Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 393: : quite unexpected results

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The house lowered the voice and continued to say something. The royal doctor brought by the former Wei had prescribed the medicine, but their five princes refused to use it, even the external medicine refused.

Naturally, this matter was quickly reported to the Great Emperor...

Because it was settled, the great emperor temporarily took a break and looked at the tea with two points of leisure. When he handed the teacup, he did not pick it up, but held the other’s hand and smiled. He leaned over and squatted, but he was going to drink tea with his hand, blushing his face, his hands trembled, and he didn’t dare to look at him, but the great prince did not speak, just quietly watching the cockroach, so Every time I sneak a peek, he can face his eyes for the first time. People think that he always looks at you. He only has you in his eyes. He is a prince, and he is a humble man. How is she a humble person? Can withstand such an offensive, no matter how to struggle to hesitate, it is necessary to break into the other's arms, at this time, outside people to report, the former Wei Dahuangzi naturally took the cup, sit back, "come in."

丫鬟 丫鬟 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投 投

丫鬟 丫鬟 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , If it is not this person who suddenly appears, he will already be...

The people who came in were inexplicable and touched the nose. I didn’t know where I was in this beautiful place, but I didn’t even ask. “I have seen the Great Hall.”

"What?" The former Emperor Wei took a sip of tea and then looked at the cup on his hand. It looked like a very ordinary cup, but it attracted all his attention.

The man said things concisely.

The great emperor finally gave the incoming person a look. "This is against the prince, and the prince will kill his life."

The man bowed his head, said nothing, wanted to live long, then, some words, even if you heard it, you should not hear it.

"Since he is willing to continue to hurt, let him go. Wait for the royal doctor of Kaiyuan to come, and bring people to the past, no need to go back and forth."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Waiting for the room, there is only one former Wei Dahuangzi, the face still smiles, playing with the cup in his hand, muttering, "The Prince's killer is planted on the head of the emperor, and it is more likely than the emperor to start." Bigger, it really is a foolish idiot." However, once this idiot will be ignored, the destructiveness is even more incalculable. "I just arrived, I haven’t had time to catch my breath, I’m going to have a problem first. I don’t know what will happen next. Come here...”

The near-servant who stayed outside came in, "His Royal Highness, what is the command?"

"Yi Ning estimates that she still doesn't know about the injury of Wuhuangdi. She has always been better with the five emperors. You should let her know and let her go to the five emperors."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The former Wei Yining princess not only brought the most things, but also the most people. In the pavilion, the place originally assigned to the former Wei was not enough to live. It was necessary to coordinate again. It is necessary to know that the place next to it would move again. The space is not enough. After all, this pavilion is also like the palace. The geographical location has its advantages and disadvantages. Which places are arranged in which countries, people have fixed numbers and can’t easily change. This change may cause trouble. Now, Wei prevails in the position next to it. It may not be enough next to it. Is it difficult to move to the side? So moving one by one, now it’s just a country in the former Wei. It’s a big deal for the people on the side of Kaiyuan. What if there are several countries staying together? If you live in, you will let you move again. It seems that although it is a small matter, you can completely deduct a big hat that "do not put them in your eyes", then it will rise to the problem of diplomatic relations between countries.

Therefore, the site next to it is also easy to move, and it is very troublesome to move. The best way to break the wall and build the wall is to move the Princess Yining to a place.

After all, in the past years, the former Wei, who had the messenger to send Kaiyuan, was the place where they lived, and they never lived in a situation where they could not live. They were all spacious and spacious. It is reasonable to say that there are princesses to follow and things to be more. There are more people and no problems at all, but this Princess Yining is really a bit more.

Since it is a special case, it is understandable that the Princess Yining moved the place. The problem now is that Princess Yining is not willing to move. The excuse is quite high-sounding. She is like her daughter’s family, and her brother’s family is going out, naturally The brothers lived in a courtyard door, and there was no reason to live elsewhere. The person who waited for Princess Yining said that his princess was a little bit timid and unfamiliar. He would be afraid of his brother. - Of course, I didn't say so straightforwardly, but this is what it means.

