Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 383: : After harvesting, start harvesting

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The ceremonial ceremonies stopped. "The master, the younger son of He General's family stopped the road."

Jing Hao heard the words, screamed and laughed, and looked at Li Hongyuan. "Hejia Xiaogongzi really loves Ayuan deeply. After all, except for him, no one should dare to block the carriage of the living king. Ayuan is not prepared. What does it mean?"

Li Hongyuan lazily took a look at Jing Hao. "Sorry, this king only wants to fight with his own king, and he is not interested in fighting with outsiders."

Jing Hao has a face, what, a man's one thing, can actually be so yellowed by him. After the end, Jing Hao sneered a sneer, "Wang Ye slowly go to fight alone, this Wang Hao is not interested in accompanying, but also if you are playing in bed, or playing under the bed, Prince Jin Jin will certainly be able to win," Lightly patted his face, "This Wang Hao is quite optimistic about you, work hard, Wang Ye!" Yellow is yellow, violence is violent, who is afraid of who.

"Under the bed, I can definitely win. As long as the bed can win, then as long as Wang Hao knows it," Li Hongyuan leaned closer to Jing Hao’s ear, lowered the voice line, and put out his tongue and licked the earlobe of Jing Jing, "Let’s talk about it. For the husband like to lose or win?" Also deliberately pulled out the confusing tail.

Jing Hao couldn't stop tremble, and the subconscious slap in the face, "Speak well." If you don't move, you will foul.

Li Hongyuan laughed directly, not to mention that he was photographed, and the whole person directly hanged on Jing.

Although Jing Hao’s physical fitness is much stronger than most women, in the hands of Li Hongyuan, it is still like a chicken.

The outside people did not get the instructions of their own master, and did not say that they looked at the nose and nose, what, now, as long as the two masters are together in the carriage, they habitually "weaken" the five senses, especially the hearing, total I can find a way to divert attention, because the situation in the carriage is usually poisonous. It is a group of **** grandfathers. Although the situation is special, their desires are lower than ordinary people, but it does not mean no, it is stimulated from time to time. The saints are also going to get angry, so it is best to find a way to isolate this situation.

He knows that the sea is coming alone, and there is no horse riding, blocking the road, but there is no rampage. He was actually a bit nervous at this moment. He was afraid that the Jin Prince refused. After all, if the Prince Jin refused, he would not dare to come hard. He was not afraid of being beaten up by the group, but again and again, and might bring trouble to the family.

"Return to the government." Li Hongyuan said. Because I was ready to mobilize the sea in the early morning, I was forced to make him a leader who could lead the army. This one must be played. I am afraid that it will be more than one time. Obedient, it is only after the time, but now is not the time, always let the sea of ​​knowledge to block the door again and again, he was finally "annoyed" and then shot, in order to block some people's minds open the conspiracy theory His plan can go smoothly.

The ceremonial sorrow began again, ignoring the He Xiaobawang standing in the middle. He Xiaobawang could not be overlord at this time. He could only give way, and then he looked so ruthlessly, and the eyes were simply looking forward to seeing. I don't know, but when he is looking at which one is worried.

Until the ceremonial cockroaches disappeared into the line of sight, He Xiaobawang was able to leave his head and completely unable to lift his spirit. When he returned home, the family saw him like this, and he was shocked. This kid It is the broken leg that can jump up and down. When there is no stoppage all day long, the energy is just a headache. It looks like this, really tells the truth, I have never seen it.

Although the sea of ​​knowledge is a bully, the family is extremely troublesome. When the training is time, it’s definitely not soft, but it’s still very affectionate to this old man. At this time, I naturally care about two sentences. I am afraid that he really encountered something.

He knows that the sea is crying and sorrowful. "He’s not ignoring me."

I don’t know if he was abandoned by the prince of Jin to the beginning of the chaos, and his face was looked like by the thunder. What he knew was also the appearance of a thunder. The obstacle was really stupid. ? ! The scene is so fragile, then, one by one, the leader, and the goods, the Prince of Jin will take care of you is strange.

"Hey, don't go, you listen to me, the Prince of Jin is too much, and the ceremonies are stopped. I thought he would play with me. The last time I said it was fine. How can I talk? What about the words?..."He knows the sea to chase this, swearing that, catching people complaining.

