Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 2 Chapter 571: : A thorn, a kill

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After enjoying the body, the bottom of the eye reveals a deep darkness. The tip of the tongue smashes over the red **** lips. "Say, it is the man I saw. At this point, I can still come over, oh, still. It’s getting more and more interesting.” Turning around, I’m still going to look at her prey again, even if I can’t get close, but the closer I get, the stronger the feeling between the locks, of course, the lock Between them, there can be no more than ten miles in scope. The farther apart, the more violent the lock will be, and the corresponding owner will be very uncomfortable.

- What happened? Is it that there is no sense of half-point? Impossible, how can this happen?

The sacred woman frowned, and things seemed to be a bit unexpected and unexpected. The things that were originally determined were unstoppable and there was a trace of suspicion.

In fact, from the beginning, some of the pleasing feelings were not so thorough.

How to say it, it seems that the veins all over the body should have been unimpeded. However, it seems that some subtle places have been blocked. It is not known where it is blocked. It was originally ignored because it could not be found. This feeling has become stronger again.

It took time and effort, but things didn't develop as expected. This was an annoying place. If things were beyond control, they would be more intolerable.

Once again, risking the proximity to Li Hongyuan’s house was also ruthlessly blocked.

The saint did not venture and did not retreat.

At this moment, it seems that everyone has been given a fixed body and is still in the original position.

The sky is getting brighter, "Come on." Inside the house, Li Hongyuan finally opened.

As soon as he spoke, the world seemed to live with him, including the saints, and felt the existence of his majestic body. From the perception, it was not without gain. At least, the control of him seemed to be enhanced. So, she should have thought more before? !

"The master." The people at the door were busy.

"Prepare water, bathe." Before him, he was not much worse than being taken out of the water. After sitting for so long, the wet clothes seemed to have done a lot, and it was quite uncomfortable to stick to the body, not to mention himself. There are some cleanliness.

Li Hongyuan’s bathing process is not fast or slow, quite normal. The only thing that is not normal is probably that Gong Jiu is on the side. However, Mu Gonggong is not there. The people around him, who serve, seem to have no problem.

Stepping out of the door, facing the dawn of the morning light, beautiful and innocent, handsome and handsome, perhaps because there is no feelings, it seems that there is no smog of smoke and fire, more and more like the nine-day god, facing him, only to surrender.

Looking sideways, looking at the so-called saints, they were the most intimate people because of the locks. At this moment, he saw her as nothing, her own feelings, not so easy, let her be proud Conceited, the stars hold the moon high, and sometimes there is some tremors, and the legs are soft and soft. If it is not a bite, it may be ugly on the spot.

At a glance, I didn’t take the other person as one thing at all.

For some people, what is more intolerable than contempt for contempt is disregard. The saint is in the list.

The body trembles more and more obviously, but this time it is mad.

"Come on, prepare food for Wang Hao."

There is no feeling in this, and it is so memorable that the heart of the saint’s heart is burning and the heart of the heart is about to drown her. However, no matter how the heart is tumbling, it will not affect Li Hongyuan, even though Her emotions actually affect the locks in his body. However, what about it?

Unwilling, she can't do anything.

After a little return to God, I suddenly realized that Luo Jing was coming, she was clear, but how did Li Hongyuan know? According to reason, he should not know that it was the "surprise" she had prepared for him. Now, the people around him are not surprised, the expression is dull, and they know that the news is not in a short time.

So, is it really beyond expectations? Damn it!

Calm, calm, even if unexpected, but Luo Jing's body has a substitute for the body, so things are not so perfect, she still has the initiative, they can not move her, on the contrary, still need to protect She is, as long as she is alive, there is always a chance to turn over.

To say that she endured again and again, when she was patient in the most painful time, what is now counted.

The meal is ready, Li Hongyuan also used some, and used more than before.

Li Hongyuan put down the chopsticks, and slowly wiped this hand with a scorpion. It seems that it completely restored the past gracefulness, no negative emotions, and no frosty frost under the deliberate control. "When the king arrived, the good life waited for her to eat, and then came back to find the king."


Normal to abnormal.

