Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 464: : Peach blossoms must be smashed, two missing

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Li Hongyuan glanced at her and said nothing.

Jing Hao got up and dressed himself with a donkey. Well, now this is to take over the position of Qingzhu. At the age of fifteen, the craftsmanship of combing hair is quite good. It is only this age that can be married for up to three years. If it wasn't before she got married, she was preparing these replacements. When she returned to the capital from Jiangnan, she went to the palace and further adjusted her teaching. Jing Hao had to doubt whether it was someone who chose someone - not letting the "outsiders" stay with her for too long. .

However, if you are a little older, it is also good. If you are too young, Jing Hao will feel guilty.

Jing Hao was half-squinted and his mind was still on Li Hongyuan.

Sometimes she even suspects that someone is not IQ to eat emotional intelligence, IQ will be so high, has been steady online, and emotional intelligence is so "low", will be full of hatred.

But, hate is pulled, and there is no influence on him. It is often necessary for others to shun the house, and with all the "means" for themselves, can you say that his emotional intelligence is low? It’s totally impossible, obviously, it’s okay.

This is a gathering of the right place and the right place, and when the emperor's fear is not able to do so he is so casual.

However, Jing Hao does not think that this is the sky falling down. For today, my husband is in the back, I don’t know how much I have done, I feel distressed when I think about it. Jing Hao is not a person who recalls the past. At this time, he wants to know his past. It is regrettable that he did not participate in his own time.

I know that many years before they met, she was also a very important part of his life.

When he was ready, Li Hongyuan found that his wife looked at her own eyes and seemed to change a little. It made him a bit inexplicable. He said that the woman’s heart was under the sea. Now, her wife is no exception.

Jing Hao does not know Li Hongyuan's thoughts. Otherwise, he is not mad at himself. He feels his sensibility once. He can shoot **** in seconds. Is this called emotional intelligence? It is obviously too low. Fortunately, this kind of thing, Li Hongyuan will never say it, so that this emotional intelligence is absolutely online.

When I packed it up, Li Hongyuan took the hand of Jing Hao, and the two walked side by side, and went to the direction of the opera garden without delay.

Along the way, Jing Hao was smiling from beginning to end. His eyes were basically on Li Hongyuan. Li Hongyuan looked a bit sloppy. It seemed that he did not respond to Jing Hao, but he occasionally pulled it or took a shoulder to make it look like he had never seen the road. Jing Hao walked all the way, and did not touch it.

From this past, the theater where the female guests were placed was closer. Although they did not get to the seats, Li Hongyuan sent Jing Hao into it, and gave her a careless touch, and gently ignored the mess. The clothes, whispered a few whispers, he may not have noticed, but in the eyes of outsiders, when it is really gentle, tender, sweet, and already calmed, this time more and more intense.

Li Hongyuan bowed his head and kissed the forehead of Jingjing. Jing Hao quickly retired and became a thief-like shackle. It seemed like a negative hand reaching for him, like a blame. Similarly, in the eyes of others, the people are pleasantly surprised and shy, and they are pretending to be pretending that they are accustomed to pretending to be pretending to be the same, and that is the case!

Gently gnashing the teeth, I can't wait to tear the Jing Hao, and replace it.

This kind of ugly state, the eyes are not scolding, and as the elders, it is really a shame to find a place to sneak in, it is too shameful, of course, this is only one aspect, very few as a woman, not even Converging my own emotions, completely falling into the eyes of my mother-in-law, I would like to ask, how can a mother be able to accommodate her son to be "green hat" by her daughter-in-law, then the eyes are like poisoned, swearing, not observing women, Such eulogy is still the lightest.

Moreover, even if it is anger, it is not the head of Li Hongyuan, he did not hook them up, but he usually treated his wife, or on his own site, no one has any reason to blame.

These people, when they go back, don’t know how they will be cleaned up.

It is a pity that these little girls and little daughters are ignorant at this moment. They are completely attracted to Li Hongyuan’s mind. As for Jing Hao? Oh, that is to automatically change the face of Jing Hao into his own mind.