The master of the He family was the youngest, impatient, and sent him a word: Roll. Which side is cool and where to go.

They ignored him, and He Xiaobawang went to find the homekeeper who brought him back. These people did not dare to let him roll. If they hid themselves, they would encounter the incompetent fist of Xiaobawang, and then they could only listen to him. Repeatedly and repeatedly said "sucking intestines."

I have only seen this little bully living and living tigers, and the whole day is full of tigers and tigers. Now it’s a sad spring and a sad autumn. It’s not a Thunder.

The general, the life-saving, the little son of the family was given off the package, and quickly found the real little son, even if it is overlord, it is much better than this, now this is really terrible.

After General He returned to the government, he heard such a "terrible" message and almost broke all the beards. Let people call the barrier.

Then I saw that there was no point of anger, and my little son, who was weak, called "爹", instead of the old man who was in the past, "What are you looking for," and that moment, it was also shocked, then I didn’t want to fight one more time. "I’m going to go to the prince of Jin’s prince, and you’re going to be more and more lawless. I’m telling you so much, I’m saying it, isn’t it?”

"Hey, Jin, the prince, he ignored me, how can he ignore me?" Then it seems to think of something, the eyes suddenly become thieves bright thief bright, "Hey, it is better to go directly to the holy to ask for it, If there is a holy aim, the prince of Jin will definitely not refuse it any more?" The more I think, the more I think this idea is too good.

General He Zhenwei was almost mad at him. This was a failure to listen to his own words. He also thought about the "pleasant frame". He knew that there was only a fight in the mind of this obstacle, but he did not think so much. Kind of way, I know that I will only look at you this idiot without words. I don’t know if you take the opportunity to make a big conspiracy with the Jin Prince’s dark money. It’s right for Jin’s prince to ignore you. Light, he ordered, the guards around him can completely kill you, and even killed. The more I thought about it, the more I got angry, so I took the whip that I didn’t leave, and I took it to He Xiaobawang.

He Xiaobawang had a look of hope, what to do, waited for Laozi’s whip, and then began to escape from the squatting and jumping. “Old man, how do you hit me again? No fight, no fight, Xiaoye can fight back. Now, come? Xiaoye really has a hand..."

However, only when he heard all kinds of shouts, he did not dare to fight back.

The people outside listened, sighed, and finally normal!

At this age, He Zhenwei was inferior to the physical strength of the sea of ​​knowledge. Finally, he stopped himself by panting. "I don't want to go to the prince of Jin, I heard no? You have to dare to go, believe that Laozi will immediately Are you sending back to the northeastern city?"

"Send it, Xiaoye doesn't know if he is coming back?" He knows that the sea is licking his teeth. After all, the injury on his body is real and whispering.

In exchange for seeing Li Hongyuan’s military value, he did not want to stay in the border town. Now, this one has never been played, just want him to go? no way!

He Zhenwei was almost vomiting blood. "I said earlier, the pro-king prince is not a good temptation. I can let you go once. There may not be a second time. You sent it to your door, and you are dead. No one can talk to you." ”

"I blocked the carriage at most, and did not do anything else. The Jin Prince will be so unreasonable and directly want my life?" He Jihai with a bit of aggrieved mutter.

He’s a sigh of relief, “Speaking reason? These three words can actually come out of your mouth?”

He Xiaoba is speechless, well, he admits that when he was in the border town, the most unreasonable thing was him. "Oh, as far as I can see, the prince of Jin is not so infamous as you said. He is such a powerful person. Seeing who is not pleasing to the eye, directly smashing a slap, lost half of his life, who dares to find him trouble? He is not a three-year-old child. He can’t find anything to be ignorant. Therefore, it’s definitely a rumor that you’re alive. I’m just a soldier. Just be honest, seek truth from facts, don’t just like the civil servants, just know all day. The calculations are screaming, these words can be taught by you, but now they are so prejudiced against the princes of Jin..."

He Zhenwei probably did not expect that this obstacle would one day tell him reason, but also use his words to block him? What else is there, "I will not have anything to find people and not happy." Isn't this a special obstacle to doing this kind of thing? Say something like this again and again, is it interesting? what?

