Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 546: : Turning the opportunity to gamble

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So, who is the mastermind of this good show tonight?

Just considering this question, Jing Hao also just asked, "...Is there any object of doubt in Ayuan?"

"There is something, if the guess is true, then things can be interesting."

interesting? What a lot of fun can you die with a lot of people? Or is it that the "fun" in a certain population is not the same as that of ordinary people? Comparing his usual actions, it seems that the latter is more likely.

Jing Hao thinks that she should be prepared to wax somebody.

This matter has not been mentioned for the time being. "If Su Guizhen turned over, he would not be safe and self-sufficient. He still didn't know what would happen." Su Guizhen repeatedly targeted, although he failed to succeed every time, he did not No injury, Jing Hao still feels quite bored, that is, a mask worn for a long time, suppressed for a long time, this burst out, it is distorted.

"Su's grip in the hands of the chips is basically gone, she is just trapped in the harem, and can not afford any waves, Li Hongming went down once, the people who were optimistic about him at least half, this time, those people even again Looking back, Li Hongming is not willing to accept them again. However, there is a word called the post-autumn account. Those people are not stupid. How can they not think of this, so even if they feel that they have miscalculated wrongly, they will continue to bite their teeth. Going on, and will do everything possible to help the new master, can completely kill Li Hongming. No one will like the betrayal. We don't have to do anything. After a while, Li Hongming will still be burned."

Therefore, this mother and son, even if they climb up again, is it far from the original threat? !

The **** of the general manager of the Lecheng Emperor did not take long to go back. This time, when facing Li Hongyuan, it seemed even more embarrassing, and the mouth was swaying, and he could not express it clearly for a long time. After all, when the Jin Prince and the noble lady broke apart completely, he also knew it. So, now that the noble lady wants to see the Prince of Jin, if the prince of Jin is annoyed, the person who has been rumored is angered and killed by the prince of Jin on the spot. That is also white death.

So, he really can't say it.

Why is such a chore always falling on his head? It is obvious that there is no other person around the emperor. Sitting in the position of the general manager, you can trust, can you not be infinite? He is estimated to be the most sad reminder of the history.

They all say that they are accompanied by a tiger. This master is not a gentleman, but he is more terrible than Jun. At this moment, the **** is somewhat indifferent to admire the "comrades" who have been serving on the side of the Prince of Jin. It is a real person. After so many years, he can still live well. He is obviously the master of the emperor, facing him. I can't get up at the time, so, shouldn't I care about these things, but go to the direction of the body to get him?

Li Hongyuan converges his temper as much as possible. However, the road he has chosen has made him more arrogant. Therefore, he has endured in big things. In addition, all his patience and good temper have been given to Jing Hao. The manager of the side of the music was so long that the cup had been waiting for him for a long time, and the cup had been accurately placed on his head.

The screams, but the voice was swallowed back by him in a very short time, and the hand that subconsciously grabbed his forehead was quickly removed, and the position above the eyes was a **** handprint and blood. When the cockroaches flowed out, it quickly blurred the eyes, and the body could not stop shaking slightly because of pain and fear.

At this time, I dare not hesitate any more, pour the beans, and do things without breathing.

Li Hongyuan’s faceless expression, “What is the king of the Soviet Union, and the cat and puppy that went to call it? The king has been written off with her, so you bring it back to the king, anyone If you dare to come here, it will definitely make him come back." Li Hongyuan slaps at the small square table at hand, and the square table is directly fragmented.

In the end, the **** was only stuck in one eye, and fortunately, his leg was swollen more powerfully. If this palm was shot on himself, it is estimated that the life is gone. "Yes, the slaves retire."

He is even more willing to face the anger of the emperor than the living king.

In the Jade Palace, it was already a stagnation. It seems to have restored the popularity of the past. However, Su Guizhen was lying on the couch, but the knife was directly inserted into the lungs, and because of the poison Relationship, the blood can not stop, with the white cloth dead and dead, dyed red one piece after another.

When the **** came back to life, Su Guifei might have heard the sound, so he tried to open his eyes and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. After a moment, he could not find the figure he was looking for. The teardrops in his eyes suddenly fell down. "The emperor , Yuan Er, Yuan Er is not, is it really not to refuse, will not see the minister, even if it is the last side?"

"No, no, Yuan is a good boy, a filial child, and then send someone to go..."

