Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 567: : I will see him soon.

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The carriage curtain once again had a movement, Jing Hao opened his eyes and saw Sun Yilin appearing again. He had no strange change on his face, but now the "疤" has increased by at least one tenth, Sun Yilin. It was very light, and the previous wolf did not seem to have appeared.

If it is not the case, Jing Hao should praise it.

"Maybe take the liberty, but still ask, should Sun Gongzi tell me something."

Sun Yilin smiled and laughed. There was no sense of warmth, but there was a strange fear. "have nothing to say."

Jing Hao’s intention to look at him for a moment, close his eyes and refuse to communicate again is obvious.

Sun Yilin seems to have no intention of sitting down, taking a cup of water and taking a sip. The action is like sipping the most beautiful wine in the world, with three points of intoxication, and in the whole process, his eyes are in the eye. Jing Hao's face, so that the product is not water, not wine, but beauty.

"Oh, no matter what kind of days you have been before, whether it is sweetheart or sweetheart, I can guarantee that I will give you the best of everything I can, and there will be no one else around me." It’s a child in your belly, and I can see it as myself, so forget about it before?”

Sun Yilin’s wishful self-speaking, without the response of Jing Hao, is not annoying, and continues to look forward to a bright future, from the picturesque scenery of the south of the Yangtze River to the snowy fields of Saibei, from the treasures of the sea in the sea, to the magnificent wilderness of the mountains. Everything is so beautiful.

However, there is no good mood, and good things are equal to zero. If you want to be with you, the person you are with is not the one who is in your heart. It will become bleak and lack of interest.

Jing Hao finally couldn't listen, and opened his eyes. "Sun Gongzi, are you too self-righteous? Have you ever asked me if I want to?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you forget it, you will only see me in the future, you will only see me. At that time, you will be willing." Sun Yilin's voice is extraordinarily gentle, and he also reached out in Jingwei's hairpin. Caress.

Jing Hao’s pupils are slightly shivering, and they don’t feel warmth. Instead, they have a feeling of being stared at by poisonous tongues. They are so ugly, they don’t know anything about the locusts, so they don’t know how terrible it is. I don’t know if it’s really It is forgotten that the aphids in front of the dust, if they exist, are definitely the ones that Jingyi does not want to see at all.

"Is it scared? You are relieved, nothing, you will not have any pain, it is easy, it is very simple."

Jing Hao licked her lips. In fact, she didn't understand it now. What made it so that the former first son of the capital became like this? Is it true that he only knows that his husband has stirred up the marriage between them? For her, is it really important to this point? Just a few sides, they don’t understand each other. She thinks she is not a different person. How can she be so remembered? How to look like a big joke!

Jing Hao wants to ask, do you really like me? Or because the heart is unwilling, coupled with other people's hands and feet, so that the original has become a special, so that ordinary likes become obsessive, and because of some factors, lead to a thought into a demon? As such, Jing Hao did not ask for an exit.

"Where are you going to take me?" Jing Hao asked. I thought it was a place to have my own husband, but now I am not sure.

Sun Yilin smiled. "Why, do you want to run away with me directly? I think about it, but it doesn't work. Some things don't end, we are elopement, and there will be no peace, even though I don't want you to see anyone other than me, but I don't want you to stay in one place forever, so the after-cleanness of the sweep must be removed."

I got the answer I wanted. Jing Hao once again closed her eyes. Sun Yilin is really ugly now, not the face, but the state of mind, but the heart, continue, Jing Hao worried that he would be sick.

"Is it really happy to be in the heart? I can see him again. Actually, I don't understand. Li Hongyuan, the kind of person, why can you get your favor? Obviously, you are the most intolerant of a man's heart and soul. He took his heart for a while. Can you keep in the past? He has been changing people around, and there will be nine or nine in the future. It’s hard to think that he will always guard you with one heart and one mind. Impossible. I am different, it is still I haven't had any skin kiss with any woman. And, don't you feel that you are unfair? Li Hongyuan has a lot of debts. I have only had a little problem, but I have been calculated. This marriage is broken. broken……"

"Sun Yilin," Jing Hao couldn't bear it, blinked, and looked coldly at him. "How do I do now, what will happen in the future, it has nothing to do with you. There is one thing you have to figure out, we have been married, even if no one else intervenes." Do you think that there is no problem? If you are calculated by someone, it is also that the loopholes in your body are too obvious. If you don’t have to do anything else, you will be overwhelmed. What is happening, you are now temperamental, and your mind is reduced to three years old. Is it now? You are like this, just like I am fortunate to climb the privilege, Sun Yilin, I tell you, I don’t owe you, don’t lie in my ear, do you know that you are really annoying? ”

In the eyes of Sun Yilin, there was a touch of injury that he did not notice. The face was light and cloudy. "Is it so treatable to me? It is really sad, but it doesn't matter, I know that this pregnant person has some I am so angry that I can't control my emotions. If you have any unhappiness, you can vent them. I will forgive you."

In fact, Jing Hao actually said those words, and she regretted it. She was afraid of a quick tongue and angered Sun Yilin. When she lost her weight, she was still a child in her stomach. As a result, I heard Sun Yilin say so. She almost vomited, what is this called someone? Is he really a perverted neuropathy?

Jing Hao suppressed the anger in his heart and decided to stop talking about a word.

After that, Sun Yilin was still whispering in Jing's ear, and it was not organized. He thought of what to say, not to abandon thirst, for half an hour.

Jing Hao is also a thorough knowledge. For the first time, I know that this book is too much and there are bad times.

"Sun Gongzi, can you please leave, this king wants to change clothes." This kind of thing, the general situation is quite shameful, now, Jing Hao did not think.

