Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 494: : So no virtue, how different from fainting

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Indeed, as Su Guizhen said, Li Hongyuan was prepared to calculate the Su family at the beginning. Regardless of how Li Hongming and Su Mingzhang cleaned their tails, they all had evidence to be retained. The so-called calculations were not voluntary killings. It is. Not only that, but also Su Mingzhang because of a dispute between a woman and a man in a brothel, the "truth" of anger and murder gave a clear understanding of the 151, although Kaiyuan did not clearly stipulate that officials are not allowed to swear, but once Being blasted out, it is a stain that cannot be erased. In the evaluation, it will even be included as a virtue. Because of this murder, it is even more ruthless.

Fortunately, all the evidence ends here. In order to cover up the facts and kill several other people, there is no evidence and no mention.

The Prince of Rui has worked in many ways and pleaded with enthusiasm. In the end, Le Chengdi only picked up its Wusha, not to mention paying for it, even exile.

Some people are naturally satisfied with such a judgment, but some people are very dissatisfied.

On the second day of the judgment, the deceased's mother-in-law was killed in front of the palace gate and left a blood book. In the blood book, the Su family’s ruthlessness and brutality, how horrible her son’s body was when she found it, counted the grief of their son’s loss of their son. For months, like a flies, they were looking for real murderers, accusing them of doing things. Unfairness and the maintenance of murderers can be described as **** words. At the end of the blood book, the words "return my son" are left to be sorrowful.

This time, it can be said that the horse cell, especially in the various colleges, seems to be incited by some people.

Because Su Mingzhang is also a civil servant, and it is also a young boy's fame. He was once revered by countless scholars because of his example. Once he was revered, now he is ten times more angry. Because Su Mingzhang has climbed too fast, these 30 years. The old man is already the left-hander of the Ministry of Housing, and the hatred of many people recruited, and now all kinds of downfalls are ignited. It is said that Su Mingzhang is not worthy of being a scholar, and he is required to be severely punished by the sanctuary. He once went to the gate of the palace. If no one is in control of the scene, he may have already married the palace.

Then, this fire burned to Su Guifei and Rui Prince.

Su Shi is a noble man, not constraining the family of the wife, but all kinds of connivance, simply do not deserve to sit in this position.

At the same time, they did not believe that when Su Guizhen and Rui Prince did not know about this incident, they would certainly help hide and help.

The Su family is even worse. They don’t dare to go out from top to bottom. They will suffer the baptism of the stone rotten leaves when they go out. Of course, it’s not the students but the ordinary people who do this kind of thing. These people also seem to Being brainwashed, I think the Su family is not evil.

It’s not just that Su Guizhen and Rui’s prince are ruined, but Le Cheng’s also has a terrible brain.

It is not the first time to say that this relationship is offended, but it has not been so serious in the past. This time, which rib was touched, made this?

Well, everyone knows that the deceased’s current dissatisfaction is too rigid, and it has set off this storm.

As a scholar, that is the pillar of the country of Kaiyuan's future. So many people, Lecheng Emperor must not be ordered to severely punish, then it can only be the culprit to crack the civilian anger.

Su Mingzhang was sentenced to exile. Not only that, but other officials of the Su family were also affected more or less, especially the father of Su Mingzhang, who was dropped to three levels on the grounds that the teachings were not strict. Speaking of it, Su Mingzhang’s official position is three levels higher than his father’s position. In this case, whether it is the court or the Su family, it should be based on the Su’s name, and the Su’s “teacher is not strict”. In fact, it is somewhat untenable, but whoever made the Lecheng Emperor followed him and was naturally angered.

After the re-judgment, Le Cheng Emperor decreed the various academies. As a place to teach and educate people, it is necessary to properly guide the students, so that they can gather together and make troubles. The students must be strictly restrained. If there is another school, they will be severely punished. Not lending. Among them, Guozijian is the most important. Who let the Guozijian be a national school, the Guozi prisoner's wine was directly smashed.

