Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 371: : It hurts to die.

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After Li Hongyuan cleaned up the sea of ​​knowledge, he went back to accompany his wife and children to go to sleep. As for the sea of ​​happiness, he would not cry and cry, so regardless of his business.

Perhaps because of the familiar person, the familiar atmosphere, when Li Hongyuan approached, Jing Hao broke into his arms unconsciously, his head resting on his arm and his arm on his chest. Still dreaming, called "Ayuan." Li Hongyuan sneered a little, moved his body, let Jing Hao sleep more comfortably, touched her face again, kissed her, at least at this moment, Li Hongyuan’s heart was exceptionally satisfied, and the apex of the apex was obsessed with magic. The man is his right-handed wife, and at this moment, lying peacefully in his arms, this is enough to heal all his negative emotions, and in order to maintain everything now, even to make Jing Hao more unfettered, he is indispensable No one can hold it.

Jing Hao woke up, but she didn't blink, just in Li Hongyuan's shoulder and neck, screaming twice, "A Yuan..."





Li Hongyuan glanced at her sideways and smiled silently. "Well, I am."

"Ayuan, Ayuan, Ayuan..."

Jing Hao shouted with a cry, and did not say anything else, Li Hongyuan also responded with patience.

I don't know how many voices I called. Jing Hao’s heart seemed to be finally satisfied. Then I remembered the things that I had forgotten about the day before, such as the things about the loyalty to the Prince’s House.

"The size of the capital in the past six months, I will concentrate on sorting out when I look back. When you can say this, Li Hongyuan said that when he couldn’t see it, his eyes were obviously extinguished. Although there is a meaning of deliberately letting people put water in it, some people can really do it, and it is really amazing.

Jing Hao should have a cry, "What about your family, what are you going to do?"

Li Hongyuan did not hide it, and said the previous things briefly.

Although Jing Hao didn't know how much Gong Ji's medicine would be, he was quite optimistic about him. What is there is a condition called painful nerve sensitivity, which will increase the pain many times. A little bit of mouth or a shock hit will hurt people. If you have to die, you may have to live like this. If you have such a medicine in Gong Jiu’s hand, you can give it to He Xiaobawang for thirty-two waxes. "It is said that in the past few years, General He has returned with some of his own soldiers. There are no family members. This year... Is there any bad rumors, or what problems have arisen in the family, or is it calculated?"

"I have a lot of thoughts, it is not the case. Although the family is hard-working, but because the Northeast is relatively stable, there is no big war. The influence of the family is naturally limited, far less than the height of the master, and the same, Strictly guarding the Northeast, there is basically no connection with Jingli. No matter how fierce the battle is, it doesn’t have much to do with them. No one in Beijing is in Beijing. If you want to calculate or draw, it’s basically I am not thankful, unless I am sure that the throne is hopeless, I want to split Kaiyuan, so I want to gather the existence like Hejia. However, Hejiazhongjun is not patriotic and will not accept such a thing."

Therefore, the He family is actually another neutral.

"The reason why Hejia came back so many people this time is because the northeastern border is different. It may not wait until the spring of next year. There will be a big war. It is not appropriate for the family to guard the northeast. If anything happens... Some people can avoid it as much as possible without breaking."

"So, is this thing actually caused by Ayuan?"

Li Hongyuan’s voice was blurred.

Jing Hao chuckled. "I know that Ayuan has gotten the right thing. It should be the exact news. But the church may not know it. Even if you know it, you probably won't care very much. After all, the Northeast has been relatively stable for many years. If there is a sudden big fight, if it really starts, or if the casualties are heavy, maybe it will push the blame to the head of the family. The food has always been rare, and the northeastern army of the Hejia is afraid of it. No, when the war is really over, even if it is an iron army, there will be no support for food, it will become a sick cat. Since Ayuan is unbearable, it should not only be prepared to keep some members of the family." She knows that someone is private. Something prepared underneath.

"Know me, hey."

"Don't give me a high hat."

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "It’s true for the husband." In addition, when he was alive, the temple really pushed all responsibility to the head of the family, such as what is not monitoring, if it is not the death of the family He knows the sea alone, and may even be charged with a crime of treason.

