Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 419: : Such a mother-in-law

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Li Shuyuan is naturally familiar with this skin of Qin Shuzhen. However, at this moment, it seems to be completely another person.

I think about it carefully, that is, I saw her deity when she was at the end of her life, and she only remembered it. She said that she did not raise him. It seems that she did not fulfill her mother’s responsibility. However, in the past, he did not know. She has been with him for many years in a special way, and finally fulfilled him at the expense of his own dissipation.

What he changed was not only his own life, but also many people. Those who should have died, but now they are not dead. If these need to be exchanged equivalently, who should they count? If she is really a person who is taken care of by God, it should have been reincarnation, to experience her next perfect life. Yes, since it is a person who is taken care of by God, there is no reason to be a lifely suffering, this life will marry. The man who gave the music to the emperor led to a fateful life, probably where the scorpion was out.

If you are a past life, if someone has a cause and effect with Li Hongyuan, he is totally unbelievable. However, it is hard to believe that there is such an experience. Although he is still acting unscrupulously, what he should do is unambiguous and certain. It’s hard to kill people when they kill.

However, now, even if you know the reason for your own life, even if anyone can put everything back on track, he is not willing!

What Li Hongyuan is obsessed with, what is the magic barrier, no one knows better than him. If he knows the special nature of his biological mother from the beginning, he will probably use all means to achieve his goal, no matter how many people will be responsible, no matter what will happen. He is not hesitating how many people are lost.

What Huang Guizhen did was nothing more than to make her feel that she couldn’t ignore her existence. Perhaps he had the idea of ​​wanting to keep her, and at least not to send her to reincarnation, he himself I know that this is not a big possibility. However, he believes that things are artificial. If someone wants to change them, except for those who can’t move, he doesn’t mind how much he doesn’t care. It’s not that he cares about this mother, but it’s not related. It is natural that people who are critical will not matter.

Huang Guifei did not know why his son suddenly became silent. She always felt that she was getting weaker and weaker. She seemed to be able to control this body. Her soul was greatly consumed. However, she could meet her son and even talk to him. Say a few words, it is called immediate news, Huang Guifei is also willing.

In this way, it is best to rest, but she still wants to see her more, because it is not sure if there is any next chance, so strong support, and try to stay quiet, not to move, throat It is like a small bug crawling. It is a very hard thing to endure not to cough.

However, how could this be the eyes of Li Hongyuan? If you think about it, I know that according to the actual time I have experienced, Su Guizhen is attached to Qin Shuzhen for more than ten years, but it is only 30 years old, and what she has experienced is nothing, and this person The experience is not calculated by time. Therefore, at this time, in many places, I am afraid that it is still better than Jingjing. The "small trick" wants to pass through Li Hongyuan, which is purely a fantasy.

Li Hongyuan got up and poured a glass of water on her. She rested on the small table at her hand and returned.

The emperor was stunned. Although the son’s expression did not change, his attitude was inexplicably softened. Although he was puzzled, his heart was very happy. His hand trembled and held the cup. It was just a glass of white water, but she felt extra sweet. There is no more sweet thing than this, because, a small mouthful of mouthfuls, drink extra cherish.

Li Hongyuan saw him like this, slightly stunned his eyebrows, he really did not understand, a glass of water only, can you do this?

Therefore, people like Li Hongyuan probably never understand the mood of a real mother. They really donate everything to their children without regrets and without compensation. Children, even if they just do a little bit, they will be abnormal. Happy to meet, especially in the case of their mother and child.

When Huang Guifei finished drinking the water, Li Hongyuan spoke again. "With this kind of thing, don't be so stupid, just casually notice that this kind of thing makes people know what you should know."

Although Li Hongyuan’s words are hard to hear, Huang Gui’s heart is particularly useful, and the son is caring that she is not. "Yuaner is assured, mother... I just saw you, and it’s hard to see the traces when I’m in a hurry. Others can’t break it. After all, after spending more than a decade with Qin’s sister, her words and deeds are no more than her mother’s words. Clear people." At the beginning of the mother-in-law's self-proclaimed, Huang Guifei still hesitated, but see Li Hongyuan did not respond, it became more and more smooth. "It’s also my child’s sharpness and intelligence. If I change it to someone else, how can I be so skeptical because of such a little bit of anomalies?”

Li Hongyuan did not speak, it was not a special experience. He naturally would not easily think of this point. He had nothing to do with a keen board.