This Guozi prisoner's wine is not the public servant of Zhou Yingshuang. The family is bleak. He once wanted Zhou Yingshuang to go to the Prince of Jin to find Jing Hao. Zhou Yingshuang gave birth to a child. Because of dystocia, he later suffered major bleeding and suffered serious losses. He sat a hundred times. The moon of the sky, although it is out now, is still being raised.

In Zhou Yingshuang's view, this is the matter decided by the emperor. It should not be involved in his own girlfriends. Moreover, although the Jin Prince is a prince, he has no power. If he manages these idle things, he is not asking for trouble. Besides, the public servant is only the Guozi prisoner The position of the wine is smashed, and the grade has not changed, but it is a position that is not so expensive. She will raise her body and take care of her son who is not very good. Before, in fact, Jing Hao had already told her that her son might be mentally prepared.

- In fact, Jing Hao did not want to say, but, in order to think about Zhou Yingshuang, I still sent people to say it. As a married woman, I always need to settle down. If this child is really bad, I must have a plan. I will be prepared early, and then I will be pointed out by others and not so uncomfortable. And if you want to regenerate one, you will have to raise your body. If you don't know the reason because your child is not good, you can't frown, your heart is depressed, how can you raise it well?

In fact, it can be seen now that the child is not really good. Of course, it is not as bad as expected. However, not only for Zhou Yingshuang himself, but also wanting this child to be better in the future, it is necessary for him to have a brother. This is determined by the surrounding background, and no one can help.

Zhou Yingshuang is not a heart-wrenching person. Her son is no longer good at falling meat. He will do his best to raise it.

So she is now raising her body, watching the child is the first priority, and the rest are standing by.

Although her mother-in-law and other people are angry, they can’t really do anything, at most, they are just cold faces.

Things have turned around at this time, and all the students have joined the book, earnestly repenting, and hope that the emperor will open the Internet.

Le Chengdi is not inhuman. In the end, Zhou Yingshuang’s public official reinstated his post.

At the end of the day, the punishment was punished, and the ones that should not be implicated were not implicated.

"What's wrong, isn't your friend in the middle of it okay, or is it not so happy?" Li Hongyuan held Jingjing and pinched her face.

"Dead, innocent people."

Li Hongyuan knows that Jing Hao refers to the mother of the deceased. "This thing was not expected beforehand."

"If you step on the Su Mingzhang from the beginning, instead of turning a corner, in order to let him turn over and have more plans, maybe it won't..."

"Oh, because things are out of the situation, so the latter things are logical. She is innocent, but some things can not be counted, you know, if you let Su namezhang turn over, there may be more innocent people. Moreover, according to what you say, Su Mingzhang is also innocent. After all, he is calculated. Calculating this, it is only for the husband to help, it is also one of the culprit, how do you count? Under the sun Many people, maybe every day, even people who are innocent every moment, maybe out of condition, maybe death, can you manage to come over? In our position, sacrifice is necessary, or intentional or not, if we don’t go Do, then, we and those who are closely related to us, will be sacrificed by others, do you give up yourself and the people concerned for others?"

"That is no longer a human being. It is the Buddha of all living beings." Jing Hao muttered. "So, my pity is actually very ridiculous."

"Forget it, know that you are stupid, know that you are influenced by the memory of previous life, cherish human life, and don't make fun of you for the husband. As long as you don't make trouble for it, I am thankful. Most of the time, when you act, avoid it as much as possible. I am so relieved to comfort your Bodhisattva. You said, I am such a murderous king, how can I have a daughter-in-law like you? It is estimated that I am not pleasing to the eye, I will send you to me. ""

"No, it has spanned time and space." Jing Hao was teased by him, and the negative emotions were scattered.