Although the family has suffered heavy casualties, it has almost disappeared, but the enemies who committed the crimes are not good enough. Otherwise, Kaiyuan is not so easy to close at the end, saying that there will be large areas of land in the northeast of the enemy.

After getting up, the spirit is better, as for He Xiaobawang, well, in essence, it should not be bad. "Almost send people back."

Jing Hao said so, Li Hongyuan has no other instructions, this matter is naturally set.

However, the family members have never been able to enter the Prince’s Palace, including He Zhenwei, and they have not seen Li Hongyuan. The family is extraordinarily anxious, and they are afraid that the sea of ​​happiness will be folded in the Prince’s Palace, although they tell them rationally, the Prince of Jin How can it be lawless, it should not be done to this extent, but it is possible to make the sea of ​​knowledge into a waste. He is sixteen years old and is the first fierce player of the Northeast Army. It’s so sad that it’s so sad.

Seeing no one, the family had to go back first.

Although the Hejia did not want to make things known to everyone, but the entire capital, the people who know it, basically know. Because it is a special period, it is no one who stands up and the "accident" Li Hongyuan who used to be "indignant and angry" by the family. He said that He Xiaogong was wrong in the first place, and he should be punished according to law. The Prince of Jin should not abuse the private line, and It is said that the prince of Jin may not be tempted. This is an occasional act. Anyone who is out of the ordinary will not be able to be detained by the singer of the party.

"Wait another night, if you can't see anyone tomorrow, I will go straight to the palace to see the holy." He Zhenwei is full of fortitude, and this time is also surrounded by deep worry. "This obstacle, this time back, I didn't interrupt his legs, so he couldn't get out of bed before going back to the border town."

Faces, if possible, the family does not want to take this step. To what extent is the accompaniment of the prince of the prince of the princes, they also knowingly, they are not the fake, but they do not mean that they are all cowards, do not know each Kind of humanity.

This night, the family did not sleep well, the next day used breakfast, He Zhenwei decided to enter the palace, but before entering the palace, he went to the Prince of Jin to take a trip to see if you can turn around. This took a trip, but the result was somewhat unexpected. From the far side, I saw that the door of the Prince’s Mansion was opened. The group of people came out from the inside. Isn’t it the eight guards who know him and his? He Zhenwei rushed to speed up, approaching, and the gate of the Prince’s Palace was closed.

The other eight people were fine, the clothes were broken, and there was blood on them. The spirit looked good. Only the sea of ​​knowledge was helped by the people, and the half-dead was not alive. He Zhenwei sneaked in his heart. He had never seen his son, but he had been discounted with his legs and broken his ribs. He was also able to toss.

He Zhenwei’s body trembled and his lips groaned, but he didn’t say much. “Go back to the government and say, fast!”

Perennial on the battlefield, this military doctor must not be less. This time, the most powerful military doctor of the Northeast Army also followed.

A large group of people surrounded, anxiously waiting for the diagnosis.

The eight military and Chinese faces are opposite each other. What they want, they actually want to say that the little son has nothing to do, that is, it is... forget it, and now it is impossible to insert it.

After the military doctors were detected, the expression was a little weird, but the family was made more fidgety by him.

The military doctor paused a little. "There are special feelings about the younger son who are now in the position."

He knows that the sea is weak, "pain, killing the younger master." Niang's, all night, plus a whole night, never hurt so much!

He family members face each other, then, this obstacle is the kind of bone dislocation, just immediately after the tree ostrich, the master of the house to expose the tile, actually will call the pain?

"Except this?" the military doctor then asked.

He knows the sea and turns his eyes and understands the meaning of the military doctor. "The younger is very good, no waste, no old, can you not diagnose it?"

The medics touched some gray beards and the expression on his face slowed down. "It seems that Xiaogongzi really has nothing to do." Looking back, facing the family, "The little son has some injuries, but he has used medicine." And the effect is remarkable, the old man will open the medicine again, and it will take a long time to heal."

The family members were greatly relieved. "What the **** is going on?" He Zhenwei asked.

The guards opened their mouths and explained the whole thing.

The family’s face is very subtle. "So, the younger brother is also sore to die and live. The time spent is too long. Is there no strength at all?"

"Four brother, you shut up." He knows that he is angry and angry.

This time, the family members did not smile kindly.

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