"You raise it carefully, and the children will leave." He and the people in the harem have nothing to do with the other people in Su Guizhen. They have been in the Ganlu Palace for a long time, and certainly can't. Originally, "Qin Shuzhen" didn't see anyone after waking up. It was already confusing to see their husband and wife.

Although she did not call her mother, but he claimed to change, Huang Guifei was also happy. Although she did not give up at this time, she also knew it was very good. Otherwise, Qin Shuzhen would not only help a little when needed, what else? Can't do it, his son is special, only far away from isolation, he can live better, think about this, her heart hurts again and again, all, are... "Bear children and wait, There are still a few words in the mother-in-law. "The emperor is hesitant, but she is worried that her son will suffer from loss." "About the nobles, the mother-in-law is not the one that provokes you, but the person of Su Shi..."

"Female 妃..." Li Hongyuan interrupted her without a light weight. It was just a name. He really didn't care much. If he could make this woman happy, it wouldn't matter, not for others, just for 婉Oh, he doesn't mind doing anything. "The things in the Jade Palace, the children and ministers are measured, who is Su Shi, the children are more clear than you, and you don't have to worry about what the children do, let alone ask Shuri to do what you want. Just fine."

The meaning of Li Hongyuan’s words, Huang Guifei can still not understand. No matter what kind of mind, Su Shi knows, her son knows that there is really nothing to worry about. "Okay, well, knowing that you are okay, knowing that you are more appropriate than expected, the mother-in-law has nothing to worry about, that is, it is dead at the moment... The mother-in-law is so happy that the mother-in-law has already been It’s dead, now, there’s no regret for the mother.”

After Huang Guifei’s words were finished, Li Hongyuan clearly felt that she was obviously weak and a little weak. She clenched her fist unconsciously, and her heart was tight. This person, if there was a desperate or dead, if there was a strong execution. Reading, you can get more, this soul is the same. "No regrets? Mothers don't want to marry their grandchildren? Even if you can't hold it yourself, look at it? You even have the birth of your child. I don't know, I didn't personally see the growth of my parents. I don't want to make up for one or two in my grandchildren?"

It’s said that in the eyes of Emperor Huang’s eyes, God really has a bit more looks. “Before you got married, Qin’s sister actually asked someone to inquire about it. Your wife is a good one. You must be good to her, other women...” Aton, "In short, don't let her down."

In fact, she wants to say that other women are necessary, she is the victim, and she has received the promise of "one life, one person and two people", the same as a woman, she is not the kind of one who is not good, she hopes that others are not good, then She can get a psychological balance, if she can, she actually hopes that every woman in the world can be treated well.

However, her son is a prince. She was educated from the very beginning. Their mother and son did not have an emotional foundation before. Huang Guifei would not consider himself because of his son’s good acceptance and soft temperament. There is a qualification for pointing fingers, not to mention, her son may still be enthroned as an emperor. This harem is really not that simple. More importantly, his son is already more than twenty. He has his own ideas and should be his own. Responsible for the matter, in her view, even if it is a parent, it is best to just give pointers one or two, instead of taking the initiative to be the master.

"She is still young, her body is not fully open, the child is not in a hurry, and the current situation, you are not suitable for children, the mother does not mind waiting for more years." The son is now twenty. She is also anxious about her grandson, but there are some things that are urgent.

Li Hongyuan quietly looked at Huang Guifei, the words of the mother, he actually had some accidents, his **** grandfather, in the family like Yu, how can they raise a daughter who is completely inconsistent with them. ? However, compared with the person of Su Shi, her mother and her mother should be able to get along very well, saying that she could not be a little longer, and her mother-in-law went to the daughter-in-law. "I will like you very much."

"Yes? That's a pity. I can't talk to her." However, Huang Guifei is more happy. His son really seems to like his wife. When he talks about it, the whole person will unconsciously and gently.

"She has been holding you up more than once, you should have a happy life."

"It’s a stupid child. It’s perfect in life. However, if you can get it, you should cherish it. When she says this again, you can tell her that the mother has your son, everything else is actually nothing. ""

Li Hongyuan lowered his eyebrows and concealed all emotions. "If you have the chance, you can tell her. In addition, the child promised her that there will be no second woman in this life."

Huang Guizhen’s heart was shocked. “Good, good, good...” As he said, the inexplicable tears.

"Children leave."

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