Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 490: : conditions for the emperor

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"I am not the same as Ayuan." With his own rebirth, he was not so unbelievable. Jing Hao did not worry that he could not accept it. Jing Hao organized a language in his heart, "I From another place, a place that can never be found here, Ayuan comes back, it is time, just like time goes by, I am probably spanning space, space, how to explain it, just like..."

"Like two aroma balls, Qi Yuan, and everything that Kaiyuan can extend out, is in a ball. Even if my life is coming back again, it is still the ball, and the place where you come is in another In an aromatherapy ball, between the two aromatherapy balls, in normal circumstances, they are not interchangeable and cannot touch each other." Li Hongyuan answered.

Jing Hao looked at Li Hongyuan with a strange look. This understanding ability is very powerful. After all, Jing Hao does not know what is going on. If she has to explain, she may not be more clear than this explanation. Jing Hao thinks that this man If she arrived in the world of her previous life, she would probably not make a joke because it was an "old antique."

"It's almost the meaning. In a sense, I can think that I am a reincarnation, but with the memories of past lives. That place is very different from here, but its history is here with Kaiyuan. There was a similar place in the previous history, and there were many similarities in the geographical location. The era when I lived was completely different from the background of Kaiyuan now...” Jing Hao took a little nostalgia and slowly snarled.

Li Hongyuan was fascinated. Although he had already expected the place where Jing Hao used to be, there may be great differences. This is different, but it is far beyond imagination. Although not all can be accepted, many things are worthy of yearning.

"What you are talking about is the big environment in which you used to live. So what about yourself? Combining freedom, combining, gathering, and sharing with a few men?" Li Hongyuan looked up at Jing Hao. The darkness in the eyes is obviously the rhythm of "turning the face" if there is something wrong.

"That is just a way to understand each other's feelings before marriage. Compared with Ayuan's three wives and four wives, it seems that it is nothing at all? Only the state official set fire, and the people are not allowed to light up, Jin relative prince, no you. Jing Hao is funny.

Li Hongyuan’s face is very bad, but he is very clear that pursuing this is purely destroying the feelings of two people. Moreover, the environment in which he was at that time is the same, now with Kaiyuan, men’s wives and wives. It's normal, there's nothing to pick up. Therefore, even if my heart is not happy, I can only recognize my nose.

"However, I only have one, and I will pull the handle to the maximum extent. Because I don't want to make further contact, he will disperse with me." Jing Hao smiled and continued.

The expression on Li Hongyuan’s face turned to Ma Yin and turned clear. “It’s a good thing. It’s the kind of kid who thinks about the light and indecent woman. Why should I stay with him?”

Jing Hao gently rubbed Li Hongyuan's side face with his fingers, chuckled, and did not speak, he was happy.

"So, isn't it married?"

"No, we have the law, there is a requirement for the age of marriage. The woman in our country is twenty years old. When I left the world, it was over twenty, but I never thought about marrying, but also There is no stipulation that the age must be married, and it is no problem to choose a single person for a lifetime. Of course, the premise is that there will be no relatives to recite."

"Why should the family be very good at home?" Li Hongyuan knows the influence of the environment on a person, shapes a person's disposition, and forms a person's behavior habits. Since he was over twenty at that time, then many things have already Forming, in the ten years of Luo family, things that have penetrated into her bones are difficult to change. Especially Li Hongyuan saw the tenacity and unyielding of Jing Hao. The more so, the harder it is to change something.

"Of course, after all, it is also a bureaucratic child. Although the officials there and the officials of Kaiyuan are very different, but they all have commonalities. Moreover, my position is not low, and it is definitely different from ordinary people. He also has a high demand for me. After all, at least on the bright side, he only has one child, and trains me to be the best ladies and ladies, so that it is best to raise the branches. Naturally, it is the best education. ”

Jing Hao’s mood was faint. Obviously, there was no good feeling for the father.

"Hey, there seems to be something that people with better conditions should not have. What happened at home later?"