During this time, it has always been abnormal. It is suddenly normal, and it is not normal.

When Wang Hao arrived, since he is still thoughtful and thoughtful, how can he stay and wait? It’s called no feelings. Taking care of it is a past sentiment, but I didn’t have to let him be as good as before.

Jing Hao, they have already been outside the mountains, but because they don’t know the situation, they have not acted rashly, and the outsiders have basically been solved.

When they discussed how to contact Li Hongyuan, the people in the mountains came out and were the guards.

"I have seen Wang Hao."

According to the photos, seeing him, Jing Hao should be calm in his heart, but, inexplicably, the heart is somewhat uncontrollable and jumps a bit fast, not nervous, not excited, and feels more biased towards the bad side. "Your prince, can he be okay now?" This is nothing more than Jing's most worried thing, other...

"Back to Wang Hao, Wang Ye is very good. Before Wang Ye had ordered people to prepare for breakfast, I will wait for you."

Jing Hao clenched his fist unconsciously. If this is the case, he should come to see her personally, but no. "What is the situation, you tell me clearly, you can't hide it."

Money guards are actually not very clear about what kind of state their own masters are now. So, what is there to say, what happens on the bright side, besides being a substitute for the body, there is nothing in it. The reason why she concealed her steadfastness was that she did not want to have a burden on her heart. He did not expect that Jing Hao actually knew.

Lock feelings? ! Damn, Jing Hao really didn’t hate those bugs like this one. However, he could resist the things that were overbearing, and Jing Jing’s heart was distressed. He also wanted to know what he had never failed. It is definitely not that easy to fight.

Does he have no feelings for himself? Although Jing Hao is a little sad, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it can definitely be solved. Moreover, a sincere feeling can be easily controlled by a bug. It is too much to be played and can be controlled by foreign objects. Maybe it can be said that it is not true enough, not deep enough, she believes in him!

Jing Hao loosened the clenched fist and exhaled a breath. "Let's go in." She wants to see, who is thinking about her husband in Xiao. Jing Hao’s reaction was beyond the expectation of the money guard. However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing you can’t understand. Their feelings are sincere and no one can match each other’s trust.

Money guards lead the way, but it is unimpeded along the way. However, some people have tried to bring her, and there is no reason to stop her. Moreover, the initiative is in their hands, perhaps they don’t care about her now. In whose hands.

There is nothing strange about Hawthorn. It is basically clear at a glance. Why did the other party choose such a place? Jing Hao does not believe that there is no reason for this.

Jing Hao originally thought that her husband, even if she didn't go out to pick her up, she should see it the first time after she came in. Now she doesn't even have a shadow, and the locker is not seen. However, according to Jing’s estimation, the female niece in her body should be on the woman, because only in this way, many things will make sense. In this regard, Qian guards glared at her, and she did not intend to ask.

Into the room, saw the meal on the table, Jing Hao still did not see the most wanted people, bad feelings, once again intensified.

"Your prince? Where is it now?" Didn't pick her up, can you say it, what should you say about "avoiding"?

"Wang Hao, the prince is behind the house, you have to eat first, and then you will lead you in the past."

"No, I will see him again." This person is close at hand, can't see anyone, how can I eat something.

"Wang Hao," at the time of Jing's turn, the money guards reached out and blocked. "Wang Hao redeemed the sin, the prince told me, please use the meal first, you can rest assured that the prince will always wait, you are not considering for yourself, but also think about it. Children in the belly."

Jing Hao looked at him, even if it was a regular meal, but now, it is only a half-time, insisting that she eat something and then go, then, maybe after seeing him, maybe even more can not eat anything Reasons.

The money guard was seen by Jing Hao as some scalp numb, but still firm and did not give in.

In the end, Jing Hao did not bother him. He sat down, began to eat, waved his hand, and did not let Gong Yu serve them. It was a small square table, and she was alone. There was no need for people to cloth.

There is no fineness of the palace, and it is not so delicious. However, for Jing Hao, what is eaten is actually the same, and the taste is the same as chewing wax. However, she still tries to eat it. Don't think about "why", anyway, you can know if you don't? However, eating and eating, the teardrops in Jing Yan’s eyes rolled down, but she did not feel it, but also slammed it into the mouth, clearly that the mouth was not swallowed, obviously had good dining etiquette, now But there is no image, so I am not embarrassed.