Su Guizhen showed a smirk, "Yes, Yuan is a good boy, a courtier, a courtier can't hold him, it's all the fault of the courtiers." It seems that the words are consuming her vitality, so Su Guifei's The face is more and more pale, "But, but the courtier is just awkward. The courtier is so loving in the emperor, the emperor, but in the heart of the emperor, there is always only a younger sister. The courtier wants to be single-minded, but he and his sister. The longer it looks, the more the heart of the courtiers, the more it is eaten by thousands of ants, and it is fried by fire. It is the same day and night. The courtiers have always told themselves that Yuan is innocent, he is the only sister. Left to the emperor, so no, no..."

Su Guizhen dissected his heart and no longer concealed his ugly heart at this moment.

However, this man has a root of inferiority, a woman, no matter how ugly the heart is, but if everything is based on their true feelings, then their vanity will be greatly satisfied, so it seems that no matter how much the woman has done. The wrong things can be forgiven, and the Lecheng Emperor is now almost in such a state, and what is imperial, and everything is completely forgotten.

What's more, the so-called man will die and his words are good. Su Guizhen still blocks his knife. If he thinks that this injury is on his own body, Le Cheng’s mentality can’t help but squat, and taking advantage of this injury, it’s out. Life, so to say, this time, basically what Su Guizhen said is what he is, he just needs to be "good".

However, Su Guizhen is obviously a wise man. He will not ask for anything at this time. Even if he really can't escape this robbery, she will never open her mouth. The things she asks for are the kindness that is erased. What she wants is music. The emperor is willing to give the initiative, and the request may only be the same. The emperor will give it infinitely.

In order to turn over, Su Guizhen was really gambling, and instead of being humiliated and dying in the Jade Palace, it is better to hang on to the emperor’s memory, just like the singer of the singer, Su Guizhen can be sure if she is still alive. The emperor will not be as good as the original baby. If used properly, she may have let her relationship with the emperor drop to freezing point, but she died in that mouth, marking the deepest trace in the emperor's heart, so that the emperor For decades, she still remembered her, and she was too favored for her kindness.

It’s a pity that Su Guizhen’s understanding of this point is a bit late, otherwise it would not be so embarrassing in the early morning, at least not let the monk die.

Now grasp this point and use your life to gamble. If you can pick it up, it is naturally the best. If you can’t come, your son should have no problem in the future. After going through all the previous things, I believe his heart will be more mature. Doing things will be more cautious, easy to make mistakes, and will not be caught.

The throne can be expected!

"The emperor, the courtier knows that the Yuaner is definitely not willing to see the courtier again. The emperor does not have to reluctantly force him. The courtier is just regretting it. I regret that I was so obsessed with the heart that I was angered by him. It is the most pitiful and innocent. He refuses to see the courtiers and refuses to forgive the courtiers. It is right, right..."

Su Guizhen said, the voice is getting weaker and weaker, as if it can no longer continue to speak.

"Hey, go and take the obstacles in person."

Lecheng Emperor has liked Su Guizhen for so many years. There are many factors, and some are still some true feelings. After all, Su Guizhen itself is a woman who can attract many men, but Su Guizhen stepped on the reverse scale of Lecheng, so It’s bad to abandon, grasping the mind of Lecheng Emperor. Once there is a chance, it’s not really difficult to recover. Lecheng is essentially a person who reads the old feelings. However, Huang Guifei is so special to him that he is not so good on others. Reflected.

Su Guizhen grabbed the sleeves of Le Chengdi, but it was only a moment to open it, but Le Cheng did not dare to force.

"No, the emperor should not go, don't die, and the children still hate me."

Su Guizhen wants to see Li Hongyuan? It’s not that, she finally found out that the child who didn’t know it at all, if it really came, the situation she created would probably be broken by him. She decided that Li Hongyuan would not see her, and she would stage it. I really want to see it. Now I am reluctant to see each other. The image I created is more stable, and it also discredits the kind of one.

"Good, all according to you, don't talk anymore."

Su Guifei closed his eyes and seemed to be awake.

Le Cheng Emperor is full of anxiety, and the royal doctor is still trying to rescue, but for a while, he will not be sure what the poison is. He can only use the most conventional method, obviously it has no effect.

Seeing that the blood is still flowing, the Lecheng Emperor is a doctor, and one foot will open the person, and almost killed the person and dragged it out.

