Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 407: : Want to die or want to live?

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The Queen asked the two servants to leave the Emperor, and in accordance with the usual circumstances, there was still a period of time since the end of the banquet. Moreover, there was no Lecheng emperor sitting. The following people actually drank more, so no one would go now. In the Italian music, the emperor went to stay.

After the Lecheng Emperor left, the Queen also got up and left. After sitting for so long, she was very uncomfortable. If she didn't go back to rest, she would not be able to hold back afterwards. She could not attend. However, no, because her illness, the impact on their department is not small, if she does not come out, let people know that she is not bad, it is estimated that this effect will expand. In fact, at this time, both the queen and the entire faction have realized that the Queen’s position is too heavy. This was originally the result of the Queen’s wish, but there is a big premise that the Queen should be disease free. The disaster, this time suddenly fell ill, no doubt giving them a head start.

The age of the Queen is similar to that of the Lecheng Emperor. Just because it is properly maintained, it has always been more healthy. I didn’t think of this at all, now...

If you work hard, you will die if you haven’t achieved your goal. That kind of feeling, don’t mention it. However, at this time, even if the Queen wants to adjust and weaken her existence, it is too late, so she can only support it.

When the Queen left, Qin Shuzhen also followed, just before, for the various toasts of the women, she is not salty, because the emperor’s body has not recovered, and the identity is naturally more and more The water is rising, and she wants to know how much she has, but Qin Shuzhen simply does not pick up.

Jing Hao, this table, only she and Li Hongyuan two people, the king who did not seal the king opened the table will be table, other adult things, one person accounted for a table, ten people a table seats, a king, a king, With the two sides on the side, there are still six seats left. For the time being, there are no children with six. However, it seems that the Prince Jin’s table is the most idle, and the other tables are more than a slap in the face. How to look at it is a bit deserted. Nature is very unsightly, all aspects. However, Jing Hao is now "thick and thick" and "big heart", ignoring disregard and disregard, Li Hongyuan not to mention.

Jing Hao regained his gaze and looked at Li Hongyuan. With only one look, Li Hongyuan basically knew what she was going to do.

Li Hongyuan’s slow-moving chopsticks caught a certain dish and sent it to the entrance. Their table was deserted. It was also that even if someone came to toast, they would have to go for a toast. No one would stay chilling. First, Jin’s Prince did not have that. The value, the second, the lively king is too famous, the mood is not angry, but it is not a word to play, maybe a sentence is provoked.

Jing Hao also continued to eat, although the time is quite long, but occasionally eat a little, there is really nothing in this stomach. "This method is the prince who sent people into the palace?"

"Otherwise? It's all ‘cold plate’, and Wang Hao should have been hungry for a whole day.” Li Hongyuan said of course. Without concealing it, I am trying to marry a woman.

Fortunately, Li Hongyuan’s voice with Jing Hao is not big. Otherwise, Jing Hao should become the target of public criticism.

"The king went to change clothes." Li Hongyuan got up and left the Qianchen Hall. As the number one, the Mu Gonggong naturally followed.

The people who came in and out at this time were not in a minority, and Li Hongyuan’s swaying out was nothing strange.

Jing Hao will eat quietly at this moment. This time is still very early. If you don’t eat anything, you can have something to gain.

Mrs. Luo’s wife couldn’t walk anymore, and the old lady who came to the palace with Mrs. Luo’s wife was Jing’s aunt, Wang’s wife. Jing Hao wanted to see her mother Zhang’s at such a palace feast, and she still had her It’s hard to work hard to make progress. To put it bluntly, it is not impossible to bring a small sorrow, but Mrs. Luo did not do that because it was unnecessary, and then, the cold weather entered the palace and was actually sinned.

Jing Hao unconsciously looked up and saw that "Drunk" before the Princess Wei Yining was helped by the scorpion, and also the Qianchen Hall, Jing Hao naturally regained his eyes, this time it was fake drunk, but soon it will be "true" Drunk, and Jing Hao suddenly looked forward to the good show afterwards, and it was really black.

Li Hongyuan returned after a quarter of an hour. Well, half an hour, what can be done, what can't be done, can do a lot of things.

Jing Hao was slightly surprised. "Don't you say that this time is handed over to me?"

Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows. "What is it, Wang Hao, is this blaming the king for competing with you in the Father?"

Jing Hao knows, this is to see the music into the emperor, but do not know what the purpose of the purpose, whether to promote or improve her plan.

At the end of the banquet, the snow outside stopped, not only that, but the sky turned fine soon, so it is indeed a good day for Le Cheng’s birthday this year.

When the weather is fine, it is natural to continue the entertainment activities in the afternoon. The four major troupes of the capital can all enter the palace. They also specially prepared the opera for the singer of the singer, and the different operas of the four groups are gathered together. The level of excitement is naturally self-evident, and Jing Hao is not a favorite, and some look forward to it.