The ritual official who stayed said that he said that it was useless. He wanted to scratch his head. And because he was a man, he still couldn’t see Princess Yining himself. The following people killed him as a princess. Not only that, but also repeatedly. Urgently, the officials of Qiyuan were arranged better. The Princess of the Emperor, who was a big man, did not care about Kaiyuan’s early arrangements for accommodation, but it was not handled well for a long time, and their masters were not good tempers.

The official of Kaiyuan almost smashed his mouth. This made it clear that he was looking for something. However, there was no way. He couldn’t make it. He couldn’t care about a group of women and had to go back.

Don't look at Li Hongming's seeing Princess Yining. It seems that she still feels the "fairyness" on her body. In fact, she is not very happy in her heart. The originally planned trip, but behind it is so fast, she is all It’s falling apart, it’s unusually uncomfortable, and it’s strange to be happy.

But she didn't have a choice at all. The big emperor looked at his good temper. In fact, he was very hypocritical. He was full of foxes. When the five emperors had patience, they could follow her, and when they were impatient, they were quite scary. Even if there is a Queen's mother, the Prince is a brother, she does not dare to make too many times.

It’s hard to get there. I don’t have a good place to live. How can I have no temper? Let’s not discuss it. There is no direct trouble. It’s already to maintain the image and maintain the former Wei face.

The people of the former Wei Da Emperor sent people here.

The Princess Yining was not visible on the face, but she was stunned in her heart. Then I said a few words and said that she was still busy on this side, and when she settled down, she went to the Five Emperors.

Speaking of it, Princess Yining’s opinion on the two brothers is also very big. In fact, she also knows that Qiyuan’s ancestral hall for Dawei is already big enough, and she’s been in the country’s shack, she’s also gone in and over. Not here, everyone who came to Wei, if you live a little bit, can arrange it. I want her to be so jealous and jealous. If she is crowded, she can bear it. However, his good brother, according to normal. The accommodation arrangement is basically five equal parts. The three brothers and sisters occupy one place, and the other officials occupy two places. Is there a problem? It is okay to say that it is reasonable to divide the area according to the identity of the master. The problem is that the entire messenger group, she has more than half of the number of people, things do not need to say, more than one-half of the people, there are three The second thing, the result is only one-fifth of the site, how to arrange it? How to arrange?

It’s not that she wants to come to Kaiyuan, not that she wants to bring so many people so many things, but now she is throwing her brains to deal with herself!

The trouble is still Kaiyuan, so, in essence, it is still the former Wei looking for things.

Le Chengdi learned of this incident, naturally there is no good face.

Luo Peishan actually stood up consciously. He went to deal with it. It was also a matter of the Ministry of Rites.

During this period, Li Hongming went to the Prince of Jin, because it has been reconciled, Li Hongyuan naturally is not blocking the door. However, even if it does not mean that Li Hongyuan will wait to see him more, knowing that his purpose of coming to the Prince’s Palace is to let him take him to see the sea.

Li Hongming’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t say anything. Li Hongyuan didn’t see him. He didn’t want to see Li Hongyuan, but it’s two things. The other side is missing. It’s Li Hongyuan’s face. But this kind of thing is really not. The method is considered.

When I saw the sea of ​​happiness, the sea of ​​happiness was encircled by the people of the Prince’s Palace, and the general guards of the Jin’s Prince’s House were well-trained, and Li Hongyuan ordered that the sea was not allowed to fight back. The guards will not go to the door again in the future. This is a real threat to the literary sea, so this time it will be miserable.

Li Hongming was surprised, "What is going on?"

The dark side stood on one side and looked blank. "Go back to the lord, our master said, since He Gongzi started to work with the people, the other party can still stand well. It can be seen that He Gongzi’s fist is like cotton, and it must be good. Training, and if you want to swear, you have to squat."

