Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 5: : Queen's Supervisor 3

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In fact, Jing Hao is also very strange, his son, once you pick it up, it is absolutely earth-shattering, actually can quietly stay with his son an hour, it is a miracle, obviously a fart child, the only known It’s just that you’re hungry, so Jing Hao once thought that this child is “liked to know” like her. However, after careful observation, it seems that in addition to showing the same in front of his father, it seems that at the same time it is consistent with the appearance of a baby.

Li Hongyuan got up and reached out and held Jing's hand. "Let's go, it's time to eat."

At the foot of Jing Hao, he used little force, did not follow, and stared straight at Li Hongyuan.

Li Hongyuan raised his eyebrows. "Is this dissatisfied? I am still too young to get along with my son? That line, but when I have time, I will take him with me." He glanced at the milkmaid next to the little prince, "will the Prince." Bring..."

After the heart and liver tremble, let their father and son go everywhere, cultivate and cultivate feelings, this is definitely the most wrong idea. This may be applicable to others. It is absolutely not applicable to the living king. If you continue, your son is not going to be anytime. The shivering little screaming everywhere, not to mention becoming a qualified qualified prince, even suspected that he can grow up healthily, and the psychological shadow that his father gave him is too big, and it is troublesome to have psychological obstacles. "Ayuan, we haven't seen each other in the morning. When we have lunch time, we don't have to take my son. Let's go quickly, deal with the morning, and have been hungry." Without Li Hongyuan, he took him in a hurry. .

Therefore, in order for the son to grow up healthily, Jing Hao seconds.

Li Hongyuan was leisurely behind her, and did not go far, he heard the earth-shattering cry. "Hey, my son is not willing to give me up, so I will cry so sad when I leave, or will he still Bring it."

Is he sad? It’s been a long time, and it’s finally venting. Ding big big doll, not to cry is the cruelest.

"A Yuan, this is a son, don't want me? Little boy, crying, crying, what is tight, which child is not crying big." Jing Hao is also a spoiled and indifferent, but my heart is lasagna For the sake of my son, I said that I was against my heart, and I didn’t even have an image.

Partially, Li Hongyuan seems to have done nothing, and the uninformed person will only think that he is a good man, so even with his theory, there is no way to talk about it.

At this moment, the grip is a real feeling, this man is too sinister.

"There is also reason to say that the boy is not too spoiled. For the time of the husband, it is indeed necessary to spend it on the body."

I got a cheap and sold 乖, obviously it is his calculations, but it seems that she posted it, itchy, want to smoke.

Forget it, even if I really smoke him, I don’t know what will happen to him later.

When using lunch, Li Hongyuan took the initiative to pay attention to the morning affairs. After all, it was Jing Hao’s first independent handling of government affairs, and he did not care about national affairs. He should also care about his wife.

Jing Hao also said roughly, it is really no problem.

Then, Jing Hao suddenly remembered something, "Ayuan, the name of the son, when are you going to take it?"

This has sealed the Prince, and there is still no name. For this, Jing Hao is also a spit. Originally, there should be a name on the book of the book. The royal jade has changed on it. Before the book was sealed, the courtiers repeatedly After asking him, the results were all smothered. According to him, "think important" must be slowly and slowly thought. However, there is no name for the imperial prince, and there is no jade. How do you think how strange it is.

Li Hongyuan glanced at her side and did not speak.

"You don't want to perfuse me again, hurry, give a message, or else... the original name?" Jing Hao said vaguely.

Others may not understand the meaning of Jing Hao, but Li Hongyuan naturally understands that if nothing happens, he will regain his gaze. "You don't all say that he is a singer, it is called Tianlin."

Tell him not to be perfunctory, but he is not perfunctory, but, listening to this name, is another big perfunctory? Jing Hao gas knot. After the gas was over, Jing Hao was vented again, and Tianlin was on Tianlin. Although she heard it, maybe there is something... Well, how do you say it, cheesy? It’s cheesy or not tacky. According to his explanation, it seems that the meaning is not bad. It’s not a problem to fool the outsiders. It’s better than the fact that his son has no name.

