or it is itself for me."

"Acquisition of wealth, is it because of the holy?" Princess Dachang thought that he still knew a little about Jing Hao, and according to the financial resources of the Prince of the King, it is not necessary.

"Mother and mother are wise." Jing Hao admitted.

"That's all right, because on the holy, you have stigma, and I know what the Holy Spirit is. When someone dares to treat you, he will definitely protect you."

"Well. It’s more troublesome to find a scorpion king. After all, whether it is aimed at me or against the prince, he has swept his face. Wang Ye is not a master who will suffer."

"I am also a white mind." The long princess thinks about Li Hongyuan's temper, the virtue, the unstoppable headache, he is not good to find someone to trouble, rushing to find him trouble, not the brain into the water The brain is pitted.

Later, I talked about the scenery of Jiangnan as usual. It is said that the Princess Changchang has also been to the south of the Yangtze River. At this time, it is more to miss.

"Hey sister, sister-in-law, are you finally back?" I didn't see anyone, first heard the sound, not who is Yuyao and who is the master.

"Looking at Yuyao is earlier than expected." Jing Hao entered the Princess Palace, and listened to the Princess Dachang. Yuyao went back to the main house of Jiang with his brother, and it happened to be here today, not It’s a squat at noon, but it’s a coincidence.

The long princess heard the words and laughed. The daughter on the top taught me. The son didn’t have a job, and he was too lazy to say anything. Only this young girl is now quite good in all aspects, and it is a great comfort.

Yuyao rushed in and saw her mother, only to realize that she was out of order and standing in good order. "Give me a mother. Mother, I am back."

The big princess nodded and was not angry.

Yuyao Weng’s face was grateful, but he secretly spit out his tongue and thought that others had not seen it. In fact, the Princess of the Great Princess and Jing Hao were all clear, and both of them laughed.

Yuyao turned to Jing Hao, "Hey sister, I can miss you, you have been to Jiangnan for so long."

Jing Hao took Yuyao. "I also want Yuyao. Let's Yuyao grow taller and become a big girl."

"Not all of them are big girls, and people are already like big girls." Yuyao said quite a little chest.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Then someone came in, apparently Yu Yao’s peers, two couples and their children, four adults and three children.

Compared with Yuyao, these people have a lot of rules. The two men are demeanor and have a lot of words and deeds. The two young women seem to be somewhat cautious. In ordinary people, it seems that there is no point in the Princess Palace. However, Jing Hao also saw it, because the big princess did not like them, they were afraid of the big princess, and the princess was naturally more unhappy, it was a vicious circle. And a few children seem to be a little bit with the mother.

Jing Hao’s identity was there, and several people saw her. Jing Hao nodded and called excuse.

"The Prince of Jin is also in the house, your father is going to accompany the study, and your brothers have been in the past."

"Yes, mother, son retired." The two brothers left.

Leaving the heart of the heart, the rest of the people, Jing Hao how to see how to feel a little pitiful, saying that the Princess is not a fierce person, as for this?

The long-breasted princess's eyebrows wrinkled again, but in the end there was no seizure. "The Jin Prince has brought back a lot of good things from the south of the Yangtze River to honor me. There are a lot of things. Let's pick some and bring them back."

"Yes, thank you mother."

The great princess waved and sent them impatiently. When the people left, they sighed at Jing Hao. "I chose this kind of daughter-in-law, I don't know whether it is right or wrong." In order to reassure the emperor's brother, the daughter-in-law of the Princess of the Great Princess is a small door, In her eyes, she couldn’t get on the countertop.

In this case, Jing Hao does not accept it. Everything is like drinking water and knowing. It’s all about being so willing to give up. However, it is obvious that Princess Dachang is not prepared to get an answer from Jingkou.

"Does my sister bring me a gift?" Yuyao shook Jingjing's hand and spoke.

"Which can be less of you? It seems that there is no more rules." The long princess whispered softly.

Yuyao knows that her mother is not really angry, so she is not afraid at all. "What did the sisters give me? Mother, can I go and see now?"

"Go ahead, you have a headache here." The long princess "disliked."

Yuyao smiled and left, leaving her mother's sight and running.

"It’s all debt collectors." The long princess glared at the temple, but his mouth was smiling.

"Children are not all debt collectors of their parents. From generation to generation, they are all collecting debts with their parents, and then they are being debunked by their children. No one can escape."

"No. Jing Hao, you, there is no good news in the stomach?" The sight naturally fell on the stomach.

Under such a background, unless it is like Sun Yijia, the parents will be pregnant, or they will be pregnant, and no one can escape. "Children are fate, let it be." This is something that can't be said with the Princess Long.

Later, Princess Dachang wanted to stay in the house. However, the palace suddenly called Li Hongyuan, Li Hongyuan left, and asked people to ask Jing Hao. Jing Hao immediately got up and said goodbye.

The long princess did not retain, even if Li Hongyuan was the idle king, the princess did not intervene in the middle of the affairs. In the end, the white can be smeared black, and it is better to pay attention to some nature.