"Wang Hao, Wang Hao..." Gong Yu called, trying to stop her, so it is better to eat than to eat.

However, Jing Hao did not hear, the movement machinery, when trying to swallow, did not swallow, but spit out.

"Wang Hao--" Gong Hao was busy helping her, took the chopsticks on her hand and gave her a back shot. "Don't eat it, don't eat it, let Wang Ye accompany you for a while." Gong Yu would like to ask, Wang Ye What is the reason to avoid it?

Being stared at by the female **** as Ling’s eyes, the money guards are under great pressure, and he also wants to know why.

"Hey, I don't want to cry, really, but I can't control it." The grievances of this person are sometimes so inexplicable, and it is useless to do what they want to do.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, this woman is pregnant, her mood is changeable, she can do whatever she wants." Gong Hao was so close to Jing Hao for so many years that he had never seen him so vulnerable, and these two days, her tears, More than in the past, Mrs. Luo said that her own Wang Hao, when she was young, did not cry very much, probably the child who cried the least in the world, now there is no hysteria, there is not even much emotion in the eyes, but people Kneeling, my heart is breaking.

After the spit was over, he sipped his mouth, wiped his face, and after crying, he seemed to cry all the emotions. Jing Hao sat down and looked at the money guard. "Eat."

The money guards did not react, and the eyes of Gong Yuru’s knife had already passed away. “I don’t want to lead the way.”

Money Guardian said that in fact, a little wronged, then, he did not say no way, but unfortunately, can also think about it in his heart, do not dare to return. Do not say Gong Hao, he looked at Wang Hao, and he couldn’t bear it.

At the back of the house, there is a flat land with two trees. Li Hongyuan is sitting under one of the trees. There is a small case in front of him. There is a piano on it. However, it is unbelievable. Then, what the saint is leaning against him, the whole person is like no bones.

The huts actually opened the back window, but they were hidden. What happened inside, let alone Li Hongyuan, even the saint was heard in the ears. In her eyes, Li Hongyuan was indifferent, but the clenched fist, the blue veins on the back of his hand, and the swaying sway in his body all expressed his uneasy heart.

All this is the case, but there is still a reaction. The feelings between them are so deep that people can’t believe it. Is this really the living king? Obviously, everyone is taking it for granted, but he gave a woman a complete heart, something she never dared to expect.

Some things are speculation, but it turns out that her guess is correct.

The control of the majesty is a bit stronger. Well, it’s a happy thing. Sure enough, the opportunity is still when our Jin Prince is born. However, when others were suffering, she was happy. With a happy mood, she rolled up Li Hongyuan’s hair and gently swept it in his ear. Oh, he pulled himself to the side, knowing that before So long time, even if you can't get close to him within three steps, he will take the initiative to reach out to her, to say that there is no tricky, who believes?

However, such a rare opportunity, even if he knows that he has no purpose, he must not let go.

Li Hongyuan loosened his fist and began to play with the strings. Even if he wanted to smash the woman who was kneeling on his shoulder, he also resisted not opening her, and the influence of the lock on him was more and more intense. He didn't want to do anything.

Perhaps it is because of the lock, there is no feeling of heartache, but there is still a very uncomfortable feeling, perhaps even more uncomfortable than direct heartache.

Bypassing the thatched cottage and seeing the moment of his husband, Jing Hao stopped.

The people around her are shocked, can't believe, and even breed the anger of the sky. Even if it is the master, they can't get angry. If you say that from the beginning, he is controlled by the lock, maybe not yet. The anger, but it has come over for so long, let them know that their master is really invincible, but at this time, when Wang Hao appeared, give them a head, a dizzy, brain roar, how can people not angry? !

On the other hand, Jing Hao seems to be very calm, at least on the face, no emotion can be seen.

