Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 387: : 憋 ,, he family man fate

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Li Hongming waved his hand and gestured to release the person named Su Mingzhang. "What else do you want to say?"

Su Mingzhang squatted on the ground, and he was coming. He was originally trying to wash the scorpion. The whole process, I want to know that it is impossible to be warm and tender. It is like a small battlefield. The woman is wearing it. The clean clothes are just his own. The clothes are almost wet and the hair is messy. Now the whole person is very embarrassed and crying so badly that it looks even worse.

However, Li Hongming looked on the sidelines, and the Su family wanted to go forward. The result was screamed by Su Mingzhang. "If you don't die, tell me that she is dead, if not you..." Su Mingzhang has hate, however, these family members who are closest to him. He knows that they are for him, rather than hating them, it is better to hate themselves.

"If the cousin is venting enough, he will go to clean up and pack up, and there is no business to deal with it, or to say that the cousin really wants to die."

Su Mingzhang wants to die? Naturally, although he can be said to be smooth in his life, he has not experienced no twists and turns, but because of a face, he has evoked his deepest feelings, and seems to have returned to the goodness of the past, however, in fact Not very good.

However, "If I know that she is not dead, I will go back and find her. Even if I don't stay with me, I can find a good home for her. How can it not be the situation today?" In the end, there is no conscience. Complete annihilation.

Li Hongming is a smile that doesn't care. "That's just a word. Who knows whether it's true or not. The situation is well known. It's a normal thing to set up a scorpion. It's a normal thing. It's no coincidence." ""

Su Mingzhang earned his earn, "Wang Ye is right."

"When the cousin is awake, it is better to deal with the body properly, and can't leave traces. Also, what is inside the building, can you be 100% sure that this thing has been controlled? After all It’s not a casual slave, but a good father. It’s also an official. If you shake the wind, the consequences will be quite serious. Even if you don’t pay for it, at least three thousand exiles.”

Su Mingzhang came back from time to time, and he knew that he had done a rather stupid stupid thing. Fortunately, following his little trick is smart and capable, but there are still some things to be confirmed. Then, you need to create another murder case. As for the "murder murderer", check whether the deceased has grievances with others. If it is natural, it is best. If not, it will be slightly troublesome. However, it is not done. Not enough.

Su Mingzhang went to the good life to wash it up, and changed the human model.

Li Hongming went to find a way to prove the true and false words of the nephew. This is not an easy task. After all, the woman was originally in the capital. It takes a lot of time to find out, but even if it is difficult, then I have to do it, otherwise, if there is a problem, I may not know this.

Su Mingzhang is responsible for handling the body himself, and let people who know this thing shut up. Who can best keep secrets, naturally it is dead. Compared with your own life prospects, other insignificant people also count. Therefore, this Su Mingzhang is also a cold-blooded master.

None of the Su family members felt that there was any problem.

Therefore, Su Mingzhang used several lives to pay for his own mistakes, and he himself lost a little money. This money looks a lot, but time is not the same thing. For people like them. It is not difficult to find it back.

This incident was very secretive. Until the next day, there was no rumor. Until someone found the body outside the city, I just watched the scene. In the end, I was afraid that it would be impossible. The brothel is not so famous in the capital. It is nothing but a "girl". It is not the top card squad. Who will care about it, as long as the old scorpion says it is good, it will be finished, as for the old man. There was an accident, but it was just a slap.

How secret is this, no one will take care of it, even if it is to be managed, there will be special personnel.

Li Hongming’s current mentality is somewhat calmer. Therefore, there is still nothing to do. Every day, he reports to the Prince’s House on the same day. At the same time, Su Guifei’s last missing silver ticket was handed over to him. As for Su Guifei’s process of making money, Li Hongming did not think about these problems. After all, he did not know the entanglements of some things in his old age. In his cognition, his mother was a high-ranking Su Guiyan empress, and her lobbying could give her anger.

It was another three or four days, Li Hongming once again went to the door, only this time, met He Xiaobawang.

