Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 504: : slightly abnormal

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Li Hongyuan shook the blood beads on the long gun. These ordinary soldiers are so afraid of him, how far away they are from hiding, but if they kill too much, they will lack interest, and one person can be tolerant, even if it is a blow. How many people can you kill and kill? Very tired, not to mention, the impact is also limited, so this way, Li Hongyuan will focus on those generals, consciously start looking for those people, really looking for these people, it is not difficult, just so-called soldiers The difference between the generals, the generals and the soldiers is still very large. According to normal circumstances, because there is too much confusion, who has the time to find someone, no matter what, the killing **** of the living king is too ferocious, so much that If he does not take the initiative, he will become "very leisurely". If he is willing, he will probably be able to do something "drinking tea" in the dead.

Li Hongyuan swept his mouth with his tongue, and it seemed like a splash of blood before.

Li Hongyuan chose the target and was ready to start. These generals wanted to escape easily with the soldiers. It was not so easy, because the people selected by Li Hongyuan had opponents and they were connected with the enemy. Suddenly turned and fled, is it looking for death or looking for death? From the side of the sneak attack, robbing people of "competition" such things, Li Hongyuan is not embarrassed at all, anyway, he is killing.

Li Hongyuan took the lead in such a situation. In a very short period of time, he had more than three Huns generals in his hands. Every general was killed and naturally had to be promoted. The purpose is obvious.

From the beginning to the present, but in just over half an hour, the Xiongnu has lost more than a million people. This is absolutely abnormal for the brave Huns, which is far beyond normal. The Daxianwang was expected at the beginning, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable for the Xiongnu. It will continue according to the current morale. The damage will only become bigger and bigger, and there will be no improvement. Daxianwang can only order the withdrawal.

It is only now that for Kaiyuan, the situation is very good. How can we let go of the opportunity? Fu Yunting just looked at the battlefield and immediately ordered the pursuit. This chase directly chased the 50 miles.

Subsequently, the Qiyuan army camped on it.

Can not be described as a big win.

In this battle, it is obvious that the Prince of Jin has made great contributions to the glory - although to a certain extent, there is a great coincidence in it, basically even if it is copied in the future, it should not achieve the same effect, but ultimately The results can not be denied, therefore, even if this war is over, there are still people who are excited about the prince of Jin.

However, it seems that I have never seen the figure of the Prince of Jin. I want to see if this prince is not successful. Fortunately, I finally confirmed that he had already gone back, and it was not an unexpected situation.

Fu Yunting dragged his unwell body and arranged follow-ups quickly and steadily.

Subsequently, Fu Yunting was reported to the police, and the wounded in this battle had been placed in the first place.

Yes, it was the first time that the battlefield rescue team formed by Jing Hao made its debut today.

Jing Hao is also the first time so close to the front line. Although I can't see the specific situation, but the sound of shouting is endless, just listening, can make people feel tight, playing the spirit of twelve points, it seems The enemy will appear everywhere at any time. If you don't pay attention to it, you may be in the same place and you will be killed.

At the same time, she also witnessed the team's first homework, which was quick and effective, busy and not chaotic, and told the truth. Compared with Jing Wei’s expectations, it was much better. In Jing’s opinion, they can When the two sides fought, they felt that the rescuer was on the side. However, Jing Hao was underestimated, because this group of people, not ordinary people, did not say that they were well trained, at least in the hurricane. Veterans, who carry them with them, not only have first-aid things, stretchers, etc., but also murder weapons that can be shot at any time.

Perhaps in the end, there was no witness to the first scene. Jing Hao was still calm, read everything they had prepared, and finally knew that these were actually from Gong Jiu’s handwriting. It seems that there is nothing strange about it. In the end, Gong Jiu was born as a Guardian. No matter how he changed, he could not ignore his ferocity.

Jing Hao looked at the small and easy-to-carry blade, and suddenly thought of the same thing, that is, the three-legged thorns that were passed down in the past. That thing, Jing Hao must have never been in touch, more information is still derived from hearing and the network, but it seems that the international certification is the most poisonous bayonet, disabled, used only for etiquette performance.