However, Jing Hao also knows that every time something similar happens, his emotions will be affected. It is clear that after each time, she is very clear. Since something is done, this kind of thing is inevitable, and the next time It will be uncontrolled. If it has been like this for a long time, it will definitely not work. It will not be used by people. If it is completely dragged by its own emotions, then unpredictable things may happen. For example, some people borrow This destroys the feelings of their husband and wife. Once they leave the heart, they may appear empty and have been exploited. They use her to threaten him. According to his attention to her, the consequences are unimaginable.

Jing Hao trembled, for this man, she must also abandon this point, do not take the initiative to harm, but it can also be calm and self-sustaining.

"Ayuan, the criminal department should have a variety of files, especially in cases of human life, can you take some back to show me?"

Li Hongyuan immediately understood the intention of Jing Hao. "Are you sure?"

"OK." Jing Hao nodded very decisively.

"Yes." Although it doesn't matter if Jing Hao's heart is soft, it doesn't matter if she wants to change. Moreover, her heart is to see that no more files will change. Just like, she can be spoiled, but Absolutely not spoiled, so Li Hongyuan does not stop. Moreover, the wife and the child are less pitiful, so that they will need to be comforted every time they encounter something, and he will feel tired. Well, this can only be thought of in my heart. If I am known by my wife, I must be angry again.

- Hey, pets and daughters are also a technical job.

Once Jing Hao made up his mind to do something, he would not give up easily.

The local murders will also be brought to the criminal department, and the criminal department will be required to make the final judgment. Therefore, the murder case file of the criminal department for many years is definitely an unimaginable number.

The prince of Jin has inexplicably went to the criminal department to murder the case file, and all the people in the criminal department could not help but fight. What is the moth to be made?

Speaking of it, it’s just some files. It’s just an ordinary murder file. It’s not a sealed secret file. It’s true. If you have a relationship, you can basically bring these files to you, but the average person will not be like Li Hongyuan. It’s just that the light is right, and no one like him is interested in turning these files.

Do you want to live, do you dare not give it? Certainly not.

The book of the Ministry of Justice quickly ordered, so a large pile of files was taken out.

Li Hongyuan’s face is a bit dark. Will these people do things in the end, and move so much, what do you want to do? Glanced blankly, turned and left.

Everyone is a little embarrassed, what is the matter, where did you get the living ancestor?

Mu An smiled and stepped forward, and casually hugged a part. "These files are brought to you. Nothing else. Take a part today. After reading it, come back and take it. Don't worry, take away how much, definitely a copy." Many of them are still coming back."

In this way, the people in the Criminal Department have a bit of a heart.

However, the book of the Criminal Department is still not very reassuring. If something goes wrong, he can't hold it, or it is serious to report it with the above.

It’s strange to be alive in the emperor, but there are too many things, and wherever they are, “He wants you to give him, what a big deal.”

If you have the music of the emperor, the book of the criminal department will be relieved. No matter what happens, it will not be related to him.

However, these people, probably no one would have thought that these things were only used by the pro-King of the Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, the original can actually be a very simple thing, because for unknown reasons, because it involves the active king, it will always be filled with infinite brain.

Lecheng Emperor also wants to know, but even if he even asks a person to ask, he can't do it. No way, the people at his hand are coming from the House of Government. First, many things are not used, he uses it. Very disagreeable. Second, there is a lesson in the past. He basically does not trust these people, and he is not allowed to serve close to him. Because of this, as the general manager, it is only necessary to brush the presence in front of the emperor, when appropriate. Ask a clever sell, now, a lot of things need him to do, he will hit the back of his head.

In order to raise food and grass, the household is also eager to split a person into two halves of flowers. The following small officials can’t even go home at night, and the left-handed assistant has a problem. What he should have done, all of this happened. On the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the head of the right, the two men followed the reverie and went home.

The position of the left-hander of the Ministry of Housing is also very important, and it is also the fate of countless people. Even at this moment, there are many people fighting for this position, especially the heavy prince, which is a must for this position. But how can other people easily let go, especially the queens of the latter kings, who have long been reluctant to rely on the front, the forces in their hands can not support the growing ambitions, now it is easy to have a chance, then with the hungry wolf It seems like a lot of strength.

