Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 410: :as long as you are happy

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Therefore, the living king is the living king, the temper is coming up, who is who you are! If you change to any other person, even if you are a Lecheng emperor, you will not make such a mad thing. He did it, of course, but he did not feel that the Kaiyuan people who hated him the most did not feel wrong. It’s a lot better. After all, this son is completely defending his majesty. He also wants to throw these people directly. It’s just because of his identity. He can’t do that. People with higher status will also be affected. Some elbows.

It was said by Li Hongyuan, and the words were so rude. The former Wei Da Huangzi was a little more rational. The Xiongnu people could not have such a good temper. The eyes seemed to tear Li Hongyuan, but the living king would be What kind of eyes are scared? In the eyes, there is no emotional look back. Gradually, the whole body is always lingering, just like the essence, the eyes are not changed much, but the people watching it are scared, and the West Valley’s Right Valley King is even uncontrollable. Two steps.

Because of this kind of action, the face of the right valley king is getting worse, but the inexplicable does not continue to attack. How to say, the rest of the dark Jin Prince gave him the feeling that if he did not stop here, the Kaiyuan The prince will have his life, and the look that is seen as a dead person is too obvious. - What other people care about, this prince will not care, what others dare not do, this prince dare!

The right valley king took a sigh of relief and sat back. The other Huns naturally did not dare to care about it. It was the principal of the Xiongnu - the status was not right, the valley was high, but it was not a war, he was not like this. The person's principal is naturally better - the eyes swept over the right valley, and fell to Li Hongyuan. The same silent word was not sent.

Li Hongyuan regained his gaze and continued to watch the drama. It seemed to be attracted to all the minds. The things just happened more than never happened.

The suffocation on his body is fast, and some people around him can't even pat the chest. Everyone belongs to you, but his eyes are still pointing to Li Hongyuan from time to time. There are only wrong names, no mistakes. No. The lively king of the gas field is really horrible. It seems that he has really converged a lot in the past two years.

The drama on the stage continued to be played, and the people watching it were still quiet. Today's things, if you want to say something that doesn't affect you, are really few.

Near the evening, the sky began to snow again, but at this time, the scheduled listening time is basically over, so that today, God is really giving the face of Le Cheng.

There is probably half an hour of "free time", then a dinner.

Jing Hao took the middle of the effort and went to see Mrs. Luo, for fear that she would be frozen. After all, the north is much colder than the south, and there is no more waiting in the palace than at home. It is to go out and bend, and there is no need to stay outside for too long.

For the care of the juniors, Mrs. Luo is naturally used, pulling the hand of Jing Hao. "You don't worry about me. Before, I haven't been able to get winter. You think of all kinds of ways to keep me warm. I can't wait for the big winter." Give me a sweat, go to the age is not good, then, grandmother, I am born in Beijing, in the capital for more than 10 years, how can not fit a little." Mrs. Luo Lao with a kind smile, "It is you Since you are, don't get cold, it's not good for you."

Mrs. Luo’s hand was warm, and Jing Hao was relieved. “It’s in the palace, it’s been a long time outside, and it’s easy to get frozen.”

Mrs. Luo smiled a little, with a little bit of meaning. "With the Prince of Jin, those palace people naturally take care of me."

Being ridiculed by his grandmother, Jing Hao even has a thicker face, and he can't help but red.

"Taro, you read your grandmother, why didn't you see that you care about your grandfather?" Luo Peishan was on the side, his tone said slightly.

"Wan Shou, even if it is not a year, but there are at least several kinds of palace banquets every year, no shortage of winter princes, grandfather is not used to it, and you are healthy, naturally do not need me to worry about it." Jing Hao chuckle Road.

Luo Daren sighed. "All said that this child will cry when he has sugar. When he is old, he will be cared for if he is a little ill."

"What do you say, shut up quickly, how many people want a good body, can't ask for it, get old, get cheap and sell it? Is it old?" Mrs. Luo is really polite.

Luo Daren said that the old face can't be hanged. "In front of the children, you can give me some face."

"The face is earned by myself." Mrs. Luo leaned at him.

Luo Daren asked for mercy, dare not say it again, hey, he is now in front of his wife, it really has no status, the husband is weak.

The other people in the Luo family laughed and said nothing, although the three views may be a little bit cracked, but this harmonious atmosphere is indeed rare in other homes.