Jing Hao urged two sounds, Li Hongyuan left, and did not forget the ambiguity of Jing Jing.

In a good mood, Jing Hao’s smile is naturally not going to go down. It’s just approaching, and she can’t stop her feet. What, she’s just drunk for a while, what happened, so heavy grievances?

Not to mention the scene where Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan get along, it is just Jing's face now, but at least he can't see the discomfort after drunkenness. The white is red, the corner of his eyes is actually the color of fox, like a beggar. Moisturizing.

How can we not let some people who we can't get "resentment"?

Jing Hao wants to know, and must scream, because he knows the nature of Li Hongyuan. Before Jing Hao, he was very happy in his heart. He did not dare to take the initiative to kiss him. He was going to go out, but he really couldn’t get out of the house. The door is over.

It can only be said that the maliciousness is too strong and the grievance is too deep, and naturally it will make up some "unusual" things.

Jing Hao did not move, upstairs, the atmosphere here is normal, um, perhaps soon will be able to know the following abnormal reasons. Jing Hao Qiao Xiaoqian greeted everyone and apologized for the early departure from the wedding reception. If the reception is not satisfactory, please forgive me. Obviously, this kind of thing is quite normal. Moreover, this time, the Prince’s Palace is ready to take things, but I really can’t pick out any bad places. I don’t think about what the Prince’s attitude towards her is.

Because of her identity, she naturally can't find Sun Yijia now, so she said that today is destined to say nothing to the good girlfriends.

The big princess waved and let Jing Hao sit next to her.

Jing Hao did not postpone, Enron sat next to the Princess Long Princess.

Jing Haoyuan thought, the mother should tell her something. As a result, the Princess Dachang just watched the drama seriously and called Jing Hao to her side. It seems that Jing Hao was not sitting.

In this case, Jing Hao can only helplessly. However, it is not very curious about the following things. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you can know at the moment, even if you can’t know at the end, it’s only that it’s not important, but if Important, then, she will certainly know, sooner or later.

Because it is a domesticated play, many of the following operas are actually arranged according to the taste of Jing Hao. After all, they are the masters of their own. Therefore, Jing Hao is more interested in listening to the drama today. Yes, I didn’t notice the reason inside.

However, for the big princesses, these people like to listen to the drama, and more, the feeling is quite obvious, sideways, "Jing Hao often listens to the theater in the house?"

Jing Hao is not clear, but this kind of thing seems to be nothing to hide, nodded, "Don't say it often, after listening to it from Jiangnan several times, after all, sometimes it is quite boring, always find something to pass the time."

The long princess beheaded. "Your husband, did he listen to more time?"

This time, Jing Hao was hesitant. "He was basically when I listened."

Princess Dachang did not have a deep look at Jing Hao and continued to listen to the drama. "These operas are not bad."

Jing Hao was actually a bit inexplicable by the Princess Chang, but she still didn't guess what medicine she sold in her gourd. However, she also knew that she should be no evil as a mother. She also thought she was sitting right. "I don't really understand the drama. If the mother-in-law wants to feel good, when do you want to listen, bring a word, I will let the troupe come to your house to sing to you."

"Well, there is a chance in the future." The princess did not refuse, and the relationship with Jing Hao was extraordinary. If it was too rusty, it would obviously be too much, and the boundaries would not be divided at all times. very clear.

In the second half, Mu An came over to Jingjing. "Wang Hao, Wang Ye promised to change the two troupes for a while. At this moment, the time is almost up, you are..."

Li Hongyuan did not mention it to her before. However, the matter decided by her husband is not a big deal. Jing Hao will not be disobedient. It is just, "Who is going to change it?" In the eyes of Jing Wei, it will definitely not be its own. Fu Jun took the initiative.

"It is another prince."

Jing Jing was amazed. "Know it, if you do, then change it." Well, you don't have to ask everyone's opinions. Anyway, these son-in-law, usually seen, are basically male troupes. After all, they are not raised by their own family. Every time they watch a movie, there will be a lot of people. The people in the troupe are always allowed to move around, so there is not so much taboo.