The Lecheng Emperor did not know what he wanted to do, but he did recommend it to the courtiers, but he did not set a candidate for a long time.

"Is this the emperor, is it ready to bait fishing?" When the Ministry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs passed the cabinet's first assistant, he stopped for a moment and whispered.

The first assistant of the cabinet touched the beard. "Probably."

The head of the book, Shangshu, nodded and shook hands. "The officer will take the first step."

"Luo Daren walks slowly."

These two leading ministers, the middle and the middle ministers, have reached a tacit agreement.

However, since the Prince Jin did not say anything in this matter, then they are not prepared to blend, that is, let them recommend people, but also in the right, not in the human condition. Regardless of whether the emperor wants to hang his son or fish his son, the old **** is watching the movie.

Although the war on the border was as expected, Fu Yunting was not so lucky after winning the first battle. However, the Xiongnu’s invasion of Qiyuan was not so smooth. It can even be said that it has stopped and both sides seem to have started. Consumpt war. In the words of Lecheng Emperor, there are already some dissatisfaction with Fu Yunting. However, it seems that he still hates iron and is not steel. It is not comparable to his father’s. But, just so, let Yurui Zhong and Luo Peishan see that he is It is really killing Fu Yunting.

If the guess is correct, then things are really chilling.

In this way, you can only wait for the music to become a master, but there is no better way.

In the tense game, before Su Mingzhang was sent out to the capital, Su Guizhen summoned his pro-son Li Hongming, screened back everyone, and Su Guizhen said something to his son, no one knows. The Su family was badly beaten by Su Mingzhang, but the family did not care about it, and they sent one after another, but they staged a scene of affection.

In the end, it was Su Guifei’s nephew. The escorted person did not dare to treat him harshly. In addition, there was a prince’s management, and the road was relatively good.

Just before a certain handover on the way, the servant suddenly diarrhea, leaving the delay for a while, and then the handover was very smooth, but one of the servants always felt that it was not right, but in the end, it was wrong and could not be said.

"Think about it, go quickly, the errand is over, drink alcohol, and Minger will have to go back." Another one greeted.

Then the servant left the matter aside and stopped thinking about it.

Of course, this is all after-sales, not to mention.

The people in Beijing, there is no free time at all, and the idle is simply moldy, but they can only live step by step.

In May, June has arrived. Because of the war, together with the important festivals, Lecheng Emperor has never participated, naturally, do not expect to go to the summer palace. However, the number of people who can go to the summer palace is only a minority, and most people are still used to the heat of the capital.

Li Hongyuan never grievances himself, and he will not be wronged by his wife. He moved directly to Zhuangzi. This time, he did not even ask for the emperor.

Can't go to the summer, many people naturally do this. The other palaces do not have to go to the emperor because they only go inside.

Li Hongyuan’s two villagers are adjacent to each other. The ones they live in basically do not accept outsiders. This outsider even includes the brother’s family. They can go up to Zhuangzi with confidence, and there is not much to worry about not being seen. People have their own self-knowledge, don't ask for the suffocating, so as not to lose people.

It’s just that this other Zhuangzi is open. Although it’s not the day of horse racing, the leisure area is quite pleasant. When you are in the summer, you can have fun. It’s really a good place. The previous focus is still on the racecourse. Now, some people even want to live in it and not leave.

It was a thing that happened before, and people had some fear of Zhuangzi. At this time, it was no matter how much.

In this way, not only the people on the nearby Zhuangzi came over the whole day, but many men, women and children in Beijing also came to sit down when they were free. No matter what age group, they seemed to find a way to enjoy themselves. From the very beginning, it was cold and clear, and later it was full of people, but it took less than half a month.

Such a grand occasion is that Jing Hao is somewhat unexpected.

The popularity of the prosperous, the natural source of money is rolling, the daily advancement of gold is not an exaggeration.

