Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 544: : Ming Wu, Yin Yu, poison tongue

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"The situation is a bit wrong tonight, I don't want to leave me."

Li Hongyuan said quite seriously, and Jing Hao listened to him. "how?"

"I don't know for a while, I don't feel very good."

Intuition is such a mysterious thing, but Jing Hao thinks about the things he has experienced, and even if he opens this point, she chooses to believe unconditionally, so when other people are close to the temporary bridge, Jingjing still stands. There is no movement around Li Hongyuan.

Others are in the eye, but they haven’t said anything. It’s a living king. Now the position in the emperor’s heart is a step higher. It’s absolutely unreachable. If you don’t speak well, the emperor will soon be He is the same as the ancestors, others can not be unaware, his wife is now baby, naturally what he said.

Many people have thought of irony. Different people have different lives, what methods do they have, and who makes them not the kind of emperor?

Jing Hao is not moving, but she is stunned. Some people are afraid to ridicule their own husbands in their hearts. After twenty-five, it’s hard to be counted. Naturally, everything is cautious, once daring, and now timid. mouse.

Jing Hao coveted and said that it was not good. If she had any accidents and lost her baby, this person would probably not frown for her child. His anger would only be because he was hurt.

Because of this kind of affection, Jing Hao occasionally was a little scared because he worried that he could not give the other party the same love, even though love could not be measured. When you are not sure, you will suffer from the loss. When you get it, you can still have a small problem. Jing Hao sometimes spurns himself. Because he doesn't need to do anything for himself, Jing Hao doesn't know what he can do for him, but she will love him wholeheartedly.

However, this actually faces a problem because she has got the best and most complete. If one day, the person who gives this love will take it back, or let it become crippled. I have to go crazy, so at that time, Jing Hao estimated that she would really kill him.

Correspondingly, Jing Hao will never allow others to step in, who will attempt to destroy, she will kill who.

Jing Hao suddenly looked sideways at her husband, and at this moment, she suddenly realized.

"How?" Li Hongyuan was slightly confused.

Jing Hao shook his head.

——She just suddenly understood that her husband was so hostile to Chen Zhengmin and Sun Yilin, and wanted to kill them directly because they were affectionate and peeping at her, even if there was no threat in nature, he could not tolerate it. .

It is like changing to some excellent women. They are deeply rooted in their own love and love, and their reactions are definitely not good there. The most typical one is Yan Fangfei.

However, when she married her husband, Yan Fangfei had completely lost her play, and she had not yet dealt with him. The hatred of Yan Fangfei was directly derived from her calculations, counting the Luo family, so it was not too deep in this respect. Feelings.

Others who think of their husbands are very purposeful. They are basically not directed at him. And his love for her has given her strong confidence. I may not realize it at first. In fact, she didn’t actually put them in the eye, because she didn’t care for him but the things that he might bring outside, but it didn’t cause her to be alert. If Fang Fangfei is still there, even if she is not single, Jing Hao I probably want to kill her.

Don't wait to see the enemy, not because you don't trust each other, or because the enemy may be dangerous, but the other person who remembers himself will make you intolerable.

This kind of crazy possessiveness is not so-called own, others can't touch it, but because love is in the bones, only for one person, there is no such thing in foreign affairs.

Jing Hao suddenly laughed, with a little insight, with an unsatisfactory delight.

According to his status as a husband, he will definitely have a rival in the future. Jing Hao believes that when he does not need his husband to "force", she will take the initiative to deal with it, killing everything in the cradle, even if not killed, Let them know clearly and dare to come, and they must have the consciousness of breaking Huang Quan.

Even if it is a bad reputation, compared to his husband, the reputation is not worth mentioning.

"Is this stupid today?" Li Hongyuan had reached out and squeezed her face.

"Stupid you have to be a baby for a lifetime." Jing Hao Committee said in a polite manner.

Li Hongyuan chuckled and didn't know what his wife had figured up. It felt like something was different.

Because he Li Hongyuan has never been a person who only pays no return, how strong his love is, how much he wants to return to his wife, he still waits, but he does not know, this idea is actually realized at this moment. However, if Jing Hao does not say anything, he will probably only know when Jing Hao will take the next shot.

After the completion of the month, Le Chengdi is also late.

