Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 417: :Qin Shuzheng No

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Not to mention other people, including Li Hongyuan's eyes, there is a trace of doubts, Shu Shu Niangniang from the ghost gate off, the first thing I want to see is not the Lecheng emperor, but also the maiden talent pair, how can they be husband and wife?

Jing Hao looked at Li Hongyuan, slightly raised his eyebrows: Do not explain the explanation?

Li Hongyuan clipped a crystal bag to the plate of Jing Hao. "Eat, finish the palace."

This is no explanation? Jing Hao understood. Continue to eat, the speed is a bit faster, it was almost finished, so it did not take much time.

Because the people of the Ganlu Palace are still waiting, it is also very anxious to see it. Jing Hao is not honed, and urges Li Hongyuan to hurry.

Don't care who it is, but when Jing Jing got a little overdone, Li Hongyuan is definitely not happy. Jing Yue is more urging. Instead, he sits down directly and pulls Jing Hao into his arms. His hands are slightly forced, and he is firmly locked. That's more obvious. Jing Hao cried and laughed. "Well, okay, let's take it slowly. Otherwise, you won't enter the palace. Anyway, this day is strange, or it is comfortable at home." Jing Hao simply shunned the hair, and gave him two by the way. Kiss.

Li Hongyuan looked coldly. "When you are so fooled, why do you mean I don't know?"

Jing Hao wrapped around his neck, leaned over, and spoiled. "What, some things are good, don't disassemble it, disassemble it, there is no fun."

Li Hongyuan still smiled, but it was still a bit cold. "That line, this time for the husband, I will have a good taste."

Jing Hao hurriedly held his shoulder, made a joke, looking for it, this time is really not to go out, "unsatisfactory" Shun Mao became "incomparable", said white point, is the land compensation, will Someone’s hair is shunned, and Jing Hao is also depressed. It’s not her business. Why should she “pay the price”? Jing Hao felt that this would not work. After Qin Shuzhen was good, she had to find her key points.

The man at the Ganlu Palace saw that Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao had finally packed up. He gently sighed a little, although it was a little longer, but fortunately, this ancestor did not pick up the child, but in the past, it was the emperor and the nobles. He may not go, he really has to encounter such a thing...

Today is different yesterday, the dress is not serious, still meticulous.

Li Hongyuan, this person, although the reputation is all sorts of bad, but in the instrument, it has always been impeccable, it is in the house, except when it is mixed with Jing Hao, it is the same. At some point, Jing Hao even has a kind of The illusion of this man's abstinence, of course, the illusion is the illusion, this man has no abstinence.

There was something in the hands of Le Chengdi, and the husband and wife went directly to the Ganlu Palace.

Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan are also the first time to enter Qin Shuzhen's dormitory. Well, in fact, Li Hongyuan has not been to Ganlu Palace several times, let alone Jing Hao.

Qin Shuzhen did not lie on the bed, but leaned on the beautiful window on the window, and woke up carefully to dress up. She was poisoned last night. The damage to her should be quite big. In the past, the person who was ruddy and ruddy in the past, this time No blood, facing the light outside the window, even some faint transparency on the surface, looks fragile and fragile.

Originally, compared to the Queen and Su Guizhen, Qin Shuzhen did not have children. When she was about the same age, her body was the best, and the three of them had their own temperament, each with its own merits, but all three of them were Without the characteristics of a beautiful woman, Qin Shuzhen now has a real performance.

Qin Shuzhen left a person to wait, closed his eyes, this should be asleep, but the eyelids are shaking, the eyes below seem to be also slightly rotating, obviously, sleep is not stable. When they saw Jing Hao, they came in, and the palace lady was busy getting up to see the ceremony and got up and got up.

Jing Hao still thought that Shu Ye Niangniang is now asleep, how to be good, the palace lady has already leaned close to Qin Shuzhen, whispered, "the goddess, the prince of Jin and the prince of Jin arrived." Apparently worried that the voice was too shocked to Qin Shuzhen .

Jing Hao originally thought about stopping the palace girl. At this time, it is naturally more important for the patient.

But I don't want to, the voice of the palace man just fell, Qin Shuzhen immediately opened his eyes, his eyes fell on the two, there is a kind in her eyes, only the existence of the world between them.

Jing Hao’s heart is a bit numb, so some people don’t dare to move on. Although Qin Shuzhen didn’t do anything, Jing Jing’s partiality felt that there was an abnormality in Qin Shuzhen’s body. Moreover, how to say that although they were watching them Jing Hao always felt that she should only look at someone around her, as if she had nothing to do with her. Jing Hao wanted to ask Li Hongyuan sideways. This is awkward situation. However, it is not so good to be looked at by Qin Shuzhen.