General He only felt that the first two were big. However, to be honest, he really couldn’t help with this obstacle. This is that the Prince Jin is a good one. So, how can you not think of him?

So what, perhaps in the eyes of some people, Yan is justice, here in the sea of ​​happiness, that is absolutely - Wu is justice.

"I don't want to go to the Prince of Jin anyway, otherwise, Laozi will shut you down."

The iron cage that can shut the tiger is probably the only thing that can lock the sea of ​​the sea. The iron bar is too fine to be built.

The sea eyeballs turned around and I didn’t continue to follow him.

He Zhenwei is 100% sure that this obstacle has definitely not dispelled thoughts. I don’t know what will happen in the future. It’s a good time on weekdays, and all the cleverness is used to play with them. Which one is not clear and strict with the self-discipline, how can it be this heterogeneous? If it weren't for the face that looked very much like himself, he would have suspected that his loyal wife had put on his green hat.

Well, actually, Mrs. He suspected that He Zhenwei had taken the outside room and changed her son. Therefore, Mrs. He did not believe that she had given birth to such a son. Of course, this is just a joke. However, Mrs. He’s son’s son’s At that time, it was even more embarrassing than General He. If someone else was defamed, he could find a mother to seek protection. He would like to know the sea. He dared to go to his mother. He would definitely stage a doubles match for men and women, and there would be no vagueness.

General He’s thought that it’s best to make a report to Lecheng’s emperor in order not to end up in the end.

Originally, these two days are for banquets. This post has already been sent out, but I don’t want to encounter the Queen’s illness. Although it’s not like dying, I still need to avoid all kinds of banquets, but I still have to give some face. So, this day was postponed, and it was because of this delay that it led to the birth of He Xiaobawang.

Then, on the next day, I waited for the embarrassment of the sea, and found that the door of my own little son could not be opened.

You must know that He Xiaobawang may have any bad habits, but he has no choice but to go to bed. This has already passed. If you can't see anyone, it would be too strange.

Although this is also brought back from the border town, unlike the shackles of ordinary people, it is not too "sweet", but they do not dare to go to the door of the son.

So hurriedly ran out of the newspaper.

He Zhenwei and his wife came together, both of them are full of strength, in the door, this morning exercise is a must-have homework.

The general's wife first knocked on the door, and there was no movement at all. Then Liu Mei was vertical and lifted the foot to open the door. The movement was quite awkward, and the destructive power was also a lever. It is obvious that this is often done.

When everyone entered the house, the bed was neat, there was no ghost, and it was cold. This person has been in bed for quite some time. The door is closed from the inside, it can only go out from the window. He Xiaobawang didn't do this kind of thing. Under the inspection, sure enough, there was a window to watch it is strictly closed. Actually, it was not buckled. Then he found that He Xiaoba’s private house was gone, so, can you still? Know what is going on.

The general’s wife stunned the general and glanced at him. “Get the obstacle back and find it for you.” The door was straight out. "Come on, send a few people to the vicinity of the Prince of Hong Kong to guard, see the confession of the sea, and directly tied me, he dares to resist, as long as you keep your breath, no matter what."

After the general He touched the nose, what, the obstacle will leave home, in all likelihood, because he said that he wants to close his iron cage, who knows that this obstacle is for the purpose, directly play this trick, was angered by his wife, He feels that he is innocent. However, no matter how bad this is, will it be too embarrassing?

The silver in the body of the sea is not too much, but it is not too small. It is enough for him to mix outside for a while. Also, whether or not he can play against the pro-Grandfather during this time, there is no chance to create opportunities. If the money has not been used up, then it will be time to say that it will be even worse after going back. For the time being, don’t think about it. Anyway, every time I think of my own mother, I can’t help but fang.

He knows that he is running away from home, and he will definitely be arrested by the old lady. This kind of game you chase after me, he was playing when he was a few years old, and he liked this skill to light up and play. It was called a slippery. It didn’t take long for the land around the Prince’s Palace to be trampled by him. So when I saw my old man personally bringing people out to catch him, the little bully on a certain wall disdained. The sound, catching the **** in his hand continues to linger.