Li Hongming entered the palace very quickly, obviously a later notice, but he was one step closer to the Jade Palace than Gong Jiu.

Because I was worried about my mother-in-law, I couldn’t care for anything. It’s not a bad thing to go into the palace without going into the palace. "Female, mother-in-law..." Li Hongming rushed in and ignited, completely disregarding manners.

In his heart, it seems that only Su Guifei, who rushed to the side of Su Guifei, couldn’t even pay attention to the emperor. "How is your mother, how are you?" Carefully reaching out, as if to touch her, Dare, I am afraid that a little touch will make her pain. "Mother, is my son, can you look at me? Mother?"

The tears of the big man are also rolling down in the blink of an eye.

It is said that the man has tears and does not flick, let alone the emperor. But at this time, no one will blame him.

Lecheng Emperor squats, all of them are sour, this is the woman he once loved, his most optimistic son.

Lecheng couldn't help but reach out and pat him on the shoulder. "Your mother-in-law will not have anything to do."

"Father's Emperor," Li Hongming's lips groaned, as if this was discovered by Le Chengdi. "The son is rude..."

"When is this all the time, what is the rude?"

"Ming Er?" Su Guizhen screamed low and wanted to open his eyes. The eyelids were like a thousand gold. "The emperor, the courtiers, the courtiers seem to hear the voice of Minger."

"Mother, mother, son, I am coming, I am coming..." Li Hongming seized Su Guizhen.

Su Guili opened his eyes. "Before you die, you can see your last side, mother, mother..."

"Mother, don't talk nonsense, you won't have anything, there won't be anything. - Royal doctor, how can you not see the royal doctor, the father, the royal doctor how to say, how to say, how can anyone not see?" Li Hongming has some hysterical roar. Because talking to Le Chengdi, it is like being in the emperor.

Le Chengdi will not mind this time. "The knives are poisonous. The general detoxification method does not work. The doctor is inquiring about what kind of poison, and it is possible to treat the right medicine..."

When Li Hongming wanted to export, he was swallowed back by the cockroach, gritted his teeth, and the blue veins on his forehead burst.

"The emperor, the emperor, the government of the Prince of Jin Dynasty has arrived." The palace outside was rushing through.

"I don't want to call people in." Le Cheng and Li Hongming eagerly opened their mouths.

Gong Jiu stepped up recently, was about to see the ceremony, but was caught by Li Hongming two steps forward, exhausted all efforts to pull him over, "fast, hurry to save my mother!" There are still tear marks on his face.

Gong Jiu subconsciously wants to open Li Hongming, really did it, it can be done easily, and finally resisted.

Gong Jiu gave Su Guizhen the pulse, "also ask the emperor to move."

This person is dying, and you are not a doctor.

Le Chengdi was very obedient at this moment, and his movements were very slippery.

Gong Ji was so polite to sit in the original position of Lecheng Emperor, spread the needle sleeve, a row of bright silver needles, fingers crossed from above, and then pulled out one, just about to start, Gong Jiu suddenly paused, "the emperor The noble woman lost too much blood, some blood condensed into a block, which inevitably affected, so it may be necessary to touch the body of the noble lady."

Men and women don't kiss each other, even if the other is an old woman, after all, it is a woman of the emperor, so we must also prevent the emperor from possessing the desire to make a fuss, and make it clear in advance, and it is best to die.

"In the eyes of the doctors, isn't it only the patient, there is no distinction between men and women?" Le Chengdi is very big and right.

The thought in this heart is that I don’t know if it’s because: Anyway, it’s so old, it’s good, it’s not going to sleep, it’s how to be touched by other men, and it’s not wearing a green hat for him.

"Thank you for the father." Li Hongming is really afraid that Lecheng will give up treatment.

Obviously, the IQ of Lecheng Emperor is also online at this time. It is a savior, because this is not to be ruled. From the standpoint of men, it may be understood, but it will not be understood on the level of reason.

Gong Jiu got permission, he didn't hesitate to start, and he tore off Su Guifei's clothes. It looked like flesh and blood, and he couldn't see the skin. Then his left hand was slightly groping around the wound, and the right hand silver needle was stable. fall.

Nowadays, it seems that the first step needs to stop bleeding, otherwise it may not be able to wait for detoxification, and Su Guizhen will first bleed too much and die.

