Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 470: : I almost got a shadow and looked forward to it.

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With such a tacit understanding, Li Hongyuan was really ran for a while, and he showed a show in front of his wife. However, he over-extended, not only did not attract the attention of his wife and children, but almost scared Jing Hao out of heart disease.

According to the original design of Jingjing, this horse farm has a lot of nature in addition to the exclusive top racecourse, so it is natural to pay attention to safety. However, when you are in it, look at your husband. When I changed my clothes and showed them in various shows, I realized that some places have long been changed beyond recognition by others. Or, adding a lot of things on the basis of the original, let alone safety, it is simply thrilling. Synonymous, Jing Hao looked at the heart and pulled out.

When I came over, I wanted to say that it didn’t look like a runway here. As a result, the man didn’t even think about a normal horse race.

The first time I saw his equestrian, it was in the birthday of the Princess of the Great Princess when I entered Beijing the previous year. From the perspective of a pure audience, I felt thrilled, except for the worry that almost everyone would exist, naturally. Like other people, I was deeply impressed. I sighed that the prince’s technique of Jin’s prince was too powerful.

But now, compared to the water corridors of the Grand Princess House, the rockery, the stones hidden in the water, the specially designed venues, compared to those who can be too complicated and have insufficient psychological capacity, I am afraid that the audience will be nine In the time of Cheng Jiu, he must squint his eyes, and he is afraid that the person who is in the middle of the horse will have an accident in the next moment, and he will die on the spot.

Jing Hao is no longer a pure audience. The man who is "looking for death" is her husband. The person who cares most, on the viewing platform, has a white face, and grabs the guardrail, even if the heart is afraid of the extreme, or I stared at it for a moment, how many times I wanted to ask him to stop, and finally stuck in the eyes of the blind man, worried that he had an exit, let him divide the god, but something went wrong, so that his lips were bitten. The speeding of the heart is jumping wildly...

When Li Hongyuan finished running and finally stopped, Jing Hao finally ran away regardless of his ignorance. "Li Hongyuan, do you know what you were doing, you just don't know how dangerous it is, there is a little bit of missed you. You may die, you know, even if your heart is not happy, it is not so venting, this is not venting, you are looking for death, you..."

Li Hongyuan didn't wait for the wife's hug, but an all-nighter. There was a little bit of a bit of a bad heart, but she also knew that she was worried. "Don't worry, nothing, I am not good? You want Trust me……"

"When something goes wrong, everything is late." Jing Hao roared, "I believe you, can I believe in a horse? Even if you can drive a horse to the point of making your fingers, this person is still careless. When you are hurt, the so-called people have lost their hoofs, in case, in case..." Jing Hao said that he could not go down, tears fell down, completely unable to control, the body involuntarily followed the trembling stand up.

Jing Hao was originally a tough woman. She rarely cried. When she was sometimes fragile, she didn’t cry so fiercely. Li Hongyuan’s heart could still have something uncomfortable. She was the first time she saw it, and he was so helpless. "Hey, don't cry, don't cry, you know the wrong thing, you won't be in the future, hehe..."

Jing Hao looked at him with tears, "Wrong? Do you really know what is wrong?" Jing Hao is not blind, he will not see his disapproval of this dangerous thing, Jing Hao really does not know, he Jin Zun Yugui’s lord, how can he raise such a special preference, it is not like the kind of rebellious person, specifically looking for excitement, it seems always with a certain confidence, "Ayuan, you are not afraid, you do not think What is terrible, but I will be afraid, do you know that I was scared to death by you? Just think about it, the person who was just on the right is me, standing next to me, what will you do?"

What will happen? Li Hongyuan suddenly hugged her. "Sorry, hey, I really know the wrong thing."

Jing Hao reached out and hugged his waist. "I want to be old and white. I don't want to have some accidents that I could avoid. I just want to be nice with you, even if I just stay quiet in a small world."

"Sorry, hey, sorry, no, I swear, I won't be in the future."