The income of each day may not be the same as that of Marseille, but, within a month, the net income will definitely exceed several times in Marseille.

With so much money, Jing Hao looked at it with some liver tremors.

After Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows in the first place, he was completely calm and even disappointed. "This situation is also two or three months. If it passes by nature, it will fade. How much can it earn? And this is a unique one. It will be like this. Once someone is under the private copy, it will naturally be deserted."

Jing Hao smiled. "The original purpose is to give people a play, but I have never thought about how much money to make. The money is not the most important."

"Of course, money is not the most important thing. After all, if you hold the money in your hand, you are spending a lifetime of ten years, can you squander it?"

Jing Hao gently sent him a white eye, "Squandering? Before you get married, you give the gem pearls and jade of the collection, even without the old ones, I will not finish it for a few years, rouge gouache, and all from The rouge pavilion is used. The rest is the material for cutting clothes. You don’t have workshops for spinning all kinds of materials in different places. How much can I use it? It’s like saying that it’s just a little more money for eating, but You also have a lot of Zhuangzi in various places, ask the Prince of Jin, so how do I squander?"

The prince of Jin supported the chin and thought about it slightly. "You can't let the daughter-in-law squander. Isn't it true that my husband is not doing enough?"

In the end, is it not done enough, or is it too much? This is not self-proclaimed, but naked show off! Saying that you will be killed will be killed.

"Then, or else, will you spend money from outside to buy it in the future?"

"It's enough for you." Spending money from the outside, the money is not much, the things are definitely not so good. After all, the things that Jin’s princes get are so much that they can’t buy them, just to get it. The achievements of "squandering" are done in this way.

"Well, it seems that it is destined not to let the squandering, and my wife has become the most frugal king of history."

Jing Hao’s mouth was pumping, and once again she didn’t want to talk to him. How could she “frugalize” and she could not reach the so-called “most”, the history of her understanding, the lords who fell for various reasons, In the end, their Wang Hao quietly sewed and supplemented to subsidize the family. A copper plate could not be smashed into two halves. The sturdy force forced by life was more than the most embarrassing woman. The current Prince of Jin, really, even if the cost of her is not particularly large, compared to other Wangfu, it is absolutely extravagant, so she really can not be as shameless as someone.

"Ayuan, is the plan for the West Xiongnu and the Northern Xiongnu, is it already in the process?" Jing Hao whispered a question and answer.

"Well, indeed."

"If the plan is successful, will the situation in the northwest change?"

"Fu Yunting will always have a few wins. If not, he is not as good as his previous life. After all, he gave him support early, and the starting point is completely different. But the commander of the Northern Xiongnu and the Xiongnu League is the big Xiongnu. Xianwang, this person has a high prestige in the West Xiongnu, and when he was young, he studied and lived in many countries such as Qiyuan, Qianwei, Nanqi, and even Tibetan gold. It is very deep in these countries. He had long been ambitious, but he was afraid that at that time he would try to figure out the army of various countries. He was absolutely resourceful. The army of the Xiongnu was brave and warlike. It would be a very difficult bone. ""

"So, to win over the Xiongnu, it is not enough to dismantle the alliance. The most important thing is the Daxianwang?"

"However, this Daxianwang is not without weaknesses. After all, the Xiongnu is also fighting for power. The right thing is temptation everywhere. There are always people who want to monopolize power. Once someone becomes a hindrance, it is natural to find ways to eliminate it. Off, even if this person is very important in the country and the people."

"Because it's important, it's more important to get rid of it."

"Yes, such a person, unless it is sitting in the highest position, will always attract the most enemies, and will be hindered by all parties."

Therefore, it is best not to do this man in front of him. The forces are deeply hidden, and the bright side is too proud. It is simply a model of "low-key work, high-profile people."

Jing Hao sat on his lap and pulled his cheeks, so he said that he was born again and it was still open, and he had an advantage in all aspects, especially the man himself was capable, so he could not win. If there is, there will probably be no winner in life under the sun.