Li Tianlin, Li Tianlin, called twice, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

However, in the past life of my husband, is the son also the name? Jing Hao is a bit curious, but seeing someone completely lacking interest in his son's problems, Jing Hao still chooses to shut up silently, then what, this is his true attitude towards his son. Just keep it, don't pretend to be a good father to scare your son in the future.

Li Hongyuan was holding Liu Jing’s nap while he was still moving. After he got up, Jing Hao was ready to continue to deal with things, and Li Hongyuan gave him no sleep, sitting there, lazy, how to look, I feel that the identity of these two people It seems to be reversed.

Jing Hao looked at him sideways, casually talking, suddenly finishing the movements of the cuffs, turned around, slightly narrowed his eyes, the body's gas field was fully open, step by step, bent over, and reached up His chin kissed him on his lips.

For her sudden action, Li Hongyuan raised an eyebrow and a flash of fun in his eyes.

"Hey, I will be alone in the afternoon, don't go to find other men, and little men can't." With a little trick and temptation, there is really a bit of emperor to treat the taste of pet, but, knowing The content inside, a bad one is easy to misunderstand.

"Oh, ah, you must be embarrassed, and wait for the Queen to come back." Li Hongyuan was very convinced.

Although this is not a full-fledged gas field, it is not a favorite.

Jing Hao smiled and kissed him on his lips, and then turned and left.

Unhurried steps, straight back, very calm, but also exceptional ... majesty.

Li Hongyuan glared at her back and disappeared from the line of sight. She smiled slightly. Her wife and daughter were more and more adapted. The role of the mother of the world was changed. At the same time, it was still changing to the imperial power. Well, when to take it. When she was together, the courtiers were the two emperors.

In the royal study room, the courtiers have already waited.

Jing Hao is also nonsense, directly speaking about the attack on Zhang Guo. This is not an inquiry, it is not a discussion. It is directly an imperial edict. The coach has also confirmed that the courtiers need to do the rest, and Jing Hao itself is here. There is also a considerable strength in the matter, and there is no doubt about it.

What happened to Li Hongyuan, even if they didn't know all the details, they also knew the part that Li Hongyuan was willing to let them know. Therefore, no one had any opinions on attacking Zhang Guo. In their eyes, like Li Hongyuan, it was a projectile. The land is nothing but the beginning of Kaiyuan’s founding, innocent people, and then clever enough to be able to deal with him. Now that he has given birth to the heart of the innocence, there is no need to keep it.

Jing Hao sat on the top, listening to them to basically determine the rest of the matter, just to send troops to a small country, no big deal, no need to discuss again, solemn and solemn, Jing Hao on the spot to draft a decree, The face was calm and used jade.

Until this moment, the courtiers were jealous, and some things were really unchangeable.

He knows that Hai received the sacred decree, of course, happy, the expression is really like a hairy boy who is willing to pay, pouting, how to look at it feels quite unreliable, let him Laozi and others just want to smoke him. However, even if you want to pump, you have to wait until you close the door.

In fact, the people of the Hejia family did not worry much about his life. Instead, he worried that he was over-excited. He did not pay attention to the fact that he had made a massacre in Zhang Guo. Therefore, he had to send another person to follow. After He Zhenwei thought about it, he discussed it with his family. Finally, he went to the palace to see him. He hoped that the eldest son would also be sent out. He was the brother of He Zhihai. When necessary, he always used some more than others. Moreover, He Zhenwei thought that the eldest son was stable. I will not be dissatisfied with the fact that my younger brother is less than the weak champion and lead the army. In order to better serve the country.

Because Li Hongyuan valued the sea, Jing Hao actually had a detailed understanding of the family. Therefore, although he had never seen anyone, Jing Hao also generally knows what the spleen of the Hejia Dagong is, so he did not think about it. agreed.

Of course, this incident Jing Hao turned back and asked about Li Hongyuan, mainly to determine whether his decision is correct.

Li Hongyuan gave it recognition. In fact, He Xianghai has not yet fully adjusted the training. There is a person who is in the side of the town, and there is a gradual process, and he will be assigned a heavy responsibility in the future.