The stage is set in the Imperial Garden, which is several times larger than the regular stage. It is not the most famous four major troupes in the capital. It really does not disappoint.

The most familiar with the Kaiyuan opera is naturally the former Wei, but, unexpectedly, many of the embassies of other countries also like it. Although in the eyes of Jing Hao, those people simply did not understand, completely called ghosts, no one else. When they were quiet, they screamed and the door was surprisingly big.

They think that they are true temperament. Kaiyuan naturally thinks that it is vulgar and barbaric, and the background is too different. It really is an insurmountable gap.

After an opening time, Le Cheng emperor appeared. In fact, he was not drunk much. Of course, even if he was drunk and unconscious, the widowed woman was lying naked, and it was innocent, and Jing Hao I noticed the unusual traces on the neck of Le Chengdi, and this good thing is obviously done.

But this time watching the show, the men and women seats are separate, but can not communicate with their husband.

Someone hurriedly came to find the former Wei Dahuangzi, what he said in his ear, the former Wei Dahuangzi's face was dripping with water, almost smashed the low table in front of the tea. Sitting and sitting, it seems to weigh the pros and cons, but it seems to be anger, and then Huo Ran got up, "Hui Yuan Emperor Majesty, this matter, should you give this prince an account?"

Le Chengdi looked at him impatiently, and inexplicably slept a woman. He was also very annoyed, especially when he missed his lover very much - apparently drinking too much, already broken, not knowing How did things happen? It is reasonable to say that he is drunk, even if he is not resting in the palace, rests in other places, and only someone is guarding. It is unreasonable that someone will break into the place where he rests. In fact, no one is in, but he is drunk. I didn't have a good rest, somehow ran out, and even if I ran out, I also rolled up with a woman. What happened? He has already checked.

If you just slept a palace lady or a junior of a minister, it doesn't matter. The former does not need to take care of it. The latter is not a big deal. It is not a matter of identity, but it is a princess of the enemy country. On my own site, I naturally want to do whatever I want. I don't think I am wrong, but you are a princess from another country. If you are drunk, you must be taken care of. What are you doing when you stroll around? Anyone must conspiracy, let alone an emperor. Therefore, Lecheng emperor has a face. "The big prince doesn't have to worry, wait for things to be clear. How is it, naturally, just, is it a confession for you, or you give an explanation, that is, two said "The appearance of Le Chengdi is that everyone can see that his mood is quite bad."

The face of the former Wei Da Huangzi is not very good. However, there is no episode in this moment. Although he is a ambassador, he represents Dawei. However, in the end, it is only a prince, other small countries, he is naturally high above, facing In the country of the same Wei, it is hard to resist. After all, the only one who can talk to the other side is his father.

It is said that the Emperor of Lecheng was conspiracy theory. This is not a conspiracy theory before the Wei Da Huangzi. They are on other people’s sites, but their sister has something to do. When everything is finished, he gets the news, saying if he is good. The younger sister went to sleep with the man she was on, and it may be that she gave her own arms, but the object was the emperor of Qiyuan. She could be the old man of Yining’s grandfather in her age. What is Yining? Sex, he is very clear, that heart is higher than the sky, will be the grievances of the Emperor of the Emperor for the sake of barbarians and relatives? It’s impossible for the sun to come out to the west, plus the thing that was previously brought to the Prince of Kaiyuan Jin. In his opinion, it’s basically a matter of nailing. It’s impossible for her to make a moth. It’s definitely a revelation. On this side of the Yuan, it is not Lecheng and others.

"The big emperor, what happened?" The former Wei Wuhuangzi made a very caring expression at this time.

The former Wei Da Huangzi did not look at him at all. "The Emperor Kaiyuan, please allow the emperor to leave."

The former Weiwu Emperor was not willing to be treated like this, and he did not say anything.

Le Chengdi was swept away in this way. In the end, there was no seizure, but the face became more and more gloomy. Some people seemed to be angry and self-defeating. As a ninth-five lord, once they were angry, although they were not as horrible as the corpse, they could Imagine that at this time, no one dares to go straight to the front.

What the former Wei Da Huangzi should do, do not have to think about it, he always knows the cause and effect from Princess Yining. Because of this, Lecheng Emperor must have strengthened the prevention. At this time, some people can no longer walk around the palace casually. Therefore, even if the former Wei Dahuangzi was looking for the past, he would at most be with Princess Yining. Learn about the situation.

Although there are not many people who know this thing, there is no need to hide it. And this kind of thing has always been a woman’s loss. Le Cheng’s suffocation is blocked in the chest, so there is no order to seal it. So, come over him. After that, the opera has not finished yet, and many people know about it, especially the palace and the princes.