Subsequently, the Queen Empress hosted the moon cake, but her body was poor, the whole process was supported by people, it is also a kind of sadness to think about it, think about her, her ambition, her ambition, no healthy body, everything is Empty talk.

Cut the moon cake is the knife that Qin Shu moved.

The prepared moon cakes are large enough and the number is large. However, the emperor is not covered by the family. Therefore, the final division is only a small piece of the hand, and two or three mouths are gone.

Jing Hao feels that the taste is not bad. The dinner in the palace is not very good, but it does not mean that the craft of the royal chef is really bad. To some extent, because there are too many rules, the imperial kitchen is far away. A lot of things are not the smell, and the royal chef can't do anything. The moon cakes and the like are not.

Therefore, the most popular people in the imperial kitchen, the pastry chefs occupy the largest proportion.

The mood of Lecheng Emperor seems to be quite good today. He is not very particular about formal rules. He does not have to sit on his seat. He is a heir, and he does not mind if they sit down at their children. For many people, It is a great grace, especially in the post-lower position, they can also show their faces at the emperor’s family feast, and change to a formal occasion. There is no such thing as a place to stay with them. That is to say, in the palace of their own, they can still be children first. If they are in the emperor, they can only be the ones who serve the dishes.

At the table of Jing Hao and Li Hongyuan, there are still only two of them. There are no mothers on the top, and the children below are in the stomach. They are not lively, but they enjoy it.

Jing Hao looked up at the sky, and there was a thin cloud layer tonight, but this moment did not cover the glory of the round moon hanging in the air, the stars around it scattered, and the beads fell into the jade plate.

"Tonight is also a good moon-watching night." Jing Hao said softly.

Li Hongyuan glanced and responded. The moon is not beautiful, he has no interest, he just echoes the words of his wife.

At this time, the general manager of the Lecheng emperor came over, "Wang Ye, Wang Hao, the emperor let the two shift tables go to the Royal Table." The voice is not light and heavy, and the attitude is full of respect.

Because of Su Guizhen's "great secrets", Li Hongyuan's attitude toward the music master is still not very good, although he "rebellious" from childhood, has always been against Lecheng. "Don't go."

The head of the **** was a stiff face, and his heart shouted Li Hongyuan’s ancestors.

Jing Hao smiled. "It’s the same when sitting there. It’s okay for Wang to go to the father to drink a glass of wine.”

The general manager only wants to kneel down to Jing Shantou: Jin Prince is really too understanding.

Li Hongyuan glanced at her, and Shi Shiran got up and squatted with compromise.

The husband and wife sang a red face and sang a black face. This double spring is also a tacit understanding.

Li Hongyuan was quite a perfunctory gift, and the old face of Le Chengdi also smiled like a flower.

There was a "lesson" from the last Dragon Boat Festival. This time, the Emperor Lecheng had a lot of peace and harmony with Jing Hao. Of course, there was also Jing Yu’s pregnant pregnancy, and Huang Guifei added her amulet to her.

Li Hongyuan did not open his mouth. Jing Hao talked with Le Chengdi on his smile. Perhaps it was really a good mood. If Jing Hao did not say anything interesting, Le Cheng Emperor could laugh and let others look around.

In their view, the so-called grace is just to find a reason to call Li Hongyuan to the Royal Table. It looks like they are three people and the rest are superfluous. The original goodness is naturally faded.

Especially Su Guizhen, she clearly has children and grandchildren, but the result is the same as those who have no children.

Looking down on the seemingly depressed drinking is actually just hiding the hatred that is so strong that it is going to turn into substance.

She did everything in her power, and as a result, Li Hongyuan was so lucky, so that his wife and children were pregnant, and her best son, God gave the way but did not give it all, or gave birth. A little girl is even more because of this incident. How much blood she has spent, how much blood she has on her hands, and finally she has fallen to the present level, how can she not hate it? Therefore, the mask that has been worn for decades and almost grows with the cheeks has finally been completely torn off, so that now I dare not face it, because only one face, she will It may reveal the truest emotions in the heart.

However, according to Li Hongyuan's keenness, he was more or less aware of Su Guizhen's emotions, did not care, and owed nothing at a glance.