A few days later, Li Hongyuan finally appeared in the front, and he looked very good. He had a very good look. Well, everyone knows that the so-called hug is an excuse. I have never heard of any royal family. Going into the palace - including Gong Jiu, who should face up to the Royal Hospital, but this kind of thing, there is no need to get it on the bright side, he is the emperor, and it is related to his own body, so everything is natural. It is he who has the final say. Moreover, as long as it appears, if they pick up a word because of a sentence, they will cry.

The queen still appeared in the royal study, they have learned to get used to it.

The next day, the morning and the morning, Wenwu Baiguan stood quietly. Then, when I heard the "Emperor, the Queen drove--", some people were almost split, and some were a bit stunned. They once suspected themselves. Listening is not bad, the former is obviously those who have been qualified to enter the royal study room a few days ago, while the latter is those who are ignorant of the previous things. Li Hongyuan broke the early morning and twice, they really thought that Li Hongyuan’s dragon body embraced Well, there are a few big cockroaches in the state for a while, and I don’t worry about it, because everything is working properly and I haven’t seen anything wrong.

Li Hongyuan and Jing Hao sat on the dragon chair, and two people sat, all loose enough.

In Jing Yu’s cognition, the dragon chair was originally very generous. Therefore, I didn’t think there was anything. However, the courtiers who looked up after the head had a little expression, which seemed to understand why the new dragon chair was widened. Now, squatting, two people sitting, coincidentally appropriate, so that the emperor must be "premeditated" before going to the throne? Doing this to the extent, what do they say and what can they say?

Compared with Jing Zheng’s sitting posture, Li Hongyuan seems to be a lot more casual, so that some of the courtiers once again feel that the empress is really more emperor than the emperor. If you think about it, you can’t help but want to lick your face and feel sad inside. Sinking, they are really ashamed of such an emperor, but unfortunately, as the Lord, don't be ashamed, he is more calm than anyone else.

"Why, is it dumb? So, I have to think about whether it is time to change a group of courtiers. I will see you with such a sullen face all day long. I have to be ten years old." Li Hongyuan said with no expression. Directly ridicule.

When Jing Hao saw the unsuccessful facial expressions of the officials, it was obviously very hard to endure. Then he glanced at the people around him and said silently, you are really hard. However, the big buddies standing in front of us, this time, they are completely slowed down. They don’t stand up and express their presence in the court. The officials behind are naturally not daring when they don’t know the situation. The bird is out.

Then, the newly appointed ritual Shangshu stood up, "Chen has a present..."

It is Enke's business. The original scientific examination time should be at the end of March. This time Li Hongyuan was enthroned and opened Enke. The time was relatively compact, and it was postponed until the end of April. It was also very fast. The scientific examination was originally a 吏The jurisdiction of the Ministry, now assigned to the Ministry of Rites, invisibly magnifies the rights of the Ministry of Rites. This new rite is still very important, and there is no way to make any mistakes. Although I want to take it all, I still don’t dare to gamble, so in the examiner On the question, I asked Li Hongyuan.

"How do you do this in the past? Do you need to ask questions? What are you doing? What do you want to do?"

Inconsistent and open big moves, no difference attack.

Some people want to let Yuan Qidi pat his chest and ask him to ask himself, if you say such a thing, will the conscience not hurt? Not to mention most of the things, it has been handled by the cabinet and the six departments. In the previous period, the first thing is to pick up the child for five days. The latter things are all handled by the Queen Empress. Whatever you are dealing with, you are the furnishings!

It is a pity that these words cannot be said.

In this case, Jing Hao also wants to vomit, so she consciously, more or less should be able to understand what the courtiers think, and in the long run, these people are panicked, maybe evolved a spit, think about it. Every one of them is serious, and it’s not the same thing in my heart. That picture... well, it’s still serious.

Li Hongyuan was once again irresponsible to lose things to whom.

Afterwards, the kelp soldiers went out, and Enke went smoothly, and Li Hongyuan did not open this Enke in the past life. Therefore, the final situation is unknown, but at the end of the final examination, he took a few spirits and watched. See if there are any talents that make him like, the more talents, the more he can be.

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