"Ah." Jing Hao looked up and fell into memories, with a touch of sadness. "He betrayed my mother, and the woman raised her belly outside. The pressure was arrogant in front of my mother. However, my mother was originally To be with him and to leave, where the marital relationship is not harmonious, it is normal, and after the separation, the two sides can also remarriage, but the man as an official, the style of work is definitely not a problem, after all, one husband and one My wife is a law, and it is not easy for my mother to be away from it. I saw it for a long time. As a result, when both of them came out, they both had an accident at the same time. They were all dead, leaving me and my grandmother. Not long after, it broke out his bureaucratic collusion, but others were dead, and that was a hundred years. After all, they would not even sit, but all the property was sealed up, and those who were embarrassed seemed to have suffered losses for his reasons. He died. Those who naturally found me and my grandmother had a life of vain and anger. The grandmother was the woman of the scholarly family. She was very well-educated. Because she taught me, I didn’t go on. However, my grandmother’s originally tough body has already collapsed. After a few years, I passed away. During that time, I had a very bad time. Oh, then one day, it seemed to suddenly faint, and then when I was conscious, I I know that most of me, I am already dead, and I have cast a baby, but I seem to forget to drink Meng Po Tang. I remember all the past lives."

Jing Hao looked down at Li Hongyuan, and his eyes were slightly red.

"Hey, now I have it, and the Luo family are also your loved ones, most of them are good." Li Hongyuan said softly.

Do not blame her for the flow of the diverticulum since childhood, she is not happy, and she is particularly disgusted with the man's heart, and she is very close to Mrs. Luo.

"Well, I know, in fact, my grandmother has passed away, and I have nothing to worry about. The grandmother of the past life, like the grandmother of the present, is quite similar in some places. I don't deny that at the beginning, the close grandmother is moving. The effect of love is inside. The time is long and the feelings are true."

"If you want to be Mrs. Luo, take time to go back and see."

"Hey, this time suddenly so generous? Who is because of my long time at the Locke, I am not happy with my face?" Jing Hao, the sadness in my heart scattered.

Li Hongyuan snorted, "How long can Mrs. Luo live? Anyway, I will be with you for a lifetime."

Jing Hao paused, "Ayuan, thank you." Bowed his head and kissed Li Hongyuan's lips.

"A thank you is finished?"

"But except this, I have nothing else. After all, I am yours, and I will give you time in my life."

This can be described as awkward to please the living king. "What is yours nothing else, I am not yours? Isn't the big Jin Prince is not yours?"

The prince of Jin, who is full of love skills, really pleased the Jin Prince.

Some sentiments began to linger, and Jing Hao decisively shifted the topic. "Ayuan's meticulous painting is so good, it's better for us to cooperate with one painting, I paint you, you paint me, how?" To Li Hongyuan's portrait, It can be said that it is the peak level of Jing Hao's strokes, especially the first portrait, surreal style, and in the future, I am afraid that it will never be able to surpass that level.

"What's the matter?" Li Hongyuan got up and took Jing's wrist and walked back to the table. "Are you still me first?"

"If you want to be together, one person, each draws well, and the other party fills the other half to see who is better and more perfect in the end?"

"The idea is good, but if you lose, don't cry." Li Hongyuan's slender fingers swept from Jing Yan's nose.

Jing Hao patted his hand. "I am not a person who can be a good man. How can I cry? Besides, even if my art is not as good as you, this is not just a matter of painting." Without any discussion of the layout in advance, then anything can happen. So, who wins and who is not yet known."

"Yes, that will be waiting for the husband." Li Hongyuan smiled lightly, handsome and compelling.

Jing Hao removed his eyes and grinned. Although he had long been used to it, he occasionally came to see it suddenly, but it was still unbearable.

Li Hongyuan has always been very concerned about his own appearance, but he can still be fascinated by his wife.

One person occupies half of the table, each automatic hand, perhaps in order to cooperate with Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan deliberately slows down the speed, the paper is relatively small, so, the final half of the paintings, the time used is not long, to the end Almost stopped the pen together.

They looked at each other. From their expressions, they can be seen. They should be very satisfied, exchange, and when they saw each other’s paintings, they squinted a little, then looked up at each other and smiled at each other. It’s really a tacit understanding.

Just because the layout of the two people is relatively regular, it is easy to add the other half. It is obvious that they are considering each other, rather than trying to make a deliberate martyrdom. More complicatedly, the layout of the two paintings is very close. Finally, the painting was completed, saying that people should not think that they were painting by the same person, and they also painted two similar ones.

No other half, the time spent originally should be longer than before, in fact it is not the case, the same is smooth, and it is in the chest.

In this way, it took a whole half of the day in the study.