At the entrance of the Princess of the Grand Princess, Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan split up, one into the palace, one back to the palace.

Li Hongyuan left most of his hands to the prince Yi Yi, and he himself went straight to the horse.

Jing Hao seems that most of the things are still in Jiangnan. As long as there is no final result, the Jin Prince is an imperial concubine. It is the kind of imperialism that opens up other officials. He wants to do nothing, and it is unlikely that he can rebel. Le Chengdi, but in the end there is still a degree. If you let Lecheng emperor go to the imperial edict to "please", it is not good.

Jing Hao was sitting in the carriage, his eyes closed slightly, and the right hand had a little bit of fiddling with the beads on his left wrist, thinking about things.

Some things, Li Hongyuan did not say clearly, Jing Hao can also feel the tense atmosphere from some letters, even if Li Hongyuan’s hands are huge, to seek the throne, it is not hand-to-hand, as long as the dust is settled, she will still be involuntarily Worried for him. She just can't do anything for him, and she can't drag her legs.

The rushing horseshoe, followed by Ma Yuming, the car suddenly swayed, the cause of inertia, Jing Hao directly hit the wall of the carriage, and soon stopped completely. Jing Yan’s arm hurts, "What happened?"

"Someone squatted, crashed into the frame, disturbed Wang Hao, and asked Wang Shu to forgive." The voice of the dark one came from the window.

Jing Hao brows slightly, dare to go to the horse in the capital, Jing Hao must say a good daring, and dare to collide with the ritual of the living king, it is equivalent to eating a hundred bears and leopards. "Ask me clearly who is the person. If the matter is urgent, let the other party take the responsibility of 'vertical horse' and go to the penalty. If it is intentional, then the person will be taken and handed over to Jingzhaofu according to law." Obviously In either case, he was hit by this, and Jing Hao did not intend to pursue it.

Jing Hao does not pursue, secretly they may not pursue, and rushed to Wang Hao, then there is no small matter, how can it not be pursued? Going back to the main son, they have to eat the head. It would have been a good thing to do so. However, now it is natural what Wang Hao said is what it is. Is this Yang Fengyin violated? Absolutely not!

Jing Hao is ready to continue to close his eyes, but outside - "Do you know who the young man is?"

Jing Hao’s heart sighed, and this standard was a small tyrant, and he knew that there was no way to be good, and he had to sneak a slap in the face.

However, obviously, the other party should not live in the capital, but it has absolute power and power, otherwise it would dare to be arrogant in front of the living king.

For thinking, for the identity of the other party, Jing Hao has a grasp of eight or nine points. Leaning, slightly open the curtains, looked out, seven or eight strong and strong, deep-eyed guards, at first glance is the soldiers who have fought. Such a person is supposed to be respected for defending the country and defending the country. Now he is driven by the bully, and there is no way to retreat for the face of his husband. Jing Hao put down the curtain, sit still, let the dark one handle them.

As expected, the two sides immediately started a conflict.

At this time, Gong Yu also slammed the curtain in. One was worried that the horse would be shocked outside. Second, Gong Hao heard the sound of the previous one. He was sure that Jing Hao was hit, and he was not worried. .

Jing Hao was not surprised. Gong Hao was always careful, and he did not hide it. He directly picked up his sleeves. No one ever thought that there would be an accident. Because he couldn’t catch it, this one was not hit hard, and the arm was directly purple. .

Gong Yu frowned, took the medicine from the dark shackles of the carriage, and applied it to Jing Hao’s arm and licked it.

This pain, not tolerable.

"Wang Hao should already know the identity of the other party?" Gong Hao asked softly.

"Well. Hejia began to guard the Northeast from 50 years ago. Now it is the third generation. It holds 100,000 troops and is known as the Northeast Army. It is like the Kaiping **** in Kaiyuan in the northeast. Unlike other generals, Hejia is The whole family lives in the northeastern city and returns to Beijing every three years. As far as I know, in the past few years, the coaches came back with a hundred or so people. This year, even the family is back?" There is nothing wrong with it.

"No matter who is hurting Wang Hao, Wang Ye will not be willing to give up."

Jing Hao quiet, this is an obvious thing, if it is an accident, she will persuade two sentences, but obviously not, this little bully, squatting is arrogant, in the northeastern border town, their home is the boss, quite In the emperor, no one dares to be natural, even in the capital, there is also arrogant capital, but it is no longer at the top of the pyramid, hitting the hands of the living king, that is, actually hit the iron plate, not dying to delamination .

It is reasonable to say that the other party is a real army. The guards of the Prince’s House are carefully selected. That’s not comparable, and the dark ones can’t come up with all the strength to prevent exposure. However, who makes Jing Hao’s side There are many people, and when training, it is a few people who collaborate, spend a long time, and have not changed the final result.

The little bully still yelled, but he was blocked.

"Wang Hao, how do these people deal with it?" The secret did not let him go directly to Jingzhao, but asked again.

"Bring back to the palace, wait for the lord to come back, let the generals come to the king's office to lead people." Some people have no deep lessons and never know the wrong.

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