He Xiaobawang recovered quickly, and with the medicine, it is now seven or eighty-eight, which is not enough to sit still.

Because he had the "Decree", he did not have to stop Li Hongyuan's carriage once and went straight to the door.

Who is Li Hongming? Excuse me, he didn’t know at all. Who told Li Hongming that he didn’t have the prince’s clothes, the carriage used was so low-key, and, honestly, standing outside the gate, people who don’t know him, water would think of his identity. what. Should I have seen Rui Prince in the discussion in the palace? Then, in the eyes of He Xiaoba, there is only the Prince of Jin, that is, Le Chengdi, changing clothes, he still does not know that it is the emperor. As for the prince of Rui, who almost went to the door every day and said that he was completely uninterested in the gossip, he did not know a word. Therefore, it was really unreasonable to be ignored by a thorough prince.

He Xiaobawang waited outside the door, and the whole person was very excited. When the guards passed the words, Mu Gonggong came out to meet, and then saw Li Hongming who became gloomy because he was neglected. It seems that this only knows that there is such a person outside. Lord, quickly trotting over to please. "...I don't know if the prince is coming, but also ask the king to forgive."

Li Hongming pulled a smile. "It is not too late to know. The king has just arrived." He didn't believe it at all. The **** slaves really didn't know that he was there. For the sake of face, he also decorated the peace. "What are your masters doing here, this king wants to have a drink with him today."

Mu Gonggong showed a sly smile. "Wang, what, we, the prince, you know, don't you wait for the slave to tell you first?"

Although I heard that Mu An had just opened his mouth, he knew that he was not coming out for himself. Li Hongming was still angry and angry. Even because of Su Guizhen’s reminder, he tried his best to suppress himself. Now a slave is willing to treat him like this. How does this breathe in? "Not to greet the king, then you have something to do?" What is the sea of ​​knowledge! Also dare to ignore him! If it weren't for his father, he had to teach him a good meal.

"That is not, this is not, He Xiaogongzi went to the door, the master asked the slaves to come in." Mu Gonggong did not hide, he was sincere.

Li Hongming has been stepped on in front of Li Hongyuan and can't lift his head. However, it does not mean that he also has to be in front of a slave. If he is only like this, he will not mix. Don't think about what big business, go home directly. Nested well. "I don't know, is this king now in such a position?"

I didn’t see Li Hongming sinking his face, but his face was also scared, but he didn’t really care about it. He really didn’t think that this prince would treat him, he’s the so-called dog, and now he’s looking at the master’s face. "Their master, if you dare to treat him, don't give the master the reason to continue the attack. Moreover, even if you really do it, you can only lick his feet and vent, and then you have to make excuses in front of the master." Whitewashing, he is only a squatter, so that the prince of the prince "excuses the painstaking" of excuses, he is worth it.

Moreover, Mu Gonggong is more clear, don't look at the fact that these princes are so fierce now, in fact, they are not opponents of their own masters. In the eyes of Mu Gonggong, they can't even be called opponents. After all, they are right now. The masters still know nothing about it, but the master has touched the situation in their hands, and they can play them in the dark and secretly, letting them become more chaotic and attack each other. many.

Although he is a squatter, but waiting for the master to board the throne in the future, as long as he does not make mistakes, how can he mix a big general manager, and as a loser of the throne competition, it is good to leave a small life, the same to him Be respectful.

"Hey, you said, if you have no status, then there are not many people in the whole world. Just, I really don’t know that you are here, and, our temper, you are very clear, he Before I spoke, the people below, I wouldn’t dare..."

Li Hongming tried hard to suppress his anger. His patience was almost shattered. The last time, this is the last time. Even if you know that Li Hongyuan is completely opposed, the trouble will increase exponentially and you will get the father and mother. Stress, but, forbearance, he has been so tolerant? Clearing in the future? Even if he knows that his chances are great, he is not 100% sure. Today’s hatred is not reported today. It is possible that he will not be able to report it in the coming days.