It must be said that when the Emperor Lecheng treated the people of the Jade Palace, the others did not know about certain things. However, there are no impenetrable walls in the world. Some things still have traces, such as the presence. Everyone knows that Su Guifei and her adopted son have completely torn the face because of certain things, Jin Prince has nothing to do, and Su Guifei is still in addition to a noble name, everything is gone, I want to know, definitely It is Su Guifei's loss.

Speaking of this, after this time, we did not go to the Jade Palace.

To say that it is a good thing for a woman in the harem.

It doesn't make sense to step on the kind of person who has no status and no status. Such a person is not worth it at all. Only when he is high and the person who has oppressed himself will step on it, will feel happy.

Su Guizhen used to be in the harem for so many years, and she did not know what happened in her hand. Perhaps because she stood tall enough, some things she had done, just like eating and drinking, she had no impression of herself. For others, the base friend may be the disaster of extinction. So, there is a chance, and there is no reason to avenge.

In the palace, no matter what the nature, song and dance are indispensable themes.

While chatting with people, they are slowly eating something, or dancing from time to time, and listening to the singer’s singer’s singer’s voice. Otherwise, the melodious music is equally pleasant.

Although there are many times because of the number of readings, there are always different places. It is too boring to be too boring, or being dragged by Le Chengdi. Jing Hao is very focused and serious. It feels really good.

The royal table of Lecheng Emperor is definitely richer than other people's tables at any time, thirty or forty, that is relatively few. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jing Hao is a wave of serving posture, estimated Broken hundred.

In the end, I can enter the emperor’s stomach, and I can have a total of three dishes. It’s all played in the imperial kitchen. The rest is wasted. During the reign of many emperors, the treasury was empty, so it’s a waste of law. Don't say it, if the emperor changes every meal into eight dishes and two soups, plus a snack or something, the people in the harem will be decremented in turn. Then, the entire palace, the money saved every year is not known.

Is the emperor’s eleven dishes wronged? Don't be kidding, seven or eight people are enough.

It is a pity that the food is also an important symbol of the identity of the emperor.

Li Hongyuan directly clipped a finger-tip meatball to the mouth of Jingjing. Jing Hao opened his mouth and ate it. He was too used to it. He knew that it was definitely not the first time. When Jing Hao reached out and prepared to drink some soup. At that time, I found out that everyone’s eyes were not right, especially Le Chengdi, which was a meaningful one.

The things in the mouth have just been swallowed. Jing Hao feels that it seems to be a little blocked. He has reached out and grabbed someone. What, she has forgotten, is he also following God? Clearly, it is intentional.

Li Hongyuan, basically, there are muscles everywhere. It’s not easy to pick it up. Jing Hao took it. For him, it’s more like itching. He didn’t care about it and gave her a look. A piece of fish.

Jing Hao's cheeks are indeed a lot thicker, but, by so many people staring, the skin still feels a little burned, partial life, some people are completely unaware, really good, really open to stop him, it is estimated that even more provoke People pay attention to it, Jing Hao is quite helpless, she can be regarded as a smashing out, this person is clearly a careful eye attack, in the accounting, can not be how to yourself, in this way to hate yourself.

Everyone feels accustomed to it. It is called Xiu Enai. The world is reserved. The husband and wife are not in a system in front of outsiders. It is unconventional, not shy, not even shameful. Moreover, it is always the wife who waits for the husband. In turn, if it is serious, some people even have to ask you where to learn from the four virtues.

Of course, in the eyes of other men, it is indeed not a system, but other women do not seem to be the same thing, the value of hate collected, it is derived from them.

Hey! Jing Hao slightly coveted and pretended to die.

Li Hongyuan put down the chopsticks and drank a glass of wine. His eyes were on the opposite side with the music master. "What does the father look at?"

Le Cheng emperor coughed, and it was too good to break it directly. "What should not be done, or not."

Li Hongyuan snorted, and others may want to be implicitly revealed. Who is Li Hongyuan, a living king, a former super-devil king, can't be, can't, he wants to be, compared to implicit restraint, he likes direct rudeness.

"My parents heard that the father-in-law loved the mother-in-law, and that the mother-in-law could care for the lungs. The children did not believe that they had not fed the mother-in-law to eat." The eyes turned and fell on other people. "The little things that are worthy of the chicken are worthy. Do a big fuss, if you are fine, you will dance with beautiful people. If you are dissatisfied, you will change yourself and stare at our husband and wife. If you are really flustered, you can do it yourself. The king does not mind."