He Xiao Bawang is very confident, unless he is surrounded by enough people in a wider place, otherwise, don't think about catching him.

In some respects, He Xiaoba is absolutely unique, martial arts is a bit of a pass, and there is a strong body, with endless energy, this physical strength is also absolutely embarrassing, not enough to describe with animals, others will be on the battlefield When I was exhausted, but he was on the battlefield, it was like playing. In short, the war involved in the northeastern border did not make him feel tired once. When others gasped, he seemed to be just The heat is as exciting as it is, so he mixes and mixes, and there are really few who hate him.

Where is the physical limit of He Xiaobawang? His family did not know that the Northeast Army did not know, even he did not know. After all, the limits of the usual situation cannot be called the limit. The kind of oppression that is forced to oppress and even struggle on the death line is true. The limit.

If anyone in this world knows, it is probably Li Hongyuan.

The past life, this winter, the family’s encounter with the battle of the door, the sea of ​​love has been a full-scale war for seven days, in addition to the time to find food, he is not chasing the enemy, is killing the enemy, simply did not close his eyes, and finally found When he was, he could not be called a human, but the aftereffects were also very serious.

As for how long this state of the peak can last, later Li Hongyuan witnessed it, three or four days.

Really can't be called a person.

Don't look at Li Hongyuan's hang on him now, but he is very self-aware. The first is the result of his deliberate training in these years. The past life is far less than the present. The second is that there is no spiritual pressure on the sea of ​​knowledge. It is hard to break out. Only sixteen years old, waiting for a few more years, waiting for him to grow up completely, and now the power to be erupted can be used. At that time, it is only to make the arm, Li Hongyuan is definitely not his opponent. This is the advantage of He Xianghai itself, occupying the height of the right, and it is something that other people can't reach after training.

Although he knows how to hide from his own family, he is still very close to him. After all, the people of Hejia are soldiers. In this respect, he can be compared with the secret guard. Therefore, he is stepping on the land in the sea. At that time, the secret guard of the Wangfu was discovered. The first time to report to the dark one, Li Hongyuan naturally knew.

"As long as he does not turn over the walls of the Prince’s House, he will not care."

It is not uncommon for the people of Wangfu to indulge in the accident of the sea, but there is no question. In the past, it was not "connivance" over Fang Fangfei. At that time, there was a purpose, and now there must be. These people of the Prince of Jin Dynasty always trust the mystery of their own masters.

Li Hongyuan wants to cultivate the matter of He Xianghai. Jing Hao knows that Jing Hao didn’t take it for him.

In the end, he knows that he is too arrogant and will be implicated in his family. Therefore, he only dares to wander outside the palace.

However, in order to fish, Li Hongyuan’s frequency of going out is relatively high. Of course, every time there is a legitimate reason to go out, no one will doubt anything.

This time, three times, and occasionally, Hai Gang was ignored by Li Hongyuan. His brother took people out to arrest people, but he was slipped by him.

This matter is naturally known to more and more people, and it is simply something that is worth talking about.

The past style of Jin’s princes is a well-known thing, but in the past two years, it has converge a lot. Now that I discovered this, it’s a post-knowledge. However, the living king is a living king. It won’t be because I haven’t done it for a while, it’s not the king, but the little son of the He’s family didn’t do anything, maybe it’s ignored. Once and again, it’s estimated that it’s time to clean up, and many people are still Guess, how long the Hejia Xiaogongzi can support.

However, no one really dared to decide. I thought that at the beginning, Jin’s pro-King and Jin’s pro-King were dear, and some people opened the village. Seeing how long the Jin’s pro-King could live, the Jin’s pro-King’s did not have anything, so he married into the recent Wangfu, Shili. Red makeup, 100 people to kiss relatives, so lively; afterwards, some people opened the village, Jin Prince can live for a long time under the hands of the Prince of Jin, the result is also unexpected. So now I am really not sure what to say.

But it doesn't matter, it's okay to watch it.

In fact, what Li Hongyuan ignored, not only the sea of ​​knowledge, but also a person, that is Li Hongming.

In the past, when I met, Li Hongyuan would say hello at least. Now, seeing people all ignore, and it is normal for other brothers.