Li Hongming couldn't help but sigh. He could open his mouth and say that he was absolutely executed. Except for Li Hongyuan, there is no one. Think about the miserable appearance of the former Five Emperor's five emperors. Can you stand up? Is it necessary to climb up and not move, is it called "not good"? However, he can't control it. "Since He Gongzi is training, the king will not bother," if he can take the person away, he probably won't have to come in. "The few descendants of the He family were present at the time. For the previous things, the original should also be Clearly, the king asked them to ask."

"The few people are not hurt, they are being healed, so I am afraid I have to ask Wang Ye to move."

"No problem, lead the way." The words are all said, Li Hongming can still stand on the shelf? Although my heart is not happy.

In fact, this incident is quite simple. The cause is all added up, and there are a few things. There is no intrigue and no ups and downs. Li Hongming also heard about the version of the former Weiren. Compared with Li Hongming, Li Hongming does not know. What kind of expression is revealed? In his opinion, it is a sea of ​​knowledge, but it is a civilian. What if it is really humiliating? However, since it has risen to the diplomatic ties between the two countries, there is no doubt that it must be determined that the position of "the people of the Kaiyuan people can be humiliated" will never change.

Therefore, the face is unusually serious. "The king of this matter will know all the fathers and grandfathers. When they call the former Wei people, they will know that Kaiyuan cannot be humiliated."

Well, in a word, from the face of a civilian, to the face of the whole Kaiyuan, so Li Hongming is really enough.

No matter how false this is, as a Kaiyuan, it must follow a firm stand, and Kaiyuan will not waver.

Li Hongming left the Prince of Jin, and in this heart, he did not want to see the height of the sea. He raised his height, and he was troubled. He was already busy enough.

Li Hongming entered the palace, Luo Peishan has already left the palace...

Luo Peishan did not go to entangle with Princess Yining. He is a man, a courtier, and the other is a woman. He is a princess of other countries. Nothing can be wrong on this etiquette.

Who is the main person in charge of the former Wei, who he naturally looks for.

The former Wei Da Huangzi learned that a Shangshu adult from Qiyuan came over, naturally he could not just sneak out, please invite people to go in.

Luo Peishan is full of wind instruments, and even with a little sacred wind bones, treating the former Wei Da Huangzi, has the respect that he should have for his prince, and if there is nothing like the care of the elders with a few elders, usually, For a superior person, a person who is lower than his or her own identity poses for the elders. Whether the other person is leaning against the old and selling the old, or simply being cared for, it will be offensive. Their thoughts are only one: you are something, dare Put on such a gesture!

However, Luo Peishan is not a bit resentful at the moment, but it is like a spring breeze. When the former Emperor Wei Da realized this, he had already talked with Luo Peishan for a while, and naturally he was very vigilant. In fact, he did not play a role. Peishan didn't spy on anything, but it was a simple chat.

Once the bedding is done, it's time to get to the point.

"Da Wei and Qiyuan have the same inheritance. Dawei has always been the most orthodox inheritance. In this respect, Kaiyuan is not enough..."

Listening to Luo Peishan said that the former Wei Dahuangzi naturally had some self-satisfaction and was humbled. For example, many things were taken away at the beginning, especially the various books. Kaiyuan was only after the latter. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the occurrence of faults in some things.

That is to say, at the time, it was a joke. The original Wei Emperor and a courtier hurriedly left the capital, and the things that were taken away were definitely limited. More practical things like gold and silver were justifiable. Besides, even if you take away a lot of books, a country is so big, what is the book in the city, so that you can break some inheritance, that is, a joke.

Luo Peishan smiled, not angry, even a few praises, and then naturally turned to the prevention of this man and woman, hundreds of years of change, Qi Yuan’s request for women is not so harsh, Compared with the former Wei, even this Princess Yining followed the trip, presumably as an example, the costumes are affected by a family, this kind of variety, it must be because the Princess Yining is extremely favored, the great Wei Emperor can not bear to blame She, poor parents in the world, everyone knows, understand, as long as there is no problem in the big things, it is a matter of petting a person, a small matter.

The expression of the former Wei Da Huangzi was a bit stiff now, so everything is waiting for him here. He should have known it, how can he forget it?