Jing Hao’s emotions have passed for a while and then slowed down. Then he looked at the place and was unusually dissatisfied. “The people sent by the Ministry of Labor have also got their brains in the water? Let them come and dismantle, if you let me Looking at a star and a half, I am ready to go home to the washboard." Jing Hao is a typical anger. She is a woman in the back house, naturally using the way of the house, there is no way to treat them, naturally they are looking for their wife, just like some of the practices of the living king.

Li Hongyuan stood beside him, holding his hand behind him, unconsciously moving, and he didn't have to go home to pick up the clothes board. He could help his wife to come back. There was no conscious feeling that he was actually involved.

Mu An is afraid to say anything on the side. Naturally, what Wang Hao said is what it is.

Jing Hao’s eyes are still a bit cold. “Mu’an, did the money for the construction of the racecourse be paid?”

“Back to Wang Hao, there are still some payments that have not been settled with the Ministry of Industry, and there are probably close to 50,000.”

"Drag, if the Ministry of Industry comes to ask for money, they will tell them directly, this Wang Hao is not happy in his heart, when will he give it back when he is happy." My husband is reluctant to toss, and naturally toss others.

"You don't have to give it." Just a few tens of thousands of dollars, Li Hongyuan didn't care.

Jing Hao gave him a cool look.

The shut-up of the living king’s acquaintance, this evil has already been thrown out, and more stupid will come back.

In fact, the Ministry of Industry has always liked to build things for the Prince of Jin. Because the Jin Prince is generous and never owed, everyone likes it. It is more positive than building anything for the emperor. After all, what the emperor built is basically from If the treasury is out, it will be through the hands of the Ministry of Housing. The Ministry of Housing is a group of iron cocks, and the professional households are dragged down. The most disliked is the big confessions.

This time, it is unreasonable to talk about it in Jingjing. Although they are giving back to the Prince of Jin, it is because they are the Prince of Jin, and they have no reason to talk about it. Therefore, in the end, I can only hold my nose and endure it, and then wait for the Jin Prince to swear. Tens of thousands of dollars, for Li Hongyuan, it is not a thing at all, but it is not the case for the people in the Ministry of Industry. There are so many craftsmen working, although not necessarily belonging to the Ministry of Industry, they are always picked up from the Ministry of Industry. It’s not a job.

However, Jing Hao is not a mean person, nor is it a kind of person whose money is just a figure in her eyes. She knows that she is suffering. Therefore, even if the money is dragged, it will not last too long.

Everyone knows things well, so I said that after the people who have worked in the post-work department know, maybe they will be a little anxious at the beginning, and when they return to God, they will be fine, but they will probably still have to smile. What did the Prince of Jin say, they only had the right to do it, the Prince of Jin himself "made dead", the Jin Prince was angry, but wanted them... This is what it is called.

Of course, this is a postscript, not to mention for the time being.

Li Hongyuan took Jing Hao and gently held her wrist. "Would you like to take a lap?" He patted his own horse. "The horse farm is bigger than you think. If you go, it is estimated to be a little tiring." ""

Jing Jing glanced at the BMW that had just been taken care of by his master. This horse is like knowing that the former hostess was "angry because of it", and some of them pleaded with the arm of Jing Jing, and the result was not so good. Li Hongyuan took a slap in the past, "I am a woman, don't mess."

Jing Hao is very speechless. Is this the possibility of eating vinegar in a mess? Or is it a "first to be strong" lesson to teach my love, lest she continue to anger to this horse?

However, Jing Hao originally didn't want to ride a horse. Someone gave her too much excitement. She obviously didn't have anything, but her faint legs were soft. Just like, after seeing something, the party didn't, the bystander was infected. The psychological shadow is the same, in fact, this kind of thing is normal, the more you care, the more so.

Just because of such a small episode, Jing Hao seems to be a lot better.

Li Hongyuan turned his back on the horse and bowed his hand to Jing Hao, and the gaze was so focused and serious, with indescribable tenderness. After all, Jing Hao did not refuse, put his hand in his palm, Ma Wei, through his strength, easily sat in front of him.

Gently shake the reins, the horse will walk, and the speed will be faster than people walk.