In a few days, Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao got news about Su Mingzhang. According to the time, they should have arrived at the place of distribution. However, the person who arrived was not a Su Mingzhang, but another person who looked a bit like Su’s name because The locals have never seen Su Mingzhang, so even with the portraits, there is no doubt about half points.

"So, I said that Su Mingzhang was replaced by someone, no one knows?" Li Hongyuan whispered.

"Wang Ye forgives sin." Dare to argue. “Can you send someone to find it right now?”

Li Hongyuan waved his hand. "Okay, don't worry. Since you have found someone to replace it, it is changing your identity. It is big and big. Where can you find it?"

"This incident was also expected, breaking his way of life, people like Su Mingzhang, it is impossible to go down in this way, will definitely find ways to come back, even if they give up their identity, they will not hesitate." Jing Hao is also The look is faint, don't care much. "Just, I don't know where he will get up."

"It is not a war in the world. According to the princes, there is no way to promote faster than the military. In Kaiyuan, there may be a teenager general, but there is no possibility that there will be a young boy, a young boy, and more than 30 members. It is not allowed to take the scientific research path again, step by step to climb up, Li Hongming can not wait, after all, Li Hongming needs help now, so, at present, the northwest is the only place to go."

"At the moment, is there any other place to go? Or, is there a war in other places?"

"Who knows, let's say that even if there is no war, it can be used to create wars. There are many ways. I can afford it again, and the manpower can't spread all over Kaiyuan. But you can send a letter to Fu Yunting, let him pay attention, after all, The possibility of going to the northwest is the biggest, but there should be no news in a short time. If you want to be promoted, it is necessary to show your face in front of the coach. There is no merit, no good enough, and it may stand in front of the coach. ""

"If you don't pay attention to the place where Su Mingzhang is, can you let them succeed?" Jing Hao thinks that some people really can't underestimate.

"Perhaps. Without going to the last step, no one knows if there will be any accidents. Moreover, not everyone who has abandoned the pen can stand up. Even if someone helps, the coffin’s head will not open, even if it is If you force it up, there will be time when you have a stuffing, and you won’t be able to stand up sooner or later."

"Ayuan had thought about it. On the way of escorting, he killed people directly, so that he could suffer from it?"

Li Hongyuan was a little surprised to see Jing Jing, "It seems that I have seen so many files during this time, it is quite effective."

"What does this have to do with the file? It's totally different. I just think it's more in line with your style of action."

"Hey, people who are related to Su Shi, I don't think it will kill directly. Otherwise, the problem of Su Mingzhang will not be so complicated when it is solved. After all, he raises me, I always have to leave some room to do things. Can't let people say that I don't miss friendship at all."

Jing Hao only gave him two words: Hehe. Is the living king a person who wants to face his face and talk about friendship?

Li Hongyuan sighed and touched Jing's head. "Give some hope, crush it again, give hope, and then crush it. It is more interesting to make people crazy and desperate." I also want to see how strong Susie is and can climb up several times."

How much hatred does such a hatred? It seems that before, someone’s attitude towards Su Guizhen has not reached such a level. When did it start to change?

Jing Hao’s eyes flashed, “So, and I’m waiting.”

Li Hongyuan kissed Jing Hao. "Some things are just speculation. I still need to check it. After I check it out, tell me if you are good?"

"The deepest secrets have already been said, will I care about this?"

At some time, Li Hongyuan sorted out some of the things in the past life, because it took a long time, he spent a lot of time, smearing it bit by bit, and then, let him discover some of the things he used to be. Something that is neglected, something that can be said to be important.

And these things should be verified soon.

Half a month later, the northwest was once again a real success story. The coach Fu Yunting used the plan to separate the Xiongnu and the North Xiongnu, which made the Xiongnu League lose peace. The battle plan was mistaken. The North Xiongnu did not follow the plan. The Xiongnu coach was besieged by Fu Yunting. The wounded defeated and fled. In the first battle, tens of thousands of people were killed and the land of the government was reclaimed.

