Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 456: : So mixed, everything can be scattered

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"Do you know what he is looking for? They want Luo Jia to support them. They asked me to ask my grandfather to talk about the project. If you don't help, you will be ruthless and unfilial, cold-blooded and selfish. If you don't help, it is Jingbo, this woman is not righteous, and cares about Yuejia, right. My own Yue family is like this. I don’t know how hot and cool it is when I enter the officialdom in the future...” Sun Yijia said that the more out of control, the more arrogant, “How can they be shameless to this point? Ah?”

If it was only her own, Sun Yijia would not be so angry. Anyway, it was not the first time. Anyway, she had long been desperate for them. It is best not to be related to each other. However, they actually did this and wanted to ruin Jingbo’s reputation. Jing Bo’s future came to marry her. Sun Yijia broke out at that time, and the hatred of her heart no longer concealed half a minute. At that moment, I really wanted to personally hand them over! Where is this a close relative, a clear enemy who does not share the sky!

"Who are they who I am, Tianwang Laozi? But it is only one of the grandsons of the Shangshu Shangshu. Can I still decide whether or not I can control the big ones? Is it still their brains?" come out?"

In front of the two good girlfriends, Sun Yijia did not restrain herself from the emotions. The complete catharsis appeared. The eyes were filled with the hatred of the bones. The look was mad, and the beautiful wraps on the face seemed to squat, and the blue veins on the back of the neck. The roots are clear, and there is no more point for the lady to cultivate her manners.

The emotions in the eyes of Jing Hao and Yuan Qiaoqiao are inexplicable. The person who pushed her to this level should have been the one who cares most about her. She is the most solid and dependent. As a result, they will only hurt her again and again. Cutting her flesh to put her blood on her heart, disturbing her life and destroying her happiness.

Yuan Qiaoqiao was somewhat helpless. He did not know what to say at the same time. At the same time, his heart was a little embarrassed. Although Yuan is not rich and wealthy, the whole family is also happy. Her mother-in-law is also thinking about her wholeheartedly. Being in a high position, the people at home are not forced to benefit from the mother and the ancestors. Now, although there is a little trouble in the husband's family, it is really nothing.

Jing Hao also did not open, let Sun Yijia first venting venting emotions, this kind of thing is still the best to vent, if you have been in your heart, Jing Hao can remember what it was like to meet this nephew, obviously the most beautiful flower However, the inside has been defeated, there is no life, and it makes people feel distressed.

Jing Hao knows very well that although the Luo family has no opinion on the nephew, the elders are very good to her, but if the government of the country is doing this again and again, even if it is not her fault, gradually, she is afraid that she will have The view, this is human nature, deep feelings, it is also unbearable toss.

However, Jing Hao thought more in his heart, because his grandfather did not eat softly and hard, and no one could do anything to him. Sun Yijia is like a national abandonment, it does not work, the two The relationship is in name only, everyone is happy, but now the government of the country has suddenly found a door, why?

Is it true that the Queen’s Prince Kang’s family has become so difficult? The Queen is ambitious, but the control should not be so fearful. However, it may be that Prince Kang was dug into the corner, and some people who originally supported him were turned down.

Dingguogong looked for Sun Yijia to talk about the item. It seems that it is very brain-destroying, but it is not very thorough, because it is not so much threatening to Sun Yijia, but rather to threaten Luo Peishan. Although Luo Jingbo is a white body, his current reputation is there. No one in the whole capital can be the best. His future is bright, and he can’t be the pillar of Luo’s future. Such a grandson, Luo Peishan. Nature does not want to be destroyed, so Luo Peishan may give way to the country.

For another person, Sun Yijia was taken care of, so she was the most pitiful.

After the venting, Sun Yijia became extremely frustrated.

"The scorpion is like this, this thing, my grandfather will solve it, and peace of mind."

"Grandfather solves this kind of thing, how can I tell me how to face..." Sun Yijia’s voice came to an abrupt end, because of anger, because of hate, because of emotional out of control, she only reacted afterwards, when she was It’s so fierce, how can it not cause the grandparents and their attention, now, they are afraid of everything.

Yes, her cockroaches did not stop at the time, did not take her father's identity to press her, but the expression was a little angry, it turned out to be intentional, with such an idea.

Sun Yijia pulled the corner of his mouth, revealing an ugly smile, even a little disheartened, how can he be noble and noble? Such a family, such a family... How can you be lucky and happy? Such a family, such a family... can give you everything in the morning and evening.