He felt that he should also learn Li Hongyuan.

Li Hongming’s thoughts have been surging, and for a long time, the He Xiaobawang on the side is already impatient. He still had a bit of scruples about Li Hongming’s identity, but he was originally a fighter, and his patience was also very poor. Anyway, his father did not follow. He focused on other people who couldn't be provoked. Besides, he didn't do anything. He watched them and delayed his time. "We continue to say, I am advanced." The door to the Prince’s Palace.

So, no accident, Mu Gonggong saw the face of the honorable Rui Prince darker, and his heart was a little gloating. The dark road was a good work for the younger son. As for the family, he would not be the Prince of Rui. Looking for trouble, what does it have to do with him?

"I'm asking Wang Ye to wait a moment, and the slaves will report to the master." Then, the same thing rolled.

Mu Gonggong entered the gate and did not see the sea of ​​knowledge. "This kid is still running fast enough." However, he estimated that the other party is leading the way and leading him to the military field. What, the master is not playing the battlefield. Originally, I still wanted to dry him, but in order to face the prince of the next ruling, so, "cheap" to the sea.

He knows that Hai is going straight to the military field. In his opinion, since the pro-king prince put him in, it is a battle, that is, there is nothing to say. As a result, a bleak face stands in the air, and leads him. The people who have come in have already gone. Apart from him, there is really no ghost.

Are there really people without the palace? Of course not, there are, there is more than one, just as a dark guard, good at hiding, the location is relatively far away, originally, the five senses of the sea are also very strong, just because they did not see the person they want to see, the mood becomes A little impatient, because I did not find out, if I can calm down, I will never make such a low-level mistake, so I say that the sea of ​​love needs to be adjusted. The teaching place is really very much.

Mu Gonggong went back to life, standing in a well-behaved manner, bowing his head, and only the square of the foot under his eyes.

Just because Jing Hao was half on the beautiful couch, and whispered the book, Li Hongyuan licked her leg, closed her eyes, and enjoyed more enjoyment.

This moisturizing, if you let outsiders know, do not know how many people want to kill him.

Li Hongyuan did not give instructions, Mu Gonggong stood up and thought.

After Jing Yu finished the paragraph, he closed the book and put his hand on Li Hongyuan’s face. He gently rubbed it with his fingertips. “I will solve the problem today, and I’ll go all day, It’s really annoying enough. However, the patience of Rui’s Prince is also impressive.” A powerful and powerful prince was repeatedly humiliated by the brothers who had no power and no power. It’s really amazing to have a constant face. However, because of the many concerns, even if I don’t dare to go with it, I will not have the opportunity to avenge my hatred in the future. If I live so grievances, I will continue to grieve. What do you mean, it’s still his own husband, and there is a hatred. Reporting, when the gas is out, it is enough to be happy.

But think about it, Li Hongyuan is casual, what do you want to do, and because it has enough cards in hand, it has taken advantage, and this advantage is entirely his own business, so that everything still depends on himself. The road of others is the same condition, and it is difficult to copy.

Jing Hao bowed his head and looked at Li Hongyuan. With a soft smile, this man is really blessed. He is loved by God, and his relatives are a little thin, but it doesn't matter. He has her, they will be the closest lover. They will also be the closest relatives. They will have children in the future, and there will be third generation, fourth generation, grandchildren and grandchildren.

Li Hongyuan opened his eyes and had relatively few eyes with Jing Hao. They had only one other in their hearts, as if they would be so old.

Although they have long been accustomed to the mode of getting along with them, the people who are waiting around are still feeling red-faced and have a feeling of blindness.

Jing Hao leaned involuntarily and kissed him at the tip of his nose. "I solved the trouble earlier."

Li Hongyuan slightly raised his mouth. "This reward is given, and it is incumbent to solve the trouble."

Jing Hao pointed his nose, "Poverty."

Li Hongyuan got up, "It’s not a poor mouth for the husband, just telling the truth."

"Yes, yes, then hurry." Jing Hao pushed him.