On the court, I was really happy once, and I was very happy with the songs of the emperor.

How is the music in the heart of the music, and do not think too much, at least on the face, a face of a stiff smile, people look uncomfortable.

Qiruizhong and Luo Peishan lowered their eyes and eyes, both of them said that they were old, dizzy, and the weather was hot, and the sweat beads could be blinded, so they did not see it.

Others continue to rejoice, continue to open their minds and continue to add to the emperor.

This kind of joy did not last long. Some of the problems in the granary were suddenly revealed. It was originally a granary that should be mobilized. The bag and the bag were not filled with grain, but gravel. The grain transported to the northwest will follow. Powerless.

Two hundred and thirty thousand soldiers, the consumption of food can not be underestimated, every day is a huge amount, and, not open stomach, once the food is cut off, the consequences will be unimaginable, hungry, no People can win.

At this time, such a thing happened, just like a large bowl of ice water in the winter, it was cool.

Only Rui Ruizhong and Luo Peishan looked at each other: the emperor really shot.

The grain and grass matter, although the Ministry of Housing is also jointly responsible for the Ministry of War, the former is responsible for collecting and buying, the latter is responsible for transportation, but others are not ignorant of this. It is reasonable to say that in special times, the shortage of personnel, other people, other things, To give way to it, however, from the beginning of the war, there are only two people who are really busy. According to the legend of Lecheng, that is, they are all responsible for their duties. All set aside.

It seems to be very reasonable, and it seems to be full of confidence in the war in the northwest. However, if you think about it carefully, the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Military Affairs are busy with this, and they will be able to get things done in the grass. After some people are transferred from other places, they can still Is it more busy than the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of War?

Others don't know, but Rui Ruizhong and Luo Peishan, the news from Li Hongyuan, some of the granaries are empty, but they have already been clues, but they have been concealed, and this thing actually passed through the black. Wei, on the day of listening, Le Cheng emperor did not send, they also hope that the emperor is for the sake of the overall situation, at this time to make things out, harmful and unprofitable, and now, completely disappointed.

The place where the grain is to be thoroughly investigated, and the lack of food must be tried from other places. Some of the following can be mobilized from the south, but in the near future, it must be too late, and it must be bought from the private sector. Then, those big rich households are really not able to collect them from the hands of the people. These things need someone to do, and the speed must be fast. However, Le Chengdi absolutely does not want things to be done as soon as possible.

The manpower of the household is definitely not enough, so send someone to help?

In fact, everyone knows that this is not a light-hearted job, but it is also easy to offend people. After all, for the people, food is simply the root of life.

When Le Chengdi was angry, he was not doing anything at the crucial time. In his heart, it was not the same thing. However, after all, there were so many soldiers, and his heart was contradictory.

Prince Rui once again was found by his mother, and the mother and son were also whispers, and shortly afterwards, Rui Prince played the music and became willing to share the worry for the father.

The Prince of Rui, because of his sister Min Min's affairs, has not had a serious errand since then. Lecheng Emperor squinted at the prince of Rui, "Quasi, the third child, this matter is of great importance, but the people are the country. Basically, you should do what you want, but you can't do it."

"It is the father, the children know."

I don't know, only when Le Chengdi thinks thoughtfully, and knows, listening to this, it is simply telling Rui Prince clearly, slowly, not in a hurry, what makes people chill. Originally in their view, although Le Chengdi did not have much merit, but for the country for the people, it is considered to be exhaustive, not many excellent, but also qualified, but do not want, in order not to know what is the reason, so much care For the soldiers who guarded him in the mountains, how can such an emperor without virtue be different from the faint king.

If you really want to destroy the Fu family, you will not be able to make a name for yourself. If you cut it directly, you will be finished. But the emperors of the first generation are all virtues, good reputation, and can do many things for the sake of fame. Can care for the lives of many people.

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