On the bright side, it is said that the former Wei is good everywhere. Actually, it is ironic that they have a set of things on their mouths. The princess will bring them out of the country casually. This is not a ghost. The emperor can pamper a princess without principle, can he also make unruly things unconscious?

The former Wei Da Huangzi’s mind was turned around and was about to “rebut”, but Luo Peishan is still not finished here.

The former Wei was the state of etiquette. The most important thing was to pay attention to the ancient rituals. I told him that there was no notice to the Princess Kaiyuan Yining. I didn’t tell how many people I brought. I thought it was too busy, I forgot it for a while, but it didn’t matter. Occasionally, some things are not comprehensive. Everyone understands that they have not prepared a place for Princess Yining. It is also their fault. "...all, to apologize, we Kaiyuan is willing to arrange another residence for Princess Yining, also in 驿Within the scope of the pavilion, it is only on the side close to the Imperial Palace. In the whole pavilion, it may be partial, but the scenery inside is more pleasant, and then, close to the Imperial Palace, there is no need to worry about safety, and the access is also more Convenience, now it is nothing, just, after a few days, the emissaries of other countries arrived, and lived in the neighboring world, there will never be a son-in-law, Dawei pays attention to these, let the princess avoid some should be better, after all, It is not impossible for the princess to go out, but the other emissaries are all for the sake of the emperor, but also for the friendship between the two countries, and even more, the big prince thought?"

Luo Peishan is not too slow, and the ocean is scattered. Everything is spread out and he is secretly stunned. However, he is responsible for your "mistakes" and is more concerned with the princess of your family. You want Still not following the ladder of his frame, then you must be suspicious of some of your dogmas.

The former Wei Da Huangzi had nothing to say, so he said that at first he wanted to find trouble and pick up the thorns, but finally he got himself into the pit?

"What the adults said is that the Emperor had not considered it before, but now he has to bother the adults and ask the adults to forgive me." Now, it is better to admit it. After all, the death and the living insist on disagreement and thrown into the face. It will be Kaiyuan, but Weiwei. As the principal, he will be the first to eat after he returns.

"People are not sages, and the great princes have little experience. Some small negligence can be forgiven."

The expression on the face of the former Wei Da Huangzi was a little bit untenable. This is the whole Da Wei who was secretly stunned by the Ming Dynasty. Isn’t he still hurt? But what did Luo Peishan say? No, he just followed the words of your former Wei Dahuangzi. Therefore, the former Wei Da Huangzi can only kill his teeth and blood.

"The old man is a foreign minister. I don't want to see Princess Yining. I also ask the great emperor to convey our apologies."

"Adult is polite, this is our fault."

Luo Peishan was not modest, nodded, as if acknowledging the words of the former Wei Da Huangzi.

The former Wei Da Huangzi did not breathe in a breath, he had to admit that he was a knowledge, although there is no such person in Dawei, but the two comparisons seem to be weaker in their own country.

When the matter is completed, Luo Peishan is busy today, and there are other things to be done, so I will leave.

The former Wei Da Huangzi can only send people out personally. Outside, Luo Peishan and the followers of the Ministry of Rites told me two things, let them do their best, and not be scornful.

The priest official who was made up of the first two big men in the Princess Yining was now revered for Luo Peishan as if the water was flowing.

Princess Yining also made up her mind to consume, but did not want to wait for the big emperor.

The former Wei Da Huangzi was only whispered to make things clear. Princess Yining wanted to worry about it on the spot, but it is obvious that the former Wei Da Huangzi still knows quite well about this sister, so he is not angry or angry, and his smile is unchanged. Ning, did you forget the purpose of coming to Kaiyuan?"

Princess Yining ironed a face, and a pair of eyes seemed to be spurting fire.

The former Wei Da Huangzi suddenly reached out and touched her eyes. Princess Yining subconsciously avoided, and the backhand slaps on the back of the big emperor's hand.

The great emperor didn't take it for granted, but he also looked at his fingers. "Yinging's eyes are really beautiful. Even if it's angry, it's so exciting. I don't blame my Royal Highness."

