Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 398: : Women's status as a distinguished Tibetan gold country

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"The matter is here, no need to worry about it, just wait for the final result."

Jing Hao nodded, and it can only be so, unless the plan is revoked, otherwise it can only wait, rather than thinking about those who have nothing, it is better to take a good rest.

"Tired." Jing Hao said with a little spoiledness on Li Hongyuan. "If you don't handle it yourself, you don't know how hard it is to consume God. It's just a trivial matter compared to the things you do. See you. It seems to be as simple as eating and drinking in the weekdays. I need so many days for such a thing..." This gap!

"How do you compare this? You are unfamiliar, don't understand, you start from scratch, wait until you are familiar with it, and take control slowly. That's it."

"What you said is simple, a lot of things, it is all about talent." Someone is absolutely talented in this respect, and some people will give him ten years to learn.

"I believe that the talents in this area will not be bad. I have been doing very well compared to many beginners."

"You don't praise me, my tail will rise to the sky."

"It doesn't matter, don't say it's going to the sky, it's a hole in the sky, and I am holding it."

Jing Jing slammed two times and reached out to pinch Li Hongyuan's face. If he is a three-viewer, he still doesn't know what it will be spoiled.

Li Hongyuan did not avoid it, let her hands blame on her face.

The former Wei Da Huangzi was seeking to see the Emperor Lecheng once. Although he did not say it clearly, the meaning was almost clear. That is, the Princess of Dawei was indeed a prince of Jin, but their princess was definitely not the kind of frivolous woman. It is good to teach and talented rules. It is only because the love sin is first opened, and the feelings are difficult to ban. The mood is very helpless. It is a good brother who looks like a sister. How can I not let my sister feel sad? Some hope that the music will become perfect.

According to him, this younger sister has been favored since birth, including the elders, including their brothers. Just because of the longing for the place outside the city of Weidu, the father could not bear to refute the appearance of her sadness. This came with the two brothers to start the Yuan, but did not want to, this line, but the spring heart sprouted, "... The female university is not staying."

Lecheng did not say anything, but he was arrogant with the former Wei Dahuangzi. He said that he was not a temper. His son was a temper, and he was forced to nod. Otherwise he could turn the entire capital upside down. "...These six sons have no mothers since they were young, and they will inevitably suffer some pain. As a result, they will become more and more lawless, and they may not be useful. He, hey, he has to do it anyway."

Le Cheng Emperor is the truth, but in the former Wei Da Huangzi, it is a full excuse. In the average family, it is not unusual to disregard Laozi. However, as a king of a country, there is absolutely no possibility of being rebellious by his son. Because he is the first and then the father, Tianwei cannot be swept away. Violation.

Of course, Lecheng Emperor also knows that these people will not believe, all, simply use the truth to perfunctory, no need to find excuses, save more trouble.

"It's not like this. After the event, I will discuss it again after the Longevity? How did the Great Emperor think?" said Le Chengdi.

In the end, the former Emperor Wei Da and Le Cheng are a big difference, naturally can not say a word.

However, they probably did not expect that there is no chance to discuss again.

It is only three days from Wanshou, the country that has handed in the credentials and has not yet arrived, and there are three, the Xiongnu, which is quite awkward than the Wei Dynasty before the Yuan Dynasty. The Tibetan gold, there is also a small country, because it is located in the west and southwest of Kaiyuan, and is far from the Kaiyuan capital. It is not surprising that it will arrive last. In fact, earlier, it is only one early. Two days.

If the former Wei was striking because of the "big momentum" of Princess Yining, then the gold was surprising because the entire messenger group occupied one-third of the women. They are very different from the Princess Yining. They are real powers, including the messenger group, the principals are women, the civil servants have women, and there are even women in the military commanders. These talents are real scarves, but they do not occupy half of the gold. It must not be underestimated.

Jing Hao knows that the country of Tibetan gold is somewhat amazed. What is more is the respect for those women. The current Tibetan gold king is also a wise and open-minded person. For his sake, the status of the woman is again. As a result, the woman who has been in the DPRK has reached an unprecedented height, with nearly three floors, and nearly half of these people are in the middle. The status of women in Tibetan gold is so high that they are not unrelated to their opening of the king. It is also a legendary woman.

In the Tibetan gold, although it is still a monogamy, it is far less serious than other countries. Even if it is the current Tibetan gold king, the number of the latter will be a slap in the palm of the hand. Among the families within the family, the diverticulum is basically extinct. The marriage of male and female, the marriage of female and male are normal, and there is no such thing as a swearing. Even if the man is weak relative to the woman, it will not be said by the mouth. Men'sism, there are also big women'sism, there are small women, there are also small men. Compared with other countries, perhaps it is wonderful, the interior of the Tibetan gold is very harmonious, and the time of the existence of the Tibetan gold is longer than that of the former Wei.

Jing Hao looked at the relevant things of the Tibetan gold, telling the truth, and there is such a longing in the heart.

Li Hongyuan is looking at his eyes. In fact, in his previous life, he was not affected by the Tibetan gold. Of course, there must be a relationship between Jing and Jing. If there is no Jing Hao, he will definitely be in this country. The folks sneered at the nose. Because of that quite different feelings, when the past life, the countries around Kaiyuan, the small country was directly swallowed, and it was difficult for the big country to recover for decades. The only thing that did not move was the Tibetan gold. He knew that there was some doubt, but he did No one dared to ask him about this absolute hegemonic monarch. At that time, it was only because Jing Jing was absent. In addition to not moving the gold, the others did not care too much.

"If you are interested in the history of Tibetan gold, you may wish to contact the female officials of the Tibetan gold after Wanshou."

"Okay." Jing Hao did not hide it.

In the last two days before Wanshou, there was no more moths. Although some people are more active in Kaiyuan capital, they can see this and see that, it is not enough for two games in the afternoon. Of course, there is also a pure stroll in the Kaiyuan capital city. Take a look at the various things of Kaiyuan, especially those small and poor countries. It is probably possible to start a border trade with Kaiyuan, promote bilateral relations and develop together.

A country's Longevity Festival can also be regarded as a country's happy day. Outside the capital, it is not said that in the capital city, as time approaches, the people are beginning to make a lot of lights, and they look like a lot of people. They are also laughing.

In addition to these, the most lively, most talked about, probably the officials outside the capital have successively sent back various gifts to the Lecheng Emperor, one game is a valuable, one game is rare, I don’t know if these things are costly. How much manpower and material resources, I don't know if it is because something has made a life. It’s just the people, I can’t see what it is, it’s also a lively event, and I’m praising each other, just saying that I’m right, it’s right.

On the eve of Wanshou, the sky was full of snow and snow, and until the morning of Wanshou, the entire capital was already covered with silver.

Early in the morning, there are people who clean up the snow everywhere. There are nowhere in the streets. After all, it is Wanshou. There will be a lot of people entering the palace. Can you delay the snow on the road, and you can’t make it unlucky. Things, or else blame the above, one is not careful, can not say that the head will move.

Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan are also basically ready to go.

Jing Hao stood under the porch, inside is the prince's attire, wearing a cloaked cloak with a hood, a flaming hue, a variegated hair, a slight mop on the hem, holding a stove in his arms. Look at the snow that is still floating, "Rui Xue Zhao Fengnian."

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