In the two yards, there are actually no physical walls. The places where the costumes are dressed for the costumes are all in one place, but they are separated by a gap. In this way, it is very simple to change one, even the people watching the movie are Don't be alarmed, it's a simple matter when you play in the next place.

After the change, many people did not even find a different place, just think that the people on the stage are probably another batch, of course, for those drama masters can still be seen at a glance.

After the change of the first song, after almost half, suddenly found that the male guest side, it seems more and more enthusiastic, boiling against the sky, together with this side have affected, obviously before then, basically are mutual Irrelevant.

Someone is surprised, what are these men excited about, not all the same? The difference between the operas on both sides is very big, and the male guests are extraordinarily wonderful? In this way, some people are joking about Jing Hao. "Is this prince and Wang Hao so thick and thin?"

This question, Jing Hao is really not very good answer, what should I say? Can't just say that those men see beautiful women, naturally excited? That's what she said, she should be told.

Jing Hao has scruples, and the Grand Princess has no such thing. "There is no such thing as a thick man. It is only a man who has inferiority. It is normal to see a beautiful woman with his eyes shining."

Some people still don't understand it, but after reminding people around them, they will know it in a blink of an eye. They all shut their mouths and don't want to ask anything. After all, the male guest has his own husband, and the woman is lascivious to her man. I always hate it, but for my son, I have always been worried about the lack of people to serve, always the standard of double loyalty.

There is a complaint about Jing Hao’s heart, but the same is “to be angry and afraid to speak”.

The reaction of these people is justified. Jingjing is calm and totally unconcerned. If those people are better, they will be able to pass the eye addiction. They want to touch their hands and eat their mouths. It is absolutely impossible. .

The long princess patted Jing Hao's hand. "Don't worry about them, this man has inferior roots, and women have no reason. This woman's inferior root is that she knows that she is a problem with her own man. She has to blame the people and think that it is outside the fox. Hook people, life will force themselves into a blame, the so-called a slap in the face does not ring, not the man himself moved his mind, the woman outside can not hold back?" The long princess said while laughing.

Grandma Princess said such a thing, Jing Hao has some accidents, but think about it, it is also reasonable. After all, no matter what the environment background, there are always some "heterogeneous", if everyone's thoughts are If there is no change, then there will be no history of ups and downs.

Jing Hao smiles, and getting along with people who can resonate with their own thoughts is always more enjoyable.

The voice of the Princess Dachang was not suppressed at all, so the people who heard this were really few.

But these people, at least nine of the ten, that are all cultivated and successful, the anger is not in the table, that is even the most basic thing, so even if the heart is panic, the face is still Can laugh decently.

By the end of the game, most of the afternoon has passed, and most people basically choose to leave at this time.

Everyone’s resignation needs Jingjing’s appearance, not too much, but also a lot.

However, some of the big girls’ little daughter-in-law talked to Jing Hao. Jing Hao always felt that they had some yin and yang, but otherwise they would look at her with a small, sorrowful eye. It seems that she did something very sorry for them. Jing Hao I couldn't help but get rid of the goose bumps, and then I saw their elders squinting at them, then laughing and paying attention to Jing Wei, let her not mind.

Jing Hao is still the second monk of Zhang Er can't figure it out, can only um ah ah ah first perfuse the past, and think of things that were not as good as before the play garden, I have already forgotten, and now it is necessary to go deeper to understand.

Don't ask other people, there is no problem in asking Gong Yi. First, she won't be squatting herself. Second, she is always here. Everything is clear in her heart.

Gong Hao told her everything in detail.

After listening to it, Jing Hao fell into aphasia for a time, then, my heart burst into a foul mouth, Nima, what is this?

Since I was married to someone, the peach blossom of someone has basically not been broken. However, there is a premise that those people do not understand the living king completely. They only know that he is good, his status is precious, and his nature is one. I don't know, and the peach blossoms are all open, and unlike this one, I suddenly bloom a lot.

Jing Hao thinks, or this is just the beginning, more and more lively is probably still behind.