At this time, Li Hongming also knew that before the matter was not finished, even if Li Hongyuan reconciled with his mother, it does not mean that he will be restored as before.

If you are completely ignored by Li Hongyuan, it is not a good thing. However, you must ensure that he will never be provoked in the future. Otherwise, at that time, he will go to death in all likelihood, and even if he deliberately avoids it, he may not Will not get rid of him, after all, he was cleaned up in the past, and many times it is inexplicable. In the past, because of Su Guizhen, Li Hongyuan was actually still merciless to him, and he was given a point on him. The other brothers were three points, which was much worse than him. In this regard, Li Hongyuan can be described as his great help, if Li Hongyuan treats him in the future. With five points, he can imagine how sloppy he will be.

Thinking about this, Li Hongming's face became extraordinarily gloomy.

Originally, Su Guizhen did not know that Li Hongming had let her know intentionally or unintentionally.

As a result, Su Guifei’s spirits did not take off for a few days, and it began to subside. He called Li Hongming and asked him directly. “Your brother helped you, you didn’t come to thank him.”

Li Hongming smiled bitterly. "Mother and child, the children have always thought about it, but they have not found a suitable opportunity. This is the drag, and the six brothers will not give me the opportunity."

Su Guizhen directly smashed the cup to him. "What do you think, this palace is very clear, don't expect this palace to help you, or you can solve it yourself, or when he does something to you in the future, you will be yourself "Yuaner has always been the master of revenge and resentment. Everything is not overnight. This time, the temperament is so big, because of her sake, he does not care about his mother, all natural anger is transferred to On the second hand, the partiality of this miscellaneous thing was not the right thing, and now I finally found out that she was not right.

Li Hongming had to leave the Jade Palace because of his face.

Su Guizhen’s temple, “all said that the sixth is a barrier, and the second and the Miner are also obstacles, no peace of mind.”

The confidant next to the palace was quietly comforting, and he gently pressed him.

Su Guizhen’s path did not work. Li Hongming had to squint to find Li Hongyuan, and his face was cold and ass. What did he mean? He could understand it thoroughly.

The Prince of Rui went to the Prince’s Mansion, but was locked out of the gate. This incident became a joke between the brothers the next day.

Li Hongming used to pretend to be pretending that at this time, there was some tension on the face.

It’s easy to meet the Jin Prince and also be diligent once, appearing in the early morning.

After the end of the early dynasty, Li Hongming was prepared to face his face. In such a large number of faces, he did not expect to achieve his goal, but to let the courtier see his sincerity. When Li Hongyuan shot him in the future, he would give him in front of his father. Say two good words. However, people are not as good as days, they are going forward, and He Zhenwei is one step ahead.

"I have seen the prince." First of all, the attitude is quite sincere.

"Is there something?" Li Hongyuan gave him a faint look.

"Wang Ye, for the dog to block the prince's things many times in recent days, the court gave the king a penalty, and asked the king to forgive me."

"The king is not going to care about a hairy boy, but the number of times will also be annoying. He General is still in charge. Next time, the king may not let him leave the whole tail." Li Hongyuan's tone is still faint.

He Zhenwei smiled bitterly. "Wang Ye, you don't know, the dog is obsessed with martial arts. For the martial arts high-powered people, you have to find a door to go through the move. Because of this, there is no less reprimanding him. It is completely useless. These days, he is afraid of him. Just slammed the silver out and didn't go home. If it was just the usual situation, it would take the dog home, but the dog would be used to hiding when the dog was in the border town. It would be a headache."

"What is this with the king?" Li Hongyuan has already appeared a little impatient.

He Zhenwei resisted the act of wiping sweat. Facing the prince of Jin, this pressure was quite big. However, if he did not satisfy the desire for the obstacle, this matter has not ended. "There is a ruthless request from the minister. Can you ask the lord to condescend to lower the price? Let the person know that there are people outside, and you may be able to stop."

Li Hongyuan sneered, "Your son last rushed to Wang Wang, the king let him eat some lessons, did not care about him, you now let the king shot, you are not afraid that the king abolished him?"