Sun Yilin is still unfinished, with some regrets ready to get up and leave, but when he opened the carriage curtain, he turned back and condescended, "Hey, I don't like your self-proclaimed, so I hope you will pay attention next time, I can't bear to hurt you, but, The clay figurine is also three-dimensional, and may not be able to suppress it all the time. It will not be against you. It does not mean that I will be so tolerant to others."

"Sun Yilin, what do you do now, where is your sister? If she is told, what would she think?"

Sun Yilin didn't change his face, so he thought it would be awkward. "Hey, do you think that there will be a few people in the end who know what happened to her? What happened to her before Luo, how is it?"

"I thought you would say that when the night breaks the capital, it is also to ask her a title." Jing Hao sarcastically said.

"My heart is not so big. Although Qiyuan is getting smaller, it has not yet reached the point of paper." Obviously, Sun Yilin is a disguised recognition that he has already turned to the enemy.

"That's the case, you should also know that this time, you may not be successful. When will you be?"

"Is there still you? You have done a lot for her, I believe, you will not be angry with her because of me."

"Yes, I don't know, but she is at the Luo family. It is also the Luo family who will face it every day. At that time, is it a sentence that I can change her situation?"

"The days of these people still need to be on their own." Sun Yilin got out of the carriage, his voice was a little erratic.

Jing Hao secretly grasped his fist and took a deep breath and endured it.

The black girl quickly served on the carriage, and there was an endless worry in her eyes. She saw that Jing Hao’s clothes were neat, her spirit was good, her expression was not bad, and she was relieved. “Wang Hao...”

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Sun Yilin won't be like me. It's serious to protect yourself."

The black girl clenched his fists, his eyes raging, and he was eager to give Sun Yilin a big unloading. "Wang, how is he, how did he become like this?" The black girl was obviously not afraid at the same time. I believe that there is a trace of regret, Sun Yilin's famous name, they are also familiar.

"Who knows." Jing Hao's voice is a bit fuzzy.

Later, the black girl waited for Jing Hao to change clothes, and Grace also came to help. However, she was rejected by the black girl's cold face. If there was any doubt at the beginning, I still don't know it in the eyes of the black girl. It is a white-eyed wolf that is ungrateful and can't bear her. It is already the limit. Do you dare to sway with Wang Hao? Really can't find death.

"It’s enough to have a black girl. You don’t have to come again.” Jing Hao said softly.

Graceful eyes are dark, "Wang Hao, don't be afraid, don't be afraid at any time." Then he squatted and turned away, and his steps were still not too light.

"What is something, Wang Hao is not afraid of it, and it is yours." The black girl hates the voice.

If Jing Hao thinks thoughtfully, grace seems to mean something, not just to comfort her.

From this day on, Sun Yilin appeared from time to time, but it did not spend as much as the first day, and Jing Hao basically can completely ignore him.

On a later day, it seems that someone has come, and the itinerary has suddenly accelerated. Jing Hao thought, fearing that Sun Yilin slowed down the trip and made people behind him dissatisfied.

The itinerary is faster. Compared with before, Jing Hao is really uncomfortable. However, it is not a big deal. The left is that the appetite is weakened, the spirit is worse, and there is some faint soreness on the body.

The black girl looked in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, and Sun Yilin’s worries were also expressed in the table, and even a dispute with the other person. In the end, the speed was slowed down.

Therefore, the black girl’s resentment against him has weakened a bit, and occasionally watching Sun Yilin seems complicated.

Jing Hao smiled and was a little weak. It was really a gimmick, and the emotions could change so easily.

So again for nearly six or seven days, the carriage stopped again, because the road was fairly flat before, Jing Hao slept in the carriage, some were sleepy, Jing Hao only thought, this time stopped, before Almost, just rested halfway until Sun Yilin once again boarded the carriage. "Hey, I will see you soon, Prince Jin, you said, if he knows, you have been eating with me on this road, and Then I will hold you to him. You said, what will he do?"

Jing Hao was completely awake, and his heart was a little bit leaping and opened his eyes. "When it is, then congratulations, take another step from Huangquan Road."

"Why do you think that he will not make you a must for you? Is the Prince of Jin so broad-minded?"

Jing Hao taunted and snarled, not to mention that she had nothing to do with Sun Yilin, even if there was anything, all the anger of someone would only be vented to Sun Yilin and those behind him, he made another horrible thing, too Never hurt her hair.

This kind of 100% trust, looking like it can not be opened, but in the eyes of Sun Yilin is exceptionally glaring, feeling extra nuisance, breeding the urge to destroy, why can not belong to him? The hand that fell on Jingshou’s head fell to the neck along her hair, with a slight force.

Jing Hao's expression is more and more cold, and he is not afraid to face Sun Yilin. The creeping expansion of the scar on his face is also ignored.

Sun Yilin suddenly let go, buried his head, and took a heavy breath. When he looked up again, the cockroaches on the face expanded again, and the squirming stopped. There was nothing else. "Oh, sorry, I don't want to hurt you, really don't want to, don't blame me, don't blame me..."

Jing Yu does not speak a word.

Sun Yilin exited the carriage, and the loud noise came out again. Jing Hao looked up and saw that the light from the skylight was dim. I thought it was nearing the evening, I don’t know where it is outside, I don’t know if my husband is in the body. Where, but, knowing that he was nearby, his heart settled down. At the same time, the thoughts that were pressing in the bottom of my heart broke out, so that Jing Yan’s eyes were a little wet. In the end, the teardrops did not fall, and they reached out and wiped them off. A smile, this person, it really has to rely on, it becomes squeaky, gentle township, it is more than a man, this woman is actually more likely to indulge in it.

When Jing Hao came down from the carriage, the sky could only see a little glimmer, the place under the tree, and so on, even the faintly visible shadow was seen. Not far away, it was a few torches. The light is not strong.

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