"Following, my wife." After being tired of Jing Hao, he stood up and changed his clothes. "Mu, bring Li Hongming to the battlefield."

After Mu Gonggong took the lead, he quickly left. Although he was an eunuch, he still couldn’t stand the atmosphere of the two masters. In the past, Wang Hao would still converge. Even if he was close, he would still be afraid of their existence, not too After, when did it become unnecessary to care for them? Think carefully, it seems that after learning that the master has not touched other women? That's right, it's true! I don’t blame the master who didn’t occupy other women before. The person who stared at it in the early morning really knows his nature. It’s just that the master was initially staring at Wang Hao. When Wang Hao was eight years old, this kind of unsolvable problem should not be investigated. It is.

The sea urgency is violent, and when you look at it, you are about to run away. If you run away, you may have to squat in the palace.

Then, I finally saw the prince of Jin, who was late, and the negative emotions disappeared without a trace. The eyes were bright and I saw the meat bones with the puppy, and I wished I could directly pounce on it.

Not to mention the people who followed Li Hongyuan and the people who were hiding in the dark, Li Hongyuan himself was a little speechless. It is too different from the black stone he encountered before. If it was not checked before, know the gift. What is the nature of the sea now, there are basically a number in my heart, I am afraid that when I first saw the sea of ​​happiness, I am afraid that it is not so easy to accept.

In the face of other people, he may forget that he should not forget what he said. In the face of Li Hongyuan, if he is jealous, he must see the ceremony before he starts, and he will remember it later. "The grass people have seen the prince." It’s just that look, it’s Li Hongyuan. If you change your personal, you may have to flee. Just except Li Hongyuan, other people are afraid that it is difficult to enjoy such treatment. You can’t say no, but it may be difficult. To.

After the ceremony, He Zhihai is just waiting and ready to fight.

"No hurry." Li Hongyuan waved his hand and let all the weapons on the field be moved. If the wife ordered, she couldn’t help but listen. When I went out, I said, if there is any injury, if Also wounds, not allowed to enter the door for one month, there is bruise, not allowed to enter the door for ten days, if it is a more serious internal injury, it is three months, she will be insomnia all night, this time will not give in .

As for the hand, it may be difficult to control and not hurt. Jing Hao said that she does not care, it is best not to fight.

This threat is not serious for Li Hongyuan. Besides, he may have some itchy eyes because he has not had a lot of painful activities for a long time, but once it is enough, it will definitely not be like Like the sea. Moreover, instead of relying on physical consciousness, but relying on the brain to fight, his combat power will not fall, Li Hongyuan believes that the latter should be stronger, not to become stronger, but to limit the opponent.

He knows that the sea is a person who fights purely on the body. Therefore, he is excited and often becomes crazy, and this must be reversed.

He knew that the weapon was withdrawn, and he was a little unhappy. However, he thought that the last time he was also very addicted, he abandoned this unhappiness.

Li Hongyuan did not say anything anymore, and prepared to have a good day to celebrate the sea.

Sure enough, after the hands-on, the feeling of the sea is completely different from the last time. The feeling is that it is controlled everywhere, and there is endless power, but it can’t be completely ruined. And because of this, I was able to give Li Hongyuan a color last time. This time, it is really a unilateral sling.

He knows that Hai Hai wants to jump out of the battle, and he wants to control the rhythm by himself. However, he can't do it at all. From the beginning to the end, he is controlled by Li Hongyuan.

"Wang Ye, can't you play as well as the last time?" When fighting, they often never talk nonsense, and now they can't help but speak.

Faceless, just for a while, a punch is unceremoniously hitting the chest of the sea, and the body of the sea is regressing. Li Hongyuan did not follow up. Therefore, the battle was opened and the sea of ​​consciousness "had a wish." He knows that Haitang is holding his chest and frowning at Li Hongyuan. He has never encountered this kind of situation before, which is very uncomfortable.