He Zhenwei did not think that Li Hongyuan was joking at the slightest, and he was forced to pull his mouth. "If this is the case, then it is his life."

"The sixth, if this is the case, you may wish to complete the whole celebration of Ai Qing, and just let the 朕瞧瞧, than the current martial arts to what extent. You are 16 years old from the palace, I have not seen your martial arts, your brother In it, it is your best martial arts, the best talent." The original Lecheng Emperor who had already left from the side of Tanjung did not know when it appeared outside the hall, quite a bit of emotion.

"Thank you for the emperor." He Zhenwei was grateful. This report was still right.

Li Hongyuan frowned, it seems a bit reluctant.

"The father is so small, the desire is not willing to fulfill?" Le Cheng Emperor pretended to be sad.

"Children's life led." Li Hongyuan should have, but still a cold face, "the father is still a full-fledged monk, people like it, so ..." revealed obvious disgust.

Le Chengdi’s face is black, “mixing things, how do you talk to Laozi?”

Li Hongyuan’s expression slowed down, and he wrote “Sure enough, it’s pleasing to the eye”.

Le Chengdi is almost mad at the nose.

On the side, He Zhenwei secretly aimed at the emperor, and he was psychologically balanced. He would return to his own obstacles, but he would not dare to attack him. He would not be tempted by him. The Jin Prince would be different. There are also courtiers around, completely unconcerned, and then look at the emperor, but after a few moments, they adjust their moods, and they are probably used to it. If this is not the case, it’s still a light one. The difference is far worse.

Lecheng Emperor wants to watch, this place must be in the palace, no need to tell, already someone has voluntarily rumored to spread the message, as to where to find the He Xiaobawang who is not home, to see where he has been in the past few days, I know, Anyway, it is near the Prince’s Palace in the Jin Dynasty. Otherwise, he will pull out the prince of the Prince of Jin and take a lap. He appears 100%.

"Yuaner, you are a few years older than He Aiqing’s younger son. When you start to learn, you should control it a little."

"No." He Zhenwei hurriedly said, "You don't know what the emperor knows. Once the dog is hands-on, it is easy to be excited. Especially when the opponent is playing, he doesn't know what the convergence is, and the kid has never known what to do, the prince will wait. On the court, he really feels merciless. He only wants Wang Ye to look down on him. Instead, he provokes fierceness. If he doesn't care about it, if he hurts the prince, he should be cleaned up.

Lecheng Emperor heard the words and frowned. "Ai Qing, how is your son's martial arts?" I still thought that a 16-year-old boy would be like that, and now it seems that it is not the same thing.

He Zhenwei’s lips were stunned, and the courtiers who stayed around and wanted to watch this war were all over. It was only a moment that he heard his embarrassing opening. “Returning to the emperor, the obstacle is the first in the Northeast Army. This is not the soldiers. Blowing out the face, but he actually played the role of his own strength, the minister and the eldest son, that is his defeat."

Many people took a sigh of relief with Le Cheng, they all know He Zhenwei's bravery, and He Zhenwei's eldest son is even worse, the 16-year-old boy can give them all to dry up, Hejia this Is it against the sky?

After the amazement, Le Chengdi turned to look at He Zhenwei. "Ai Qing is very strict."

He Zhenwei said, "The emperor, mainly because this kid's temperament is uncertain, it is embarrassing, and Chen originally wanted to hone him for two years."

Le Chengdi is not an unreasonable person. Although he does not know what to do, he also knows that there is no force in the light. He nods and understands. "Ai Qing thinks very well. However, Hejia can make another one. It’s really a blessing to my dynasty."

"The emperor praised, defending the country and defending the country, is the minister and so on."

For this kind of courtier, when the emperor’s nature is very fond of it, when he looks at Li Hongyuan again, he brings with his worries, and he is very proud. However, the opponent is the first general of the Northeast Army, or a small one who does not care about it. The madman, this son is a gold lord and jade, and he is older than the kid. It is not an advantage. Can you stop this battle now? He is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year, Jinkou Yuyan, and it is really so many people...

Li Hongyuan did not seem to notice the fear of the Lecheng Emperor. He noticed that he also ignored it. Fishing for so long is the time for the initial harvest.