They all said that the Prince of Jin was so beautiful. Once, the beauty around me was never broken. However, after Jing Hao entered Beijing, the lace news about someone seemed to be before she entered Beijing, even if he was interrupted from that time. It’s been almost two years since the rumors were released, and it’s been a long time since the fermentation, and the slower people should react. Today, he is gentle and considerate to her, and it becomes a fuse. I blew it up.

Jin’s prince, but she is not all right now, and she did not say that she is at the top, they are afraid of anything.

Li Hongyuan has no sidelines, no aunts, but he is a prince. He has countless wealth and more sacred darlings. Even if his wife and his wife are in groups, it is a matter of course that they are taken for granted. Now, they are concentrated together.

Jing Hao knows that there will be no other people around him, at least until he no longer loves her, and Jing Hao is willing to believe that he will love himself for a lifetime, so don't worry about this problem, don't worry, Jing Jing is still a little bit boring. Anyone who encounters such a thing will not be happy.

Those who stayed at the end are basically the ones closest to Jing Hao.

Because of his limited status, he couldn’t talk to Jing Hao before, and he can say a few words at this time.

Seeing Jing Hao’s mood is somewhat different, naturally I have to ask.

Jing Hao is very helpless. "What else is there, my husband is too charming, attracting bees and butterflies, and peach blossoms everywhere."

Sun Yijia and Yuan Qiaoqiao are very unsmiling grin.

"Hey, enough, don't bring you like this." Jing Hao only felt itchy, want to screw them.

"Isn't this something for the Prince of Jin? What do you worry about, whether he refuses or accepts it? It is all his words. By that time, you will decide what to do." Sun Yijia said very bachelor. .

Jing Hao chuckled. "This is only a result."

"Look at your expression and you know what it is, then there is something to say, purely mediocrity." Sun Yijia elegantly sent Jing Hao a white eye.

Yuan Qiaoqiao also laughed. "Yes, you listen to the watch. After all, watch is experienced in this area."

However, Luo Jingbo’s peach blossoms outside may not be comparable in quality to Li Hongyuan’s, but the number is definitely far more than that. Every time I go out, I may encounter some conditions, and there is no lethality of the living king. People can say that there is no way to put an end to it. Sun Yijia has long been calm about this kind of thing, and even specially prepared a box, so that his family will always "carelessly" "fall" to him, and can not find The original Lord’s things were brought back, and they didn’t need to be handled quietly. Now they are all packing a box.

Sun Yijia is quite accustomed to this kind of thing, and even responds to those who directly find her.

Jing Hao was not very concerned about it. Now, the depression in this life has vanished. However, my heart is secretly admonishing myself. I must be very concerned about being angry in front of someone. Otherwise, according to someone’s virtue. Sexuality, and she thought that she didn’t care about him, and then she “killed” her in seconds. As for concealing him from letting him know, thinking about it is not realistic, she can hold it, and the people outside will be able to make it to him.

After waiting for a few of them to say it, Dachang Princess and Mrs. Luo Lao and other talents came over, and Sun Yijia and Yuan Qiaoqiao were busy with the ceremony.

The long princess nodded and gave up a bit. "Get up." The eyes stayed on Sun Yijia for a while. "Yi Jia is now a good squat, more popular than before."

Sun Yijia smiled. "The Princess Long Princess said that the women are really good now."

"That's good, just keep a good day in the future, don't think about other things."


The eyes of the Princess Dachang fell on Jing Hao. "Do you know?"

Jing Hao smiled and nodded. "Yes."

“Don't think about it?” Princess Dachang took a bit of fun and jokes.

"There is no idea, just, they think about me, I should be me, and that one, it seems that I have robbed their husbands, treat me as a fox, and I think it’s a bit puzzling. Or do I still can't keep up with those people's thoughts? Now think about it, it feels like it is, they are wearing new clothes, and I am still wearing three years ago." Jing Hao smiled.

The other people also laughed, and the big princess sneaked a point on Jing's forehead. "Just promote narrowness."

"You are foreign, they are local to the capital, but you are not robbed of them." Sun Yijia disdain.