Later, when Gong Hao personally came to clean up the study room, his heart finally settled down. Wang Hao did not really quarrel with Wang Ye. She doesn't paint, but her ability to appreciate is there. A painting is obviously from the hands of two people. Although Wang Ye's meticulous painting is beyond her imagination, she doesn't feel too strange. After all, she is Wang’s style of work has always been unseen, but he does not deny his extraordinary talents in all aspects.

After Gong Yu found that his own eyes, Wang Yan’s own eyes brought a little stranger, but she did not go to find the reason, how to still behave, her eyes did not change, um, strictly abide by her professional ethics. .

The secret investigation of Jing Hao's heart is not only after special training, but also the origin of the dark guard. This power is not the same as that of ordinary people. It used to be that Gong Yi was a temperament. It was not the case, and there was special training in it. "Hey, let people make a little preparation. In the afternoon, we will go to the Luo family." If you hear what your husband said, even if it does not happen now, Jing Hao still can't be indifferent. It seems that it is difficult to be assured without looking at it.

"Yes, Wang Hao." He was ready to turn and leave.

"That, uh..."

"What is the command of Wang Hao?" In Gong Yu’s impression, Jing Hao had a little talk and spit.

"Well, that is, the makeup on your face can be slowly removed." Gong Yu is actually younger than this face, and his face is different. I didn’t know it before, now that I know it, There is no reason for her to continue.

Gong Hao paused, and immediately reacted. I know that some things have been known to Wang Hao. This may be the reason why Wang Ye Wang’s quarrel was before. I also know that no one would like to have a "fine work" in the early years, but Apparently, Wang Ye still calmed Wang Hao. "Yes."

"Gong Biao" is somewhat like the former female nurse. In the midst of the female guards, this face is actually closer to her original appearance. However, the age difference is there, if it is completely removed. The makeup looks absolutely two people in the eyes of outsiders. Therefore, this makeup removal is not a one-off event. It is not necessary to carry it for a year and a half.

In the non-annual festival, there is nothing wrong with Luo Jia. The Jin Prince took the Jin Prince to the Luo family. The Luo family was naturally puzzled and worried about what happened.

With such emotions, Mrs. Luo took the Luo family and hurriedly greeted them. When they saw the husband and wife coming down from the carriage, there was no haze on the face. This was a little relieved, but in my heart. Not completely put down, because she knows that her granddaughter really hides things in her heart and can't easily come out.

After the rules were over, the group entered Luojia and the men and women separated before entering the inner court.

Mrs. Luo couldn’t help herself, and hurriedly asked the doubts in her heart.

Jing Hao knows that he suddenly came back for no reason and scared his grandmother. Jing Hao took her arm and was soothing. "Grandma is worried, I just missed you, and I came back. It's really nothing."

Mrs. Luo’s side licked her and squatted for a long while. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. This is completely reassuring. “You are a prince, royal prince, how can you go to the maiden house with nothing to do?”

"Grandma, this is to abandon me, do not want to see me?" Jing Hao installed wronged.

"What do you say," said Mrs. Luo, who was afraid of taking her hand. "I want to talk about it. I want you to be there every day, but this royal rule is big, and if you are careless, you may be in trouble. Grandma naturally hopes that you can do everything better than you can see you."

"Grandmother cares, what is our family prince, you don't know, as long as he agrees, there will be nothing, and because of the white house, the emperor loses, as long as it is not too special, the emperor I won't ask questions, and the war in the northwest is in full swing. The emperor has no time to manage other things. So, other people just have opinions and squatting. I just came out from the Luo family. Others dare not say what the prince is with me. I am afraid that It is said that the Luo family’s education is problematic. The prostitutes who have been taught are still thinking about their family when they are married. If the grandmother listens, it’s angry.”

"A few gossips, why bother to pay attention, people who say this, that is their own heart. But you don't want to kiss the Prince of Jin, you want to be out."

"Grandma is not right, because you have to rely on it, you should take the opportunity to do more things you want to do."

"Oh, you are like this, be careful when the prince is tired." After all, Mrs. Luo is most worried about this.

"No, I am good with Wang Ye. And, if it really changes, how to be cautious will change, it will not change, there will always be all sorts of tolerance."

"Well, you have this mouth, few people can say you, as long as you feel no problem, then just yourself."

Jing Hao smiled and nodded slightly.