"Father of the Emperor, the children went to the mother to change clothes, and the current retreat." After that, he left.

Le Chengdi opened his mouth and went back to his throat.

He Zhenwei looked at the nose and nose, so there was no majesty of the monarch and the father, he did not see it at all.

It’s indifferent to the Emperor Lecheng. Anyway, it was not seen twice by the courtiers. Everyone is used to it.

After waiting for a while, "the emperor, the dog mixed up, but always only challenged people who are better than him. Although he always judged by his own feelings, he almost did not make a mistake. Therefore, as seen by the court, the body of the pro-king prince The hand is above the dog, so..." You don't have to worry about the black level of the living king.

Le Cheng is really relieved, but he is puzzled in his heart. Is this son strong enough?

Yoda’s trip to the palace’s performance field is where the princes practice martial arts.

I already knew who was going to use it there, and the Holy Spirit and the courtiers were coming. I didn’t dare to neglect, the venue was ready, and I carefully checked and checked to make sure there was no leak. The so-called sword has no eyes, so this kind of thing does not seek merit, but seeks nothing. You must know that the masters of the martial arts who teach the emperors, when they are not treacherous, encounter the kind of mischievous imperial son, which is simply to put his head on the waistband.

Not long after they sat down, Li Hongyuan also appeared on the spot, replaced a gorgeous prince's robes, a black body, tight cuffs, tight waist, the whole person seems more and more straight, beautiful and flawless face, If you ignore that temper, anyone who sees it will be amazed. It’s a pity, it’s a pity...

Including Le Chengdi, first proud, then dim, this child is lost mother, but if not a devil...

The other brothers of Li Hongyuan seem to suddenly realize at this moment that if Huang Guigui is still there, they probably don’t have to fight for anything. They plant mushrooms in the corner, maybe they can be a wealthy prince. Fortunately, it is really fortunate that even if you don’t know the truth, you are still very jealous.

However, knowing Li Hongyuan’s ability and ability, is it not a matter of mouth and mouth, but unfortunately? Fortunately? Oh, I hope that you will not cry too badly at the end.

This is the one that is the deepest, the deepest, and the other is drizzle.

He knows that Hai hasn't arrived yet, but he doesn't mind waiting for a while. Anyway, Jiangnan's affairs, after this period of time, basically have the final conclusion. There is no big deal on hand, and Lecheng Emperor is stealing half a day. Mentality.

He Zhenwei is a little sweaty. Anyway, letting the Nine-Five Master and other unnamed pawns, it is a sin.

Fortunately, waiting for the time is much shorter than expected. He met Haixing’s rushing into the battlefield, his eyes staring at Li Hongyuan, his expression was quite excited, and there seemed to be only one person left in the heavens and the earth, what the emperor said, Many of the ministers who hold the powers, and all go to hell.

He Zhenwei has a feeling that he can't bear to look straight. Is this a shame, it is a big man, even if it is a handsome, it is also a man, your eyes, it is just a thin and beautiful woman in front of you, you always want to扒 people's clothes, fast collection, people are still on the side, you can decide at any time you are life and death.

"He Aiqing, your son..."

He Zhenwei couldn't do it. "The emperor, the dog is too excited. Really, he used to be like a person who is stronger than himself. It was like this." In fact, this was not so exaggerated before, really, but, dare you say this? ? I don’t dare at all.

Hearing his general, saying that his son is strong, Le Cheng is happy in the heart, and the rest will not do much.

"He knows the sea, doing what he is doing, not as fast as seeing the emperor." He Zhenwei stunned, and He Xianghai finally returned to God.

People like Gonghai, who don’t know what it is, just a glance at the ceremony, knows that this rule is not long after learning, stiff and rigid.

After the end, the eyes are bright, "Imperial, can you start?"

Lecheng’s heart nodded, and then he immediately saw him rushing over to his son. It’s really too much to wait. Looking sideways at He Zhenwei, "He Aiqing, you are right." Not to mention the obsession with martial arts, this temper is really unbearable.

No weapons, fists and feet...

The insider looks at the doorway, and the layman looks at the excitement. Whether it is watching the doorway or watching the bustle, it is quite serious...

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