Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 428: : Want to go, no matter

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Li Hongyuan "hesitated" and then rolled away.

What is he doing here? Well, it’s purely for the play. Of course, there’s nothing in the relationship with Su Guifei’s half copper. It’s for the Lecheng Emperor – he’s not happy, but he’s still thinking about his own mother’s. Then, by the way, give Su Guifei a little bit of hope, and then smash it. The two of them are even vomiting blood, and they have nothing to do with a living king. Even if they know that he is doing a play, Li Hongyuan is now fundamental. Don't care. In fact, to completely tear the face with them, Li Hongyuan is just a matter of words. However, they need him, and they dare not tore his face, even if he knows his true face, even if he hates to want to live to tear him. I don’t even dare to do anything in private.

Telling the truth, if it is not the next battle, it is now completely smashing the layer of window paper, Li Hongyuan does not matter.

As for the Lecheng Emperor, there will be no doubt. After all, the Living King suddenly "changed". Li Hongyuan naturally has a way to make his own son feel reasonable and unreasonable, but also to make up a reasonable reason. In any case, Lecheng is not the first time for himself. The son is excused.

It can only be said that the image of Li Hongyuan has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in front of the Lecheng Emperor.

Li Hongyuan paused for a moment and turned to Ganlu Palace. Although it is very unlikely to see Huang Guifei, he still wants to see it.

As for the two consecutive days of running to the Ganlu Palace, will it be inconspicuous, and it is totally out of his consideration. Anyway, he is "the king is frank."

It was learned that Qin Shuzhen was awake, Gong Jiu was giving her a shot, Li Hongyuan went directly to the inner hall, and also sat on the beautiful couch of yesterday. In the moment of confrontation with him, Li Hongyuan knew that this is Qin Shuzhen himself. But from her subtle expression, she should know that he has seen the emperor.

According to reason, Qin Shuzheng could accept that he had "a ghost" on his body because he knew that this "ghost" could not occupy his own body. Now it is different. Huang Guifei uncontrollably controlled this body once, saying that there must be no The second time, the third time, means that there is a risk of occupying the nest, and she is sure that she will remain indifferent.

"Give me a lady's wife." Li Hongyuan saw the ceremony.

Although Li Hongyuan is a mixed person, his bones still have the best education, meticulous appearance and perfect manner. As long as he is willing, he is the best example of etiquette, and people can’t pick the slightest embarrassment. The fault is gone.

"Quick and exempt." Qin Shuzheng's expression on the face is as it used to be. I don't see any difference. It is just that this poisoning is hurting and it looks a lot weaker.

On the face of Qin Shuzhen, what is in my heart, it is still difficult to determine. After all, it is a person who has been in the palace for 20 or 30 years. Although he is not particularly favored, he always sits in his position without thinking about his son. The wrists are all inconsistent, and controlling emotions is even more trivial. Li Hongyuan’s eye poisoning will not read the mind. However, in the heart of Qin Shuzhen’s real thoughts, Li Hongyuan did not care at all. The so-called soldiers would block the water and cover the land, and things could not be removed from his control.

Gong Jiu completed the needle in his hand and got up. "I have seen Wang Ye."

Li Hongyuan raised his hand. "How is the situation of Shu Shu Niang?"

"Back to the lord, the current situation is still good, after careful care for a period of time, it should be able to recover 70%."

Li Hongyuan’s slight frown, “Can’t fully recover?”

"The grass people are incompetent." In front of Li Hongyuan, Gong Jiu, these people have never argued.

"Wang Ye’s request is too high, it is a **** doctor. I am afraid that there is no way to do it. Gong Dafu’s art is superb. If it is not him, this palace is afraid that it will not come back. It can be restored to 70% or 80%. It is quite good.” Qin Shuzhen said with a smile. Qin Shuzhen actually knows that it is not her who is really concerned about the prince of Jin. Although she will still treat her with all her heart and soul, she will not care for herself. However, this is also a human nature. It doesn't matter if you are with him.

Li Hongyuan did not say anything, after all, Qin Shuzhen said that it is also the truth.

"Wang Ye Jiner entered the palace today?" Qin Shuzhen did not entangle at this point, shifting the topic.

The things of Princess Minya and the five horses are actually nothing to hide. Even if the music is replaced by the emperor, it will not let the people know the follow-up situation. The Princess Minsheng is arresting people and "walking the streets". People saw it, and the things that happened in the princess palace, telling the truth, although the princess did not play a role in the battle, basically did not participate, but does not mean that these people will be completely ignored, so that the Princess House, To some extent, it is a sieve, and there are not too many loopholes. Therefore, this matter is not only the family of the five horses, but it is really unbearable.

After listening to Qin Shuzhen, Li Hongyuan smiled and said nothing. Obviously, in her opinion, this is Li Hongyuan's handwriting.

As for the result of the disposal of Lecheng Emperor, I believe that I will know soon, without knowing anything, I can see it with my eyes.

The main purpose of Li Hongyuan is to see if I can see my mother. Since I can't see it, there is nothing to say to Qin Shuzhen. Naturally, I am ready to leave. "The girl is resting, let me go."

Qin Shu bowed, but hesitated a moment. "Wang Ye also ask for more care, even if it is for... no matter who it is."

Li Hongyuan understands that, with this in mind, Qin Shuzhen seems to have nothing to do. "The niece is assured that the king has lived a life in this life."

Leaving the Ganlu Palace, Li Hongyuan was a little silent on the way out of the palace, although in the eyes of Mu Gonggong, he did not feel any difference.