Mrs. Luo’s heart sighed, this granddaughter, not only was raised by the prince of Jin, but also the temperament was exposed, and the temper also rose. This... well, very good.

To say that the change in Jing Hao is not only felt by Mrs. Luo.

Mrs. Luo wants to be the same as before. Gen Jing said and said, and then sent her to talk to other young people. Jing Hao was not sent away this time. "If the grandmother is good, we will disturb you here." what."

Mrs. Luo’s wife has some doubts in her heart, but she can’t think of it. “Well, as long as you don’t care about my wife’s stuff.”

This time, let alone the Jing Hao, the other few people are busy saying no, talking funny.

The atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious, and Jing's words are actually less than in the past, but others have not noticed.

At this moment, Jing Hao is actually really grateful to his husband. For the one he first fell in love with, he is not the present self. The sorrow of the heart is also dissipated little by little. He remembers all the hardships and tribulations, all the cruelty. With the darkness, now I am changing a lot of things on my own. If everything is the original trajectory, then under this roof, I am afraid that there will be no laughter now. He said that when he was alive, because her tragic death, grandmother cried her eyes, Jing Hao was very clear, not just crying so simple, the days before her in Qi'an were basically unchanged, it is obvious that the grandmother's body is also The same is not good, so heartbroken, it is possible to kill Huang Quan.

There are other people present here. Other people, although he is not very clear, but the grandson of Yi Jia, entered the Prince of Kang, and finally failed to escape the fate of the fate. Now, although she is ruined, she is happy and satisfied. The prostitute is more than one year old. The little girl has a long-awaited place to look at her, and she has a beautiful beauty. When she grows up, she can’t say that it’s a red face, Sun Yijia, already You can prepare for a second child, and you can have it in your stomach.

When I don't know, how is it, but I know, even if it doesn't happen now, there is no way to be indifferent. Jing Hao can't control himself and understand the reasons why his husband is always unforgettable.

Jing Hao had been sitting and did not intend to go, and Li Hongyuan did not ask people to urge, and others could not marry her. So, several men who had been to the Luo family had kneel down, making Luo Peishan and others the first. The reaction is also: What happened?

For them, Li Hongyuan did not have a good mood to explain, until he used the dinner, and then sat down, before the curfew, Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan returned to the Jin Prince.

Luo Shangshu said that some of the two monks, asked his old wife, "What are the three scorpions and the lord back?"

"I just want to miss us, and when I am idle, I will come back and sit down."

"Is it okay?" Is it okay to wait until he kneels? But if something happened, why didn't you say a word and left.

Mrs. Luo’s wife frowned and told the truth. She was not very sure. Her granddaughter seemed to be no different, but she did not feel the same.

Luo Shangshu saw it. "Forget it, the Prince of Jin is a gully. I really have something to do. It must be measured. The three-headed girl is not at fault."

Both husband and wife will not mention this matter, but after a few days, if it is really a big event, it will not be a little bit of wind and wind, maybe it is okay, no one stipulates that the married daughter will come back with her husband. Be sure to leave at some point.

Back to Wangfu's carriage, Jing Hao has been quietly leaning on Li Hongyuan's arms.

"What's wrong, come back, but the mood is low?"

"No, it’s just a little while, it’s not going to go out. It’s just a few days.”

"So, this is the case for your woman. That heart is like a glass, and it is very fragile."

"Yeah, how hard your men's hearts are, no meteorites can be compared." Jing Hao did not want to whisper irony back.

Li Hongyuan took her hand and put it on her chest. "Touch, hard?"

Jing Hao took two, did not pick up, his muscles, and the stone, there is really not much difference, "is not a stone." Jing Hao did not convinced to take two.

Li Hongyuan grabbed his hand. "Don't just yell at me. I didn't do it in the morning when I was in the study. I want to do you now for you?"

Jing Hao felt that someone's body reacted and gently slammed him, "color embryo."

"Yes, your husband will color the embryo, and you will be special."

Jing Hao did not come out of his arms, she actually needs to do something to divert attention, close to his neck, sticking out a pink tongue and laughing, said: "This is the trick. Oh, no movement "Jing Hao grabs his hand and "waits back."

Li Hongyuan squinted with some danger, "intentional?"

Jing Hao smiled and bent.

Li Hongyuan gently glared at her pliable waist. "Say, don't get out of bed for a few days?"