Its design is based on thorns and bloodletting, and the common functions of common knives such as smashing, picking, and cutting are relatively weak.

After piercing the body, the air is quickly introduced through the blood trough. The air forms a large amount of foam in the body, blocking the blood vessels, and only needs to penetrate into any part of the human body about eight centimeters to make the enemy's hands immediately, and pull out the thorns in the body cavity that eliminates the negative pressure, without any effort.

It seems that because of the metal nature required during smelting, a certain amount of arsenic is added. When the phosphor coating on the surface of the battlefield wears out, the steel body containing arsenic is exposed. Even if only the enemy's skin is scratched, it is difficult to heal. The legend that the army thorns soaked the toxins. But now it's not the same, a little modification, directly soaking the venom, no one will ask.

Therefore, the three-sided thorns in the hands of his husband, and then through the hands of Gong Jiu, may indeed be able to reach the rumors of the gods, become a great weapon, although in some ways, more suitable for dark Wei used.

Because they can't get in, they don't allow her to intervene. It is the biggest tolerance for her to stand here. Jing Hao naturally stands next to her and can't easily disturb them, even if she finds something wrong. It is just in mind. Speaking of it, if you don’t need people everywhere to protect you around Jingjing, Jing Hao is afraid that he won’t stay here. After all, if she doesn’t need protection, then more people can vacate To help, she is cumbersome here, no matter what, Jin Prince stipulates that no one can resist, so she needs to occupy part of the staff no matter where she is.

Before Li Hongyuan came back, these people have been busy, and Jing Hao has been standing on the side as a pile of wood.

Looking at a wounded person, or lack of arms and legs, or blood staining, there is only a rest on the stretcher, even if you do so much effort, there will be countless lives disappearing.

At this moment, Jing Hao’s heart is surprisingly indifferent, as if it is too much, it becomes unintentional.

"What are you thinking?" Li Hongyuan's hand was gently rubbed on her face.

Jing Hao was shocked and returned to God. After a slow half-shoot, he showed a smile. "Back?" It seems that he did not notice the blood on Li Hongyuan and the suffocation that has not completely faded.

Jing Hao’s frightened appearance is too obvious, and it is impossible to ignore it. It stands to reason that such an environment should not be so.

"I wonder what is so fascinating?" After all, for the first time, I really faced such a scene. Li Hongyuan was worried that Jing Hao would not be able to withstand it. Even when she saw her in her previous life, she was so fearless and fearless. After all, it was tempered after the wind and frost, no one can adapt to such a scene by nature.

"Nothing." In fact, Jing Hao did not think about anything, and it was a blank in the brain. Then I found out that Li Hongyuan’s body was unusual. "Wang Ye, is this sending the Buddha to the West?"

"Someone is looking for death, but it is a rare thing to do a good thing for the husband. Give them a ride."

If you hear that, the people who die under your hand will cry.

However, this has nothing to do with Jing Hao. "Can there be any injuries?" Pulling him from head to toe, not sure if the blood on his body is his own or someone else's, but look closely, the **** place, the clothes seem No damage.

"Reassuring, not hurt, no skinning."

Jing Hao nodded with a sigh of relief. Although he knew that his martial arts were superior, and his experience on the battlefield was very rich in nature, he was fighting for a long time, and that it was never a place to show individual heroism. Therefore, as long as he did not return safely, the heart is raised in the air.

"Go back?" Because Jing Hao knew what he was doing, so some of the fearsome things did not converge, and Jing Hao did not have any abnormalities about himself. On this point, Li Hongyuan was quite happy, but in the end it was People are not very comfortable, whether they are the same or they are themselves, so it is necessary to change clothes as soon as possible.

"Yeah." Jing Hao nodded and took the initiative to hold Li Hongyuan's hand.