Li Hongyuan’s peerless cheeks, his face is not red, but he is panicking for anyone else who has never done anything.

Especially Lecheng Emperor, almost caught up, and Li Hongyuan blows his beard and blinks. "I think everyone is like you. You have to be close to your wife and daughter, go back to your own palace, close the door, how to love, how is it? Outside, you have to pay attention to it."

Li Hongyuan ridiculed his ridicule. "There is no one around the father. I don't want others to be close to each other. It doesn't make sense. And, no one is accompanying you now. Who made it? If you can't get used to it, directly The next sacred purpose is to ban the courtiers from the palace. Is it really that I am rare to come to the palace? Last year, on Zhuangzi, there was not a bunch of messy people, I don’t know how happy."

Li Hongyuan’s mouth again vomited the knife, and the happy liver hurts, and his heart slammed, almost vomiting bleeding.

Others have also suffered collectively, and Li Hongyuan’s indiscriminate attack is really innocent.

Lecheng Emperor trembled and pointed at Li Hongyuan. "You, you, you are a shackle, are you mad at you? Are you willing to say that you are not allowed to say it yourself? Even if you look at it, you are not happy." ?"

Li Hongyuan stood up and said, "It’s not so happy. What do you think of the emperor?"

This atmosphere has become arrogant in an instant, and Jing Hao is actually okay. Some people's tolerance is not good, especially those who are laughing at the age, they will scare when they see it.

However, Li Hongyuan seems to have failed to give Le Cheng’s excitement enough. “What do you want to do is to dare to be dare, dazzle, and emperor? You can have one more person on this table.”

"砰", the music master slammed the table, angered the crown, screaming Li Hongyuan is like an angry lion, but Li Hongyuan is not willing to show weakness, the father and son are like the enemy, and finally the music is defeated, suddenly I’m deflated, “Oh, some things don’t want to say anything to you. It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival. You’re going to have a meal with your father, don’t scream every time, you’re an emperor, yes. Your father, hello, give you a face."

Li Hongyuan still wants to say something. Jing Hao stretched him and asked him to look over. Jing Hao gently shook his head. Li Hongyuan saw him for a moment, but he did not speak again.

Le Cheng emperor is in his eyes, his heart is sour, they all say that they have forgotten their mother-in-law, and this obstacle is really typical. However, I don't know if it is because the shackles were taken out from his mother's stomach by himself. He was born with his own character and talked to him. He couldn't make three sentences with his anger. "Sit down." Lecheng emperor waved his hand, even if it was for this meal, he didn't want to take care of him any more. Whatever he wanted to do, he only closed his eyes, when he didn't see it, he talked to him, and he might change again. What it looks like.

Le Chengdi sometimes suspects that he has created something in his previous life. In this life, he will have such a difficult obstacle to confront himself, but he is reluctant to punish him.

However, Li Hongyuan’s concealed mention of Emperor Guifei, the death of Emperor Guifei, and the interest of Lecheng Emperor could not be lifted.

Li Hongyuan seems to still not want to compromise, and the result was taken by Jing Hao.

Jingjing has some care, some fear, but my heart is very calm, just wondering, this man is not so happy today, so that pulling so many people with him is not happy?

Obviously, as long as Jing Hao knows best, someone is deliberate.

Therefore, in fact, whoever meets him must order wax.

This episode seems to have gone through this. In the hearts of the people, there are no traces left too deep. After all, just like cursing Jing Hao, I am used to it, once hated, twice angry, three times unwilling, waited four times five times six times It is also numb, and when it is seven times and eight times, it will probably be as light as water.

Of course, this is the majority of people. Su Guizhen has a hunchback and a pair of eyes. When he "reports" Huang Guifei, he is resentful and happy and afraid. The most worrying thing is that this fire burns to himself. When she came to her body, whether she or her son, she could not stand the emperor once again, or she would never have to turn over.

Perhaps the Emperor Lecheng was once again hit, and the spirit has become a bit unhelpful. For Su Guizhen, perhaps she did not think about her.

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Tonight or two more

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