"There is no need to force the life. Those people are all eager to see the horns. If they are sober-minded, they will not make such stupid things. If you are not satisfied, it will be even more unsatisfactory to go back today. After eating all the hardships, those people will know that they are powerful. These people don’t care, they are afraid that if they meet someone who loves their own family, they will go directly to the emperor’s brother. Hongyuan’s backyard is one of you, really is the emperor. In front of me, the emperor is afraid that he will not refuse." Grand Princess reminded.

"The righteous mother rest assured that the father will not refuse, provided that the prince agrees. Who is the prince, we all know that if he does not agree, the person sent by the father, he still refuses."

Seeing Jing Hao’s self-confidence, the Princess Dachang seems to understand what it is. “Perhaps this is your luck.”

Jing Hao smiled, no words, inside, absolutely may be really love her. Of course, on a certain day in the future, when Jing Hao knows all the truth, probably won't think so. Her far way is not because of God, but because of him.

"Okay, you have a few in your heart, and I will go back first."

Then, since the death of the little tiger, Yuyao, who looked stunned, was scared to find it.

"Yu Yao, Yimu has promised to raise a small tiger lion, can you bring it back directly?"

Yuyao shook his head. "Hey, I don't raise it. The little tiger was taken care of by me for a while. It happened. I might not raise it. I don't want to have a little tiger lion."

Jing Hao touched her head. "This is not the fault of Yuyao. It is not that Yuyao has not taken care of it. I believe that Yuyao will be able to raise it. Moreover, they will be raised in the Princess Palace, and today’s event is decided. It won't happen again."

Yuyao hesitated, "So, can you take the time to come?"

Is this the one who is worried about seeing them and thinking of dying? "Can't, I have been raised for a while, I am familiar with my breath, and Yuyao will not be familiar with it when I take it back. It is very difficult to get close to Yuyao."

"Bring it back, Niang helps you raise it together." The Princess Long Princess does not want her daughter to be quiet in sorrow. Although she is more likely to "think things and think things," there is something to do, distraction, and sorrow will go faster.

In this way, Yuyao no longer hesitated, but did not expect her to take away, and the body of the young tiger.

Waiting for the big princess to be sent away, the rest, out of Yuan Qiaoqiao, the other are the Luo family.

On the other side of the male guest, there is still no one left, Jing Jing does not have to go to ask, because the Luo family can not stay too long, Jing Hao naturally seized the time to understand the situation of Luo.

First of all, the sister's marriage has been basically fixed, that is, Xie Renhui, as for the younger sister, the age is not enough. When they talk about marriage, perhaps the overall situation has been fixed, then they will have better choices. The brothers and sisters of this generation, the long-term second son, the fourth, the smashing out, the same year as Jing Hao, smaller than Jing Hao, this year is also sixteen, but as a man, it is waiting until the marriage is no longer Relationship, although because of the good behavior of the Luo family now, there are not a few who want to set the people down, but the Locke insists.

Later, I learned that Xiao Wang was pregnant again, and it didn't take long before he was diagnosed. The cousin and the big house were rarely happy. Jing Hao was not so optimistic, mainly because the cousin of the dear was married, worried that the child would be bad. However, in the end, it is a happy event, Jing Hao can not pour cold water. Just transfer the topic to the three-room head without any trace.

Luo Rongping has been paralyzed. He can only lie in bed for a lifetime. Liu is now more calm and considers his care. Luo Rongping has finally accepted the reality. He is no longer a god, but it is much better than the original.

Then there is Luo Jingying, okay, now it is Luo Siying, tomorrow’s 16-year-old birthday, just, the ancient lamp ancient Buddha.

She refused to come out, and there was no way to do it. However, looking at Liu’s look, I think it should be better.

When Li Hongyuan came over, Luo’s family also voluntarily resigned.

For someone who "cranked away" her family, Jing Hao was a bit resentful, staring at Li Hongyuan in a faint look.

"Why, what do you want to say to the husband?" Li Hongyuan smiled and glared at Jing Hao.

However, this smile not only did not get fascinated by Jing Hao, but instead let Jing Hao immediately wake up, the expression on the face became more and more uncomfortable, and even reached out to poke on Li Hongyuan’s chest. "You said, you seduce the little girl What happened?" Jing Hao praised his wit in his heart.

