Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 524: : High-profile, it’s low-key

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However, Luo Pei-song is not prepared to let him go. "Take a short hand and eat a soft mouth. Do you think that you will raise it in vain? Wait, you are a pound, and you can lose ten pounds when you turn back."

As a writer and a great Confucian scholar, this is really not elegant, but there is no color in Jiang Wan. Obviously, for such a teacher, he is also used to it. He has been with him for several years. No one knows better than him. This teacher, in addition to some quirks, does not really have a refined temperament in the nature of the Confucianism. In his view, it is not a star or a half worse than the Shangshu book. However, his appearance is only in front of the close people. Come out, just. However, from this point of view, he can basically be sure that his previous guess is correct, and that his teacher knows more than himself.

Jiang Wanli decided to wash it. Although he said that he was very clean, he came out of the cell. Although he was treated very well inside, his psychological feeling was not so good. Because for many years, it must be so finer than being taken care of at home. Even if there is a small encounter, Jiang Wanli is doing it himself most of the time.

However, after entering the house, Jiang Wanli found a lot more things. "Where is it?"

"Young master, Luo Jia sent over, said to the young master shocked." In fact, in the eyes of Xiao Yan, these pressures are actually somewhat more expensive.

Jiang Wanli saw that his little look was not right, so he turned it over and turned it, and the action became careful in the blink of an eye. It was quite uncomfortable to pick it up.

Now that it was given to him, it is obviously in line with his preferences, and it is a simple matter to send it to the public without the need for specific understanding. If you are a scholar, you can choose from the public, calligraphy and painting books, especially Famous handwriting, and solitary books, even if you don’t like them from your heart, these things are a lot of collections. For the readers, it is also a kind of capital that can be shown off. Otherwise, it is also a face-only thing to give gifts, but these are undoubtedly They are all fine treasures, and there are not a few good things that Jiang Wanli has seen, but in the face of these, they can't help but feel that they are really different.

Jiang Wanli pondered a bit. From the teacher's body, it is basically possible to see some of Luo's connotations. However, he can give him such a good thing as a junior, and it is not what Locke can do. - It’s not too much, it’s just too much.

Therefore, these things are in all directions from the Prince of Jin. It is a shock, but in fact, there are compensation components in it. So, the Prince’s Mansion has money and countless good things. It’s really not an empty talk. After all, the other party is Wang Ye, even if it is compensation, it’s far from “pour.” Doing all the steps, he is a small pawn, talking, first entered the officialdom, it really has no effect, so being valued is actually a joke, such a gift can only explain a little, the other side has more things, not at all Careful, in the eyes of others, very precious and many things, in the eyes of the other party is probably a slap in the face, not worth mentioning.

In this way, Jiang Wanli calmly accepted, anyway, it really won his heart, belongs to the kind of loan to friends can not exceed three days.

"Through receiving it, I can't damage it."

"Yes, young master. However, the young master really has no problem?" Xiao Yan is still somewhat worried.

Speaking of it, he grew up with Jiang Wanli and said that he was the master servant, but Jiang Wanli did not treat him with him. He even went to class with Jiang Wanli and was very knowledgeable. So this little girl’s eyesight is even more than a lot. student.

"Let you accept it, there are so many nonsense, I have a lot of thoughts."

With this in mind, Xiao Yan is also relieved, and he laughs twice, guaranteeing that things will be properly packed. For the young master, Xiaoyan’s absolute conviction and worship, there is no more intelligent person in his eyes than his own young master. The young master said that he must be right.

The next day, Jiang Wanli returned to the Hanlin Academy. Everyone saw him intact, and his heart was sure that the emperor had made an early decision. But from this point, it is enough to see that the emperor loved Jiang’s writings, so those who saw the wind The people who made the rudder all went to Jiang Wanli to make up, what "I know Jiang brother is being shackled", "Which old brother is what kind of character can make such a thing", "Jiang Xianyu's Xu Xuewen also used I have to use the means of doing the same," "I don’t have to have a blessing after this." Some people still have to be cheeky. Some people seem to have completely forgotten that they were one of the most fierce people who originally smashed Jiang Wanli. .

Jiang Wanli is "good sex", the smile does not change, and the passengers are responsive.

Many people have a sigh of relief in their hearts. Well, in all likelihood, the Jiangbian was offended, and it was thought to be a stupid reading. Otherwise, how could learning so well? As a result, this sleekness is more than they These years have been mixed, and some of them have retired and decided to stay away from him, lest they know when they are being retaliated. After all, the background of the other side is placed there, of course, some people want to save. It doesn't matter if you are low and low, and it is also the network behind Tujiang Wanli. If you climb it, you don't know how many detours you will take.

Jiang Wanli Bridge is in the eyes, clear in mind, no matter what attitude, he and his slick taiji, it seems to be very good to talk, in fact, nothing in essence.

However, the assessment of Ji Ji Shi was postponed for a few days and then raised the schedule again. The Luo Jiasan brothers all successfully passed the exam, and then they all went to the Hanlin Academy to "mix the days".

Although the non-jinshi does not enter the Hanlin, the non-Hanlin does not enter the cabinet, but, the three grandsons are all stuffed into the Hanlin Academy, and the sect of the Shangshu has such a big ambition? You must know that when you enter the Hanlin Academy, you usually have to spend three years of qualifications. It is impossible to promote in non-special circumstances. Now the households are still short of people, and there are also vacancies in other places. Luo Peishan, as a cadre, wants to To seek benefits for the three grandchildren, as long as it is not too much, some better positions, no one will mind, and he should be a backer, even if he is first entered the officialdom, no experience, it will be mixed with the wind and water. Start.

Now all the way into the Hanlin Academy, what does it mean?

Apparently, after the high-profile, Luo Peishan began to low-key again.

In fact, many people with high weights know that it is not necessarily a bad thing to stay in the Hanlin Academy for three years. After three years, the situation may have completely stabilized. At that time, competition still exists, but it will not be like This may bring you into your life during this period. They all say that Luo Peishan is an old fox, and that is definitely not to say that he is playing.

Another storm has subsided. Of course, this is only superficial, and even if it really subsides, there will be another wave in the dark, when it may be shot.

The weather is getting hotter. However, things in the northwest are still not completely processed. They have already entered May and are the Dragon Boat Festival. Too many things, Lecheng Emperor did not go out to see the dragon boat race, but he set up a feast in the palace to banquets of ministers and their families.

“Ayuan is ready to do it at the party?” Jing Hao asked with some curiosity.

"Do you want to do it? I want to be a spectator and I want to be a lover."

Jing Hao raised an eyebrow and smiled: "So, wait and see."

I have to look at Su Guifei and Rui Prince. After this time, I can't turn over again.

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