Most people have no reaction, but they are different in their hearts. However, the direction of their thinking is different. However, not many people really care about this matter. After all, in essence, the country is involved. The relationship with the country is completely irrelevant to their internal disputes.

However, there is a lot of sight on the side of the male guest, and Li Jingyuan’s sight is almost the same. However, if you look at it, you will ignore it as a party. There is a punch in the box. The feeling of powerlessness on cotton.

Lecheng Emperor Yin’s face is sitting in the town, naturally there is less lively atmosphere. The stage is still singing in the oh, the overall atmosphere is like no one is listening, so the people of the troupe are naturally trembled. I don’t know where the problem lies, the more cautious and cautious, and the extra restraint for those who have not come to power. At this time, I don’t ask for merit but seek nothing. The class owners repeatedly warned the people below that they should not have their minds. Yes, after all, in this case, when a person accidents, it will often affect everyone.

The ins and outs of the whole thing have been verified very quickly. It was the commander of the Royal Forest Army who brought several Yulinjun and the servants around the Lecheng Emperor. The result was only two words: coincidence.

Lecheng Emperor was helped to rest, and the waiters on the side were all the servants and palace ladies around him. Some people went to see him later. It was not the prince who was the prince. He basically didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, and the time for Jin’s princes stayed. The longest, but that is because Lecheng Emperor has been pulling him and not letting go, and after the prince of Jin left, there are still people who have been there. Then, after a good night’s sleep, the Emperor suddenly wakes up and goes out, not yet. The prospective person followed, for Lecheng, this is a good explanation.

Then, I met the same drunken Princess Yining. According to the people around Yining Princess, their own princess also did not follow people, but they basically fell far away, and there was Yu Linjun who stood in his position. It can be proved that no one is close to her in the process.

The two drunken people bumped into each other, and then they went inexplicably.

Fortunately, I chose the neighboring palace, not in the open air. And things are developing too fast. When the waiting people arrive, the clothes have been taken off clean and entered the topic. Princess Yining has no struggles, no shouts, but is also very enthusiastic. It is not like being forced. If it is not left behind, I really want to doubt the identity of the princess. It is because of this that the close friend of the Lecheng emperor blocked the embarrassment of Princess Yining. After all, their own masters are very happy, they only have "assist". "The matter, don't say it is disturbing, all external factors must be ruled out, but also have to get the brazier to warm up the house, so that the master has a cold."

Everything that has been suspicious has been checked, and more than once, the end result is the same.

Obtaining such a result, although it is not a conspiracy, but the mood of Lecheng Emperor is not much better, because he is very clear about what he is going out because he dreams of his jealousy, just the things behind him, he is really not very good. Clearly, there may be some people who read the wrong person.

The former Wei Da Huangzi did not get any useful news from Princess Yining. They carefully questioned the Princess Yining’s embarrassment and found no wrong party. They were all brought from Dawei. Absolutely There was no possibility of being bought, and Princess Yining just kept crying and crying. According to the understanding of the Grand Emperor, she was really bullied. She had already started to pour. In this way, it is clear that I still remember something, and I can’t say the whole process. They are all clear.

The former Wei Da Huangzi looked at her in the test, and this time she really wanted to tear her away.

Lecheng Emperor left the person to "serving" on the side of Princess Yining, and the Princess Yining did not dare to elaborate on the matter, but they did not have this scruples. Moreover, with the side of Lecheng Emperor, I have never heard of the "wall corner" of Lecheng Emperor, but it is even more unconstrained, it is simply painted and painted...

A woman who is truly ignorant, even if she is drunk, will not be so arrogant, so even if it is red, it is doubtful that the princess’s body is not clean at all, which seems to make people guess that the princess was The reason for the "exile" was because of the scandal, the former Weidu city could not accommodate her, and simply used waste.

Although they probably only expressed the meaning of the first half, listening to the ears of the former Wei, then the natural brain made up the second half.

"Take the princess to shut up!" Princess Yining's face screamed, it was definitely her painful foot.

The waiter was shocked, but then he laughed again. "Why should the princess get angry, no matter what the princess, our emperor likes it."

The implication is that the facts are already doomed, and it is the only way out to please the Emperor. Unfortunately, the servant is very clear, the former Wei's princess is definitely the aversion of the master, even if it is given a higher grading, and will not be trapped in the future, it will be very miserable, although usually, She will not die easily.

"Go out." The former Wei Dahuangzi stunned his eyebrows and pointed to the door.

The waiter was very stunned this time, but the door was wide open and the guardian army was still outside.

The former Weiwu Emperor was impatient and continued to wait for a while, sneer, and left, this is a broken thing, he is too lazy to manage.

The former Wei Da Huangzi looked at Princess Yining. "Say, do you want to die now or want to live?"

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Dear, if it is not updated at 10:40 in the evening, most of the time, the author has not caught up with the final review time.

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