On the contrary, a certain saint who is ready to watch the show is very disappointed. It is just because she has not seen anyone, and she can’t even eat anything. It feels like a silk flower, which makes people very disdain. Now, it’s calm. It’s terrible, let’s not say it’s a collapse, the posture is still standing up naturally, there’s a lot of squally showers, and she’s not moving.

This short period of time, just like a completely changed person, is really puzzling.

Li Hongyuan also stopped the strings and met the eyes of Jing Hao. The ancient well had no waves. "Wang Hao came." Then he turned his eyes away and fell to the side of the saint, and reached out and dialed her wrist. Bell bracelet on the.

Jing Hao lifted his foot and walked slowly. He stood in front of Li Hongyuan a few steps away. "Wang Ye, do you remember what you said?" Jing Hao did not lightly open his mouth, raised his right hand, dialed Dial the left hand cuff.

"There are many words that the king has said, what Wang Hao refers to." Li Hongyuan looked at her casually.

Perhaps because she has no feelings for her for the time being, Li Hongyuan does not really see the true feelings of Jing Hao. However, the intuition tells him that his wife is actually very wrong now, but this is exactly what he wants.

Jing Hao slightly biased his head and smiled. "So, I told Wang Ye with practical actions." The smile was not reduced, step by step approaching Li Hongyuan, walking behind him, reaching out and pinning his fingertips Touched his neck. The right hand suddenly opened the sleeve of the left hand, brushed the dagger tied to the arm, lifted it up, and stabbed it against the heart of Li Hongyuan. "You said, my heart can change your life, as long as you change With my heart, I can kill your life." Jing Hao's soft voice is still like the most intimate whisper of the ear.

Things happened too fast, just between the electric and the Flint, probably no one thought that Jing Hao was so arrogant that he started to do it, and did not give people a reaction time. For a time, one by one was scared.

Even if she was still on Li Hongyuan's shoulders, even a certain saint who was obstructing Jing's arm was so wide-eyed that her lock in her body changed and she did not respond.

Jing Hao did not stop at all, took out the dagger, and immediately inserted the back neck of the person under the elbow. Originally, the saint was wearing a dress full of silver ornaments, and Jing Hao was ironic. Her life, her eyes were very accurate, her hands were very stable, and she went down from her neck side. She could almost cut the iron dagger and cut off her aorta directly. The blood spewed like a spring.

The virgin just dared to face the side, looking at Jing Hao, with a disbelief in his eyes, then, then fell to the ground, eyes always staring at Jing Hao, and soon opened a large beach The blood, however, the blood of the average person, although with her anger, her blood, but with a scent of smell.

Jing Hao took the dagger, the tip of the blood drips to the whereabouts, lowered his gaze, and looked at the saint without any fluctuations in his eyes. "Shaw thinks about me, it is sin to die."

The saint finally had no breath, but the eyes still waited a lot, obviously, it was not dead.

At the end of the last, she is still unwilling, unbelief, her short life, has suffered the ultimate humiliation, ups and downs, she always believes that she can fight to the end, will be the final winner, however, she is so Unpredictable death, dead! Die in the hands of the most impossible person.

Li Hongyuan sat still, no matter whether it was the death of a saint, the hero has no effect, or because... his feelings are a little bit of recovery in the heart, very painful, very painful, not because of Jing Hao The thorn, but because he hurt his favorite person, what has happened, do not want to pursue it again, reaching out and holding Jing Hao still holding his hand on his shoulder.

Jing Hao did not resist, as if this is still her closest person, however, she stood so, what is not normal.

Others did not know, Li Hongyuan had the clearest feeling, and quickly got up, so that he overturned the piano case in front of him, turned back, and buckled the neck of Jing Hao with one hand, grabbed her waist with one hand, and kissed the past. , raging, crazy, and in the mouth, has been vaguely shouting "婉婉".

Jing Hao still did not respond, it seems that she gave her husband a husband, after killing the enemy, she also followed the life.

"Hey, hey, you should give me a good, I beg you, please don't do this, I can explain, really, I can explain, otherwise, you will stab me again, once, once is enough , please, please don't let me lose the second time, hehe..."

It is said that the men are not tearful, but they are not sad.

At this time, a man like Li Hongyuan will also have tears and tears.

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