This horse farm is like Li Hongyuan’s words, bigger than Jing’s expectation, and the expanded place is actually a casual part, which can be a top leisure club without special services. It’s a waste of not making money. However, according to the richness of someone, it is too unreasonable to make money. But just let it go, isn't it even more waste? Moreover, even if they both come and sit from time to time, it seems too cold.

So, what is it for someone to get this part out?

"I don't even say that I want to make money. Since this place has been drawn out, it is naturally not suitable for us to live in. I am not short of money, but the state treasury will never be too much money." Li Hongyuan said slightly.

Jing Hao is in a hurry. This place, if it is really launched, will definitely make a lot of money, and the popularity will be very strong. At that time, the one on the throne will be suspicious, but if it is just hanging in their name, In fact, it is managed by the emperor, and the income belongs to the state treasury. The one on the throne will certainly be quite happy.

After all, how many rich people in the capital, and how many young and old people throw a lot of money into various gold caves every day, and now "snatch" part of it, fill the national treasury, Lecheng is not happy to blame.

And so, even if someone has a pink eye in the future, if they want to find something, they don’t have to do anything, they can be stunned by the emperor’s second seconds, why not, and they only need to extract a small part of the “hard work”. "Not at all, right?" The treasury will not disappoint more money, and their private pockets will not.

Unconsciously, they have already gone through a lot of places, and similarly, when Jing Hao was unconscious, the speed of the horse has already been raised, although it is not the rapid speed of the wind, but it must Sufficient for some things to fly up, after running two laps on the race track, the shadow of Jing Hao’s heart that has not yet formed has disappeared without a trace.

"I still want to take you to the Zhenyuan Garden. However, it is not too late, and I will go again tomorrow."

"Yeah." Jing Hao leaned on him, lazy.

On the back of the horse, behind the warm chest, the soft whisper in the ear, and the breeze, this feeling, really makes people want to stay here for a long time. A moment.

Perhaps feeling the feeling of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan involuntarily slowed down the speed, and drove the BMW to Zhuang Zhuang. Jing Hao feels comfortable, his feelings are not bad, at least, the negative emotions have disappeared, and my heart has become quiet again.

Sure enough, he probably couldn't leave her in this life, but he didn't want to resist it and left.

Returning to Bezhuang, Li Hongyuan dismounted and then hugged Jing Hao.

In the days that followed, Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao seemed to have something to do.

What Li Hongyuan is busy with, isn't Jing Hao wanting a wedding anniversary, of course, is busy with this, this emotional intelligence is still in the end, and knows this kind of thing, it is impossible to leave it all, although it is impossible for identity reasons. Everything is done by hand, and all the mouths are told to go down. I know that I should be angry, and he is not willing to do this. I feel that I am very concerned about it. Later, Li Hongyuan also feels that such a day is indeed very important. Although I don't know what to do, I do what I want to do according to my heart.

What is Jing Hao doing, Li Hongyuan is not very clear, it seems to be drumming clothes, and deliberately called the musician from the palace, but also specially arranged a place, put a lot of glasses.

When Li Hongyuan asked, Jing Hao always smiled and avoided. "I will know when I get there."

Li Hongyuan did not miss the faint shame on Jing Hao's face. It can be seen that this matter is worth looking forward to. Li Hongyuan will not ask more questions after he chuckles. Well, his wife will be prepared to surprise.

Jing Hao’s work is indeed a bit shameful, but with determination, of course, it is necessary to prepare.

The Shangyu Festival on March 3, also known as the Girl's Day, of course, will participate in this festival, certainly not just those girls. Last year, because of the marriage of the Prince of Jin, the girls in the entire city, the literati and the literati, did not do any activities. If they want this year, they still have nothing to do with Jing Hao.

From the morning, Jing Hao's whole person is in a slight excitement. Obviously, I am looking forward to today.

Don't look at Li Hongyuan's actual age. In fact, he is already an old man. In fact, he is still a bit embarrassed about this kind of thing. He is afraid that he has not been able to please his wife and children. However, seeing Jing Hao in such a state, he suddenly settled down.

Because, no matter what the outcome, I will be happy in my heart, just like him, just bring it with you, do nothing, and my heart will live very quickly.

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