As time went by, Qin Shuzhen’s eyes became more and more strange, just like watching his own children, the incomparable kindness. Jing Hao inexplicably thought that before she got married, or earlier, Qin Shuzhen did not seem to be quite right when she saw herself. Although it was not obvious, it was not every time. It was 100% with a trace of exploration.

Qin Shuzhen is actually similar to the children of Lecheng Emperor. It can be said that she is truly equal. Although she is secretly standing on the side of Li Hongyuan, she seems to be very optimistic about Li Hongyuan's ability, not to be elders, and never to act on Li Hongyuan. Therefore, Qin Shuzhen’s eyes, Li Hongyuan actually feels even worse than Jing Hao’s.

I want to compare with Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan is indifferent, still stepping on the unhurried steps, Jing Hao is close to him, behind the small half, the two stand in the appropriate position, "I have seen Shu Goddess."

Qin Shuzhen seems to be suddenly awakened, revealing a gentle smile that is the same as usual. It is only a sense of distance that is not close to him at that time. Now it is obviously closer. "Quick and exempt. - Give the Prince Jin Jin Prince a seat."

The palace lady quickly moved to the seat, got tea, and then retired. The three of them were left there.

Li Hongyuan did not take a seat, Jing Hao also stood.

Li Hongyuan looked directly at Qin Shuzhen, and said that in the end, it was a mother-in-law. Li Hongyuan must be rude to do so. He had never seen him do this before.

"Hey, you go out first, I have a few words to say to Shuri Niangniang." Li Hongyuan suddenly said to Jing Hao.

Jing looked different, looked up at him, his face was blank, his eyes were deep, and he hid all the emotions. The most powerful psychologist or micro-expression interpreter was afraid that he could not see any of his current thoughts. Li Hongyuan does not have much of this situation, but Jing Hao is not seen before, but at this time, things may be a bit unusual.

"Okay." Jing Hao smiled softly, rubbed his body, stepped back and turned away.

Although it is to retreat to the outside, in fact, it is entirely possible to see the situation inside, or the truth, avoiding suspicion is a must.

Li Hongyuan’s eyes fell on Qin Shuzhen’s face. “Surely, the girl seems to be nervous?”

Qin Shuzheng admitted that Li Hongyuan suddenly sent Jing Hao away. She was really nervous because she was not sure if Li Hongyuan discovered something. She tried her best to hide it. As a result, she still did not escape his eyes. However, based on this, more Still reassuring is not. The mentality has also relaxed. "But I don't know what is the tension in this palace?"

Li Hongyuan sat down. "This is going to ask the Shu Niang Niang. If she wants the king to make it clear, then let me know, who are you?"

"Qin Shuzhen" only felt that the heart was mad, the blood accelerated, and there was a trace of blood on the face, and the hand did not consciously hold the fist.

Li Hongyuan looked intently in his eyes. In the eyes, a sentiment called "Surely" flashed away. In fact, he is not sure, and the components of temptation are mostly.

"Wang Ye said this, but the palace does not understand." "Qin Shuzhen" sounded a trace of trembling.

"You want to see the king, but you can't get to the point, then there is nothing to say, this king has said so." Li Hongyuan said, he must get up.

"Yuaner..." "Qin Shuzhen" is no longer able to hold back, and instantly collapses, tears fall, and the love and mourning in the eyes can no longer be hidden.

Li Hongyuan’s face was condensed and his eyes were slightly squinted. This situation was unexpected. "Don't cry, what is your current situation, you know best."

"Yuaner, you know, I am, I am..." The words behind him are stuck in the throat and seem to spit out too much because of fear.

"The performance is so obvious, there is nothing to know." After understanding the cause of the matter, Li Hongyuan resumed the innocence of the ancient well.

She knows that he doesn't have any feelings for her. He already had psychological preparations, but when he really faced it, he still felt like a knife, especially thinking about the mother-child relationship between him and Su Guizhen, and he was so suffocated. This is obviously her son. She grew up little by little in her stomach. She first felt that he was stretching his arms and kicking his legs. But she could not see him being born, and she could not participate in his growth. . In fact, she has never complained of the world, even if she was abandoned by the dear, she was only sad and accepted the fate of not fighting, because she believed that the days always passed by themselves. The man who is her husband misunderstood her, hurt her, and even killed her. She also felt how it was. It was a kind of relief. Anyway, she had no feelings. He didn’t believe it. She didn’t want to explain more because the man was stubborn. Just like completely shutting yourself up, you say nothing is useless, only this child, only him...

However, what is gratifying is that he did not doubt himself. He did not feel that he was a monster and he was afraid of himself. "Yuan believes me, right?"

"Shu Yu Niang died last night, you accounted for her body?" Li Hongyuan answered.

"Not so. I have been in Qin's body for many years, but I am too weak. I spend most of my time sleeping in her body. This accident only temporarily controls the body."

“How many years? A few years?”

"You were ten years old."

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