Li Hongyuan held his hand and looked at him with a cold eye. "Your real enemy will fight according to your rhythm? You can absolutely restrain you, but don't you? Do you think someone will be so stupid? To continue, don't want to hit you. You can roll up from the palace."

"Hit, why not fight?" He Xianghai rushed up, he did not believe, will not break this **** situation.

The difference is that the sea has come to the fire. However, unlike the last time, the last time the fire was boiling and the fire was now angered by the grievances.

Although it is also an outbreak, unfortunately the weight is still not enough, and the more impetuous, the more flaws, the more times you know the number of sea otters.

After Li Hongming came in, he was quietly watching. He didn’t understand very well, but he also saw the current situation and was surprised to say that “the six brothers have improved so much in a short time?” So what is the heart, it’s completely It's another matter.

The dark one is not far from the side, and it seems that this has only one person. "I have seen the prince. - Not the master has become stronger, but he has found a way to restrain the He Xiaogong."

Li Hongming revealed his cousin, "It turned out to be the case. But the last time I played, the six brothers can find a way to see that the six brothers are really strong."

Although there is no deep meaning in this statement, the dark one is a natural nod, and the master is strong and unquestionable.

The time of this fight is not short, just because the sea of ​​happiness is too strong, until he is completely squatted, he will not move for a while.

Although Li Hongyuan was not injured, his physical strength was not small. For the first time, he was also very tired.

Li Hongming smiled on the side and smiled: "The six brothers are really gods."

Li Hongyuan glanced at him and shook his wrist slightly, without a word.

Li Hongming stepped forward, "Is this six brothers still arrogant with the brothers?"

"Does the money come?" Li Hongyuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

Li Hongming's face is a stiff face. In front of this bastard, no matter how good the cultivation is, it is no good. The saints must also get angry. However, since he took the initiative to open his mouth, then, after giving money, this matter will be over. This is probably the only advantage of him. Therefore, Li Hongming exhaled and endured.

Li Hongming let the insider serve the scorpion, and during the period he concealed his glance at the sea of ​​happiness lying on the ground.

Li Hongyuan did not pick up, Mu Gonggong was consciously taken over.

"Send customers." Li Hongyuan turned back to the main courtyard.

That attitude, it really makes people want to be embarrassed, but, obviously, all the brothers may not be able to win him.

Things have been solved, and Li Hongming is also eager to leave this ghost place early and go away.

As soon as I walked to the side of the sea, I went down half a mile. "He Gongzi, can you get up?"

He did not want to move, but it was not because he could not climb, but because the attack was too big today and he was too wrong.

In the dark, another person was called, and the two joined forces. They would congratulate the sea and send them directly to the outside of the government, just behind Li Hongming.

Although Li Hongming achieved his goal, he thought that he had spent so much effort and lost his face. Li Hongyuan finally sent himself in two sentences. The more he thought, the less he thought, but he couldn’t help him. Unconsciously, the faster and faster, and then when I got on the carriage, I found that the sea of ​​happiness was also "lost". I want to come, too. What is Li Hongyuan? Since it is fine, there is no doubt that it will be lost when it is used up.

After slowing down, He Zhihai stood firm, but today his face was hurt, and the grooming was really wonderful.

Li Hongming squinted slightly and meditated slightly. "He Gongzi..."

He knew that the sea had no eyes and walked by the carriage, as if he did not see it at all...

This time twice, I was ignored by the unknown soldier. When I was actively taking the initiative, all kinds of negative emotions came together, and the heart of murder was there.

In fact, the sea of ​​knowledge is innocent, he did not hear it at all, it can be said that now there is no awareness of everything around him, only the Jin Prince Prince Jin Jin relatives in the mind, this word can be said to occupy a small semi-conscious, and the rest Most of them are also Li Hongyuan's figure. Of course, it is the thoughts of Li Hongyuan's actions over and over again. How can they be controlled? How can they be solved? However, after three times and ten times, the results are the same, as if they are at a loss. .

This is a complete annoyance to Li Hongming, who was later counted by Li Hongming, saying that the second monk could not be touched.