"What are you talking about?" Princess Yining was furious, and there was still some confusion in his expression.

"Nonsense?" Yi Yining said this, is it wrong for the brother? Why does the Prince like it, many people like it, not including the father, including other brothers, including the brother. So many people like it, Shouldn't Yining be happy?"

Princess Yining's face is very ugly, but it is not a word.

The former Wei Da Huangzi smiled again. "Yi Ning makes the following people ready to prepare. Your things are quite a lot. If you go wrong, you don't know when you are busy. It doesn't matter when you are in Wei, you still pay attention outside. Some are better. After all, we represent Dawei. If people think that we are sloppy, it is not good. In fact, it doesn't matter if you lose your face for the brother. Wei lost face, you are a sinner. ""

"Who is this harming in the end?" Princess Yining couldn't bear it, and snarled.

"Who hurts? Who hurts you? Things and people are not what you want to bring? If not, have you refused? Without you, we can easily, how much trouble you have found on this road, you should be very clear. Ah, no, how can Yi Ning know? You are the prince of the father and the empress and the prince. Whatever you want, it’s always a matter of words. You can open your mouth, you can open your mouth, how can you open your mouth? Trouble, nothing has been done, naturally it is impossible to experience the troubles of others. Bring it out, naturally you are responsible for it, let others let you?" The big prince got closer and lowered the voice, "You thought you Who is it? What are you? Yi Ning, brother is not a prince. However, it is not without effect if you are noisy. Yi Ning, don’t want to be guilty, or you may even have the last side of the father and queen. I can't see it."

Princess Yining was so angry that her hatred in her eyes was about Huawei's essence.

The former Emperor Wei Da sighed softly. "It is really more beautiful, Yi Ning, don't look at it as a brother again, otherwise, don't say anything for the brothers."

Princess Yining turned to a fearful look in a moment, and her hands were surrounded by arms and her face was alert.

The former Wei Da Huangzi was a smile again. "For the brothers just want to dig down the collection, Yi Ning is thinking too much. After all, for the brothers just like the eyes of Yining." After that, it seems that they have lost interest. Patience, turning around without hesitation.

Princess Yining smashed her face, then rubbed her face with her hands, and the room was lying on the floor, crying and crashing.

The outside 丫鬟 listened to the ear, but no one wanted to go in and look at it. He bowed his head and did not hear it.

Others, without the command of the great emperor, did not dare to neglect, fortunately, many things have not been opened yet, and it is not too much trouble to collect.

Things and things have been moved out, and Kaiyuan has also taken a lot of people to help, so it is very quick to move.

In the end, Princess Yining was surrounded by the maids and covered with veil. The eyes were not red or swollen, and they still seemed to be able to speak and could not see a slight difference. The big prince is next to him, and the atmosphere between the brothers and sisters is harmonious. It seems that the brothers and sisters have very good feelings.

However, on this road, Princess Yining did not re-promo, and it was a normal carriage.

In fact, the place arranged for Princess Yining, as Luo Peishan said, is only a bit biased relative to the entire museum. In fact, the location is very good, and the scenery inside is quite beautiful. It can be said that it is better than the previous place. A lot.

Princess Yining was not happy at the moment. Now that she has seen the place, her mood has improved a lot. Even in the bottom of her heart, this place cannot be really safer.

Here is still finishing, there is another word, saying that another country has arrived, but it is much smaller than the former Wei and Kaiyuan, the national number, even if there is also a prince, it is only arranged for the following people to greet Not to mention the emperor, the priests of the Ministry of Rites did not see it. Even so, they did not dare to have opinions and their attitudes were very low. There are only differences in language, and people from Hongjun Temple are required to follow the whole process. To put it bluntly, in this country, the people of Hongjun Temple will only be sent to the former Wei, and other people, regardless of size, need the people of Hongjun Temple.

The people of Laos have heard that the former Wei has arrived. They have to say that they are quite surprised. Usually, a big country like this is normal in the days before the emperor of the country, and if the big country is a small country, what is it on the same day? It is not impossible to go to a country like the former Wei, the first one is, but it is very strange.