It’s just that Li Hongyuan’s eyes are skeptical about her. “What do you say? What time?”

"You will not know?" Jing Hao's "resentment" is deeper.

"Well, hey and the husband said clearly, and the husband knows." Li Hongyuan calmly held her hand.

Then, Jing Hao’s “angry” counts the peach blossoms outside him.

Li Hongyuan was not affected by her emotions. On the contrary, she was very interested in the look on her face. When Jing Hao finished, she reached out and squeezed her face. "Hey, do you know if you are in front of you?" What does it look like?"

Jing Hao's expression is slightly cracked. She thinks that her acting skills have always been good.

"However, looking at your hard work to please the husband, you don't really care about it, but you don't care about it." Perhaps it feels too good, can't help but pinch He pinched, "Hey, I want to lie to be a husband. I still need to practice more. However, I will be able to fool myself when I wait until the day. I believe that there will be no people under the sun." I am optimistic about you."

Jing Hao is really depressed. "What are you talking about?" He screamed at Li Hongyuan's waist, but he didn't count it through the clothes, but because the meat was too hard, he couldn't get up. Well, Jing Hao also knows that because of the different mentality, because he never thought about cheating him at all, therefore, "acting" does not leave the heart, naturally can not fool people.

Li Hongyuan smiled and didn't continue to entangle in this matter. "A few days, we went to Zhuangzi for a while, lived and didn't want to live and come back."

When it comes to Zhuangzi, Jing Hao suddenly remembered a forgotten thing. "Is the horse farm already built?"

"I think about it now? It has already been built. In addition, the Zhenyuan Garden has also become, compared to those who got the house, those are adult bodies, not limited to beasts, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, The number is not small."

Jing Hao Li Hongyuan, sure that he is not joking, to resist the impulse of the amount of support, this man is really, every time to play big, according to him, this is not just as simple as a zoo, in the moment, build such a "Garden", which is costly, is absolutely beyond imagination. Jing Hao feels that after he knows this thing, he is afraid to be extravagant, and those who are only blind to him The courtier who is in charge of his eyes may want to visit him. "Can't you stay a little longer?"

"What is it? What is it?"

Jing Hao once again lost to this man who was willful and arrogant to the side.

However, if the capital is built, can it be broken? That is the real violent thing, the shameful waste that is truly intolerable. "Well, the construction of the capital is built. If you don't take care of it and play it, you are really sorry for yourself." Anyway, when someone is carrying a luxury day, don't think about "poor days."

There is still some time left in the Xishan Mountain. Jing Hao took Li Hongyuan and prepared to take a rest. After all, the wedding was drunk, and the spirit might be good, but the body was faintly resisted.

The road back to the main courtyard was only halfway. The words came from the front, and the sea of ​​happiness, the general of He Xiao, came to the door, and He Wang was born.

Today's banquet, naturally, also has a family member's share, the sea of ​​knowledge is not there, before this time, did not hear his news of returning to Beijing. So, is this coming back to the door?

Li Hongyuan took advantage of Jing Hao and went back. "Is going to see him?"

"Wang Ye didn't want me to see you?" Jing Hao smiled shallowly. "If the prince does not let it, he will not see it."

Li Hongyuan snorted, but he was quite relieved that Jing Hao saw the sea of ​​happiness, and that kid would never think about it.

He knows that the sea is in a wind and frost, with a few soldiers, he is like this, but he has not returned to his home, he first came to the Prince of Jin.

Although he is now an official, He Laozi still has not given him the right to formally lead the army. The Zhennao Mountain Department has been disabled this time. Therefore, He Zhenwei also handed a request for a return to Beijing. The sea is still not subject to any restrictions, so it comes back very quickly and no one knows.

He knows that he still has no difference with him when he left the capital. After all, it will take two months to change, but it will not change much. Only those who have contacted him before and after will be keenly aware of his differences. This kind of change may not be obvious in peacetime. However, once it is on the battlefield, it will gradually evolve into a **** of war.

This is what Li Hongyuan wants. Therefore, this change to He Xinhai is naturally satisfactory.