Out of the palace, standing in front of the carriage, I was about to get on the bus, and suddenly turned around. "Send someone to Bailong Temple and send back the news?"

"Back to the prince, the dust master is not in the Bailong Temple, but he traveled half a month ago. However, according to the abbot of Bailong Temple, they have received news that the master of the dust will return after the 3rd and 5th, and the master of the dust will send it. The letter back also said that if there are noble people looking for him, and asking the nobles to be safe, don't hesitate." Dark said.

How to see it, this later words are like to be specifically brought to Li Hongyuan, otherwise the abbot will not let Li Hongyuan's people return such words.

Moreover, the master of the dust has always been the dragon to see the end of the dragon, this time each cloud tour, less say three or five months, one and a half years are all commonplace, this is only half a month to come back, how to look like a special trip Li Hongyuan returned.

Although the dark first class no one knows why the master of the house has found the dust master.

Li Hongyuan boarded the carriage and closed his eyes.

Regarding the master of Dust, it is really not a good conclusion. No one knows how old he lived, and he is famous, but he is very low-key. However, it is a real high-ranking sorghum. It is not a famous person. The world seems to have nothing that he cannot see or understand.

Back to the Prince of Jin, Jing Haowo read a book on the couch, heard the movement, looked up and saw Li Hongyuan coming in, a little surprised, "Ayuan, come back so soon?"

"It’s just a turn, nothing, how long it will take."

Think about it too, that is the meaning of the turn, "What happened to that?"

"I don't know the specifics. I went to take a step in the evening and I didn't bother to ask. However, the father's heart is not good enough, and I can't ask for it."

"You are deliberately taking a step, go too early, are you ready to plead, or not pleading? Ask your own grievances, do not ask the father to doubt whether you are really cold-blooded, wait for things to be done again If you don’t go right, the meaning is over.” Jing Hao’s expression that I’ve seen you long ago.

Li Hongyuan was laughing, sitting next to Jing Hao, holding her into her arms and touching her hair. "What do you say?"

For Li Hongyuan's attitude like a child, Jing Hao's eyes are too lazy to turn over, nest in his arms, ready to continue reading.

"Yes, I will go to the White Dragon Temple in a few days."

"When is the time to go to Bailong Temple, is there anything?"

"It's a bit of a thing to find the dust master, specifically, I will tell you later." Li Hongyuan's thing, to say that he still squats Jingjing, probably only reborn, not wanting to say, nor can't say, just, in He seems that the time has not arrived, at least should wait until the "dead robbery", everything is settled, and Li Hongyuan is still a little careful, did his own heart and soul not tell him his special experience? Therefore, things related to it can only be postponed naturally.

Just like yesterday, my husband told her to leave and talk to Qin Shuzhen alone. Jing Hao has no idea at the moment. There are one or two small secrets, which does not mean distrust. Just, "Is it no problem to go to Bailong Temple at this juncture? After Wanshou, the embassies of other countries will leave the capital at least ten days."

"It’s just a person who is a free man. Whatever things are irrelevant to me, can you have any problems?"

Therefore, this is really an excuse for being used all the time.

"Well, how long will it take? I am prepared for things."

"For the time being, I am not sure. If things go well, I will probably return on the same day. If things are more troublesome, the time will be difficult to determine. Just take something with you. If the delay is longer, let people send them." "He has his own yard in Bailong Temple, but after all, it is a temple. Even if the Bailong Temple is incense, it will not change the fact that they are suffering. If possible, Li Hongyuan naturally does not want Jing Hao to suffer in the winter.

Jing Hao is really a bit curious when things are not certain.

The next day, Jing Hao had a more sleek dress, put on a cloak, and went to the appointment.

With the Tibetan gold ambassador in an annex, where the scholars often gather, of course, many life-threatening women are actually willing to meet occasionally, the environment is quiet, there are many books, Jing Hao wants Knowing the culture of Tibetan gold, the Tibetan gold people naturally want to know more about Kaiyuan, especially the ambassadors who are very interested in Qiyuan culture. In general, if they are only themselves, even if they are able to go in, they must borrow If you don't have a book, Jing Hao is definitely not the same. As long as it is not a special book that cannot be circulated, it can basically be borrowed. In addition, in that place, it is not suspicious.

The horse-drawn carriage used by Jing Hao is relatively low-key. The sign of the Prince’s Palace is still there. There are not many people around, but the people who are serving are skilled and the guards are one-of-a-kind.

Only after entering the gate of the annex, Jing Hao met several women. Two women were daughters of a county king’s family. There was a royal county magistrate and two official girls. One of them was the Ministry of Industry. Shang Shujia, the man who became a big member in his early forties, in the eyes of Jing Hao, it is absolutely capable. Of course, this emotional intelligence is definitely a lever, mixed in the officialdom, emotional intelligence can not keep up. No way.

When I saw Jing Hao, several people quickly saw the ceremony, "I have seen Wang Xiang Niang."

"Excluded." Jing Hao gathered his cloak and chuckled. "It’s such a cold day, it’s quite unexpected to meet you."

A few people also laughed. "Wang is not a goddess. Is the goddess also going to the four squares to enjoy the plum?"

"This is not the case. It is only a matter of interest in the culture of the Tibetan gold. It is about the embassy of the Tibetan gold. This four-party museum has a plum blossom, but I didn't know it before."

The eyes of a few people are all bright and true, but anyone who knows about Tibetan gold, the man is not enough, the woman will not be interested, it is really difficult, especially these noble ladies, but They dare not show up brazenly.

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