There are things in the world that they don’t know, but these big countries are not the ones they can mix, or they are honest, what to do, of course, the inquiries should also be inquired, then If you understand it clearly, you can understand it, so as not to collide. The object of inquiring is directly the person of Qiyuan Hongjun Temple. If you let them know, you will definitely tell, after all, if it really collides, as the Qiyuan Hongjun Temple. People may also be responsible, and these small countries can't listen, and the people of Qiyuan Hongjun Temple will certainly not tell them. So best and safe.

On the next day, the Emperor Lecheng set up a banquet in the palace to take over the wind for the former Wei emissaries. The people who took the country together, the country is small, that is also a country, and it is still necessary to give some face, although usually, if the country It was the first to arrive. This was a feast of the banquet. At most, it was to send a prince to the banquet in the palace. The prince was probably not the real prince of Prince Kang Rui, Prince Gong.

And because the avant-garde has emerged as a princess, this must be different. If you don't say anything else, at least a son-in-law must be present.

Therefore, Le Chengdi simply waved his hand and made a few "others" on the "family feast".

Since it is a "family banquet", then one of the princes who have the power of the shackles and the princes who have already been enshrined in Wang Kaifu cannot fall, but the courtiers must be removed.

Such an arrangement seems to give the face of the former Wei Tianda. However, since it is a "family feast", it means that when you are "self-family", can the treatment of the family be equal to the guests? Obviously it is absolutely impossible. The former can be more casual than the latter, and it is free to represent, and some things can't be considered.

The three royal members of the former Wei, with the accompanying courtiers, the rest of the idlers and so on are naturally few and far between. They first met the Lecheng Emperor according to the rules, while the Shuguo, the people who entered the palace had only ten, and there were There are only three qualifications standing in front of the Lecheng Emperor. Compared with the people of the former Wei, it is a bit pitiful. However, the three people in Laos have no strange feelings. Although they are just taking a ride, they just take a ride. For them, they are also flattered.

After the formal visit, naturally, silk bamboo music was also prepared.

Lecheng Emperor personally brought people in the past. These messengers saw many people who were already present, and they knew their identity when they wore them. Moreover, there were basically son-in-law around them. The courtiers would not bring the son-in-law at the receptionist of other countries. Doubt in my heart, I don’t know why I looked at each other, I didn’t ask it, I didn’t mention it.

However, when I saw a son-in-law, Princess Yining’s heart was quite stable. She was still worried. She didn’t know what would happen in the end. It might be better to arrange someone to entertain her, or to squat, or Other princesses, not wanting to face a bad situation, probably she is a woman, mixed in with other big men, when it is more conspicuous and conspicuous, even if it is used to the stars, it is only in a group than her The low status or the palace people, the emperors of the big countries that are equal to the former Wei, the emperors of the emperors, and the courtiers who hold the heavy powers are no longer flattered, but are evenly evaluated. I'm malicious, the atmosphere is scary when I think about it, but fortunately, I am really grateful for the success of the arrangement.

After meeting each other, they have settled down.

The other people are basically two people. The Princess Yining alone is alone, telling the truth. Before the beginning, Wei will hold the Princess Yining very high. Now, the work of Kaiyuan may be more than let it go. It seems to be for Princess Yining.

However, such a thing, no one is open to ask.

It is the great emperor of Qiyuan. He wants to speak a few times. Maybe he wants to say something about "business", but he is often stopped by the music master. Lecheng is smiling and he seems to be really happy, bluntly, now he only eats and drinks. Dance music, other things don't talk.

In this way, the former Wei Da Huangzi did not have any flaws. After all, the Emperor Lecheng was an emperor. He was a level of existence with his Laozi. He couldn’t take the lead. You couldn’t even say a few words. As a guest, he felt that the emperor was not happy. It is definitely not a wise move.

Besides, the former Weiwu Emperor, his injury is absolutely not light, in fact, it is not suitable for attending. There is a case of Qiyuan Royal Doctor there. There is absolutely no opinion when he does not attend the Lecheng Emperor, but he is holding on. Appeared, and still pretend to be like nothing. If it wasn’t for bruises on the face, I really couldn’t see that he was beaten yesterday. However, he did not specifically greet him on his face, otherwise he is today. Even if you want to come out, you will never see anyone.

