Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 536: : Dressing up

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"Hey..." Le Cheng is excited and eager, careful and timid. There may be a little emperor. The first time I saw the son and the daughter-in-law instead of my own dissatisfaction, but in the end, this emotion is not obvious, he himself It may not be found, but it does not mean that others have not found it.

You are a murderer, you are not guilty of blaming yourself in front of the "dead", but also because people are not the first to see you, not happy? It’s not the love of your love. It’s been remembered for years, even if it’s true love, unless it’s brain damage, it will put you in the first place after you’ve killed it yourself, even if it’s true, even if it’s In the first place, it should be hatred. It was not in the first time that it appeared. It was directly thrown up to cut off his neck. It can be said that it has been very face-to-face.

Huang Guiyu sideways face, quietly watching Le Chengdi, and the original hand is probably wanting to touch her Lecheng emperor, directly she was seen to be stiff, more uncomfortable, the eyes of the excited dyed Different colors, "琯, 琯琯..." The lips squirmed and the hands trembled again.

Huang Gui was stunned, "Imperial." The manners were thousands of, and the movements were still the same as textbooks.

Lecheng Emperor subconsciously reached out to help her, but it was empty, and the hand passed straight through the arm of Emperor Guifei. The Lecheng Emperor smashed, and there was a moment of empty space on the surface. What is going on here.

However, when Le Cheng was so responsive, Jing Hao clearly saw that Huang Guifei was shrunk by the “touching” hand, and the other hand was smashed without traces. It can be seen that the approach to Le Cheng’s emperor is There is no actual touch, and it is quite disgusting. I want to come. If I don’t consider Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao, she might do it very clearly.

Jing Hao’s understanding of Huang Guifei is based on other people’s populations. It’s all good, good, good-tempered, good-natured, good-hearted, and in all, perfect, just squatting now, it’s not like that. The matter is also said. The clay figurines are still three-dimensional. The good temper does not mean that there is no temper. The emperor is not a saint. How can the enemy who kills himself and kills have no negative feelings? In the heart of Huang Guifei, I can't wait to marry the Lecheng Emperor is normal, but what is disgusting is really too light.

Of course, there is no other possibility, that is, Huang Guifei does not value life and death at all. Based on this, there is no hatred for the Lecheng Emperor who killed her. However, Huang Guifei died before the child was born, so, more Most of the hatred comes from here. No matter how much Lecheng Emperor prefers Li Hongyuan, but also deprives him of the most important thing, women themselves can have no ambitions, but they will never allow their children to be bullied.

Therefore, it is absolutely not a peace of mind that Huang Guifei can maintain his current state. He can only achieve the realm of unrecognized emotions. He wants to come, too. Although Huang Guizhen died early, whether it was a former family or a later music. Chengdi, it can be said that she has protected her well. However, she did not learn much from the school, and she will be influenced by Qin Shuzhen in the next ten years. The most powerful woman in the harem is three. Not two.

It is strange that Huang Guifei can still have no snack machine and the city government.


Huang Guifei smiled softly. "The emperor, the courtiers can not show up for a long time. Waiting for the courtiers and Yuaner to say two words to his wife and children, and then to the emperor." He and Li Hongyuan, obviously, just knowing with Le Chengdi, it is not to obtain his consent, even if it is to annoy the music into the emperor, Huang Guifei obviously will not care, death is dead, there are so many scruples. However, there was a thousand words of Emperor Gui, who did not know what to say to his son. His eyes fell on Jing Hao. "I know that you are a good boy. You can marry you, it is his blessing. I hope that you can join hands and join hands, and never give up." Then I looked at Li Hongyuan. "The mother-in-law has not fulfilled the responsibility that one day should have. The mother-in-law is sorry for you. But now, what is the use? So, The mother-in-law only wants you to be fine." Huang Guiyue paused and smiled. "Well, let's go out first, I will talk to your father."

Li Hongyuan did not say anything, taking a look at Huang Guifei, "the children died." Then Jing Hao, who was not able to see the ceremony directly, left.

After Jing Hao went out, he saw the dust master who incited the beads and looked up at the sky. He did not know when the "big **** stick" came out. However, the "family" reunion did not cause him to be awkward. .

However, at this time, Jing Hao did not have the desire to open his mouth. From time to time, he looked into the room.

This place, at this moment, seems very quiet, even if it is the guard of the Royal Forest and the eunuchs around Lecheng, they are far away.

Li Hongyuan reached out and put his palm on Jing's face. With a little effort, let her look at herself. "Is it so curious?"

Jing Hao’s smile, “I really want to know what they are saying.” Well, people’s “couples”, even with a layer of enemies, but Le Cheng did not think so.

"What can be said, but it is a mutual complaint, and then promised to come to the world, but this is not the case."

In the front, Jing Hao still wants to refute, but when he finishes, Jing Hao understands what he means. In the case of Huang Guifei, it is a complaint that the intestines are false, and the pain is true, and the essential purpose is still her. The son is striving for more weights. At this time, it is the most stupid way to make a lot of mistakes with Le Chengdi.

For the sake of his son, Huang Guifei is willing to play with the emperor and the snake.

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