Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 481: : Du Miaomiao is gone

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Jing Hao almost swears, this thing is not artificial, she reversed the name to write.

I don't mind if someone is doing it, but I am not prepared to die.

Jing Hao stood up, "a little thing, lost a moment." The look is extraordinarily cold, even with a bit sharp, straight away. Such Jing Hao is something that outsiders have never seen before.

Regardless of the rumors about the princes of the Jin Dynasty, most of the people exposed to outsiders are absolutely gentle and temperamental. Some people even think that she is not like a royal person, which is detrimental to the majesty of the royal family. It is completely wrong. If you want to come, no matter what you have, you will marry the royal family, and there will be another 30%.

Compared with Jing Hao, even if he learned that he was dead, Li Hongyuan did not plan to get up and deal with it. He only said that he would hand it over to Wang Hao. Moreover, on their side, not even the people below whispered to Li Hongyuan, but directly said it.

When Li Hongyuan’s discourse came out, the people around him all conspiring to argue. He thought that Li Hongyuan was going to take his own king’s crest. It’s obvious that this matter will inevitably lead to the success of the emperor, and according to the preference of Lecheng’s emperor to Jin, I believe, He is also very happy to have someone give his son a pot, even if this person is his daughter-in-law.

At the last moment, I was still a hilarious person. I couldn’t help but conceal Li Hongyuan’s shame in my heart, but I never thought about it. If they encountered similar things, they would definitely launch their own daughter-in-law. "Accomplice" is definitely two things, and "teaching is not strict" is not even an accomplice. After all, it is a daughter-in-law, not a child, and its moral education is more on the Yue family than on the husband. Family.

However, Li Hongyuan’s gaze passed from the guards who had reported to him, and the life of the master’s son was taken out and directly pulled out. Is it true that such a person is straight? Still something else? You must know that even if the master does not care, the final decision is the master. Hey, it’s not a disenchantment. Such a person should also be well-trained. If it is, then it’s time to adjust to the dead, and the training is dead.

When Jing Hao arrived at the scene, the tiger had become a dead body. The blood was full of blood, and the blood was very heavy. There was also a mat. The cover was mostly the family.

Bloody gas makes Jing Hao faintly a little disgusted, covering his nose with a scorpion, "Talk to me about the specific situation."

"Return to Wang Hao, things are like this. The scene has been controlled. The irrelevant people are stopped outside. The subordinates are working together to kill the tiger. I don't want to. Someone suddenly rushed in. The tiger was already angry. This person is already angry. When you come in, the tiger is directly exporting, and if it is too late to react, it has already been buried."

Understood, this is what I rushed to die.

Jing Hao coldly hooked his mouth, and he used his own life to calculate his own husband, of course, do not expect her to have a trace of compassion. "Which family is it?"

"Back to the master, is the only son of a white bachelor."

Jing Hao was awkward, and Mei Yu was stunned. Things were really a little troublesome.

Although the Bai family is not a top-ranking tyrant, its most promising one is the foreign family of Lecheng.

The former White Queen was a wise man. At the beginning, she did not let her niece to be a son of Wang. Later, after the emperor became enthroned, she did not let any white girl enter the palace, but she pressed her family. Her mother's family is not counting, she never interferes in political affairs, and Le Cheng is in the upper position, and the Queen Mother is indispensable.

The role of the White Queen is naturally to win the favor of the emperor. Before the death of the White Mother, the relationship between the mother and the child has always been very good. The death of the White Queen, the great compassion of the Emperor, and the continuous continuation of the month of January, while the White Queen was at the end of his life, Other requirements, I only hope that Lecheng Emperor can take care of her family, do not need any wealth, and high officials, as long as they do not commit rape, they will be protected from bullying.

Can such a low requirement, Lecheng Emperor still disagree?

Therefore, don't look at the Bai family is not obvious, but also very low-key, low-key to many people do not even know this family, in the entire capital, people can not be provoked, Bai is definitely in the top three.

If the person who died is a white-eyed person, the problem is that Bai’s son is not rich. The White Queen has only one brother and one brother, no sister, and the younger brother is only a few years older than Le Cheng’s, that is An idle person who has no ability but basically does not cause trouble, and now is still, the children under the knees are not bad.

The problem is that there is only one son in the Daxie of Lecheng Emperor, that is, the white bachelor of today, the great emperor of the original emperor was also the old man. After the death of Bai Tai, this person resigned in the face of physical discomfort. However, the rapid retreat is one aspect, and the other is to give way to the son.

The current white bachelor is also a bit difficult on the son-in-law, and his difficulty is not the number. In fact, in order to continue the blood, his wife is a lot of people, but his daughter is a dozen, so it is easy to get a son.

It is conceivable that such a single seedling is how to be valued.

Now, this single seedling is gone!

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