The former Wei Da Huangzi had also prepared for the rest of the five brothers in the shack. Who knows that when the family went out, the other party had already waited, and he cared a few words, saying that he did not have to support it, and the emperor was not Unreasonable people, who knows that his five younger brothers are not sympathetic, but also sneer at him. The former Wei Da Huangzi was almost mad at half. I must know that once this person appeared, some things would be hard to say. The other party did not know what to do crazy, and he could not help him.

What is the madness of the former Weiwu Emperor? He didn't care about it before. Now, people who are going to do big things need to have more contact and more knowledge. Moreover, naturally, this good emperor can't be beautiful. Therefore, his performance is actually more active than the former Wei Dahuangzi. It is not to sing a glass of wine with the Lecheng Emperor, or to chat on the opposite side of the Kaiyuan Emperor. It seems to be advancing and retreating, just right.

I saw the madness of yesterday, and then look at the present and tell the truth. Some people really doubt whether the five emperors have a twin brother who looks the same.

The prince's suit replaced the untidy clothes, and the temperament also converges a lot. With a bit of boldness, it is controlled within the scope of not being offensive. On the contrary, perhaps it will like his true nature, this is not, even if It’s the expression of Le Cheng’s emperor. It’s a bit different. What was originally, I wanted to plant yesterday’s things completely on the other’s head. Now I seem to have a little bit of heart, and I didn’t want to mention the things that I did not want to mention.

The former Wei Da Huangzi raised his heart and was about to speak for this stupid younger brother. The other party spoke first. "Thanks to Kaiyuan’s care, I have no serious problems. It’s also a misunderstanding when I talked about yesterday. I have always been Respecting the Warriors, yesterday was also a momentary itch, only to move hands, and later learned that it was a small son of He General, I have been with this person for a long time, but I don’t want to encounter it under such circumstances, it is not a bad idea. A heart."

The former Wei Da Huangzi immediately blackened his face, and he could not wait to get up and take a picture of this dead brain.

The people on the side of Kaiyuan, each face is quite subtle, especially Li Hongming who saw the miserables of the former Weiwu Emperor yesterday. At that time, he still swears, this is only one night, how can it be transferred? And according to the relationship between the former Wei and Qi Yuan, when you say such words, how do you feel surprised?

However, for Kaiyuan, this is also a good thing. In the end, it is so badly hurt on its own territory. How can you defend yourself on this side? You can’t change the fact, bite the other side, and there will be no What are the benefits, the "victims" do not say anything, they are also "big".

"This is the case. I have never said that I have returned to Beijing in the past. This time I just came back. I can’t say that you are still a fate. During the Kaiyuan period, the five emperors may wish to discuss with him. After all, chances are rare." Chengdi said with a smile.

Study? The former Weiwu Emperor's chest and abdomen could not stop the pain, and twice, he might have to put his life into it. The dough is a little stiff, and the scalp is hard: "If there is a chance." He will let this kind of thing have no chance.

The former Wei Da Huangzi calmed his face, no longer said anything, and everything was disrupted by this idiot.

In fact, the former Wei Da Huangzi couldn’t figure out what it was. What did this idiot want to do? It’s not a big deal in Dawei. Is it still the case? To say that he really does not understand anything, open the true relationship between Da Wei and Qi Yuan, his performance is impeccable, he must be amazed, so he said that he definitely does not understand anything, but he is a gourd He really didn't know what medicine to sell.

What medicine did the former Weiwu Emperor sell? The great prince never thought that he actually gave birth to a huge ambition that he should not have, and wanted a position he had never thought of before.

As a result, a thing that may cause a lot of problems has actually come to an end. It is really unexpected.

Time has passed. It is only a certain seat on Kaiyuan that is still empty.

"How about the old six, why haven't they appeared yet?" Le Cheng couldn't help but frown.

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