Gong Jiuyi's hand, silver needle hemostasis, can be called supernatural, a few needles to go, a group of doctors can not do things, he can easily do. Then Gong Ji took out the prepared disinfectant alcohol, medical cotton and tweezers from his medical box.

Obviously, these things are also derived from Jingsongkou. It is not too difficult. She said that the people under Li Hongyuan can naturally get out.

Gong Jiu handed it to Li Hongming, "Use this to clean the wounds for the noble lady, remember not to touch the silver needle."

Gong Jiu went to open several prescriptions and told the people of Lecheng that he would not ask questions.

Su Guizhen’s palace lady cleaned her wounds, but apparently she had never done this kind of thing. Originally, the needles could be needled like a fly, but this time it was clumsy, and people looked anxious, and Gong Jiu Just to Su Guifei to stop bleeding, but no pain, this alcohol went up, the tingling caused Su Guifei to scream, the face was pale without a trace of blood. The hand of the palace lady shook even more, fearing that she had hurt the master.

- Ming Ming Gong Jiu can give her pain relief, in the northwest trauma surgery, you can not use silver needle to relieve pain, apparently because the other party and his own master is not jealous, he is black and black lungs intentionally, can not use other means, this is a small meaning .

"What happened? What is this? The mother-in-law just didn't do this." Li Hongming grabbed Gong Jiu's clothes and asked for a bad look.

Gong Jiu didn't politely open Li Hongming's hand. "The three emperors are angry, this is to avoid the redness and suppuration of the wounds of the noble lady, but the pain is increased, and there is no influence. There is no way to do this." Explain. The name of Li Hongming is purely coping.

Li Hongming has a black face, but can't say anything. He is turned into a monk and has no title. Usually, the name of a prince is already given to the face. The identity of the prince is much more noble than that of the monk. However, it was the Emperor Lecheng who did not make a decree to remove him from the royal family.

However, it is obvious that after Li Hongming fell down, there is still no schooling. The things that exist in the bones are still not smoothed. Otherwise, you should know that you should not easily offend a doctor, especially a doctor who is not controlled by himself but has a good medical skills. When he needs him, he can sneak you silently.

However, there is also a suspicion in the eyes of Le Chengdi. "You have never been like this before."

"Return to the emperor, the noble venom is a special kind of snake venom. At first, the wound will be paralyzed and it will not feel pain. Only after a period of time, this paralysis will disappear. The noble lady is now past that time. This kind of pain is within the tolerance of ordinary people, so please don't worry about the emperor."

Le Chengdi nodded and no longer spoke.

Gong Jiu squinted, "The action is better. The situation of the noble lady is not to be delayed."

It is said that the palace girl is also anxious, but the more anxious and panic, the more unstable the panic is, the more alcohol is almost overturned. The palace lady was afraid to squat on the ground. "The emperor redeemed the sin, and the prince redeemed the sin."

Le Cheng and Li Hongming's face are gloomy.

"Roll, useless things. - Gong Jiu, still come."

"Yes." Pick up the scorpion, clip a piece of cotton, dip the alcohol, and rub it directly onto the wound of Su Guizhen. The movement is clean and clean, but it is obviously not gentle, it is the wound, and the cotton is directly inserted.

Li Hongming saw that he was so rude and clenched his fists. "The people, the great courage, dare to go black!" The fists then waved out. In his view, Gong Jiu is a person of the Prince of Jin, but he is not worried.

Gong Jiu avoided, and looked at Li Hongming with no expression. "The cleanup is not clean. The sin will only be the noble lady, or will the prince come by himself?" It is not a real civilian. How can Gong Ji be humble and knee-high, not only behind him The master, himself is also full of confidence, simply not afraid of Li Hongming.

"The third child, give you a quiet stay, don't mess up."

After cleaning up, Gong Jiu carefully asked Su Guifei to diagnose the pulse. The lungs were indeed injured. It was not serious. However, it was fatal. Gong Jiu was not able to give visceral surgery. Su Guizhen can Can not support, depends on her own creation. Regarding poison, it is secondary, knowing what poison is, knowing the method of detoxification, as long as it is detoxification in the effective time, it is not enough.

What is the truth, Gong Jiu and Le Chengdi said truthfully, lest Su Guifei die, ask him to come back to the pot.

"You have that ability, deliberately evasive, and now shirk responsibility, you really are..."

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