Unconsciously returning home, the next person sees his honor, not not surprised, but the little son seems to go to the Prince of Jin, is this being smashed like this?

Oh, it was so bad last time. Although I didn’t see blood this time, it seemed to be even worse. However, this look is a bit wrong. The last time it was like a pig, the spirit is still very exciting. Child, what is going on?

He greeted him before, and he did not respond to the sea.

However, after seeing the Prince of Jin from his own son, the mood is not the first time impermanent, so it is not as flustered as the first time.

He Zhenwei has been idle for a few days. After all, he is a general guardian, and it is natural to return to Beijing.

I learned that my son was back, but it was only once again that something was wrong.

He did not go to other places, but he was playing in the military field. He was demonstrating what he was doing. He only did not complete the boxing. He stopped at most three or five movements. Sometimes he just lifted his hand or stopped and stopped. He Zhenwei stood. Looking at the side, about a quarter of an hour, the joy of the sea stopped.

"What's wrong with this? What happened to you?" He Zhenwei looked at the face of the green and purple purple, although there was still a sharp part from the pig's head. However, He Zhenwei saw it in his eyes and did not feel distressed. Ah.

"Hey." Lost, he did not feel embarrassed, he originally could not beat the Prince of Jin, before he was wronged, now more frustrated.

He Zhenwei’s eyes are awkward. This kid never knows what to lose. It is a type that has been defeated and defeated. It’s not a waste of repeated defeats. “What happened, talking to the father, though You kid, in other respects, your kid is too far away."

For this, He Zhihai is very much recognized, so he said what he said today.

He Zhenwei was amazed. The last time he was at home to fight against the Prince of Jin, in his view, the prince of Jin may have the same madness as his son. However, today he has completely changed his style. For the case of He Zhihai, no one knows better than the family. I didn’t think about using Li Hongyuan’s way to restrain him, but the gap is a bit big. It’s just like a drop of ten, so this method is useless. I thought that the Prince of Jin did it, and then I thought about the words that Prince Jin said. He Zhenwei is his stupid son who knows how to fight and kill. He always thinks that Jin Prince may...

"What did the Prince of the Kings say to you?" He Zhenwei asked without a trace.

"What else did you say?" He Xianghai scratched his head. "He seems to have said a word at the end. What is it? It seems to be quite important. Let me think about it. Oh, remember, Jin relative prince. What he said is: Let General He return to the northeastern city as soon as possible." After the completion of the confession of the sea, I found out that it is very important. It is very important to distinguish it. He just uses all his thoughts on martial arts. But it doesn't mean it's really stupid. I immediately put away the look of frustration, with a bit of seriousness, "Oh..."

"You are awkward, I don't have more than one sentence. Are you going to give up such important things?" He Zhenwei once again wanted to slap him.

If there is no special situation, Jin’s prince will not say such things for no reason.

He knows that he has no temper to refute his son. "Who knows that the Prince of Jin will say this at that time, I can think of it now. It is better to change it to other times, I can remember it." ”

"Do you still have a reason?" If it is really a fight, it is easy to find the weakness of this kid, when the second fight, he will be restrained, and let the obstacles stay awake, plus the last sentence, He Zhenwei will completely reposition the Prince of Jin.

"Hey, I am not born so, can't change it."

"Can't change? Today, the Prince of Jin will not help you change."

He knows the sea and is speechless.

He Zhenwei sneered, "Why, was it hit? I know that it is not the opponent of the Prince of Jin. I will not find it again in the future. It is best. I will give it to Laozi in the future. Don't make trouble."

"Who said that I am not going? I will be able to find out how to crack." He said that the sea stalked his neck.

"Just you?" He Zhenwei swept his head from his head to his feet with contempt.

"Just me!" He knows that the sea has rekindled and raging.

"This is not the mouth to talk about." He Zhenwei turned his head, but the surface is unprecedented.

He Zhenwei went to find his mother and his wife. They are the best candidates for him to discuss countermeasures. After all, when they were in the border town, they participated in many things, and their generals were very convinced.