"If you really can't get out of bed, you should lose your kidneys." Jing Hao whispered in his ear, exhaling like a blue, and swearing his earlobe.

The strange feeling was too obvious. Li Hongyuan slightly tilted his head. "If you don't get out of bed, you don't have to keep on the joy of fish and water. It's a good time. If you go back a few more hours, it's like going back. When you start, wait until you can't move, and you will rest, and you will continue tomorrow morning. You said, how can you persist and how long can your family last? How long can you sustain yourself?

Jing Hao was stunned by his low-pitched tail. He yelled at himself, only need to lower his voice, and himself? This is the gap, but now is not the time to say this, think about what he meant in his words, Jing Hao could not help but soften the score of nine points, quietly wiped a heart and tears, and sure enough to die. "Ayuan, you didn't say anything when I was?"

"No, it’s a question to be questioned by your own wife and children. How can you prove it well?"

"Ayuan, I am wrong, really." Jing Hao wants to cry without tears.

"Well, this can be said a few days later." Li Hongyuan said that now I will listen to the wife and children, not too much action, just caressing slowly.

The feeling of not being able to get up is the most grind. Jing Hao bites Li Hongyuan’s clothes on his shoulders, and his eyes are forced out of physical tears. So, even if you have a good constitution and recover quickly, don’t question your man. That is looking for death. After all, in this respect, most women are actually in a weak position. And in the face of the active king, probably not strong, you want to be the queen, still do not know how to raise his interest.

Li Hongyuan knew that his wife and children were thin, and in order not to make a sound, they endured hardships. "Punishment" was almost the same. This only provoked her chin with mercy and swallowed all the low-end of her exports.

This night, nature is another spring.

When the living king said that it was done, it was really that Jing Hao could not move a finger.

At the end of the bath, Li Hongyuan dissolved the contraceptive pill in the water.

After he was dissolved, Jing Hao grabbed his hand. "You said, when you were alive, we have a child? You have a sinister sin, the chance of being extremely low and low, not being touched by your wife, but instead I was hit by it?" Jing Hao's mood is complicated, and some are incredible.

"It doesn't matter to us now, I don't need to think so much." The son, Li Hongyuan said that he still does not want to see.

"Follow me, okay?" For the child she didn't know, Jing Hao couldn't resist it. She was particularly curious. If she didn't know someone's "unwelcome" to the child, she wouldn't wait until now. .

Li Hongyuan didn't know what he thought. He suddenly smiled a little, and he was a little proud. "Is it right, it's just a night. It's just a couple of nights. You don't have to worry about it. You can marry someone else. It is also true that I have the deepest embarrassment with me."

Jing Hao does not hit a place, she is talking about this? "Don't try to transfer the topic. How about the child?"

Li Hongyuan's expression was cold. "The child I only know last time. You are escaping from the whole process. You are skinny like a skinny. The child is still pretty good. You know how the child was born." According to Fu Yunting, the last guard left by you said that it was drawn by yourself. Your physical condition has not allowed him to be born smoothly. If you didn’t ask me to take care of him, I would have killed him. It was also during my time that I was not very clear about my mind. Later, I learned the specific circumstances of his birth. Otherwise, he still has to die. He and I are all taken out of the mother’s stomach. This is what it means. completely different."

"Ayuan..." Jing Hao did not know that he would deeply touch him.

"Hey, you have to know, that child, even if I gave him the best of everything, the best education, I never like him. Fortunately, he is still satisfied, barely qualified to be your son, otherwise I will never admit him. If I barely keep his life, I will not leave him to the throne, even if he is my only son. I don’t necessarily need the heir on the river I hit, I can easily destroy it. ""

Therefore, the child can sit on the throne, the first is that he is born of Luo Jingwei, and the other is that he is qualified to be the son of Luo Jingxi, and he is the only heir to Li Hongyuan. This is probably something that no one has ever thought of. If you know it, those ministers don't know how much hair to grab. It is estimated that even if it is a duck, it is probably necessary to make the little prince qualified.

Even if Li Hongyuan had too much stimulation to Jing Hao, Jing Hao was still shocked and could not speak.

"If, if it is a girl?" Jing Hao asked.

"Qualified, she is the Queen." Li Hongyuan said unambiguously.

Although the past life did not actually consider this problem, but if this is the case, he will do 100%, and no one can stop his decision.

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