Li Hongyuan’s gaze is fierce. My wife’s wife seems to be a bit sticky today. In the past, in the case of outsiders, she would not make such a relative act, that is, she would like to be close, she might laugh and avoid. . Li Hongyuan did not move back and held her, leaving her to leave, and Jing Hao followed suit, seemingly quiet.

To this extent, if they still say nothing, Li Hongyuan’s husband is equal to white. However, Li Hongyuan can roughly guess the reason why Jing Hao is in this state, but it is still because of the "first time."

Li Hongyuan wants to hold a sky for Jing Hao, wants her to be carefree, and life, Kang Tai. However, from time to time, let Jing Hao go through something that ordinary people can’t bear, it seems very contradictory, but carefully Think about it, it seems that it is not difficult to explain that Li Hongyuan itself is different. It is also very clear that Jing Hao is not the kind of silk flower. He is accompanied by his life. He is not like Jing Hao, he wants the other side to walk side by side with himself. Therefore, when Jing Hao wants to learn to contact more things, he does not hesitate to give all the support and help, instead of letting her know, it is completely like a canary. Don't know if you don't touch it.

In terms of feelings, and for her "person", he has absolute possessiveness. In addition, he is not creating a small cage, but opening up a "battlefield" of endless space, allowing her to display and gallop.

Regarding the current situation of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan could not give a good guidance in his speech. He simply did not do the useless work. The plan to go back was temporarily put on hold, and she took a random walk around, now where she is. It’s not far from Kaiyuan’s camp. It feels like it’s on the side. At this time, it’s not that people are busy in the middle of it, because they have already received the orders of Fu Yunting, and they are camping for fifty miles.

Li Hongyuan took Jing Jing directly into the camp. Fortunately, the first person I met was Li Hongyuan. If it wasn't, I was afraid that I couldn't get in. I saw this living ancestor. Said that although he did not participate in the previous stop, it does not mean that the wind has not been obtained. I have not seen that this is still a blood.

I don’t know what the other party is going to do, and I worry that there will be collisions with the robes of the princes who don’t recognize them, so they will bring unnecessary troubles to themselves. Therefore, they have to follow the scalp, which is the prince of their own country and the battlefield. That kind of performance, if you want to come, you will never make a thing that harms Kaiyuan.

Li Hongyuan’s speed was relatively slow, but he walked so quietly and did not speak.

A place like a military camp is an absolute forbidden place for women. Jing Hao believes that if it is not carried by Li Hongyuan, it may never be possible to get involved. It is completely strange, and naturally it is full of curiosity.

Of course, looking at it, it is the big and small camps, which are now being dismantled by the logistics people.

Unconsciously, Jing Hao was taken by Li Hongyuan and walked into the biggest camp. The soldiers who were always stuck in front of the account reached out and blocked. The active king, they also know, but the coach’s camp, no one knows inside. There is something important, the coach is not there, naturally it is not easy to get involved, so it can only be blocked by the scalp.

"Get out of the way." Li Hongyuan's awkward breath does not converge, Jing Hao is not affected, does not mean that others can be calm, he is staring at him without emotion, only feels cool from the soles of his feet to the top The body is stiff and the willpower is greatly challenged. It seems that he continues to stare. No matter who he is, he will choose unconditional submission.

Jing Hao pulled La Hongyuan and persuaded: "Wang Ye, they are also loyal to their duties, they should not be embarrassed to them, we are not allowed to enter the military camp, it is not appropriate." After that, I know what to do, but also hold hands, strong To be calm, I tried to pull out my hand, but unfortunately I could not succeed. "If anybody has the power to oppress, they will open the door to convenience. Everything is not in a mess. If there is such a loyal person, Wang Ye will be lucky."

Li Hongyuan looked at Jing Hao and looked at the two soldiers. It seems that there is no difference.

Jing Hao was not afraid at all, but smiled. "This should be General Fu’s camp, General Fu..."

Hearing the meaning of Jing Hao, Li Hongyuan’s face turned over in a flash, and he took Jing Hao and left.

Behind Li Hongyuan, Jing Hao had some grin.

------Off topic ------

The author can say that serious Karvin~

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