After seeing the ceremony, He Xianghai smashed out a gift for Jing Hao, an iron cage and a white fox. Whether it is the shape or the smell, it shows that this fox is a fragrant fox, which is similar to the body that Li Hongyuan sent to Jing Hao.

He did not know the birth of Jing Hao, but it was indeed given to Jing Hao. As a younger brother of Jin Jin, I don’t know what to send Li Hongyuan, and inadvertently got this incense fox, I decided to please. When the Jin Prince is married, the husband and wife are all together, and it is the same for everyone. At this point, the happiness of the sea is a beating. After all, the number of couples is not far more than the husband and wife.

It’s just that this fox doesn’t look too good.

He knows that the cage will be placed on the table and grab the head. "The road is a little fast, it seems not very good, shouldn't it be a problem?" Not sure, "These things are delicate."

Jing Hao couldn't help but pump his mouth. This is where the little bully is clearly missing.

I would like to ask, who will send the "sick" animals as gifts, especially the identity of the target is far higher than their own, this is not a gift, this is a curse, change one person, in all likelihood, you will think It’s awkward, and it’s awkward, maybe you’re going to kill you in minutes. How much will the little bully be sent to the living king?

Li Hongyuan’s face was a bit dark, especially if it was for his wife.

Jing Hao covered his mouth and hurriedly asked people to call the person who looked after the fox to come over the specific situation of this little thing. Hope is all right, otherwise, the sea of ​​knowledge will definitely suffer.

People come very quickly, and under inspection, there is no big problem. It will be good to raise a period of time. According to this fox-raiser, the vitality of Xianghu is much stronger than people think.

Jing Hao's heart slowed down - this two lack!

Li Hongyuan’s expression is also slowed down, but it does not mean that he will completely calm down and stand up. “When the military is performing, the king will test and test your martial arts progress.”

To be so famous, he could not change the nature of his desire to repair the sea.

He knew that the sea was immediately invigorated, and the whole person seemed to be burning.

Jing Hao's face - it really is two lack!

Jing Hao Shi Shiran got up, although he knew that he really didn't have such bad thoughts, he didn't mind A Yuan repairing him.

Jing Hao returned to the main hospital to sleep comfortably, and the battle between the active king and the He Xiaobawang was also quite exciting and quite happy. Even if He Xiaoba is still being beaten, Li Hongyuan’s suppression of him is much weaker than it was at the beginning.

The improvement of He Xianghai is only clear to Li Hongyuan. Before he left the capital to go to the northeastern border town, he was still so obvious. He can only say that his progress is actually derived from a stronger inner heart.

Even if he couldn’t move for a long time on the ground, he couldn’t move his arms. However, he was still thrown out by Li Hongyuan’s life. This was thrown away. He didn’t feel the feeling of the sea. If he didn’t want to get up, he would call the guard. He carried it back.

Was carried back to the Hejia, the family of the family was smashed, and the surprises that brought them back in advance were instantly lost.

"What happened? Is there something going on the way back?"

The guards are busy denying, and then quickly explain the matter clearly.

After listening to it, Mrs. He and Mrs. He had an expression with Mrs. He, and said nothing. First, let’s take another meal of this git, and what is the thing that this **** is doing, this kind of person, it’s all right to be killed. .

When he met Li Hongyuan, he was excited and excited, but he didn’t say a word. Now he was screamed by his mother and grandmother, even though the former’s pain is far more than the latter.

On the other hand, Jing Hao slept a "back to the cage" and, after getting up, was giving Li Hongyuan a medicine.

When I used to work with the sea, I was injured from time to time. Although I didn’t have any injuries except for the first time, this time I was more brutal.

Jing Hao didn't say anything. He used the medicine to disperse the scar on his body. Finally, "Can you stop playing in the future?" Although he didn't even blink his eyelids, Jing Hao still felt distressed.

"Good." Li Hongyuan should be very simple.

Jing Hao is dumb, this is not the first time that the answer I got in the past is not the case.

Li Hongyuan knew her reaction without looking at it. "The purpose is achieved, no need."

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