Seeing his face, both the mother-in-law and the mother know that it is not a trivial matter, so they are solemn.

He Zhenwei is not hiding, telling them in detail, including his own guess. "...Now we suddenly show that it is nothing more than two situations. First, the simple heart is the safety of Qiyuan Jiangshan. It has its own channels. It is not good to know that the northeast border is bad. Second, we want to draw us for him. After all, the Prince of Jin has at least no power and no power on the bright side, but he is the most beloved son of the Holy Father. Under normal circumstances, even if he can’t monopolize the gimmick, he can compete with the Prince Kang Rui and others, so it is inevitable. There are reasons why he can't be fair, and he may need to prepare for the power to seize power. As for letting me go back to the border, it should be the first point in it."

"I didn't expect that there was still one hidden in the capital, but there was too much water in the capital." Mrs. He said with emotion.

"So, what about now? We have never been involved in these things, do you want to go to the sea after you know..."

"No, if the Prince of Jin really wants to adjust. To teach the sea, it is equivalent to saving the life of the sea. We cannot bury the opportunity to know the sea because of some of our guesses. If you can get in touch with the Prince of Jin, It’s good to know his clear purpose.” Although they are not people without brains, they are still far worse than the literati.

"I am afraid that it is impossible. The Prince of Jin secretly managed the forces. The others did not notice it. They saw that they were meticulous. They would not easily contact the military commanders. They knew that the sea was wrapped up by themselves. They were still brainless. They had the permission of the Holy Spirit. ......"

Here, the three people are shocked, if these are really designed by the Prince of Jin...

"This mind is also very deep, and I have long been eyeing our family."

"For such people, it is really quite powerless. If you really want to win them, you may not need them to nod, you can achieve your goal."

"So, for such a person, we are completely devoid of it, can only use static braking, or when it is time to see the move, or directly led by his nose?"

"Is there any other method?"

"The banquet of the House of the Tomorrow, the various royal palaces also sent a post, the Prince of the King may have expressed and said."

Because they are completely passive, they can't do anything, and they don't negotiate a result.

The next day, the feast of the family, the kings of the palace did not go to the door, but sent a gift, because of all kinds of speculation, so I paid special attention to the things sent by the Prince of the Kings, it seems that it is also unremarkable, similar to other palaces. However, after careful scrutiny, I found a clue, meaning only one: quick return. Of course, this must be the premise of the words of the kelp back yesterday, otherwise it will never be thought of.

"It seems that there may be an accident. I will ask for a return to the northeastern city tomorrow. I will not take it with the obstacles. I will take the old four." He Zhenwei decided to make a decision.

"I am with you." Mrs. He did not want to think, immediately said.

"This time since I brought you back, naturally I didn't want to go back, especially now, I know that there may be something big happening in the border town, how can I let you go back? So, madam, this time you have to listen to me." He Zhenwei It is hard to be tough in front of his wife.

"You are worried about us, we are equally worried about you."

He Zhenwei smiled. "From the beginning of 50 years ago, the northeastern border town is like the fate of a man. But this time, since the news was advanced, things will not be caught off guard. In the hands of the Jin Prince, it is said that there is no more important. The news is just inconvenient now. If you leave Beijing, you will not be able to contact me. So, no matter how big the matter, the northeastern city may turn to safety. So, listen to me."

Mrs. He closed her eyes and stopped saying anything. A line of tears slid down from the corner of her eyes. She also hurriedly wiped it off. When she opened it again, she was full of perseverance. "You can rest assured that I will keep our home and wait for the reunion." One day, if you can't, I will go to you when I arrange everything."

He Zhenwei smiled reluctantly and held her hand. "Good."

Mrs. He’s wife was silent for a while, then closed her eyes and took off the rosary on her wrist, one by one.

The next day, He Zhenwei was really playing, and his words were sincere, and he was asked to return to the border for the sake of Kaiyuan.

Le Cheng emperor, the prelude.

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