Sun Yijia’s business is not something that cannot be completely solved. It is just that it is difficult or even impossible.

I don't know how to comfort her, and the atmosphere has been silent for a while.

A shack of Luo’s family rushed in. "Wang Hao Niangniang, three little grandmothers, grandmothers and grandmothers, come to the palace, saying that it is the emperor to enjoy the things, the lord let go to the front." Although some breathless, the words look transparent Excited.

This news made Sun Yijia's low mood slow down a little. The three men looked at each other. Although the emperor was enjoying the things in his sister-in-law, it was a bit strange, but it was hard to explain, and it was reluctant to make sense.

When they arrived, the people in the house were basically there. Jing Hao went straight to the front of Li Hongyuan and went to the body, "Wang Ye."

Originally, there were a few scattered Li Hongyuan who did not say anything and reached out to lift her up.

The **** who came to the decree looked in the eyes, and he was very respectful to see the ceremony.

Jing Hao smiled and nodded.

Everyone is here, and everyone is picking up the sacred purpose. Then you can know from the imperial edict, this time, not to say to the sister-in-law, it is better to say to Luo Jingbo, people are inexplicable, unable to understand.

However, Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan looked at each other and knew in their hearts that this was only because of the portrait of Huang Guifei, because Luo Jingbo’s me, the birth of the painting, was born. However, Jing Hao wants to turn his eyes, this reflex arc is too long, how long has it been, after all, when the Yellow Emperor wants to reward a person, the reason is to find it, there is no reason and no problem, with him happy, so this time is not It’s so inexplicable.

However, since the Prince Jin said nothing, Luo Shangshu took it for granted, and everyone was not the same thing.

Only Sun Yijia, who has something in her heart, feels that she is ignoring her parents, especially Luo Peishan, who has brought trouble to him. At the same time, she is worried and worried that the old happiness club will never return.

Jing Hao couldn’t see the eye, holding the old lady’s arm and pushing it gently, against Sun Yijia’s mouth.

"You." Mrs. Luo is also helpless. When she saw Sun Yijia, she sighed and waved at her.

Sun Yijia reacted slowly after half a shot, and walked over, "Grandmother."

Mrs. Luo patted her hand. "Oh, don't think too much. Today, my sister-in-law is born, you are a bitter face of the mother, let the children see it, it is not affected."

Sun Yijia’s tears were brushed off and hurriedly wiped off with a scorpion. “Grandmother...”

"Well, your young people are talking." Mrs. Luo went back to the backyard.

Jing Hao smiled and squeezed his eyes at Sun Yijia.

Sun Yijia did not know how to thank Jing Hao. She knew very well that Locke’s acceptance of her was so high. It was because of her sister’s reason that she has always helped herself.

"Go and go." Jing Hao took Sun Yijia and went straight to the backyard.

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao and went away. He didn't want to leave the Luo family back to the palace. He frowned. In the end, he did not stop. He also knew that Jing's family had deep feelings. Forget it, it is not easy for her to come back once.

However, Jing Hao will not really leave Li Hongyuan regardless, lost for a long time, may mean that someone has to be ill.

After an hour of stay, Jing Hao went to talk to Mrs. Luo.

Coincidentally, Zhang is also listening to the marriage of the sister who seems to be talking about her sister. The sister is only one year younger than herself. It is indeed the job of looking for her husband.

"It’s coming, just right, you come to listen." Mrs. Luo’s wife waved at Jing Hao.

I want to see Luo Jingyou really not a few, but basically, it is directed at the power of Luo Jia, and no matter what Luo Jingyou is in the Luo family, first climb the Luo family and say, the left is just a nephew other than the eldest son or A good point of scorpion, anyway, is to marry his wife, Luo Jia's family style is there, presumably even a prostitute, it will not be too bad, how this account will not lose.

"The previous candidates were not satisfactory, but the meaning of the people who thanked the family today."

"Xie Jia?" Since my grandmother directly said thank you, I must not be the second choice in addition to the family Xie, "Which family is the Xie family?" With her understanding of the grandmother, the break will not just be fancy "Xie's "It should be that Xie Shilang, who is going to marry the Luo family, naturally wonders who the other person is." However, such a family of heroes, married with Luo, must not be a very valued person, although now no more than the former dynasty, the status of the family is very high, the general nephew must pick and choose, but those blind people will not Take out the prostitutes of the bureaucrats.

"You know, because of your sake, I entered Xie Renhui of Hongxi Temple."

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