The grand banquet is not lost in the daytime, and because of the bright lights, it adds a festive atmosphere. Although it is not completely black, the atmosphere still does not achieve the best results. However, in the winter, it is dark. Don't look at it now, it's still a bright thing, but it's just a blink of an eye.

After everyone was present, the Lecheng Emperor came late, followed by the dressed Princess Yining, no, now it should be called Yinxian.

Before Wei Xianyi had always been an exotic costume, now his identity is different, wearing a natural dress is not the same, wearing traditional costumes, bursting up and combing up the sorghum, the head is full of various hair accessories, that face It is completely highlighted, especially the eyes, which look more and more agile.

Regardless of the origin of Wei Xianzhen, and whether or not Lecheng is like her now, but she can't stand her young and beautiful, men are born with inferior roots, so no one can guarantee that one day in the future, Lecheng will not like it. On, so, the general post-mortem will be a matter of course.

After all, in this place of the palace, you can only attach a man, the harem of the palace is 3,000, and you will fight for such a person's pet. One person has more pets, others are less, some people eat meat, and the rest may be Even the soup can't drink, in the harem, you can survive without the love of the music, that is, there are only a handful of two or three, even so, will not be the pet of the emperor.

Jing Hao didn't know what state Wei Xianxi was after the accident. However, now she seems to adapt to her new identity. At least in Mingshan, she can't see a little bit of reluctance, and she is not half-satisfied. Jing Hao is close to Li Hongyuan and lowers his voice. "This Wei Xian is also not simple. He just doesn't know if he is perfect to cover up his emotions, or if he can stay in Kaiyuan, he doesn't care." If it is the latter, does that mean that the charm of our Jin Prince is not as big as expected?" There is a bit of awkwardness in the words.

"Because of a pair of skins, I like it, how shallow is it, or what is it? It will be the best to see the true nature of a person."

It’s really a matter of catching the opportunity to put gold on my face, and no one else.

The mood of Lecheng Emperor seems to be better. For a man, a beautiful woman, or a princess of an enemy country, is somewhat psychologically superior. With such an age, after the initial anger, it is said to be It’s hard to be a bit of an eye. - Lecheng Emperor held a glass of wine, stood up, with a few excitement, said a few words of praise, and then let everyone enjoy it.

There are two more hot dishes in the evening than in the daytime. This kind of continuously heated dish can only be tasteless during the heating process.

Jing Hao has no appetite, and even his emotions are not so high.

"What's wrong, uncomfortable?" Li Hongyuan frowned slightly, and his eyes were unconsciously infected with two points of worry.

"No, just a little regret, it should not be sent."

Although it is a bit unclear, Li Hongyuan understands what she means. "You don't have to think so much. It's just a dead thing, and she doesn't necessarily care."

"It is true that it is not reasonable to say this now. After all, I am still the chief culprit." She calculated the former Princess Wei Yining, and Le Chengdi slept other women when she missed the emperor. The anger was just a short time. She is angry now, why not "get it cheap and sell it".

"Hey, there are things you should be very clear about."

Indeed, she is very clear, not to mention that the man with this background is in the past, some men say that love is not a hindrance, nor does it prevent them from being derailed and other women being red-hot, let alone feudal society. The emperors, who can remember a dead woman for more than 20 years, can already be said to be infatuated, let them keep their body as jade, that is the big joke. Knowing this, I still have to worry about it, and I am also a joke.

Thinking so, the speed at which you can hold things can't stop is faster, and the unreasonable grief is an appetite.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing’s enthusiasm for eating, inexplicably with a bit of childishness, in his eyes, how to see how to feel love. Huang Guifei is his biological mother, but a woman she has never seen before, what kind of emotions such as Li Hongyuan have to her, it is really a fantasy, so, how is Le Chengdi, he does not care, is not the emperor No, he doesn't care. He only cares about Jing Wei.

Li Hongyuan turned his head and waved at Mu'an. Mu Gonggong quickly went up and down, "The master."

“Let the royal dining room get an antique.”

Jing Hao heard the words, "Do you want to do that?" Antiques, in fact, is the hot pot of Jing's past life, named after the sound of "squeaky" when the food is put into boiling water.

In Qiyuan, the antiques don’t really get the table, and now, in this scene, you can’t converge a little.

"The king suddenly wants to eat, do you have any opinions?" Li Hongyuan smiled.

Jing Hao silently took back the line of sight. Under the public, would you like to commit such a foul? "as long as you are happy."

Just don't want to eat this, and almost eat something.

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